Comprehensive Plan Update Framework - 10-29-2023Comprehensive Plan Update Framework Rebekah Roth & Rachel LaCoe Director of Planning & Land Use and Community Planning Supervisor 95,000 100,000 105,000 110,000 115,000 120,000 125,000 2015 2022 Housing Units Housing Type Current Gap (2022-2032) Change Since 2020 Rental 12,147 +1,371 For-Sale 16,875 +3,858 August 29, 2023 Slide 2 Current & Past Activities Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan Stormwater Services Program Stormwater Watershed Planning Updated Stormwater Ordinance New Flood Maps adopted Floodplain management program, including Community Rating System (CRS) program activities Coastal Storm Damage Reduction (CSDR) and Masons Inlet Relocation projects Development standards that reduce structural risk in flood prone areas, protect trees & incentivize canopy retention Flood studies of areas with less detailed flood risk data August 29, 2023 Slide 3 August 29, 2023 Slide 4 What is a Comprehensive Plan? •Broad, long-term vision for future land uses and the built environment •Policy guidance for development approvals and changes to regulatory standards •Blueprint for community investments and programming •Incorporates the County’s other plans, including the newly adopted Strategic Plan August 29, 2023 Slide 5 Why are we updating it? •Comprehensive Plans are required to be updated. •Plan should align with new Strategic Plan. •Many changes since the current plan’s adoption in 2016. August 29, 2023 Slide 6 What are our key planning rules of thumb? •Our community will continue to attract new residents, and those residents may be different from who lives here now. •Private property will be used or developed in some way to benefit the owner. •Natural features will impact how land is developed and the community’s quality of life. •The form & function of development impacts quality of life and the health of residents. •Land use planning should be coordinated with infrastructure planning. •Land use policy choices impact economic sustainability. •Decisions don’t affect all stakeholders equally. August 29, 2023 Slide 7 Move Quickly •Provide guidance for decisions around ongoing development requests •Refine past policies and recommendations that may be getting out of date •Inform upcoming planning efforts What are the goals for the update? Move Deliberately •Coordinate with infrastructure planning •Carefully consider implications of policy options •Involve the community •Vet concepts with key stakeholders August 29, 2023 Slide 8 How do we do this? •Projects already prioritized •Components needed for other planning efforts Track 1 – Immediate Impact •Spatial areas future transportation projects may impact •Components where additional coordination, consideration of impacts & vetting may be necessary •Analyses requiring additional technical support Track 2 – Comprehensive Updates August 29, 2023 Slide 9 Framework for Track 1 –Immediate Impact Updates Step 1 •Western Bank Step 2 •Bike/Ped Trail Plan Fall 2023 Winter 2023-2024 August 29, 2023 Slide 10 Framework for Track 2 –Comprehensive Updates Step 1: Assess •Initial Studies & Reports •Public Engagement •Establish overarching vision & goals Step 2: Deliberate & Decide •Staff Analysis •Work Sessions & Decisions Points •Public Review/ Stakeholder Vetting Step 3: Design, Review, & Adopt •Update Drafts •Adoption Process/Public Hearings Fall 2023 – Summer 2024 Summer 2024 – Spring 2025 Summer & Fall 2025 August 29, 2023 Slide 11 How do we do this? Fall 2023 Winter 2023- 2024 Spring 2024 Summer 2024 Fall 2024 Winter 2024- 2025 Spring 2025 Summer 2025 Fall 2025 Track 1 Western Bank Report & Amendments Bike/Ped Trail Plan Track 2 Initial Studies & Reports Public Engagement *Goals & Vision Staff Analysis Work Sessions *Draft Plan Documents Public Review & Stakeholder Vetting of Drafts Update Drafts *Final Plan Documents Adoption Process August 29, 2023 Slide 12 Role of Update in Continuous Planning Process Refine •Deliberate, Decide, & Design Reset •Develop & Deliver Review •Monitor, Maintain, Assess Comprehensive Plan Update Key Implementation Projects & Programs Plan Maintenance Updates Strategic Plan Update Adoption of Plan Update Trigger Point –Change in Condition or New Information August 29, 2023 Slide 13 Public Engagement Approach •Different stakeholders = different input needed and at different stages in the process •Engagement methods are as easy and convenient as possible •Elicit the best information to help the Commissioners make policy decisions •Eye on confidence in the credibility of the process August 29, 2023 Slide 14 Draft Public Engagement Framework •Immediate Impact •Review and incorporate public comment over past several years •Focus Groups and Interviews for Key Stakeholders & Partners •Public Hearing Process •Comprehensive Update •One General Survey w/targeted outreach •Informational & Educational Opportunities •Focus Groups and Interviews for Key Stakeholders & Partners •Public Comment Period •Public Hearing Process August 29, 2023 Slide 15 Public Engagement Process Overview Community Feedback •Review public comments since 2016 •Public Survey •Identify missing voices Focus Groups •Facilitated group discussion regarding specific communities or topics Stakeholder Interviews •Refine topical discussion •Ensure broadest and most representative voices heard Public Comment Period •Opportunity for larger community feedback Public Comment Portal, Media Roundtables, & Email List/Website/Social Media Input to Inform Board Policy Direction Review of Drafts August 29, 2023 Slide 16 Communications Plan with Boards •Monthly Planning Project Update •Presentations at Meetings for Key Project Milestones •Joint Work Sessions (annually at a minimum) August 29, 2023 Slide 17 Next Steps –Summer & Fall 2023 •Track 1 –Immediate Impact Updates •Present Western Bank Study Report •Public Hearings on Western Bank Plan Update and UDO Amendment •Prepare for Bike/Ped Trail Plan •Track 2 –Comprehensive Updates •Identify Contracted Analysis Needs for FY25 Budget Process •Develop Public Survey August 29, 2023 Slide 18 Fall 2023 Winter 2023- 2024 Spring 2024 Summer 2024 Fall 2024 Winter 2024- 2025 Spring 2025 Summer 2025 Fall 2025 Track 1 Western Bank Report & Amendments Bike/Ped Trail Plan Track 2 Initial Studies & Reports Public Engagement *Goals & Vision Staff Analysis Work Sessions *Draft Plan Documents Public Review & Stakeholder Vetting of Drafts Update Drafts *Final Plan Documents Adoption Process August 29, 2023 Slide 19