2023-08-22 NHCHLC Minutes New Hanover Hispanic/Latino Commission August 22, 2023 – 5:00 PM l. Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 5:02 p.m. Members present: Dr. Andres Afanador, Flor Bautista, Dr. Amanda Boomershine, Gabriel Guerra, Dr. Susanna Lopez-Legentil, Michel Montalvo, Gustavo Rodea, Maria del Carmen Rodriguez Morales, Dr. Edelmira Segovia Members absent: Chris Montero, Helen Tarokic Staff: Monica Rohena Guest: Marimer McKenzie (Cape Fear Latinos) II. Approve Agenda Motion to approve agenda. Amanda – Motion. Susanna – Seconded it. III. Subcommittees There was a discussion on setting up subcommittees in order to create a starting point. The areas of concentration that were recommended were 1. Database directory 2. Nominate Leadership Awards and Board Members 3. Advocacy for Public Education 4. Language Equity 5. Recreation 6. Information and Civic Engagement 7. Health Care Access Three of the seven were chosen as a starting point. The members present chose their preference for their preferred subcommittee.  Information and Civic Engagement  Advocacy for Public Education  Language Equity IV. Directory  Submissions have been coming in.  In the future, we can do a quarterly or semiannual publication as a .pdf and have county upload.  There are different resource guides already available (New Hanover, Pender, Duplin, Library, etc.). We will look at those because we do not want to duplicate.  Maybe we can focus on Businesses and Churches. V. Website content  Can we have Bylaws added?  Can we have top section of website translated? What does the County use for Language Equity? o There are many languages available for the County Website.  New documents added o NHC Hispanic/Latino Commission o NHC Hispanic/Latino Commission Spanish VI. New Business  Data Review o We are looking for demographic data/population numbers.  Annual Nomination’s calendar for Awards, Boards and Funding o Plug in opportunities to nominate peers/colleagues for different recognitions. For example,  40 under 40 Awards  New Hanover County Equity Awards  WILMA  UNCW Distinguished Alumni Awards  Chamber of Commerce Business of the Year Award  Minutes as public information o Motion made to approve the July Minutes at our next board meeting. Andres – Motion. Gustavo – Seconded it. VII. Other Business  The next Faith Action ID drive will be on October 21 and 22 and we are looking for volunteers. VIII. Public Comments  Cape Fear Latinos o In September they are doing the Cape Fear Latino Festival at the Live Oak Pavilion. This year there will be a small parade to showcase and initiate the festivities. o Have businesses sign up at https://www.capefearlatinos.org/ o Doing this in Collaboration with the County and City o The money gathered will go to two programs  Scholarships for High School Students that are going to the college/university  Healthcare needs IX. Closing Comments  Hispanic Heritage Proclamation at the NHC Historic Courthouse will be on Monday, September 18 at 9:00am. th  There will be a gathering for Spaniards on September 17 at the Long Leaf Park Shelter 1 at 1:00pm. X. Adjourn: Meeting was adjourned at 6:14 pm Motion to adjourn the meeting. Andres – Motion. Amanda – Seconded it. NEXT MEETING – September 26, 2023 – NHC GOVERNMENT BUILDING