Z23-21 PB Presentation 11-2-2023Case #Z23-21 Rezoning Request: 33.54 acres from B-2, I-1 & R-15 to (CZD) RMF-M Applicant: CIP Construction Company Property Owner:Bee Safe Porters Neck LLC, Herbert E Parham, Robert L Yunaska Robert Farrell Development Review Supervisor Planning & Land Use November 2, 2023 Slide 1 Subject Site Planning & Land Use November 2, 2023 Slide 2 Planning & Land Use November 2, 2023 Slide 3 Existing Site Conditions Planning & Land Use November 2, 2023 Slide 4 Representative Development of R-15 & B-2 Cottage Grove, R-15 B-2 Shopping Plaza in Monkey Junction Planning & Land Use November 2, 2023 Slide 5 Representative Developments of Townhomes Woodlands at Echo Farms Planning & Land Use November 2, 2023 Slide 6 Brays Drive Access Amenity Area Stormwater Pond Existing Pond Planning & Land Use November 2, 2023 Slide 7 Adjacent Open Space Townhomes Planning & Land Use November 2, 2023 Slide 8 Planning & Land Use November 2, 2023 Slide 9 Planning & Land Use November 2, 2023 Slide 10 Planning & Land Use November 2, 2023 Slide 11 Trip Generation Intensity Approximate Peak Hour Trips Traffic Generated by Present Designation (R-15):75 Single-Family Dwellings 53 AM / 71 PM Traffic Generated by Present Designation (B-2)22,500 sq ft of Retail 53 AM / 148 PM Traffic Generated by Proposed Designation 348 Single-Family Attached Dwellings 131 AM / 170 PM Increase in Traffic by Proposed Designation + 273 Dwelling Units + 25 AM / - 49 PM Planning & Land Use November 2, 2023 Slide 12 Traffic Impact AnalysisRequired TIA Improvements Planning & Land Use November 2, 2023 Slide 13 Brays Drive Access Right-turn lane Estimated Student Generation Development Type Intensity Estimated Student Generation* Existing Development Undeveloped Total: 0 (0 elementary, 0 middle, 0 high) Typical Development under Current Zoning 75 residential units Total: 16 (7 elementary, 3 middle, 5 high) Potential Development under Proposed Zoning Districts 348 residential units Total: 73 (31 elementary, 15 middle, 25 high) Planning & Land Use November 2, 2023 14 Compatibility •These properties are located in one of the county’s more densely developed corridors and within one of the three growth nodes. •Public water and sewer is available in the area which is anticipated to experience additional commercial and residential growth. •The site plan places the amenity center closer to Market Street, serving as a transition from that corridor to the residential development. •The recently opened Military Cutoff Extension is anticipated to alleviate some traffic concerns in the Porters Neck area. Planning & Land Use November 2, 2023 Slide 15 2016 Comprehensive Plan Place Type: General Residential and Urban Mixed Use Planning & Land Use November 2, 2023 Slide 16 Staff Recommendation •The proposed conditional RMF-M district generally consistent with the comprehensive plan because the district is more in line with the densities that are appropriate for properties located in both the Urban Mixed Use and General Residential Place types. Planning & Land Use November 2, 2023 Slide 17 Applicant Proposed Conditions 1.Access to and from Brays Drive shall be gated and restricted to emergency vehicles only. 2.Buffers against residential properties are widened beyond New Hanover County minimum buffer width requirements as shown on the conditional zoning plan. The buffers and open space areas are variable widths and will contain a mixture of preserved existing trees and/or augmented vegetation. 3.Areas of buffer and open space outside of essential site improvements and easements will preserve existing trees that are not dead, dying, or otherwise hazardous. Planning & Land Use November 2, 2023 Slide 18 Staff Recommended Conditions In addition to the applicant proposed conditions: 1.The connection to Brays Drive shall be a full through connection. 2.Bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure shall be installed up to the property line where internal roads connect to adjacent parcels. 3.An overland relief path within a public drainage easement will be provided from the existing pond to the proposed pond outfall. 4.Buildings will be a maximum of three stories. Planning & Land Use November 2, 2023 Slide 19 20Planning & Land Use November 2, 2023