EV Parking Summary Sheet Electric Vehicle (EV) Parking Standards Code Sections Affected Section 2.3, Definitions and Terms Section 5.1.2, Minimum Off-Street Parking Standards Key Intent • Create clear standards that everyone understands. • Allow for easier and less expensive modifications to install future charging stations. • Consider needs of citizens that may not be met by the current market, including accessibility. Changes • Definition for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations is expanded and descriptions of charging levels are added. (See Section 2.3, Definitions and Terms) • EV-ready means that the spaces are designated on the site plan and installation of the conduit required to run electricity to EV charging stations shall be required at construction. The public comment draft has been modified to remove the requirement for installation of wiring since that can degrade over time and may not be appropriate prior to installation of charging stations. (See Section 5.1.2.D.1, Minimum Off- Street Parking Standards) • Electric Vehicle Parking Space Design Requirements are outlined, including size, equipment protection, signage and usage fees where applicable. (See Section 5.1.2.D.2, Minimum Off-Street Parking Standards) • Minimum standards for accessible EV Parking Spaces are outlined. (See Section 5.1.2.D.3, Minimum Off-Street Parking Standards) • Language stating “sites that are designed with the conduit already laid for the EV Charging stations are exempt from subsection (a) above” has been removed. This was a vestige of a prior draft that staff had intended to remove prior to release for public comment.