EV Parking Summary Sheet 11.2.2023 Electric Vehicle (EV) Parking Standards Code Sections Affected Section 2.3, Definitions and Terms Section 5.1.2, Minimum Off-Street Parking Standards Key Intent • Create clear standards that everyone understands. • Allow for easier and less expensive modifications to install future charging stations. • Consider needs of citizens that may not be met by the current market, including accessibility. Changes • Definition for Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations is expanded and descriptions of charging levels are added. (See Section 2.3, Definitions and Terms) • Definitions for Electric Vehicle Ready Parking Space and Electric Vehicle Charging Assembly are added. (See Section 2.3, Definitions) • EV Parking Requirements are outlined, including clarification that EV- ready parking spaces do not require installation of charging stations and that EV-ready spaces may count towards minimum parking requirements for a development. (See Section 5.1.2.D.1, General) • Language added to cap the maximum number of EV-ready spaces at 15. (See section 5.1.2.D.2, Electric Vehicle Ready Parking Spaces) • A table of uses has been added with percentages of required EV-ready parking spaces by use. (See section 5.1.2.D.2, Electric Vehicle Ready Parking Spaces) • Language added regarding required electrical capacity has been clarified. (See section 5.1.2.D.2, Electric Vehicle Ready Parking Spaces) • Electric Vehicle Parking Space Design Requirements are outlined, including size, equipment protection, signage and usage fees where applicable. (See Section 5.1.2.D.2, Minimum Off-Street Parking Standards) • Minimum standards for accessible EV Parking Spaces are outlined. (See Section 5.1.2.D.3, Minimum Off-Street Parking Standards) • Language added specifying that ADA parking spaces may count towards the minimum parking requirements. (See Section 5.1.2.D.3, Minimum Off-Street Parking Standards)