210930 Lendire Commercial MXD REVISED scope ltr June 23, 2021 September 30, 2021 Mr. Don Bennett, PE DAVENPORT 5917 Oleander Drive, Suite 206 Wilmington, NC 28403 RE: REVISED Approved Scope for the Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) associated with the proposed Lendire Commercial Mixed Use development located west of US 17 (Market Street) in Wilmington, NC Dear Mr. Bennett: Based on the information provided and conversations held to date, it is our understanding that the proposed development, with a build out year of 2023, will consist of: o ITE Land Use Code 221 – 694 multi-family apartments o ITE Land Use Code 710 – General Office (26,000 Sq. Ft) o ITE Land Use Code 720 – Medical Office (10,000 Sq. Ft.) o ITE Land Use Code 820 – Shopping Center (29,000 Sq. Ft.) o ITE Land Use Code 932 – High Turnover (Sit-down) Restaurant (7,000 Sq. Ft.) o ITE Land Use Code 934 – Fast-Food Restaurant with Drive-Thru (2,500 Sq. Ft.) Below please find the scope to be used in the Traffic Impact Analysis: 1. Data Collection – Analysis Parameters: a. Study Intersections i. For existing intersections, provide turning movement counts, including pedestrians for weekday during school (T,W,TH) morning (7:00am-9:00am) and afternoon (4:00pm-6:00pm) peak travel periods, plus 13 hour count for US 17 (Market Street)/Wendover Lane: 1. US 17 (Market Street)/SR 1403 (Middle Sound Loop Rd)/SR 2892 (Lendire Rd), 2. US 17 (Market Street)/Wendover Lane 3. US 17 (Market Street)/ Site Access #1 right-in/right-out 4. US 17 (Market Street)/ Site Access #2 (signal warrant analysis) 5. SR 2892 (Lendire Rd)/ Site Access #3 Note: Please use the volume data collected at US 17 (Market Street)/Wendover Lane to perform the signal warrant analysis for Site Access Driveway #2. REVISED Lendire Mixed use development Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) scope Page 2 of 3 b. Site Trip Generation, Site Trip Distribution and Background Traffic Assumptions: i. Site Trip Generation Estimate 1. Trip Generation o Attached 2. Site Trip Distribution o The site access operations must be submitted and approved before use in TIA. 3. Adjacent Development (approved but not yet built): o None 4. Planned Roadway Improvements o TIP U-4751 – NC 417 (Military Cutoff Road Extension) between US 17 (Market Street) and NC 140 o TIP U-4902D – US 17 (Market Street) Median Project between SR 1403 (Middle Sound Loop Road)/SR 2892 (Lendire Road) and SR 1734 (Marsh Oaks Road)/ SR 2290 (Mendenhall Drive) 5. Background Traffic Assumptions o TIP Horizon year – 2040 o Growth Rate – 1% per year 2. Capacity Analysis: Weekday AM & PM Peak Hour - REVISED a. Technical Analysis to use current signal timing and existing geometry and lane configurations. i. 2021 Existing Conditions ii. 2023 Future No-Build (with U-4902 improvements, Wendover RCI) [Existing + 1% background growth] iii. 2023 Build Conditions – Scenario 1 (assumes U-4902 improvements and Wendover RCI, with Site Access #2 RI/RO) [Existing + 1% background growth + site trips] iv. 2023 Build Conditions – Scenario 2 (assumes U-4902 improvements and Wendover RCI, with Site Access #2 as full movement) [Existing + 1% background growth + site trips] v. 2023 Build Conditions – Scenario 1 (assumes U-4902 improvements and Wendover RCI, with Site Access #2 RI/RO) + Improvements [Existing + 1% background growth + site trips & mitigation] vi. 2023 Build Conditions – Scenario 2 (assumes U-4902 improvements and Wendover RCI, with Site Access #2 as full movement) + Improvements [Existing + 1% background growth + site trips & mitigation] REVISED Lendire Mixed use development Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) scope Page 3 of 3 3. Final Report Submittal: a. Completed TIA Application b. Signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer c. Electronic copy submitted via file share link to include PDF of TIA and Synchro output files as well as digital Synchro files d. City of Wilmington $250 TIA Review Fee 4. Notes: a. This scope shall remain valid for three months from the date of this letter b. Please note that if any changes occur (including but not limited to: land use, intensity, phasing, and/or site access) additional analysis may be required. Please feel free to contact me at (910) 473 – 5130 if you have any questions regarding this scope. Sincerely, Scott A. James, PE Transportation Planning Engineer Wilmington Urban Area MPO Attachments: Traffic Impact Analysis Supplemental Guidelines Trip Generation Summary (provided by DAVENPORT) Ec: Ben Hughes, PE, District Engineer, NCDOT Jessi Leonard, PE, Division Traffic Engineer, NCDOT Eva Covarrubias, EI, Transportation Engineering Associate, NCDOT Charles Sorrell, Congestion Management Project Design Engineer, NCDOT James Dunlop, PE, Congestion Management Engineer, NCDOT Denys Vielkanowitz, PE, City Traffic Engineer, City of Wilmington Thomas Bradshaw, PE, ITS Engineer, City of Wilmington Brian Chambers, AICP, Senior Planner, City of Wilmington Mike Kozlosky, Executive Director, WMPO Bill McDow, Transportation Planner, WMPO