Comment Response Letter 880 Island Park Drive, Suite 400, Charleston, South Carolina 29492 843.501.0333 | bowman.com October 31, 2023 New Hanover County Attn: Zach Dickerson Current Planner 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 (910) 798-7165 Re: Royal Farms #482 Wilmington (Castle Hayne Rd) Dear Mr. Dickerson: We are providing the following responses to address review comments received by email on March 8 and 31, 2023, regarding the above referenced project. Email Comments from Zach Dickerson, 3/8/23 Comment 1: I’m not an engineer by any stretch, and this is a rough estimate- it looks like the street frontage (you can subtract driveways from this) of the total site is 1,488 ft. Per the ordinance, 25 sq ft of street yard is required per linear foot of street yard frontage. This puts the minimum street yard sq ft at 37,200 sq ft, with the math considering all frontage as primary street yard. Couple of equations laid out below: Castle Hayne Road as secondary: 846 (College Rd street frontage) * 25 = 21,150 + 460 (Castle Hayne Road frontage) * 12.5 = 5,750 + 182 (northern street frontage) * 25 = 4,550 =31,450 sq ft of street yard required [31,450 / 600 = 52 trees required in street yard] College Rd as secondary: 846 * 12.5 = 10,575 + 460 * 25 = 11,500 + 182 * 25 = 4,550 =26,525 sq ft of street yard required [26,525 / 600 = 44 trees required in street yard] Because the measurements are just estimates on my part, the numbers may be a bit off, but I hope the equations laid out the structure of what we’re looking at for this unique site. Royal Farms #482 Wilmington Page 2 of 4 The aerial measurements that I calculated for the street yard shown come out to 59,981 sq ft., so the street yard area shown is already in excess of the minimum required, but either way the site is going to have to meet at least the number of trees required per the equations that I laid out above. Response: Frontage has been recalculated. Castle Hayne Road as secondary: 564 (College Rd street frontage) * 25 = 14,100 + 393 (Castle Hayne Road frontage) * 12.5 = 4,912.5 + 110 (northern street frontage) * 25 = 2,750 =21,763 sq ft of street yard required [21,763 / 600 = 36 trees required in streetyard] Comment 2: The ordinance also requires that 15 trees at least 2” diameter be planted for each acre disturbed. This site is 2.81 acres, so a minimum of 42 trees. However, trees retained onsite as part of mitigation can count towards this requirement. There are 6 trees being retained onsite, leaving a difference of 36 trees to be planted. Trees planted for landscaping can also count towards this requirement, so with the trees outlined as necessary in the street yard, you would meet this requirement. Response: Landscape plan is provided, see sheet L.P.1.0. Email Comment from Zach Dickerson, 3/31/23 Comment 1: NCDOT had an additional question about the 55’ drainage easement on the property. Do you have any details on that? I think that’s usually something that gets worked out during stormwater permitting. Response: Existing drainage pipe easement is acknowledged and shown on plans. Fire Comments, provided in 3/31/23 email Comment 1: Traffic protection around the propone tank. Response: Removable bollards will be placed in front of propone tanks to ensure protection. Sheet C4.0 and C4.7 for bollard detail. NCDOT Comments, provided in 3/31/23 email Comment 1: US 117 at Site Access 1: · Label the stem length for the driveway connection, this is measured from the right of way line. o TIA requires 125’. Response: Stem length labeled on sheet C4.0. · Label the posted speed limit for College Road. o 55 mph per the NCDOT GIS Map Royal Farms #482 Wilmington Page 3 of 4 Response: Speed limit signs were added to College Road, see sheet C4.1 · The required roadway improvements should be designed based on the design speed of 60 mph. o See image below for design requirements on symmetrical widening. o Left turn lane:  100’ of storage, 50’ deceleration (full width), and appropriate taper. o Right turn lane:  100’ of storage, 50’ deceleration (full width), and appropriate taper. o Typical NCDOT Pavement Section:  1.5” S9.5C  3.0” I19.0C  5.5” B25.0C  Compacted Subgrade “100% ASTM D698 to 12.0” Depth”. Response: Roadway improvements details and dimensions on sheet C7.0. Typical pavement section detail on sheet C7.1. · The proposed access will need to be designed to accommodate the truck route plan. Response: Truck route plan provided in design set, see sheet C4.3. · Pavement markings have not been reviewed as the roadway design is not final. Response: Pavement marking plans are provided and will be reviewed upon final roadway design. Comment 2: NC 133 at Site Access 2: · Label the stem length for the driveway connection, this is measured from the right of way line. o TIA requires 75’. Response: Stem length labeled on sheet C4.0. · Label the posted speed limit for Castle Hayne Road. o 45 mph per the NCDOT GIS Map Response: Speed limit signs were added to College Road, see sheet C4.1 · The required roadway improvements should be designed based on the design speed of 50 mph. o See image below for design requirements on symmetrical widening. o Right turn lane:  75’ of storage, 50’ deceleration (full width), and appropriate taper. o Typical NCDOT Pavement Section:  1.5” S9.5C  3.0” I19.0C Royal Farms #482 Wilmington Page 4 of 4  5.5” B25.0C  Compacted Subgrade “100% ASTM D698 to 12.0” Depth”. Response: Roadway improvements details and dimensions on sheet C7.0. Typical pavement section detail on sheet C7.1. · Pavement markings have not been reviewed as the roadway design is not final. Response: Pavement marking plans are provide and will be reviewed upon final roadway design. Please do not hesitate to contact me directly if you have any questions. I can be reached at ndelrio@bowman.com Very respectfully, BOWMAN CONSULTING GROUP LTD. Nina Del Rio, EIT Civil Engineer I