Concept PlanZoning: R-1 5 Land Use: Vacant To Wilmington / Capeside / / Capeslde Dr Village Q / m; U i � Grand Banks Dr w / / U o co / _AeCV Snows Cut ULanding o / J LLJ U \ lu m \ \ Cr — -- l lr! 1L, R0l RIDS o<\ 74 51gnalized Intersection o \ , Existing Driveway Q to be Aba`doned� / l n/f Walter Wayne Winter, II etal D.B. I G30-9G2 Zoning: R- 15 ' Land Use: Vacant To Carolina U 51te Inventory Notes: I. 5oil5: Le (Leon sand) / Ly (Lynn Haven sand / Wa (Wakulla sand) 2. This property is not impacted by any AEC. 3. There are no Conservation Overlay boundaries affecting this property. 4. This site is not impacted by any recognized historic or archeological significance. 5. No cemeteries were evidenced on the site. n/f Alfred Wade, Jr. etal D.B. 5925- 1 G99 n/f Charles * Erne5tlne Holden - Trustees D.B. G5G5-1 170 S�a6r I ee< �0a 22' LP �S2 DBL MP \ Existing /1 -;naia `� Driveway / \ Aban o n/f Charles Ernestine / Holden D.B. 55G8-2388 n/f Kenneth Julian etux D.B. G524-201 5 Zoning: R- 15 Land Use: Residential n/f Holman Clyde Bass, Jr. D.B. G570-2926 Zoning: R- 15 Land Use: Residential (co, P�6//C DBL LP 14" LP 18 LP eeZeZ Z ____--________----- S \\ (S� 5 1 �LO n/f Frederick Frances Elder (6� D.B. 3389-584 n/f 86*C � ` Zoning: R- 15 Frederick /\�/�/V� Land Use: Residential Frances Elder D.B. 3389-588 G. Existing regulated trees have been located n/f identified within the development area. Zoning: R-1 5 7. There are nojurisdictional wetlands on the site. Land Use: Vacant William well Wivell 8. There is no evidence of endangered species or habitat issues on the site. Life Estate D.B. G227-2G02 9. This tract 15 not impacted by any 5pecial Flood Hazard Area as evidenced on N.C. Flood Map 37203 13 1 OOOJ. Zoning: R-1 5 10. The site runoff will flow into the Mott Creek Land Use: watershed, draining into the Telfairs Creek Residential watershed basin. n/f William E Freeman D.B. G5G5-1 G78 Zoning: R- 15 Land Use: Vacant I ' D.B. 5150-323 / n/f William E Freeman D.B. 1 1 97-1085 Zoning: R-1 5 Land Use: Vacant Project No.: 23-09 Scale: 1"=20' Date: 1 1 /30/23 Pevisons: n/f James Helen Ross D.B. 27 1 7-373 Zoning: R- 15 Land Use: Residential Vicinity Map (No Scale) n/f Tree Preservation Notes: James I . Tree Preservation / Removal Permit is required prior Helen RO55 to clearing f- land disturbance. D.B. 139G- I G40 2. Prior to any clearing, grading or construction activity, tree protection fencing will be installed around protected trees or Zoning: R-1 5 groves of trees and no construction workers, tools, materials, Land Use: Vacant or vehicles are permitted within the tree protection fencing. 3. Protective fencing is to be maintained throughout the duration of the project. Land clearing and construction contractors shall receive adequate instruction on tree protection requirements and methods. 4. Label protective fencing with signs to be placed every 50 linear feet, or at least two (2) per area, in both English * Spanish "Tree Protection Area: Do Not Enter." 5tormwater Management Notes: 1. 5tormwater management will meet County �- State requirements. Total limits of disturbance are greater than one ( I ) acre. A New Hanover Co. Grading / Erosion Control Permit will be req'd. n/f General Development Notes: Jeffrey I . All development shall be in accordance with Tamer Smith the New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance. D.B. 58G3-1 53 2. Project shall comply with all Federal, State * New Hanover County regulations. Zoning: R- 15 Land Use: Residential 30, \ Utility tSmt. n/f James Toney etal D.B. G239-2253 n/f Austin Margaret Eubank D.B. G047-2090 n/f Marcus JOlea Myles D.B. 5972-1 228 Zoning: R-1 5 Land Use: Residential Zoning: R-1 5 Land Use: Residential Zoning: R- 15 Land Use: Residential General I . New hanover �_oum;y rarcei ivo.: (1) 3 13 1 1 0.4G. 172 1 [ R085 14-003-004-000] (2) 3 13 1 10.4G.1524 [ R085 14-003-005 -0001 (3) 3 13 1 10.3G.84G9 [R085 14-003-005-001 1 (4) 3 13 1 10.3G.8421 [ R085 14-003-OOG-0001 (5) 3 13 1 10.3G.8492 [R085 14-003-OOG-00 I ] (G) 3 13 1 10.4G.130G [ R085 14-003-007-0001 (7) 3 13 1 10.4G.3373 [R085 14-003-007-001 1 (5) 3 13 1 10.3G.9309 [R085 14-003-01 G-0001 (9) 3 13 1 10.4G.0483 [ R085 14-003-01 7-0001 2. Tract Area: 7.26 ac. 3. Existing Zoning District: R- 15 Proposed Zoning District: (CZD) CB 4. Comp Plan Place -Type: Community Mixed -Use Tax Parcels W N 5 Graphic Scale 20 10 O 10 20 40 E