2006-05-11 Budget Work Session NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BUDGET WORK SESSION, MAY 11,2006 BOOK 30 PAGE 591 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held a Budget Work Session on Thursday, May 11,2006, at 3 :05 p.rn. in Room 501 at the Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Chairman Robert G. Greer; Vice-Chairman William A. Caster; Commissioner Ted Davis, Jr.; Commissioner William A. Kopp, Jr.; Commissioner Nancy H. Pritchett; County Manager Bruce Shell; Deputy County Attorney Kemp Burpeau and Clerk to the Board Sheila 1. Schult. Others present were: Budget Director Cam Griffin; Senior Budget Analyst Norma Troutman; Budget Analyst Donna Seal; Finance Director Avril Pinder; Assistant County Manager Andre' Mallette, Assistant County Manager Patricia Melvin and Assistant County Manager Dave Weaver. Chairman Greer called the meeting to order and requested County Manager Bruce Shell to present the FY 2006- 2007 Recommended Budget. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF THE FY 2006-2007 BUDGET County Manager Bruce Shell reported that the FY 2006-2007 Recommended Budget is being presented after completing a thorough budget review with a tax increase of one cent bringing the tax rate to 69 cents; a one cent increase equals $1.9 million. The projected budget includes a $15 million increase. He continued reporting: Revenues: . The property tax base growth is projected to be $6.1 million. . The sales tax receipts growth is projected to be $7.3 million; 15.68% increase. . Total increase is projected to be $13.5 million; 4.7% increase. Fund Balance: . The appropriation of fund balance in the amount of $6 million is being recommended for one time costs. The appropriation of fund balance at this level will not jeopardize the strong financial position of the County and leave $1 million above the Board's goal in fund balance. Umeserved/undesignated fund balance grows an average of $1.8 million per year. The Board reviewed and discussed the following increases in the recommended budget with County Manager Bruce Shell and Budget Director Cam Griffin: Education: . Increased contribution to schools - $7 million . Increased contribution to Cape Fear Community College - $300,000 NHC TV: . Funds for photo history of County - $24,000 Human Resources: . Two positions related to the Customer Service program - $132,637 IT: . Increase to all computer related purchases . Increase in maintenance due to implementation of new software Inspections: . Increase in fee schedule requested - $250,000 . Increase in computer software/hardware maintenance - $30,000 . Copier-$16,000 . Mandated State law CE requirements - $26,270 . Contracted Services to comply with additional audit requirements - $50,000 Finance: . Replacement copier - $16,000 Non-Departmental: . Increase in "Wellness" hours - $33,986 . Customer Service Program training - $80,000 WAVE: . Additional transportation service to Detention Center on weekends - $11,258 Tax: . Plotter/Printer - $18,000 Property Management: . Vehicle replacement program - $300,000 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BUDGET WORK SESSION, MAY 11,2006 BOOK 30 PAGE 592 . Increase in maintenance and repair of buildings - $487,000 . Increase in fuel- $155,000 . Increase in utilities - $110,250 . Emission inspections - $85,000 Emergency Management: . Beginning of radio replacement program - $216,750 . Generator for school shelter - $100,000 Cooperative Extension Services: . Renovations to parking lot - $159,147 . 5% merit/market and increase in medical- $20,122 Health: . GPS units for spray trucks - $30,000 . Apron for Vector Control building - $25,000 Juvenile Day Treatment: . Significant decrease in grant funding - $182,000 Southeastern Center: . Increase related to mental health reform - $700,000 Sheriff's Office: . Gang Task Force - $156,725 Social Services: . Mandated Federal and State increases Library: . Increase for Sunday hours and Thursday evenings - $108,710 . Parking at Northeast Branch - $125,000 . Lounge furniture - $25,000 . Copier-$15,000 Courts: . Increase in funding from part-time to full-time for Drug Court Case Manager . Roadside clean-up program - $8,939 . Increase in probation monitoring lease - $32,540 Airlie: . Increase in cell phone expense - $7,800 . Increase in M&R grounds - $10,000 Parks: . Landscaping contract services increase - $67,950 . Landscaping at Jail- $14,800 . Indoor plants - $11,650 Public Safety Communications: . Operating expenses stay basically the same but line items change drastically due to ownership versus leasing of radios and end of security services Museum: . Master plan first phase - $150,000 Environmental Management: . Increase in Landfill's equipment maintenance - $103,100 . Increase in W ASTEC's cost of supplies - $93,897 . Increase in W ASTEC's equipment maintenance - $473,442 . Increase in WASTEC's electrical/mechanical contract services - $113,000 Water and Sewer Administration: . Increase due primarily to reorganization and hiring of ten new employees Over-all: . Increase in merit - $1.35 million . Increase in market - $1.35 million . Increase in cost of County health insurance - $1 million NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BUDGET WORK SESSION, MAY 11,2006 BOOK 30 PAGE 593 Recommended positions (includes a decrease of two positions for the Juvenile Day Treatment Center: . Sheriff - Detective - 1 . Sheriff - Gang Task Force - 5 . Health - 5 . Human Resources - 2 . Legal- 1 . Risk Management - 1 . Tax - 1 After a question and answer period and discussion, the consensus of the Board is to further review the proposed budget and bring back specific recommendations and changes to the next budget work session to be held on June 10, 2006 in Room 501 of the Administration Building at 8:00 a.rn. Budget Director Griffin presented a tentative Budget Calendar for FY 06-07: May 15 - Board Meeting - County Manager presents recommended budget June 5 - Board Meeting - public hearing on budget June 10 - Budget work session June 19 - Board Meeting - Adopt FY 06-07 budget Hearing no further comments, Chairman Greer adjourned the meeting at 5: 10 p.rn. Respectfully submitted, Sheila 1. Schult Clerk to the Board