12-20-2023 TRC Agenda Full1 TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE AGENDA December 20th, 2023 New Hanover County’s Technical Review Committee (TRC) will meet Wednesday, December 20th, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. to discuss the below items. PLEASE NOTE: This meeting will be conducted remotely via teleconference. Interested parties can contact the Planning and Land Use Department at 910-798-7165 for more information. Item 1: 2727 Castle Hayne Road – Contractor Office - SITECN-23-000047 Request by JJ Johnson with Efficient Air Heating and Colling, (jj@efficientairhvac.com) for a contractor/hvac office. The site is 3.76 acres total with 0.35 acres being disturbed and is zoned B-1. The engineer is Tommy Scheetz, P.E. with Headwaters Engineering, (tsheetz@headwaterscapefear.com). The case planner is Love Ott, (lott@nhcgov.com, 910-798-7444) Item 2: 4580 S College Road – Christian Brothers Automotive – SITECN-23-000048 Request by Christian Brothers Automotive Corp. (billy.green@cbac.com), for an automotive services center. The site is 1.34 acres and is zoned Conditional CB (Community Business)- this site went through a conditional rezoning earlier this year. The engineer is Jim Ashley with Summit Design and Engineering Services (jim.ashley@summitde.com). The case planner is Wendell Biddle (wbiddle@nhcgov.com, 910- 798-7068). 2727 Castle Hayne Road – Efficient Air Heating and Cooling – TRC Comments To: Tommy Scheetz, P.E. with Headwaters Engineering (tsheetz@headwaterscapefear.com) From: Love Ott, Current Planner Date: December 20, 2023 Egov#: SITECN-23-000047 Subject: Efficient Air Heating and Cooling – Minor Site Plan – TRC Review Address: 2727 Castle Hayne Road The following comments have been received for the December 20, 2023, TRC meeting. Additional comments may be made upon further review of subsequent revisions. Please note: following the TRC meeting, a revised preliminary plan addressing each of the below items must be resubmitted prior to receiving preliminary plan approval. Planning, Love Ott 910-798-7444 1. Zoning District: B-1 2. General Comments: a. Please show the location of all signs and note any proposed sign is subject to Section 5.6. b. Please label ADA accessible ramps on sidewalk c. Please indicate whether this fencing area is intended for screening for the dumpster. If so, please indicate the type and height of fence. d. Please label the proposed building height. 2727 Castle Hayne Road – Efficient Air Heating and Cooling – TRC Comments e. Please label the type of the 30’ easement and the deed/map book reference, clouded below. 3. Landscape a. Please provide a detailed landscape plan schedule illustrating the requirements for interior landscaping, street yards, foundation planting, and buffers have been met. 4. Tree Retention a. Are any trees planned to be removed for this development? b. If so, please apply for a tree removal permit. c. Tree Removal Permit requirements can be found in Section 5.3 of the New Hanover County UDO. d. Please be aware that a Tree Removal Permit is required to any land disturbance activities. Please provide specific species of the trees to be removed or retained to determine required mitigation. 5. Access a. Please be aware that no building permit will be issued until NCDOT has been issued the Driveway Permit approval. 6. Parking a. Parking is sufficient. 7. Lighting a. Please note that with the latest update to the UDO, a lighting plan is not required at time of TRC Approval. See below excerpt from Section 5.5.3: i. Information about the exterior lighting for the site that demonstrates compliance with the standards in this section shall be submitted in conjunction with an application for site plan approval (Section 10.3.6, Site Plan) or zoning compliance approval (Section 10.3.8, Zoning Compliance Approval), whichever comes first, approved no later than at time of construction plan approval. b. When available, please send over lighting plan for review and approval. 2727 Castle Hayne Road – Efficient Air Heating and Cooling – TRC Comments NHC Fire, Ray Griswold 910-798-7448 1. Fire Final Required NHC Engineering (Stormwater), Galen Jamison 910-798-7072 1. It appears the total disturbed area for construction is less than 1 acre, therefore, a land disturbing permit issued by the County is not required. Should the total disturbed area exceed 1 acre, a land disturbing permit will be required. 2. Should the existing and proposed impervious area exceed 10,000 SF, a County stormwater permit will be required. It appears the summary of impervious area does not include the existing driveway, drive aisles and parking area (areas subject to vehicular loading) for the entire parcel limits. Please submit an updated impervious area summary table to ensure the existing impervious (minus the removed structures) area does not exceed 10,000 SF. If so, a County stormwater permit will be required. 3. Please check with the State for water quality permitting requirements. NHC Environmental Health, Dustin Fenske 910-798-7324 1. Application states the home will be on public water. Building foundations for new structure must maintain 25 feet from any existing well heads. 2. Application states the site will be on a septic system. 3. The site plan indicates the new structure and parking areas are located over an existing septic system. 4. New septic system permits must be applied and permitted for this new structure and meet current code. 5. Septic permit must be issued prior to building permit issuance. Applications/permits can be obtained by the local Environmental Heath office or through a private option permit. Addressing, Katherine May 910-798-7443 1. The address 2727 Castle Hayne Rd will be used for the main address of the new building. 2. The address 2725 Castle Hayne Rd will need to be removed if the existing house is being demolished. 3. Please contact me following TRC approval to remove the 2725 address from our system. 2727 Castle Hayne Road – Efficient Air Heating and Cooling – TRC Comments CFPUA, Bernice Johnson 910-332-6620 1. CFPUA TRC Comments provided are preliminary comments only. 2. Utility Plan Review required by CFPUA. CFPUA is moving toward becoming paperless. When ready to submit plan review package, upload all documents to https://www.cfpua.org/FormCenter/Engineering-3/Engineering-Plan-Review-103. 3. CFPUA water available. Property currently connected to CFPUA water. 4. CFPUA Meter Sizing Form will be required if new plumbing fixtures will be added. Plan Review requirement will be determined at that time. WMPO, Jamar Johnson 910-343-3915 1. See attached appendix. NCDOT, Nick Drees 910-398-9100 1. See attached appendix. Army Corps of Engineers, Brad Shaver 910-251-4611 1. No comment since this property was previously developed. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROY COOPER J.R. “JOEY” HOPKINS GOVERNOR SECRETARY Mailing Address: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 3 ENGINEER’S OFFICE 5911 OLEANDER DRIVE, SUITE 101 WILMINGTON, NC 28403 04-11-03 COURIER Telephone: 910-398-9100 Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 Website: ncdot.gov Location: 5911 OLEANDER DRIVE, SUITE 101 WILMINGTON, NC 28403 Memorandum To: New Hanover County Technical Review Committee Date: December 7, 2023 Subject: Efficient Air Castle Hayne ________________________________________________________________________ These are preliminary comments and are based on the plans as submitted for the proposed site. They are subject to further review upon receipt of any additional information. Subsequently, additional comments and/or requirements may be necessary for this site. Comments: NCDOT Driveway Permits, and Encroachments are submitted through the NCDOT Online Portal.https://connect.ncdot.gov/municipalities/Utilities/Pages/help.aspx A NCDOT Driveway permit has been submitted to NCDOT for review. A NCDOT Encroachment Agreement is required for any utility connections or installations within NCDOT right-of-way. A radius encroachment letter will be required if the radius of the proposed driveway crosses the adjoining property line. This development is located within TIP U-5863. With that in mind, any accesses that conflict with the planned transportation infrastructure may be modified and/or removed and there shall not be any compensation made by NCDOT. The current TIP U-5863 is proposed as a divided facility. Therefore, the permitted access will be restricted as right- in/right-out only in the future. MEMORANDUM To: New Hanover County Technical Review Committee Date: 12/08/23 Subject: 2727 Castle Hayne Rd – Efficient Air and Heating Comments: • Please clarify if the 30’ access easement will remain to allow access to the lots behind the parcel. • Provide ADA detectable warning pad at access aisle. • Label all radii on the plans. • Provide turning templates of the largest design vehicle. NCDOT Projects: U-5863 NC 133 Widening Location: From SR 1310 (Division Dr) to I-140 Status: Unfunded WMPO 2045 Projects: N/A New Hanover County CTP: N/A TIA: Based on the 11th edition ITE Trip Generation Manual, a TIA is not required. Land Use (ITE Code) Intensity Unit 24 Hour Volumes AM Peak Hour Trips PM Peak Hour Trips ITE 712 Small Office Building 3,192 SF 46 5 7 C0 HE A D W A T E R S E N G I N E E R I N G OF T H E C A P E F E A R , P L L C re v i s i o n s EX I S T I N G VICINITY MAP N ENGINE ER   T HO MAS J. SC H EETZ EF F I C I E N T A I R C A S T L E H A Y N E FOR P E R M I T O N L Y NO T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N N #23-020 LEGEND SHEET INDEX C1 HE A D W A T E R S E N G I N E E R I N G OF T H E C A P E F E A R , P L L C re v i s i o n s si t e p l a n VICINITY MAP N ENGINE ER   T HO MAS J. SC H EETZ EF F I C I E N T A I R C A S T L E H A Y N E FOR P E R M I T O N L Y NO T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N N SITE DATA #23-020 LEGEND C2 HE A D W A T E R S E N G I N E E R I N G OF T H E C A P E F E A R , P L L C re v i s i o n s DR I V E W A Y p l a n VICINITY MAP N ENGINE ER   T HO MAS J. SC H EETZ EF F I C I E N T A I R C A S T L E H A Y N E FOR P E R M I T O N L Y NO T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N N #23-020 LEGEND  C3 HE A D W A T E R S E N G I N E E R I N G OF T H E C A P E F E A R , P L L C re v i s i o n s DE T A I L S ENGINE ER   T HO MASJ.SC H EETZ EF F I C I E N T A I R C A S T L E H A Y N E FOR P E R M I T O N L Y NO T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N #23-020  Christian Brothers Automotive – 4580 S. College Rd. – Commercial Site Plan – TRC Review Page | 1 To: Jim Ashley of Summit Design and Engineering Services – jim.ashley@summitde.com From: Wendell E. Biddle Development Review Associate Planner Date: Dec 20th TRC Review PID#: R07114-004-001-000 Egov# SITECN-23-000048 Subject: Christian Brothers Automotive Corp – 4580 S. College Rd TRC Review - Commercial Site Plan The following comments have been received for the Dec 20th, 2023, TRC meeting. Additional comments may be made upon further review of subsequent revisions. Please note: following the TRC meeting, a revised preliminary plan addressing each of the below items must be resubmitted prior to receiving preliminary plan approval. Planning, Wendell E. Biddle 910-798-7068 1. Zoning district – R-15 to (CZD) CB, Conditional Community Business district a. Please include the rezoning Z23-16 Conditions in a data table on the site plan: a. Type A: Opaque Buffer yard shall be provided along the rear property line of the abutting residential lot located on S. college Road. The buffer will taper from a 20 ft. wide vegetative cover to a span of 10 ft. wide consisting of vegetative cover and a fence buffer. b. A street yard buffer shall be provided along the property line that borders Jasmine Cove Way consisting of an 18 ft. wide vegetative field that tapers to a 10 ft. wide space, omitting the Jasmine Cove Way access point. c. Planning staff may accept changes to the driveway access locations as required by NCDOT. d. Existing trees identified on the concept plan shall be retained on site that are not required for removal due to essential site improvements. e. The proposed project must connect to CFPUA’s sewer line. f. Permitted uses shall be limited to Vehicle Service Station, Minor; Business Service Center; Repair Shop; Offices for Private Business Christian Brothers Automotive – 4580 S. College Rd. – Commercial Site Plan – TRC Review Page | 2 and Professional Activities; Retail Sails, General; and Child Care Center. 2. Proposed use – To construct a 6,000 square foot vehicle service station, minor defined as: repairs of small and/or personal vehicles consisting of a minor nature, such as tune ups, oil change, chassis lubrication, tire change or repair, wheel alignment, and muffler repair or installation. 3. General comments a. (CZD) Z23-16 is for a maximum 6,000 square foot structure, however the proposed structure is listed as being 6,257 square feet. Please detail if the additional square footage is total footprint of the proposed structure or if it accounts for architectural/roofing overhang? b. UDO Section allows a 10% deviation square footage. c. Please detail structure’s height from grade. 4. Parking per UDO 5.1 – Vehicle Service Station, Minor requires 3 parking spaces for every 1,000 sf of indoor office/waiting area, plus 1 space per repair bay. At 10 bays and 1,150 sf of office space, total parking required is 13 spaces. 30 parking spaces provided. 5. Traffic, Access, and Connectivity per UDO 5.2 – TIA not required though NCDOT Driveway permit is prior to issuance of building permit. 6. Tree Removal per UDO 5.3 a. Please address the disparity between tree mitigation calculations between sheets C3A and TD-1. Case planner calculated a total of 64 inches Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) of Significant Tree removal. While sheet TD-1 calculates 16” within the of total required mitigation within the tree removal spreadsheet, sheet C3A details a total of 56“(T2 at 21”, T10 at 18”, T33 at 9”, and T47 at 8”) DBH within the proposed area of tree removal. b. Please detail via a table the total DBH, species name, and regulation status of the proposed native tree species to remain on site. Documented native tree species are used to offset mitigation calculated by the removal of Significant and Specimen trees. c. Mitigation of regulated trees is calculated by three ways per UDO 5.3.7: i. The aggregate inches of Significant Tres removed multiplied by $200. 1. For example, the total DBH of significant tree removal is 56”, mitigation by payment into the tree fund is $200 * 56. Payment into the tree fund is $11,200 with a $45.00 Tree Removal Permit. ii. The aggregate of Significant Trees removed can be offset by the replanting of 2.0 times the caliper inches at DBH removed. iii. A combination of payment into the County’s Tree Improvement Fund and replanting of similar tree species to the ones removed with each replanting being no less than 2” DBH. d. Documented native tree species remaining on site provide a credit of 1.5 to the aggregate DBH removed. e. Prior to development both a Tree Removal and a Land Disturbing Permit are required. 7. Landscaping and Buffering per UDO 5.4 a. The landscape plan appears to sufficiently address County requirements. Please include the square footage of the foundation plantings provided. Christian Brothers Automotive – 4580 S. College Rd. – Commercial Site Plan – TRC Review Page | 3 8. Exterior Lighting per UDO 5.5 a. Please note that a lighting plan is not required at time of TRC Approval. Thank you for your submittal of a lighting plan, please include site boundaries so that the photometrics can be measured at the property line. See below excerpt from Section 5.5.3: b. Information about the exterior lighting for the site that demonstrates compliance with the standards in this section shall be submitted in conjunction with an application for site plan approval (Section 10.3.6, Site Plan) or zoning compliance approval (Section 10.3.8, Zoning Compliance Approval), whichever comes first, approved no later than at time of construction plan approval. 9. Signs per UDO 5.6 a. Please note that all signs are subject to section 5.6 of the UDO. b. Please submit for sign permits prior to installation. NHC Fire Services, Sunnie Batson 910-798-7464 See attached. NHC Engineering, Galen Jamison 910-798-7072 1. A land disturbing and a stormwater permit issued by the County are required for this project. Please submit for permits as the design is completed. 2. Please contact the State for the stormwater permit requirements. 3. SCM #1 outfall appears to convey the DOT ROW but C-3 appears the existing ditch is directed to the west. Please be prepared to discuss at the TRC meeting. NHC Environmental Health, Dustin Fenske 910-798-6732 1. Site plan reflects connection to public water. Proposed infrastructure will not violate setbacks to any surrounding properties drinking water wells. 2. Site plan reflects connection to public sewer. Proposed infrastructure will not violate setbacks to any surrounding properties septic systems. Addressing, Katherine May 910-798-7443 1. The main address will need to change from College Rd to Jasmine Cove Way. 2. Please contact me following TRC approval for the address change. Cape Fear Public Utility Authority, Bernice Johnson 910-332-6620 1. CFPUA TRC Comments provided are preliminary comments only. 2. Utility Plan Review required by CFPUA. CFPUA is moving toward becoming paperless. When ready to submit plan review package, upload all documents to https://www.cfpua.org/FormCenter/Engineering-3/Engineering-Plan -Review-103 3. CFPUA Plan Review will be required. 4. CFPUA water and sewer available. 5. CFPUA Meter Sizing Form will be required NCDOT, Jamar Johnson 910-343-3915 See attached. WMPO, Jamar Johnson 910-473-5130 See attached. Christian Brothers Automotive – 4580 S. College Rd. – Commercial Site Plan – TRC Review Page | 4 Army Corps of Engineers, Brad Shaver 910-251-4611 1. The Corps has no records for this site. Comments not received at this time from: Emergency Services & E911, Steve Still NCDEQ, Chad Coburn New Hanover Soil & Water, Dru Harrison USACE, Rachel Capito USACE, Brad Shaver – Brad.E.Shaver@usace.army.mil NCDEMLR, Dan Sams DCM, Tanya Pietila New Hanover County Fire Rescue 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 130 Wilmington, NC 28403 Phone: (910) 798-7420 Fax: (910) 798-7052 Protecting the citizens and visitors of New Hanover County SITECN-23-000048 4580 S. College Road – Christian Brothers Automotive TRC Plan Review - 2018 NC Fire Code Pursuant to the North Carolina Fire Prevention Code and New Hanover County Ordinances Section 26 Required for Plan Review Submittal • The complete TRC/Site plans comments from New Hanover County Fire staff shall be submitted along with the building plans for review to New Hanover County Fire Marshal’s Office. This shall include the complete set of civil plans. Failure to submit the comments or complete set of civil plans will result in a resubmittal for review for verification of compliance. • Any building with a generator or aboveground storage tank (AST) shall include an engineered plan complying with the NCFC Chapter 23, 57 and NFPA 30 showing all applicable distances as required from those specific requirements. • Any plan involving an underground storage tank (UST) shall include an engineered plan complying with the NCFC Chapter 23, 57 and NFPA 30 for Underground Storage Tank Cover requirements. This plan shall also show all vent lines. • Per NCFC 507.1, Provide an Engineered fire flow analysis report in accordance with the fire code and Appendix B to include pertinent information. A fire flow test shall be conducted in accordance with NFPA 291 and NCFC 507.4. This report shall be submitted by a P.E. and include the stamp of the submitting individual on the report. New Hanover County Fire Rescue 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 130 Wilmington, NC 28403 Phone: (910) 798-7420 Fax: (910) 798-7052 Protecting the citizens and visitors of New Hanover County Accessibility • All new structures larger than 7,500 square feet must comply with Section 510 of the NC Fire code. An Emergency Responder Radio Coverage (ERRC) survey must be conducted, and results given to the New Hanover County Fire Marshal’s Office Fire Plan Reviewer. All buildings that are more than one story, underground, windowless or buildings with a basement must complete an ERRC survey. (It is highly recommended that a pre-construction survey be conducted, however a pre-construction survey is not required). • All new structures must comply with Appendix J of the NC Fire Code, Building Information Signs. An example can be provided upon request. • Fire apparatus access roads are required at time of construction. They are to be capable of handling the weight of fire apparatus and be passable in all weather conditions. Fire apparatus access roads are to be a minimum of 20 feet wide (Chapter 5), unless there are fire hydrants installed along the roadway then minimum is 26 feet wide (Appendix D). The fire code official may increase this width as necessary based on potential for fire apparatus response. Dead end roads greater than 150 feet in length shall require an approved means for fire apparatus to turn around (Chapter 5 and Appendix D). Fire apparatus access roads shall provide a clear vertical clearance of 14 feet including trees, canopies, bridges, etc. (Chapter 5 requirement is 13 feet 6 inches, however AHJ requires 14 feet based on local apparatus). • Street and road signs are required, temporary signs during construction are acceptable as long as they are legible and weather resistant. (Chapter 5). • Fire apparatus access roads that access commercial buildings greater than 30 feet in height are to be a minimum of 26 feet wide, be capable of handling the weight of aerial fire apparatus (100,000 lbs.) and be passable in all weather conditions. *All shown road widths are acceptable. • Traffic calming devices are highly discouraged due to the delay in response. Speed bumps/humps are prohibited. Requests for other traffic calming devices must be evaluated during the Technical Review (TRC). • Fire lanes shall be a minimum of 18 feet wide and 14 feet vertical clearance feet including trees, canopies, bridges, etc. and must be marked. • Key Boxes (KNOX Boxes) New Hanover County Fire Rescue 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 130 Wilmington, NC 28403 Phone: (910) 798-7420 Fax: (910) 798-7052 Protecting the citizens and visitors of New Hanover County o Required if structure is required to have a fire alarm system or automatic sprinkler system. o Knox Box required at/adjacent to the front (main) entrance, at an elevation of 5 ft, +/- 6 in. A KNOX box(es) is(are) required at the exterior access nearest the fire sprinkler riser(s). Larger facilities may require additional key boxes. All key box locations must be shown on the building plans. All key boxes are required to be installed prior to final inspection. o The customer may order online from Knox. • Premises identification is required. Address and or unit numbers are required on the street side as well as unit identification on rear access doors. Letters and Numbers shall not be less than 6 inches tall and ¾ inches wide; must be weather resistant and contrasting in color to their background. (Chapter 5). Buildings constructed under the 2018 code shall require additional signage per Appendix J. • Rooms containing controls for HVAC, fire sprinkler risers, fire alarm control panels, or other fire detection/protection equipment must be identified with signage (Chapter 5). • Generator and solar installations shall be in accordance with Chapter 6. Water Supply (Chapter 5 and Appendix C) • If a water supply is required for fire protection a fire hydrant system or other means approved by the fire code official must be present prior to beginning construction and be maintained operable during the construction period. (For construction, fire dept. water shuttle counts as long there is a fill site within range) • An engineered fire flow calculation indicating the available fire flow shall be submitted to the Fire Marshal’s Office during plans review. • If an approved water supply capable of supplying the required fire flow for fire protection is available, fire hydrants shall be provided. • If the approved water supply is not capable of supplying the required fire flow for fire protection a private system shall be engineered to meet the required fire flow for both automatic sprinkler systems and fire hydrants. New Hanover County Fire Rescue 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 130 Wilmington, NC 28403 Phone: (910) 798-7420 Fax: (910) 798-7052 Protecting the citizens and visitors of New Hanover County • Fire Hydrants o All fire hydrants shall have a 5 ¼ inch barrel, a 5 ¼ inch valve opening, two 2 ½ inch NST side discharges and a 5-inch pumper nozzle with a 5-inch STORZ connection. Further information on the technical specifications is available from the fire code official or Cape Fear Public Utility Authority. o All fire hydrants shall be installed so they are visible from the fire apparatus access road with unobstructed access and a clear space no less than 36 inches in all directions. They shall be protected from vehicle impact by curbing, guard posts or other means approved by the fire code official. They shall be oriented with the large discharge facing the nearest street. All discharges shall meet the NFPA requirements for distance above grade. o Fire hydrants in mixed use and commercial areas shall be installed so that all insured properties are within 250 feet of a hydrant (hydrant spacing approximately 500 feet apart along fire apparatus access roads and preferably located at intersections when possible). *Nearest Hydrant at the intersection of Jasmine Cove Way and South College Road. New Hanover County Fire Rescue 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 130 Wilmington, NC 28403 Phone: (910) 798-7420 Fax: (910) 798-7052 Protecting the citizens and visitors of New Hanover County • Fire Department Connections (FDC) o Fire Department connections shall utilize 5-inch Storz connections with a 30 degree down angle. Remote FDC’s are discouraged. o A fire hydrant shall be located no less than 50 feet from the structure and no greater than 100 feet from the fire department connection. For buildings with multiple fire department connections, each one shall have a dedicated fire hydrant. o The fire department connection shall be located so that the fire apparatus and the hoses connecting it to the fire hydrant and to the fire department connection do not obstruct access to the buildings for other fire apparatus. o Fire department connections shall not be obstructed by fences, bushes, dumpsters, utilities, or vehicles. o Fire department connections are to be unobstructed with 36 inches clearance to both sides and 78 inches vertically. o An audible/visual device indicating water flow or fire alarm activation shall be located above the fire department connection. o The fire department connection shall be labeled with code compliant signage indicating the type of connection and where more than one fire department connection exists additional signage is required to indicate the area protected. Demolition o All demolition work must comply with Chapter 33. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROY COOPER J.R. “JOEY” HOPKINS GOVERNOR SECRETARY Mailing Address: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 3 ENGINEER’S OFFICE 5911 OLEANDER DRIVE, SUITE 101 WILMINGTON, NC 28403 04-11-03 COURIER Telephone: 910-398-9100 Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 Website: ncdot.gov Location: 5911 OLEANDER DRIVE, SUITE 101 WILMINGTON, NC 28403 Memorandum To: New Hanover County Technical Review Committee Date: December 7, 2023 Subject: Christian Brothers Automotive Corp. ________________________________________________________________________ These are preliminary comments and are based on the plans as submitted for the proposed site. They are subject to further review upon receipt of any additional information. Subsequently, additional comments and/or requirements may be necessary for this site. Comments: NCDOT Driveway Permits, and Encroachments are submitted through the NCDOT Online Portal.https://connect.ncdot.gov/municipalities/Utilities/Pages/help.aspx An NCDOT Driveway Permit is required. Submit plans in accordance with pages 14 and 15 of the Policy on Street and Driveway Access to North Carolina Highways to include access locations within 500’ of the proposed access on both sides of the State Road. Submit to the local NCDOT District Engineer’s Office. x Refer to the NCDOT checklist (attached) for submittal requirements (Documents, details, and plans). A NCDOT Encroachment Agreement is required for any utility connections or installations within NCDOT right-of-way. Site Plan Comments: Sight Triangles and Sight Distance: x No obstructions shall be placed within the NCDOT sight triangles. x No obstructions shall be placed within the stopping sight distance. The proposed curb and gutter will need to stop at the right of way line. Label the radius for the driveway connection. x Make sure to accommodate the largest proposed vehicle. Label the proposed driveway pipe (size and inverts) provide inverts upstream and downstream. This development is located within TIP U-5702B. With that in mind, any accesses that conflict with the planned transportation infrastructure may be modified and/or removed and there shall not be any compensation made by NCDOT. The current TIP U-5702B is proposed to address access management and time travel improvements. NCDOT | Division 3 | District 3 Project Name:_____________________________ Date:_______________ Applicant Checklist NCDOT Checklist Driveway Application Process and Site Plan Requirements ALL APPLICATIONS SHALL BE ACCOMPANIED BY COMPLETE AND DETAILED SITE PLANS THAT ADHERE TO THE POLICIES LISTED IN THE POLICY ON STREET AND DRIVEWAY ACCESS TO NORTH CAROLINA HIGHWAYS AND THIS DOCUMENT. FAILURE TO ADHERE TO THESE POLICIES WILL RESULT IN THE RETURN OF THE APPLICATION TO THE APPLICANT FOR REVISION. ***THE NCDOT WILL NOT BEGIN THE REVIEW PROCESS ON INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS*** Electronic Pre-Submittals In an effort to save time and resources, we are happy to provide an initial assessment of a driveway permit submittal’s plans via email to identify any major issues up front. This initial assessment can be followed up with a submittal of one digital copy of the plans along with all other required documents. All Permit applications shall be submitted through the online portal https://connect.ncdot.gov/site/Permits/Pages/default.aspx In the notify email section of the portal application please include the District Office email (Div3Dist3@ncdot.gov). See the last pages for further instruction. Online resources: •NCDOT Policy on Street and Driveway Access to North Carolina Highways: https://connect.ncdot.gov/projects/Roadway/RoadwayDesignAdministrativeDocuments/Policy%20on%20Street%20an d%20Driveway%20Access.pdf •NCDOT Policies and Procedures for Accommodating Utilities on Highway Rights of Way: https://connect.ncdot.gov/municipalities/Utilities/Pages/UtilitiesManuals.aspx •Electronic Forms Database: https://connect.ncdot.gov/Pages/default.aspx 1) a.Cover Letter Include contact information for applicant and engineer, including email address, mailing address, and phone number. Include the parcel number(s), description of all phases of the development and future land uses to be served by the permit, and a description of the adjoining land owned or controlled by the applicant. b.NCDOT Street and Driveway Access Permit Application (form downloadable via link below) https://connect.ncdot.gov/resources/BusinessForms/TEB-65-04.doc c.$50.00 Inspection Fee Per Access Point Attach to Permit Application form (not applicable for municipalities, churches, and schools) d.NPDES Stormwater Permit Compliance Certification (form downloadable via link below) https://connect.ncdot.gov/municipalities/Utilities/EncroachmentForms/NPDESstatement.doc e.Verification of Compliance with Environmental Regulations (form downloadable via link below) https://connect.ncdot.gov/municipalities/Utilities/EncroachmentForms/VCER-1.pdf f.Site Plans (to include the “Master Plan” of a tract even if only a small portion is being developed first) Additional site plan requirement details can be found in section 2 of this document. g.Design Plan Requirements for projects involving roadway improvements If roadway improvements are required as part of the permit, then roadway plans, pavement marking plans,signing plans, and traffic control plans will be required - See Section 6 for more information Y N n/a Engineering Studies The applicant may be required by the District Engineer to submit studies based on, but not limited to, the parameters outlined herein. If study requirements of the local government agency are more restrictive than the NCDOT requirements, then local government requirements will govern. However, this does not imply that the NCDOT is obligated to approve entrance designs that are too constrictive to allow smooth and safe traffic flow. All studies including, but not limited to, Traffic Impact Analyses (TIA), traffic signal studies, and drainage studies, must be prepared under the direct charge of and sealed by a North Carolina licensed Professional Engineer. Section 1: Requi red Documents |Required documents to accompany all Initial Driveway Application Submittals Please note that these are the minimum requirements of all driveway permit applications. All required documentation shall be submitted through the online portal as PDF files, with the exception of the Performance and Indemnity Bond and the $50 Inspection Fee(s), these should be mailed or delivered to 5501 Barbados Blvd, Castle Hayne, NC 28429. If a Traffic Impact Analysis and/or roadway improvements are deemed necessary as a condition of the permit, there may be additional submittal materials required. State of North Carolina | Department of Transportation | Division 3 | District 3 5501 Barbados Blvd, Castle Hayne, NC 28429 Form Updated 10/15/2021 (910) 398-9100 T NCDOT Permit #___________________ Y N n/a Section 1: Required Documents (continued) 2)Required documents to accompany all Driveway Applications PRIOR TO FINAL APPROVAL a.Site Plans One (1) digital copy (PDF) unless otherwise requested by the District Office. Additional site plan requirement details can be found in section 2 of this document. b.Performance and Indemnity Bond Information/Forms See last page of document for bond information and forms c.Performance and Indemnity Bond Amount 100% of the cost of the work within NCDOT Right-of-Way (R/W) based on the attached estimate determined by the applicant's engineer and approved by the District Engineer. Bond hold letter required for for municipalities, churches, and schools. See pages 101-105 in the Policies and Procedures for Accommodating Utilities on Highway Rights of Way for acceptable bond types d.Radius Encroachment Letter (if applicable) If driveway radius encroaches on the frontage of an adjacent property, a Radius Encroachment will be required e.Hold Harmless Letter (if applicable) If the Permit is within the limits of an active NCDOT project, a Hold Harmless letter from the NCDOT contractor will be required. If the project is in preconstruction, coordinate with the Department's Project Development Unit Section 2: General Site Plan Requirements | All site plans shall include and show, at a minimum, the items listed below Page numbers reference the NCDOT Policy on Street and Driveway Access to North Carolina Highways 1)Drawn to a scale of 20, 30, 40, or 50 feet per inch and the scale shall be shown 2)North arrow, vicinity map, date of plan, and date of most-recent revision if applicable 3)Contact information of applicant and engineer, including mailing address, phone number, and email address 4)Show R/W lines, highway control of access, and property lines 5)All existing utilities (including handholes) and easements 6)R/W width 7)Existing posted speed limit(s) and design speed limit(s) 8)Show all property lines, intersections, signals, signal loops, railroads, or crossovers within 500’ in all directions of the property lines of the proposed development 9)Show location of sidewalks, crosswalks, greenways, multi-use paths, curb ramps, railroads, bus stops, and any other relevant transportation facilities in the development area 10)Include a plan sheet showing full site build-out and land use 11)Buildings shown with “gross leasable area” 12)Width of property frontage 13)Distance from R/W to buildings and gasoline service islands 14)Distance from R/W to existing/proposed Edge of Pavement (EOP) (pages 32 & 34) 15)All streams, bridges, retaining walls, signs, or other fixed objects such as trees, utility poles, traffic signals, etc. Section 3: Driveway Plan Requirements | All driveway plans shall include and show, at a minimum, the items listed below 1)Provide comprehensive survey within the existing R/W on both sides of the road for a distance of 500’ in all directions from the development’s property lines. Provide additional hydraulic survey data to the nearest storm water inlet/outlet including ditch lines and storm water pipes, if located outside of the 500' distance. 2)Lane configurations and widths of all existing and proposed driveways, roadways, and adjacent roadways 3)All driveway widths (2-way: 20’ minimum, 36’ maximum | 1-way: 12’ minimum, 24’ maximum | with island: 14'ingress, 18' egress) (pages 50 & 77) 4)Driveway Profile - In shoulder sections, maintain minimum 2% fall from edge of travel way for required shoulder width distance Primary: 8’ minimum | Secondary: 6’ minimum 5)All existing and/or proposed driveway radii (20’ minimum, 50’ maximum, 30’ typical) (pages 34 & 51) In curb and gutter sections, use City of Wilmington flare (SD 3-03.3) - (see attached) In shoulder sections, show grades at the EOP and centerline 6)No curbing is allowed within NCDOT R/W along shoulder sections except as part of a driveway island (page 31) 7)Driveway angles of approach to existing roadway (90° preferred, 75°-90° required for 2-way driveways, 45°-90° allowed for right-in/right-out on a case-by-case basis) (page 51) 8)Driveway Profile (pages 42- 43) Y N n/a Y N n/a □□ □□ □ □ Y N n/a Y N n/a Y N n/a Y N n/a Section 3: Driveway Plan Requirements (continued) 9)Driveway Pavement Cross Section (to be in place from EOP to edge of R/W) Asphalt: 8” ABC stone and 1.5” S9.5B Concrete: 6” of concrete 10)Driveway Offset (driveway EOP to property line; page 75): Minimum: 20’ 11)Corner Clearance (radius point to radius point; page 52)Minimum: 50’ Desirable: 100’ or Municipal std. 12)Minimum 10’x70’ sight triangles at driveways (measured from and along the R/W line) (page 31) 13)Sight Distance (length of sight-distance in both directions shown for each driveway; pages 27-29) 14)Driveways should be aligned with existing opposing driveways or correct offset should be provided (pages 40-41) 15)Distance between driveways being requested (if applicable; page 51) 16)Minimum internal storage areas with specified queues (pages 31-33) 17)Minimum protected driveway stem(s) provided and indicated (pages 33-34) 18)Indicate any gated entrances (100’ minimum setback from R/W required) - traffic queuing study may be required | Section 6: Roadway Plan Requirements If off-site improvements are required, roadway plans shall show, at a minimum, the items below 1)Full width typical sections must be shown (paved shoulders to match the typical section of the adjacent roadway) 2)Minimum Asphalt Typical Section (for turn lanes and/or paved shoulders) Adjacent recently-completed or upcoming TIP projects w/ different typical sections may supersede those below •Primary Routes (US & NC) and Secondary Routes with Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) ≥10,000 5.5” B25.0C, 3” I19.0C, 1.5” S9.5C; any overlay of existing pavement is to be a minimum of 1.5” S9.5C •Secondary Routes with AADT<10,000 5.5” B25.0C, 1.5” S9.5B; any overlay of existing pavement is to be a minimum of 1.5” S9.5B 3)Pavement overlay is required if modification of existing pavement markings and/or lanes is necessary The grinding of pavement markings will not be allowed 4)Shoulder Widths (Paved + Unpaved) Primary: 8’ minimum | Secondary: 6’ minimum 5)Ditch Slopes - front and back slopes - minimum 3:1 or flatter 6)Indicate existing roadway grade 7)All taper lengths and deceleration lengths should be appropriately designed for the given design speed (page 78) 8)All turn lanes should be designed according to the Driveway Manual and Roadway Standard Drawings (page 79) See 1205.04 Sheets 1 & 2 and 1205.05 Sheet 1 of the Roadway Standard Drawings for details 9)Pavement marking and signing plans are required - plans must be approved by Division Traffic Services 10)Traffic control plans are required - Detailed phasing plans may be required based on project type and location 11)New and/or revised signal plans must be included for new installations and if signal modifications are required All signal plans must be reviewed and approved by Division Traffic Services and the Signal Design Unit. A Traffic Agreement must be completed to facilitate the review. Contact Division Traffic Services at (910) 341-2200. | Section 4: Drainag e Requirements All drainage features on NCDOT Right-of-Way shall adhere to, at a minimum, the items listed below Section 5: Internal Circ ulation Requirements |All internal circulation details shall adhere to, at a minimum, the items listed below 1)Interior driveway channelization stems Minimum 100’ from the ROW or at the discretion of the District Engineer 2)Traffic flow pattern 3)Traffic control devices 4)Pavement Markings Y N n/a Y N n /a Y N n/a Y N n/a Y N n/a Y N n/a Y N n/a Y N n/a 1)Pipe Cover Minimums (measured from top of pipe to subgrade) High Density Polyethylene (HDPE): 24” | Corrugated Aluminum (CAP): 12” | Reinforced Concrete (RCP): 12” 2)Pipe End Treatment (see Roadway Design Manual 5-20, B-2) Pipes ≤24" on multilane highways posted above 45mph require Parallel Pipe End Sections See 310.02 and 310.04 of the Roadway Standard Drawings for details Pipes >30" on multilane highways posted above 45mph require guardrail Pipes ≥36" require an endwall on the inlet end 3)All proposed Drainage is to be provided inside existing R/W. Otherwise, additional R/W or a permanently dedicated drainage easement will be required to accommodate the proposed project drainage 4)All sizes, types, and invert elevations of existing/proposed pipes and drainage structures must be shown(see Sec.3 #1 for survey requirements) 5)Provide spot elevations along frontage of driveway (at EOP and centerline) 6)Provide grades and spot elevations for existing and proposed ditches 7)Show how drainage will be accommodated along property frontage(District Engineer may require applicant to provide drainage calculations when warranted) C/L EOTEOP P/L R/WR/W R/W EOP EOP EOP EOP NTS R/W P/L DRAINAGE FLOW DRAINAGE FLOW DRAINAGE FLOW SHOULDER WIDTH SHOULDER WIDTH SHOULDER WIDTH SHOULDER WIDTH S IGHT T R IANGLE 10 ' BY 70 'S I GHT T R I AN G L E10' B Y 70' DRIVEWAY RR MIN. 30'MIN. 30' NO ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAY WITH NORMAL CROWN ROADWAY 6" LOWER THAN THE EDGE OF PAVEMENTMIN 2% FALL AWAY or 20' AWAY FROM THE PROPERTY LINEDRIVEWAY SHALL BE LOCATED AT LEAST PIPE/TYPE/SIZE WIDTH CON CR ET E /ASP HA LT LOCAL NAME ROAD POSTED SPEED ( ) MPH WIDTH WIDTHSR NUMBER SITE ADDRESS:TAX PARCEL # 20191115 PARALLEL END S.D. 310.02 INVERT ELEVATION PARALLEL END S.D. 310.02 INVERT ELEVATION 20' AWAY FROM THE PROPERTY LINEDRIVEWAY SHALL BE LOCATED AT LEAST OR 500' OF XYZ SURVEY DATA PAST THE PROPERT LINENEAREST OUTFALL ELEVATION OR 500' OF XYZ SURVEY DATA PAST THE PROPERT LINENEAREST OUTFALL ELEVATION PROJECT NO. SHEET NO. DRAWING NAME: 23-0065   CO V E R C1 23-0065_cs.dwg Know what's R CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY "NC811" (811) OR (1-800-632-4949) ATLEAST 3 FULL BUSINESS DAYS PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTIONOR EXCAVATION TO HAVE EXISTING UTILITIES LOCATED.CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT ANY LOCAL UTILITIES THAT PROVIDETHEIR OWN LOCATOR SERVICES INDEPENDENT OF "NC811". REPORTANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY.  NOT TO SCALE SITE OWNER CONTACT:ARAB SHRINE CLUB H CORPWEST PALM BEACH, FL NOT TO SCALE         PARCEL DATA:PARID:R07114-004-001-000DB 1116, PG 0245ZONING: CZD CB1.34 ACRES ARCHITECTURAL CONTACT:CORTLAND MORGAN ARCHITECTDANA KING, ARCHITECTURALPROJECT COORDINATOR979-255-6927 (PHONE)DLK-ARCHITECT@OUTLOOK.COM SITE DEVELOPER CONTACT:CHRISTIAN BROTHERS AUTOMOTIVE CORP.BILLY GREEN, JR.17725 KATY FREEWAY, SUITE 200HOUSTON, TX 77094(281) 675-6192 (PHONE)BILLY.GREEN@CBAC.COM CIVIL ENGINEER CONTACT:SUMMIT DESIGN & ENGINEERING SERVICESGREG THOMPSON, PE, PLS2715 ASHTON DRIVE, SUITE 104WILMINGTON, NC 28412(910) 475-1208 x3805 (PHONE)(919) 732-6676 (FAX)GREG.THOMPSON@SUMMITDE.COM SURVEY CONTACT: SUMMIT DESIGN & ENGINEERING SERVICESBRANTLEY WELLS, PLS320 EXECUTIVE CT.HILLSBOROUGH, NC 27278(919) 732-3883 x3136 (PHONE)(919) 732-6676 (FAX)BRANTLEY.WELLS@SUMMITDE.COM LANDSCAPE CONTACT:EVERGREEN DESIGN GROUPLISA CUTSHAW, PLA4509 CREEDMOOR RD. SUITE 201RALEIGH, NC 27612800-680-6630 x16 (PHONE)LISA@EVERGREENDESIGNGROUP.COM COVER C1 NOTES C2 SURVEY - EX. CONDITIONS C3 TREE REMOVAL PLAN C3A EROSION CONTROL PH1 C4 EROSION CONTROL PH2 C5 SITE PLAN C6 GRADING PLAN C7 EROSION CONTROL DETAILS D1 EROSION CONTROL DETAILS D2 EROSION CONTROL DETAILS D3 SITE DETAILS D4 CFPUA WATER DETAILS D5 STORM DETAILS D6 LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN LP-1 LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS & DETAILS LP-2 TREE DISPOSITION SPECIFICATIONS & DETAILS TD-2 TREE DISPOSITION PLAN TD-1 SITE PHOTOMETRIC PLAN A-4.1 N:\ 2 0 2 3 \ 2 3 - 0 0 6 5 . 0 1 0 2 0 0 - 0 4 C B A W i l m i n g t o n \ C i v i l \ C u r r e n t D r a w i n g s \ 2 3 - 0 0 6 5 _ C S . d w g , C 1 C O V E R , 1 1 / 1 4 / 2 0 2 3 6 : 3 1 : 1 3 A M , D W G T o P D F . p c 3, 1 : 1 W W W W W W W UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OH E OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE 10' W A T E R E A S E M E N T D B 1 7 3 2 - 1 2 3 9 JASMI N E C O V E W A Y 60' PU B L I C R / W ( S . 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SHEET NO. DRAWING NAME: 23-0065   23-0065_s.dwg C6 SI T E P L A N - WATER VALVE  EXIST / PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT WATER METER FIRE DEPT. CONNECTION (FDC) AIR RELEASE VALVE (ARV) POST INDICATOR VALVE (PIV) PLUG & BLOCK REDUCER MECHANICAL JOINT / BEND EXISTING WATER MAIN PROPOSED WATER MAIN / SERVICE EXISTING GAS MAIN PROPOSED GAS MAIN SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE SEWER CLEAN OUT DROP INLET CURB INLET FLARED END SECTION (FES) EXISTING SEWER MAIN PROPOSED SEWER MAIN / SERVICE EXISTING STORM PIPE PROPOSED STORM PIPE EXISTING OVERHEAD ELECTRIC PROPOSED UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC SS W G JUNCTION BOX UGE OPEN THROAT INLET CATCH BASIN    20' BUILDINGSETBACK 10' WATEREASEMENT 8' MIN. STREETYARD BUFFER 11 S P A C E S 20' TYPE "A" OPAQUELANDSCAPE BUFFER 18' MAX. STREETYARD BUFFER EXISTINGTREE (TYP) 10' STREETYARD BUFFER 7 S P A C E S 9 S P A C E S 16' TYPE "A" OPAQUELANDSCAPE BUFFERWITH 6' HIGH WOODEN FENCE(BUFFER PLANTINGS TO BEINSTALLED OUTSIDE OF SWALE) PERMEABLEPAVERS, (TYP.) 2" WATERSERVICE 2" SEWER SERVICEFROM CLEANOUT TOBUILDING DOUBLE SIDEDMONUMENT SIGN HEAVY DUTYCONCRETE, (TYP.BOTH SIDES)MA T C H L I N E T H I S S H E E T NEARESTEXISTINGSEWER MH MA T C H L I N E T H I S S H E E T PROPERTY INFORMATION: CURRENT OWNER:ARAB SHRINE CLUB HOLDING CORPORATIONDEVELOPER: CHRISTIAN BROTHERS AUTOMOTIVE CORPORATIONPARCEL ID#:R07114-004-001-000JURISDICTION: NEW HANOVER COUNTYCITY: WILMINGTONSTATE: NORTH CAROLINAADDRESS: 4580 S. COLLEGE ROAD, WILMINGTON, NC 28412DEED BOOK/PAGE: 1116 / 0245TOTAL AREA: 1.34 AC (58,370 SF) LAND USE:EXISTING USE; UNUSED LANDPROPOSED USE; COMMERCIAL - AUTOMOTIVE SHOP ZONING CB - COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DISTRICT ADJACENT ZONING: R-15 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (PUBLIC ASSEMBLY ANDPLACE OF WORSHIP USE) PARKING REQUIREMENT: REQUIRED:3/1,000 SF INDOOR OFFICE/WAITING AREA,PLUS 1 PER REPAIR BAY @1,150 SF OFFICE/WAITING + 10 BAYS = 12 SPACESTOTAL PROVIDED = 30 SPACES(31 STANDARD, 1 ACCESSIBLE & 1 VAN ACCESSIBLE) REQUIRED STREET YARD LANDSCAPE:12 SF PER LF OF STREET FRONTAGE @ 706 LF(MINUS DIVEWAY WIDTHS @ 52') = 708 LF708 X12 = 8,496 SF REQUIRED LANDSCAPINGPROVIDED = 8,670 SF  HEAVY DUTYCONCRETE  LANDSCAPE BUFFER AREA HEAVY DUTY CONCRETE AREAS PERMEABLE PAVERS HEAVY DUTY ASPHALT PAVING 10'x70' SIGHT TRIANGLE 30 MPH DESIGN SPEED SIGHT TRIANGLE 25. 0 0 ' 25 . 0 0 ' 3 SPACES 30.12' 30.00' 32.00' 20 . 0 0 ' BU I L D I N G SE T B A C K 15' x 335' SIGHTTRIANGLE (BASED ON30MPH DESIGN SPEED) 15' x 290' SIGHTTRIANGLE (BASED ON30MPH DESIGN SPEED) 10' x 70' SIGHTTRIANGLE EACHSIDE GRINDER PUMPSTATION GAS SERVICE TRANSFORMER DUMPSTERENCLOSURE STORM SYSTEM,SEE SHEET C7FOR MOREINFORMATION AC UNIT 6" SEWER SERVICEFROM CLEANOUTTO EXISTINGMANHOLE 6' HIGH WOODENFENCE ORAPPROVED EQUAL CONCRETE FLUME,SEE DETAIL FORADDDITIONALINFORMATION STOP BAR 10' STORMMAINTENANCEEASEMENT 10' MAINENANCEEASEMENT 24" CURB ANDGUTTER, (TYP.) 24" CURB ANDGUTTER, (TYP.) 2" WATER METER BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY 2" WATER METERFOR IRRIGATION SAND / OILSEPARATOR 9.0 0 ' 18.50' 9.00' 18 . 5 0 ' 9.0 0 ' 18.50' N:\ 2 0 2 3 \ 2 3 - 0 0 6 5 . 0 1 0 2 0 0 - 0 4 C B A W i l m i n g t o n \ C i v i l \ C u r r e n t D r a w i n g s \ 2 3 - 0 0 6 5 _ S . d w g , C 6 S I T E P L A N , 1 1 / 1 3 / 2 0 2 3 2 : 1 8 : 5 9 P M , _ A u t o C A D P DF ( G e n e r a l D o c u m e n t a t i o n ) . p c 3 , 1 : 1 W W W W W W W UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE HE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OH E OH E OHE UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO UF O UF O UF O UFO UFO UFO P P P P P P PPPP G G G G G G G G G G G W W W SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS VA N SCM #1+/- SF 6,908 WWUFOFU OHE HEHHHHOHEH UFOO OHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEHHOHOOHHHHH P PP P PP PP PP PPPPP SSS SS SS SS G G G UGE UGE LD/S F / T P LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/ S F / T P LD/SF/ T P LD/SF/T P LD/SF / T P LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/T P LD/SF/T P LD/SF/T P LD/SF/ T P LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/T P LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/T P LD/SF/TP LD/SF / T P LD/SF / T P TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/T P LD/SF/T P LD/SF/T P LD/SF/T P LD/SF/T P LD/SF/ T P LD/SF / T P LD/SF / T P LD/S F / T P LD/SF / T P LD/SF / T P LD/ S F / T P LD/ S F / T P LD/ S F / T P LD/SF/ T P LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/S F / T P LD / S F / T P LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/S F / T P LD/SF/T P LD/SF/T P LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/ S F / T P LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/S F / T P LD/S F / T P LD/SF/TP LD/S F / T P LD/S F / T P LD/ S F / T P LD/S F / T P LD/S F / T P LD/ S F / T P LD/S F / T P LD/S F / T P LD/ S F / T P LD / S F / T P LD/S F / T P LD/ S F / T P LD / S F / T P LD/S F / T P LD/ S F / T P LD/ S F / T P FG27.33 FG27.65 FG27.57 FG28.07 FG29.5 FG27.33 FG27.65 FG27.57 FG28.07 FG27.33 FG27.65 FG27.57 FG28.07 FG27.58 FG27.58 LP27.21 LP27.21 LP27.24 LP27.41HP28.19 FG27.78 LP27.02 LP27.30 FG27.58 FG27.67 FG27.58 FG27.58 FG28.26 FG28.23 FG27.58 FG27.58 FG27.56 FG27.60 FG28.07 FG27.84 FG27.33 FG27.65 FG27.57 FG28.07 FG29.5 FG27.33 FG27.65 FG27.57 FG28.07 FG27.33 FG27.65 FG27.57 FG28.07 FG27.58 FG27.58 LP27.21 LP27.21 LP27.24 LP27.41HP28.19 FG27.78 LP27.02 LP27.30 FG27.58 FG27.67 FG27.58 FG27.58 FG28.26 FG28.23 FG27.58 FG27.58 FG27.56 FG27.60 FG28.07 FG27.84 Know what's R PROJECT NO. SHEET NO. DRAWING NAME: 23-0065   23-0065_g.dwg C7 GR A D I N G & S T O R M D R A I N A G E P L A N - GRADING & STORM LEGEND: EXIST / PROPOSED LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE & TREE PROTECTION FENCE EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE EXISTING STORM PIPE PROPOSED STORM PIPE LD TREE PROTECTION FENCE PROPOSED MAJOR CONTOUR PROPOSED MINOR CONTOUR WOODS LINE TP TP LD/TP LD/TP DROP INLET CURB INLET FLARED END SECTION (FES) JUNCTION BOX STORM MANHOLE OPEN THROAT INLET 98 100   N:\ 2 0 2 3 \ 2 3 - 0 0 6 5 . 0 1 0 2 0 0 - 0 4 C B A W i l m i n g t o n \ C i v i l \ C u r r e n t D r a w i n g s \ 2 3 - 0 0 6 5 _ G . d w g , C 7 G R A D I N G & S T O R M D R A I N A G E P L A N , 1 1 / 1 5 / 2 0 2 3 6 : 24 : 4 8 A M , D W G T o P D F . p c 3 , 1 : 1 W W W W W W UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE JASMI N E C O V E W A Y 60' PU B L I C R / W ( S . R . 1 5 6 5 ) D B 1 1 1 6 - 2 4 5 N. C . H I G H W A Y # 1 3 2 (S O U T H C O L L E G E R O A D ) 20 0 ' P U B L I C R / W S R 1 3 2 OHE OHE OHE UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO UFO P P P P P P PPPP G G G G G G G G G G G W W W SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS VA N G G GUGEUGE LD/S F / T P LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD / S F / T P LD/SF/T P LD/SF/ T P LD/SF / T P LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/T P LD/SF/T P LD/SF/T P LD/SF/T P LD/SF/ T P LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/ T P LD/SF/ T P LD/SF/T P LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/T P LD/SF/T P LD/SF / T P LD/S F / T P LD/SF / T P LD/SF/T P LD/SF/T P LD/S F / T P LD/ S F / T P LD / S F / T P LD/SF/ T P LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/ T P LD/ S F / T P LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/S F / T P LD/SF/T P LD/SF/T P LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/S F / T P LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/SF/TP LD/ S F / T P LD/S F / T P LD/SF/TP LD/ S F / T P LD/S F / T P LD/S F / T P LD/ S F / T P LD/S F / T P LD/S F / T P LD/ S F / T P LD / S F / T P LD/S F / T P LD/ S F / T P LD / S F / T P LD/S F / T P LD/ S F / T P LD/ S F / T P LD/S F / T P LD/ S F / T P IV29 MC43 IL25 IN40 BUFFERSHRUBS BUFFERSHRUBS BUFFERSHRUBS BUFFERSHRUBS IL-235BUFFERSHRUBS IV-235BUFFERSHRUBS OVERHEAD LINES WATER LINE GAS LINE PC7 BUFFERTREES PT14 BUFFERSHRUBS QF10 PARKINGLOTTREES IVN68PARKING LOT SCREENINGSHRUBS IVN35 FOUNDATIONPLANTING VI5 FOUNDATIONPLANTING FG21 FOUNDATIONPLANTING CA17 FOUNDATIONPLANTING VI3 FOUNDATIONPLANTING FG10 FOUNDATIONPLANTING IVN3 FOUNDATIONPLANTING CA12 FOUNDATIONPLANTING MG1SITETREE EXISTING TREETO REMAIN, TYP. IV39BUFFERSHRUBS IL34BUFFERSHRUBS IN13BUFFERSHRUBS MC10BUFFERSHRUBS AR2 SITETREES NOTE: THE STORMWATER PONDIS STILL IN DESIGN. A PLANTINGPLAN FOR THE WET POND WILL BEPROVIDED WHEN THE DESIGN ISFINALIZED. STEEL EDGING BETWEENTURF AND SHRUBS (TYP.) MULCHES STEEL EDGING AND MULCHAREA, 3' DIA., AROUNDTREES IN TURF (TYP.) AFTER ALL PLANTING IS COMPLETE, CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL 3" THICKLAYER OF 1-1/2" SHREDDED WOOD MULCH, NATURAL (UNDYED), OVERLANDSCAPE FABRIC IN ALL PLANTING AREAS (EXCEPT FOR TURF ANDSEEDED AREAS). CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT SAMPLES OF ALL MULCHESTO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND OWNER FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TOCONSTRUCTION. ABSOLUTELY NO EXPOSED GROUND SHALL BE LEFTSHOWING ANYWHERE ON THE PROJECT AFTER MULCH HAS BEEN INSTALLED(SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS OF THE "GENERALGRADING AND PLANTING NOTES" AND SPECIFICATIONS). GENERAL GRADING AND PLANTING NOTES 1. BY SUBMITTING A PROPOSAL FOR THE LANDSCAPE PLANTING SCOPE OF WORK, THE CONTRACTOR CONFIRMS THAT HE HASREAD, AND WILL COMPLY WITH, THE ASSOCIATED NOTES, SPECIFICATIONS, AND DETAILS WITH THIS PROJECT.2. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REMOVING ALL EXISTING VEGETATION (EXCEPT WHERE NOTED TO REMAIN).3. IN THE CONTEXT OF THESE PLANS, NOTES, AND SPECIFICATIONS, "FINISH GRADE" REFERS TO THE FINAL ELEVATION OF THE SOILSURFACE (NOT TOP OF MULCH) AS INDICATED ON THE GRADING PLANS.a. BEFORE STARTING WORK, THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THAT THE ROUGH GRADES OF ALL LANDSCAPEAREAS ARE WITHIN +/-0.1' OF FINISH GRADE. SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR MORE DETAILED INSTRUCTION ON TURF AREA ANDPLANTING BED PREPARATION.b. CONSTRUCT AND MAINTAIN FINISH GRADES AS SHOWN ON GRADING PLANS, AND CONSTRUCT AND MAINTAIN SLOPES ASRECOMMENDED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT. ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS SHALL HAVE POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROMSTRUCTURES AT THE MINIMUM SLOPE SPECIFIED IN THE REPORT AND ON THE GRADING PLANS, AND AREAS OF POTENTIALPONDING SHALL BE REGRADED TO BLEND IN WITH THE SURROUNDING GRADES AND ELIMINATE PONDING POTENTIAL.c. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL DETERMINE WHETHER OR NOT THE EXPORT OF ANY SOIL WILL BE NEEDED, TAKINGINTO ACCOUNT THE ROUGH GRADE PROVIDED, THE AMOUNT OF SOIL AMENDMENTS TO BE ADDED (BASED ON A SOIL TEST,PER SPECIFICATIONS), AND THE FINISH GRADES TO BE ESTABLISHED.d. ENSURE THAT THE FINISH GRADE IN SHRUB AREAS IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO WALKS AND OTHER WALKING SURFACES,AFTER INSTALLING SOIL AMENDMENTS, IS 3" BELOW THE ADJACENT FINISH SURFACE, IN ORDER TO ALLOW FOR PROPERMULCH DEPTH. TAPER THE SOIL SURFACE TO MEET FINISH GRADE, AS SPECIFIED ON THE GRADING PLANS, ATAPPROXIMATELY 18" AWAY FROM THE WALKS.e. ENSURE THAT THE FINISH GRADE IN TURF AREAS IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO WALKS AND OTHER WALKING SURFACES,AFTER INSTALLING SOIL AMENDMENTS, IS 1" BELOW THE FINISH SURFACE OF THE WALKS. TAPER THE SOIL SURFACE TOMEET FINISH GRADE, AS SPECIFIED ON THE GRADING PLANS, AT APPROXIMATELY 18" AWAY FROM THE WALKS.f. SHOULD ANY CONFLICTS AND/OR DISCREPANCIES ARISE BETWEEN THE GRADING PLANS, GEOTECHNICAL REPORT, THESENOTES AND PLANS, AND ACTUAL CONDITIONS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY BRING SUCH ITEMS TO THEATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, GENERAL CONTRACTOR, AND OWNER.4. ALL PLANT LOCATIONS ARE DIAGRAMMATIC. ACTUAL LOCATIONS SHALL BE VERIFIED WITH THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT ORDESIGNER PRIOR TO PLANTING. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THAT ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE PERMITTINGAUTHORITY ARE MET (I.E., MINIMUM PLANT QUANTITIES, PLANTING METHODS, TREE PROTECTION METHODS, ETC.).a. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING PLANT QUANTITIES; PLANT QUANTITIES SHOWN ONLEGENDS AND CALLOUTS ARE FOR GENERAL INFORMATION ONLY. IN THE EVENT OF A DISCREPANCY BETWEEN THE PLANAND THE PLANT LEGEND, THE PLANT QUANTITY AS SHOWN ON THE PLAN (FOR INDIVIDUAL SYMBOLS) OR CALLOUT (FORGROUNDCOVER PATTERNS) SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE.b.NO SUBSTITUTIONS OF PLANT MATERIALS SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE LANDSCAPEARCHITECT. IF SOME OF THE PLANTS ARE NOT AVAILABLE, THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPEARCHITECT IN WRITING (VIA PROPER CHANNELS).c. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL, AT A MINIMUM, PROVIDE REPRESENTATIVE PHOTOS OF ALL PLANTS PROPOSED FOR THEPROJECT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ALLOW THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND THE OWNER/OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE TOINSPECT, AND APPROVE OR REJECT, ALL PLANTS DELIVERED TO THE JOBSITE. REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FORADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SUBMITTALS.5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN THE LANDSCAPE IN A HEALTHY CONDITION FOR 90 DAYS AFTER ACCEPTANCE BY THEOWNER. REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONDITIONS OF ACCEPTANCE FOR THE START OF THE MAINTENANCE PERIOD, ANDFOR FINAL ACCEPTANCE AT THE END OF THE MAINTENANCE PERIOD.6. SEE SPECIFICATIONS AND DETAILS FOR FURTHER REQUIREMENTS. LANDSCAPE CALCULATIONS ZONING: (CZD) COMMUNITY BUSINESS, CBADJACENT ZONING TO SOUTH: R-15 TOTAL DISTURBED AREA: 57,107 SF (1.31 ACRES)TOTAL TREES REQUIRED: 20 TREES (15 PER ACRE OF DISTURBED AREA)TREES PROVIDED: 20 TREESMITIGATION TREES REQUIRED: NO MITIGATION TREE PLANTING REQUIRED (SEE SHEET TD-1 FOR CALCULATIONS) SOUTH BUFFER (WEST PORTION), TYPE A OPAQUE OPTION 1LENGTH OF PROPERTY LINE: 307 LFVEGETATION: 6' MIN. HT.; 100% OPACITY WITHIN ONE YEAR, MIN. 3 ROWS OF PLANTED MATERIALSNOTE: WE HAVE SHOWN BREAKS IN THE SHRUBS TO ALLOW SPACE FOR EXISTING TREES. IF IN THE FIELD IT PROVES THAT THEEXISTING VEGETATION CAN CONTRIBUTE TO 100% OPACITY, THE CONTRACTOR IS TO MODIFY THE LAYOUT OF THE SHRUBS TO ALLOWEXISTING UNDERSTORY PLANTING TO REMAIN.SOUTH BUFFER EAST PORTION), TYPE A OPAQUE OPTION 3LENGTH OF PROPERTY LINE: 176 LFVEGETATION: 3' MIN. HT., 50% OPACITY AT PLANTING,FENCE: SOLID STREET BUFFER YARD, JASMINE COVE WAY, VEGETATIVE 3, 18 WIDE TAPERING TO 10' WIDELENGTH OF PROPERTY LINE: 499 LF (NOT INCLUDING WIDTH OF ACCESS DRIVE)50% OPACITY WITHIN 1 YEAR, 3 ROWS:SHRUBS REQUIRED: PROVIDEDNOTE: THE AGREEMENT TO CONDITIONS STATES THAT THIS BUFFER SHOULD BE VEGETATIVE3, BUT WE WERE UNABLE TO IDENTIFY ABUFFER TYPE BY THAT NAME IN THE ORDINANCE. THE REQUIREMENTS SHOWN ARE DRAWN FROM THE TYPE B, OPTION 1 BUFFER TYPE. STREET BUFFER YARD, COLLEGE ROADLENGTH OF PROPERTY LINE: 231 LFBUFFER AREA REQUIRED: 4,158 SF (18 SF PER LF)UNDERSTORY TREES REQUIRED: 7 UNDERSTORY TREES (3 PER 600 SF)UNDERSTORY TREES PROVIDED: 7 UNDERSTORY TREESSHRUBS REQUIRED: 14 SHRUBS (6 PER 600 SF, 12" HT. MIN.)SHRUBS PROVIDED: 14 SHRUBS SCREENING OF DUMPSTER ENCLOSUREREQUIRED, AT LEAST 8' HT.: WALL PROVIDED PARKING LOT LANDSCAPINGVEHICULAR USE AREA (VUA): 17,887 SFLANDSCAPE AREA REQUIRED: 1,431 SF (8% OF VUA)LANDSCAPE AREA PROVIDED: 1,771 SFNO PKG SPACE MORE THAN 120' FROM AN ISLAND: PROVIDED TREES REQUIRED IN PARKING AREAS: 10 TREES (1 PER 144 SF OF REQUIRED LANDSCAPE AREA WITH MIN. 1 PER ISLAND)TREES PROVIDED IN PARKING AREAS: 10 TREES PARKING LOT SCREENING ALONG COLLEGE RD.LENGTH OF FRONTAGE: 231 LFSHRUBS REQUIRED, MIN. 3' HT.: PROVIDEDFOUNDATION LANDSCAPINGLENGTH OF BUILDING FACADE ALONG VUA: 334 LFLANDSCAPE AREA REQUIRED: 40 LF (12% OF LENGTH OF BUILDING FACADE ALONG VUA) Scale 1" = 20' 10'40'20'0' NOTE: PRINTED DRAWING SIZEMAY HAVE CHANGED FROMORIGINAL. VERIFY SCALE USINGBAR SCALE ABOVE. NORTH PLANT SCHEDULE SYMBOL KEY QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE SPACING NOTES TREES AR 2 ACER RUBRUM 'FRANKSRED' RED SUNSET MAPLE MIN. 3" CAL. & 10' HT.PER PLAN MG 1 MAGNOLIA GRANDIFLORA SOUTHERN MAGNOLIA MIN. 2" CAL.PER PLAN PC 7 PRUNUS CAROLINIANA CAROLINA CHERRYLAUREL MIN. 2" CAL.PER PLAN QF 10 QUERCUS FALCATA SOUTHERN RED OAK MIN. 2" CAL.PER PLAN SHRUBS CA 29 CLETHRA ALNIFOLIA 'RUBY SPICE' RUBY SPICE SWEETPEPPERBUSH MIN. 12" HT.3' O.C. FG 31 FOTHERGILLA GARDENII DWARF FOTHERGILLA MIN. 12" HT.3' O.C. IL 59 ILLICIUM ANISATUM JAPANESE ANISE-TREE MIN. 6' HT.5' O.C. IL-2 35 ILLICIUM ANISATUM JAPANESE ANISE-TREE MIN. 3' HT.5' O.C. IN 53 ILEX X 'NELLIE R. STEVENS' NELLIE R STEVENS HOLLY MIN. 6' HT.6' O.C. IV 68 ILEX VOMITORIA YAUPON HOLLY MIN. 6' HT.5' O.C. BRANCHED TOGROUND IV-2 35 ILEX VOMITORIA YAUPON HOLLY MIN. 3' HT.5' O.C. BRANCHED TOGROUND IVN 108 ILEX VOMITORIA 'NANA' DWARF YAUPON HOLLY MIN. 3' HT.3' O.C. MC 53 MYRICA CERIFERA SOUTHERN WAX MYRTLE MIN. 6' HT.5' O.C. PT 14 PITTOSPORUM TOBIRA JAPANESE PITTOSPORUM MIN. 12" HT.PER PLAN VI 8 VIBURNUM DENTATUM ARROWWOOD MIN 12" HT.6' O.C. GROUNDCOVER 17,607SF SOD: TIFWAY 419 BERMUDA GRASS SOD LP-1 LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN LC/RM LC 11/15/2023Date Drawn By Checked By Project Number 45 8 0 S . C o l l e g e R o a d Wi l m i n g t o n , N C Ch r i s t i a n B r o t h e r s A u t o m o t i v e 11/13/2023 Date Comment Pro j e c t N a m e (800) 680-66304509 Creedmoor Rd., Ste 201Raleigh, NC 27612www.EvergreenDesignGroup.com of north carolina, pllc EVERGREEND E S I G N G R O U P X NOR T H CAROLIN A X LISAJ.CUTS HAWREGISTEREDLANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MEMORANDUM To: New Hanover County Technical Review Committee Date: 12/8/23 Subject: 4580 S College Rd – Christian Brothers Automotive Comments: • Label all radius • Provide ADA detectable warning pad at entrance of the building at the access aisle. • Provide turning templates of the largest design vehicle to access the site. NCDOT Projects: U-5702B Access Management and Travel Time Improvements Location: From US 117 (Shipyard Blvd) to US 421 (Carolina Beach Rd) Status: Unfunded WMPO 2045 Projects: N/A New Hanover County CTP: N/A TIA: As previously stated, a TIA is not required based on the trip generation.