2009-12-03 Agenda ReviewNEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 31 AGENDA REVIEW MEETING, DECEMBER 3, 2009 PAGE 712 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met for Agenda Review on Thursday, December 3, 2009, at 4:00 p.m. in the Lucie F. Harrell Conference Room at the New Hanover County Government Center, 230 Government Center Drive, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Chairman Ted Davis, Jr.; Vice-Chairman Jason R. Thompson; Commissioner Robert G. Greer; Commissioner William A. Caster; Commissioner Jonathan Barfield, Jr.; County Attorney Wanda M. Copley; Clerk to the Board Sheila L. Schult; and County Manager Bruce T. Shell. Chairman Davis called the meeting to order and announced that the purpose of the meeting is to review and discuss the Boards December 7, 2009 Regular Session meeting agenda. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 4  Recognition of Sergeant Kimberly D. Munley. As of today, staff has been notified that Sergeant Munleys father, step-mother and brother will be in attendance; Sgt. Munley will be unable to attend. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 5  Presentation of Plaques to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Law Enforcement Officer and Paramedic of the Year. Representatives from VFW Post 2573 will be in attendance to make the presentations. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 6 - Recognition of Frank Carter as the Electrical Inspector of the Year and Jimmy Shivar as the new President of the NC Ellis Cannady Chapter of the International Association of Electrical Inspectors. Dennis Bordeaux, Inspections Manager, will be in attendance to make the presentations. Planning and Inspections Director Chris OKeefe presented an overview of the following Planning Department items and answered questions from the Board: The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 7  Public Hearing - Special Use Permit Request by the North Wilmington Community Church for Miracle Rock Ministries (Annie George) for a Special Use Permit to Operate a Child Daycare Facility for Up to 20 Children at 2907 Blue Clay Road in an I-2 Industrial District (S-597, 11/09). The recommendation by staff and the Planning Board includes a condition that the outdoor play area be fenced. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 8  Public Hearing  Request to Close Extreme Western Portion of Chair Road (SC-87, 09/09). Staff recommends approval of the closure but with the condition that the effective date of closure not be until the master plan for the planned development has been amended to show an acceptable access and interconnectivity alternative. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 9  Presentation  Ten-Year Plan to End Chronic Homelessness Update. Dan Ferrell, Ten-Year Plan to End Chronic Homelessness Strategic Director will be in attendance to provide a brief update. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 10  Consideration of Request for Renewal of Biological Monitoring Contract (Year 8) with Land Management Group, Inc. to Meet Permit Requirements of the Mason Inlet Relocation Project. Assistant County Manager Dave Weaver presented a brief overview of the request highlighting that staff recommends that the Board approve the award of the Year 8 contract for continued biological monitoring of the inlet project to Land Management Group in the amount of $22,750, and authorize the Chairman to execute the contract. There are sufficient funds available in the Mason Inlet Project fund. The co-chairs of the Mason Inlet Preservation Group representing both Figure 8 Island and the Wrightsville Beach property owners have reviewed and approved this request. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 11  Consideration of a Resolution Waiving Recovery Zone Facility Bond Allocation. Finance Director Avril Pinder presented an overview of the request highlighting that the request is to waive the Recovery Zone Facility Bonds Allocation in the amount of $9,264,000 and request the State to designate this allocation to Bladen County for use by Smithfield Packing Company in the construction of the Bladen Bluffs Regional Surface Water/Sewer System. Staff has been unable to identify a project in New Hanover County that is shovel ready as required by the deadline. The funding requires repayment as it is a bond allocation and not grant funds. If the funds are not allocated to Bladen County then they will be returned to the State for allocation elsewhere where they may not have a positive effect on the Cape Fear region. Finance Director Pinder will provide additional information at Mondays meeting. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 31 AGENDA REVIEW MEETING, DECEMBER 3, 2009 PAGE 713 Deputy Health Director Eric Ireland, Tobacco Prevention Educator Erin Morrissette, and Support Services Manager Kim Roane presented an overview of the following Health Department items: The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 12  Consideration of Ratification of an Application in Partnership with the NC Division of Public Health, Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention Section, and the Guilford County Department of Public Health, for a $1.3 Million American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Grant, Communities Putting Prevention to Work for Tobacco Initiatives in New Hanover County. If awarded, funding will be used to promote the tobacco cessation hotline and implement local ordinances prohibiting smoking in public places. Commissioner Greer voiced his concern on ratifying the application if he is not in favor of ordinances prohibiting smoking on county beaches. No County match is required and the positions and the program will be discontinued once funding is no longer available. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 13  Consideration of Ratification of Applications for the NC Office of Minority Health Grants, Community Focused Eliminating Health Disparities Initiative Health Programs Administration for $300,000 Over Three Years. No County match is required and the positions and the programs will be eliminated once the grant funding has ended. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 14  Consideration of a Request to Change Health Department Fee Policy to Add Billing Code and Fee for Administration of H1N1 Vaccine. The request is to add new billing codes and associated fees for billing third party insurers for the administration of the H1N1 vaccine. There is no cost to the patient. At this time, there is no request to increase budgeted expenditures or revenues. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 15  Committee Appointments. The Board reviewed the committee applications. Due to previous commitments, Commissioners Caster and Greer left the meeting at 5:05 p.m. ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEM New Hanover County ABC Board Discussion The Board held a brief discussion concerning the powers given the local ABC Boards by the State ABC Board including the duty of setting the administrators salary and the increases in compensation that Mr. Williams has received. The consensus of the Board is to direct County Manager Shell to bring the item forward as an Additional Item for discussion at Mondays Board meeting and invite New Hanover County ABC Board Chairman Charles Wells and Administrator W.R. Williams to the meeting. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chairman Davis adjourned the Agenda Review meeting at 5:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sheila L. Schult Clerk to the Board