2006-06-09 Special Meeting NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS JOINT MEETING WITH THE AIRPORT AUTHORITY, JUNE 9, 2006 BOOK 30 PAGE 614 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held a joint meeting with the New Hanover County Airport Authority on Friday, June 9, 2006, at 9:00 a.ill. in the Conference Room of the Wilmington International Airport, 1740 Airport Boulevard, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Chairman Robert G. Greer; Vice-Chairman William A. Caster; Commissioner Ted Davis, Jr.; Commissioner William A. Kopp, Jr.; Commissioner Nancy H. Pritchett; County Manager Bruce Shell, County Attorney Wanda Copley and Clerk to the Board, Sheila 1. Schult. Authority Members present were: Chairman Paul G. Burton; Vice-Chairman Harry W. Stovall, III; Charles Richard Kays; John D. Lennon; Robert S. Rippy; and Airport Director, Jon Rosborough. Chairman Greer and Chairman Burton called their respective boards to order. Director Rosborough began the presentation by introducing the following members of the Staff who assist him in the daily operation of the Airport: Deputy Director Julie A. Wilsey; Finance Director James Morton; Operations Director Gary Broughton; Facilities Manager Whitney Prease and Executive Assistant Janie James. He requested Facilities Manager Broughton to begin the presentation, "2005-Good to Great!" Operations Report Facilities Manager Gary Broughton reported that 2005 was a record year with: Facilities Report Facilities accomplishments: . 126,000 more customers . 700,500 total passengers . A 22% increase over 2004 . 61.9% over 2003 . Access Control System . ILM's top destinations are New York, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Washington, Chicago, Orlando, Hartford, Las Vegas, Los Angeles and Tampa . 2006 Year to Date: o ILM flights: 85% load factor; 2005 load factor 62% o ILM total passengers through May: 531,300; 9.9% below the record year in 2005; 24.8% better than 2004 o Two mainline jets reinstated in May; Third Philadelphia flight to return in fall . Looking ahead: o Through 2011, the hubs to realize the most vibrant growth are Philadelphia, Phoenix, Salt Lake City, Atlanta and Las Vegas o Non-Hub Airports to see the most growth are Boston Logan, St. Louis, Ft. Lauderdale, Orlando and JFK o FAA Forecast is small gains in 2006 with significant growth in the future; system capacity this year estimated to be domestic 0.9% and international 5.9% Manager Whitney Prease and Deputy Director Julie A. Wilsey reported on the following . Airfield beacon replacement Terminal fire alarm system Demolish old facilities that do not support the Airport Master Plan Wildlife mitigation/security fence improvements Landscaping program and award New landside/airside mowers Grass growth inhibiter Development of the Storm Water Master Plan Extended dry detention basin serving 150 acres Innovative borrow excavation agreement at no cost to the Airport 2,200 LF conveyance pipeline for parking and FBO # 1 Phase 1 perimeter access road complete Phase 2 perimeter access road design complete New FBO improvements FAA funded projects include pavement rehabilitation, ILS Systems for Runways 6 and 24 and land acquisition and easements totaling $22 million in 2006 Runway 6-24 land acquisition - 14 of 19 parcels completed Other large projects for 2006-2007 include terminal parking lot expansion, new customs facility, rental car service center relocation and water and sewer system improvements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Finance Report Director of Finance Morton reported that the Airport remains in sound financial condition: . Fiscal Year 2007 operating budget is $5,374,000 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS JOINT MEETING WITH THE AIRPORT AUTHORITY, JUNE 9, 2006 BOOK 30 PAGE 615 o Parking - 40% o Airline rates and charges - 20% o Terminal concessions - 17% o Leases - 12% o Reimbursement - 4.5% o General aviation fees - 4% o Miscellaneous - 2.5% . Federal Grant - Airport Improvement Program from 1998-2006 $43,992,049; local match for FY 07 up to $2.2 million . Employment on the campus of ILM - 503 jobs; estimated payroll $15,000,000 . Construction projects - $26,140,000; local contractors and material providers . Based aircraft - 139 aircraft; tax value of $83 million; estimated property taxes $550,000 . Airline generated revenue - 06-04 thru 06-05 ticket volume $79 million . Community impact - economic engine for business in the southeast; economic multiplier 2-3 times Report on Future Initiatives Airport Director Rosborough reported that the Airport's future goals included in the Airport Master Plan Revision are: . Scheduled international services . Federal inspection stations . Bigger aircraft . Cargo facilities . Hangars . Very light jets (VLJ's) In closing, Director Rosborough thanked his Staff and the Airport Authority members for their hard work and support. On behalf of the Board, Chairman Greer expressed appreciation to the Airport Authority and Administrative Staff for the informative presentation. He complimented the members of the Authority and Administrative Staff for the excellent manner in which the Airport is being managed and operated. After hearing no further comments, Chairman Greer and Chairman Burton adjourned the meeting at 10:05 a.ill. Respectfully submitted, Sheila 1. Schult Clerk to the Board