2023-11-28 NHCHLC Agenda NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISPANIC/LATINO COMMISSION \[ƚĭğƷźƚƓʹ DƚǝĻƩƓƒĻƓƷ /ĻƓƷĻƩ wƚƚƒ ЊЌА November 27, 2023 5:00 PM l. Call to Order & Roll Call II. Approve Agenda lll. Approve Minutes lV. Guest Speaker: Marimer V. Chair Comments VI. Committee Updates 1. Information and Civic Engagement Subcommittee (Helen, Gustavo, Edel) 2. Advocacy for Public Education Subcommittee (Amanda, Andres, Flor) 3. Language Equity Subcommittee (Gabriel, Maria, Susanna) VII. Old Business 1. Resource Fair 2. Survey 3. Commission Applications VIII. Other Business 1. Nominations WorkingGroup 2. Upcoming events IX. Public Comments X. Adjourn NEXT MEETING Jan 23, 2024 NHC GOVERNMENT BUILDING