Public Comments - BOC 11-8-2023 Public Comments In Support 0 Neutral 0 In Opposition 1 1 Farrell, Robert From:Kelly Robison <krobisonus21@yahoo.com> Sent:Thursday, November 2, 2023 2:39 PM To:Farrell, Robert Subject:Concerned about the rezoning of 1728 Rockhill Rd. Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Completed ** External Email: Do not click links, open aƩachments, or reply unƟl you know it is safe ** To whom it may concern, This is Kelly Robison, my husband and I Travis own a home at 1716 Rockhill Rd. Castle Hayne, NC 28429. We are very concerned about the rezoning of the new development at this address!The meeƟng is taking place this evening Thursday, Nov 2nd, 2023 we are not able to aƩend as my husband is sick right now and I am going through cancer treatment!We are very opposed to this as we moved to this area to be in the wooded areas out of town along with wildlife living in that wooded area, including a piebald deer, which is so rare to see in this area! We know Progress has to take place but This land is such a small area for that many homes, and what we would propose to ask if this is passed if we could please have a tree line kept there for privacy, and or request some type of barrier fence between the road of the new homes and our home property! We have Grand children that play in the backyard and are very ac Ɵve out there every day. We are their caretakers aŌer school every day and through the summer daily! This is a safety issue having a road built right next to our backyard and pool! If this is to be approved, we as homeowners also we would request to have that row of trees leŌ or a fence built per the business buying & building on this land being responsible for the building of that fence! This would be very much appreciated. If there’s anyone that could reach out to us to discuss any of this we would appreciate that also. We would like to preserve a liƩle bit of the wooded area next to the new development, and the road that’s going in for our privacy and to preserve those trees ! I hope you consider our request and respect our need for some privacy away from this new development! which is one of the biggest reasons why they moved out of the city area! Thank you, Travis & Kelly Robison 910-622-9725 Sent from my iPhone