2024-02-07 Agenda NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING & LAND USE AGENDA COUNTY-CITY WORKFORCE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE | Meeting Government Center Multipurpose Room 136, 230 Government Center Dr. February 7, 2024–3:00 PM Estimated Time I.Call to Order Establish Quorum 2II.Approve Agenda 5III.Approve Minutes January 3, 2024 5IV.Public Comments XV.OldBusiness 2024 Annual Report –Presentation Debrief XVI. New Business 2024 Committee Work Plan 2024 Presentations 5VII.Staff & Committee Member Announcements VIII.Adjourn Attachments: Draft January 3, 2024 Meeting Minutes Purpose: The Committee shall be organized for the purpose of developing a comprehensive workforce housing study, workforce housing opinion study and public awareness campaign, support for increasing equitable access and the supply of workforce housing that is affordable; informing the Appointing Authorities and other organizations of their findings; and making recommendations, in an advisory capacity, to the AppointingAuthorities and other organizations, as necessary.