2024-02-05 RM ExhibitsExhibit AGENDA: February 5,2024 Book0 Page NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2024 BUDGET BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment(s) be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Community Safety and Well Being Strategic Objective(s): Effectively and Efficiently respond to public health and safety demands. Fund: General Department: Senior Resource Center I I-XV-a 50 PA Prior to Actions Total if Actions Taken Toda Departmental Budget $ 5 g3 7=83 $ 6059 8�1O Section 2: Explanation BA 24-042 increases grant revenues and expenses for the NC Rural Operating Assistance Program (ROAP). The county's FY24 award is more than estimated in the adopted budget. ROAP is made up of three programs, which are the Elderly and Disabled Transportation Assistance Program (EDTAP), Employment Transportation Assistance Program (EMPL), and the Rural General Public Program (RGP). The total ROAP allocation for FY23-24 is $261,841. No county match is required. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment(s) 24-042 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, is adopted. Adopted, this 5th day of February, 2024. (SEAL) C ----V ... ..... .............. . .. ... ... . W 1, Chairman ATTE'T; KymbLijeigh G. Crowell, Cle&o the Board Resolution Exhibit BookPage 2L2 North Carolina Governor's Highway Safety Program _ Local Governmental Resolution WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Sheriff's Office (herein called the "Agency") has completed an application (The Applicant Agency) contract for traffic safety funding; and that New Hanover County Board of Commissioners (herein called the (The Governing Body of the Agency) "Governing Body") has thoroughly considered the problem identified and has reviewed the project as described in the contract; THEREFORE, NOW BE IT RESOLVED BY THE New Hanover County Board of Commissioners IN OPEN (Governing Body) MEETING ASSEMBLED IN THE CITY OF Wilmington, NORTH CAROLINA, THIS 5th DAY OF February 2024, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the project referenced above is in the best interest of the Governing Body and the general public; and 2. That New Hanover County Sheriff's Office is authorized to file, on behalf of the Governing Body, an application contract in the form prescribed by the Governor's Highway Safety Program for federal funding in the amount of $114,218 to be made to the Governing Body to assist in defraying the cost of the project described in the contract application; and 3. That the Governing Body has formally appropriated the cash contribution of $ 0.00 as required by the project contract; and 4. That the Project Director designated in the application contract shall furnish or make arrangement for other appropriate persons to furnish such intiormation., data, documents and reports as required by the contract, if approved, or as may be required by the Governor's Highway Safety Program; and 5. That certified copies of this resolution by included as part of the contract referenced above; and 6. That this resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. DONE AND ORDERED in opening meeting b I Y4 (Chalrpej../Mayr ATTESTED BY �6 (Clerk) DATE uc�4 Rev. 7111 1 23OGovernment Center Drive, Suite 19O,Wilmington, N[284U3 P:(910)798-7300 1 F:(910)798-7310 | NH[gov.com Allison Snell, Tax Administrator Exhibit � Book Page 22,~� As required by G.S. 105-369(a)and(bl) Advertisement of Unpaid Tax liens of Real Property It is hereby ordered that the Collector VfRevenue provide the New Hanover County Board of commissioners with a total of all unpaid real property taxes for the 2023-2024fisoa| year. The Collector of Revenue will cause to have published once in a local newspaper all unpaid 2023 tax liens Vnreal property during the period prescribed bylaw. The advertisement will combine the /i8OS Of the County Of New Hanover, City of Wilmington, Town Of Kure Beach, Town of Wrightsville Beach, TDVvO of Carolina Beach, and the Fire District taxes thereon this 5th day of February2O24. Real Propertv Taxes Unpaid for2023-2024 New Hanover $6,935,767.67 Fire District $478,169.95 Debt Service $418,288.95 Wilmington $3,047,555.34 Wrightsville Beach $112,203.89 Carolina Beach $301,754.88 Kure Beach $116,901.44 rYTDtotals orc/roxn effective dute2/19/2DJ4 NE7N COUNTY jy;� V 4- _ KymVerleigh G. Cr8well, Clerk to the Board Exhibit Book "' agerA New Hanover Countv Monthly Collection Report for December 2023 Current Year 2023-2024 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll/Billed $ 188,244,905.22 $ 14,956,600.40 $ 6,691,509.48 $ 209,893,015.10 Abatements $ (158,819.88) $ (214,055,14) $ - $ (372,875.02) Adjustments $ 58,434.63 $ 30,439.69 $ - $ 88,874.32 Total Taxes Charged $ 188,144,519.97 $ 14,772,984.95 $ 6,691,509.48 $ 209,609,014.40 Collections to Date $ 153,106,023.02 $ 8,849,413.93 $ 6,691,509.48 $ 168,646,946.43 *Refunds $ 318,924.54 $ 18,945.03 $ $ 337,869.57 Write-off $ 113.94 $ 1,567.47 $ $ 1,681.41 Outstanding Balance $ 35,357,307.55 $ 5,940,948.58 $ $ 41,298,256.13 Collection Percentage 81.21 59.79 100.00 80.30 YTD Interest Collected $ 2,388.31 $ $ 57,061.03 $ 59,449.34 Total 2023-2024 Collections YTD $ 168,368,526.20 Prior Years 2013-2022 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll $ 1,518,383.70 $ 4,309,089.93 $ 116,471.59 $ 5,943,945.22 Abatements $ (16,952.77) $ (345,409.71) $ - $ (362,362.48) Adjustments $ 38,642.17 $ - $ - $ 38,642.17 Total Levy $ 1,540,073.10 $ 3,963,680.22 $ 116,471.59 $ 5,620,224.91 Collections to Date $ 350,702.78 $ 55,908.43 $ 95.68 $ 406,706,89 *Refunds $ 88,841.27 $ 284,357.97 $ - $ 373,199.24 Write-off $ 20,701.49 $ 400,333.01 $ 108,741.06 $ 529,775.56 Outstanding Balance $ 1,257,510.10 $ 3,791,796.75 $ 7,634.85 $ 6,116,492.82 YTD Interest Collected $ 55,844.47 $ 22,008.06 $ 157.17 $ 78,009.70 Total Prior Year Collections YTD 111,517.35 Grand Total All Collections YTD $ . 168,480,043.55' Detailed information for Refunds can be found in the Tax Office NEW HANOVE COUNTY r Wa r Clero the Board Outstanding Balance RMA MOL Collection Percentage gowl ugoll IM �� ��M Prior Years 2013-20 *Detailed NEW HANOVERCOUNTY CleWto the Board Date Prior Years 2013-20 *Detailed NEW HANOVERCOUNTY CleWto the Board Date *Detailed NEW HANOVERCOUNTY CleWto the Board Date New Hanover County Fire District Monthly Collection Report for December 2023 Exhil " R, B o 0 Page I: A Current Year 2023-2024 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined $ 12,023,435.12 $ 1,096,371.72 $ 551,639.55 $ 13,671,446.39 Scroll/Billed Abatements $ (3,685.46) $ (14,557.03) $ (18,242.49) Adjustments $ 982.97 $ 1,658.72 $ 2,641.69_ Total Taxes Charged $ 12,020,732.63 $ 1,083,473.41 $ 551,639.55 $ 13,655,845.59 Collections to Date $ 9,886,010.73 $ 785,234.90 $ 551,639.55 $ 11,222,885.18 *Refunds $ 4.16 $ 97.47 $ 101.63 Write-off $ 22A3 $ 168.52 $ 190.95 Outstanding Balance $ 2,134,703.63 $ 298,167.46 $ - $ 2,432,871.09 Collection Percentage 82.24 72.48 100.00 82.18 YTD Interest Collected $ 114.19 $ - $ 4,498.24 $ 4,612.43_ ITotal 2023-2024 Collections YTO 11,227,395.98 Prior Years 2013-2022 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll $ 120,022.91 $ 231,475.46 $ 7,288,27 $ 358,786.64 Abatements $ - $ (50,683.09) $ - $ (50,683.09) Adjustments $ 723.12 $ - $ 723.12 Totall-evy $ 120,746.03 $ 180,792.37 $ 7,288.27 $ 308,826.67 Collections to Date $ 28,248.53 $ (3,143.13) $ - $ 25,105.40 *Refunds $ 428.88 $ 41,217.93 $ - $ 41,646.81 Write-off $ 1,126.59 22,339.67 $ 6,820.15 $ 30,286.41 Outstanding Balance $ 91,799 202,813.76 $ 468.12 $ 355,654.49] YTD Interest Collected $ 4,394.52 $ 1,181.65 $ - $ 5,576.17 Total Prior Year Collections YTD 30,681.57 -- ---------- ---- ------- - - jGrand T 0-tal All Collections YTD $ 11,258,077.55 * Detailed information for Refunds can be found in the Tax Office NEW HANOVER COUNTY C4 .. ... ... .... air Cler0o the Board 0 Date NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Exhibit Book X Page AMERICAN HEART MONTH PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, American Heart Month, observed every February since 1963, is a vital period raising awareness about heart and cardiovascular diseases; and WHEREAS, heart and cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of death among North Carolinians, with notable racial disparities in death rates; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County's strategic plan outlines a goal for every resident to have access to services that support their physical health and mental wellbeing and reducing death from cardiovascular disease is a key target for success; and WHEREAS, preventive measures, including regular exercise, a balanced diet, and routine medical check- ups, play a crucial role in maintaining heart health; and WHEREAS, public awareness campaigns and education initiatives are instrumental in promoting heart - healthy lifestyles and reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases; and I "117"19XVIN WHEREAS, American Heart Month is an opportunity for organizations and health practitioners in New Hanover County to promote awareness of screening, increase access to screenings, and advocate for those who are at -risk of, and diagnosed with, heart or cardiovascular disease. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that February 2024 will be recognized as "American Heart Month" in New Hanover County. NEHANOVE COUNTY William E. Rivenbark, Chair ATTEST: a, 0,1�cvva__ Ky erleigh G. 00well, Clerk to the Board Exhibit NEW NANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Book Pa II-P CAREER READINESS ACADEMY AT&NOSLEfAND POTENTIAL NEWCOMERS SCHOOL RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners has a broad interest in the overall education of the citizens of New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners appropriates from its revenues a significant portion of the operating budget of the New Hanover County Schools, with such amount exceeding $94 million in the current fiscal year; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners periodically approves the process for the issuance of debt in the name of the county, and provides for its repayment from county revenue, to benefit capital improvements for the New Hanover County Schools, with $273 million in such debt issued since 2006; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board ofCommissioners is aware that the administrative staff of the New Hanover County Schools has previously announced a plan to close the Career Readiness Academy at Mosley at the conclusion of the current 2024 school year and may also recommend the opening of a newcomers school; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Education is responsible for setting the policies of the New Hanover County Schools; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board ofCommissioners believes itisinthe best interest ofthe citizens of New Hanover County for the New Hanover County Schools to continue to offer the Career Readiness Academy at Mosley and that a newcomers schools is not in the best interest of the citizens of New Hanover County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners appeals tothe New Hanover County Board of Education to continue to offer the Career Readiness Academy at Mosley and to not establish a newcomers school. ADOPTED this the 5 thday ofFebruary 2O24. 7� /1-11 //Q IZZZZ- enbark A" KyrWerleigh G. Cr ell, Clerk to the Board