S23-05 Planning Board PresentationCase #S23-05 Intensive Industry Special Use Permit Request: High Intensity Mining & Quarrying Applicant: Joseph Taylor, Murchison, Taylor & Gibson, PLLC Property Owner: 421 Sand Mine, LLC Robert Farrell Development Review Supervisor High Intensity Mines and Quarries •High Intensity Mines and Quarries are only permitted in the I-2 district with the additional steps of an Intensive Industry SUP. •Intensive Industry SUPs require Community Information Meetings. •High Intensity Mines and Quarries are subject to supplemental standards of the UDO regarding lot size,operational provisions,and CAMA land classification restrictions when applicable. Hi g h w a y 4 2 1 N 50 Foot Project Buffer 50 Spatial Buffer 25 Foot Vegetative Buffer Open SpaceWetlands Excavation Area Internal Road to Existing Sand Mine 50 Foot Project Buffer Estimated Trip Generation Intensity Approximate Peak Hour Trips Existing Zoning 48 Single Family Dwellings 38 AM / 50 PM Proposed Development: 66 Space RV Park / Campground 14 AM / 18 PM Potential Net Change --24 AM / -32 PM Planning & Land Use October 2, 2023 Slide 8 2016 Comprehensive Plan Place Type: Commerce Zone Planning & Land Use September 1, 2022 Slide 10 Next Steps •Commissioner decision based on whether evidence supports required conclusions •Format for Board of Commissioners meeting (15 minutes applicant and supports, 15 minutes opposition, 5 minutes rebuttal for applicant/supports, 5 minutes rebuttal for opposition) •Speakers should present evidence, not opinion