1975-12-22 Special Meeting ~ f' =< 9' MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 15, 1975 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR JURY COMMISSION (CONTINUED) Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. O'Shields, approval of the request as recommended by the County Manager. Upon vote, the metior! carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. O'Shields and Wright Absent: Comm. Alper, Taylor and Chm. Davis APPROVAL OF BUDGETING OF FUNDS FOR CETA II PROGRAM County Manager Eller reported that approval of the CETA Title II Manpower Program had been received from the State. The Board had previou~ly approved application for the program and now approval was needed to put the funds into the budget. The budget would have to be amended by appropriating $99,130 as Revenue in the General Fund under Acct. #11 350 17, State Grant, CETA Title II; and by appropriating $89,722 as an expenditure item in the non-departmental section of the budget under Acct. #11 660 67, CETA Title II - Salaries; and $9,408 as an expenditure item in Acct. #11 660 68, CETA Title II - Other Expenditures. f) Comm. Wright moved that the funds be put into the b~dget,as recommended by the County Manager, with the understanding that she did not a.pprove of it to start with. Comm. O'Shields seconded the motion, and upon vote, the nlotion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. O'Shields and Wright Absent: Comm. Alper, Taylor and Chm. Davis TABLING OF OTHER BUSINESS It was agreed by common consent that the Executive Session to discuss land acquisi- tion and personnel would be put on the agenda for the Special Meeting on December 22, 1975. ADJOURNMENT Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. O'Shields, that the meeting be adjourned. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: ) voting Aye: Comm. O'Shields and Wright .. j Absent: Comm. Alper, Taylor and Chm. Davis vice-Chm. O'Shields adjourned the meeting at 12:45 o'clock p. m. Respectfully submitted, ~u___ d . ;ht1~1J--y,--, (Mrs.) Alyce B. Brown Clerk to the Board ab MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, DECEMBER 22, 1975 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Special Session on Monday, December 22, 1975, at 1:00 o'clock p. m. in the Assembly ~oom, County Commission Building, Wilmington, North Carolina. (The meeting was scheduled to begin at 11:00 0' clock a. m. but was delayed due to the length of the mel:!ting of the Board of Equalization and Review.) i) Members present were Commissioners, George E. Alper; Claud O'Shields, Jr.; William C. Taylor; Vivian S. Wright; County Manager Dan W.. Eller; County Attorney James C. Fox; Clerk to the Board, Alyce B. Brown. Chm. Pf!ter R. Davis was absent. Vice-Chm. O'Shields called the meeting to order. I : I I ~ 'I -.., :?9 MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, DECEMBER 22, 1975 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL TO SPONSOR LEGISLATION TO INCLUDE KURE BEA:::H IN DISTRIBUTION OF ABC PROFITS Mayor C. R. Smith of Kure Beach appeared befor~ the Board to request the Commis~ sioners to sponsor legislation to include Kure Beach in the distribution of profits from the ABC system. He stated that he had appearej before the ABC Board and they were in agreement that Kure Bead~ should share in the profits but were not in a position to grant this until legislation was enacted to enable them to distribute a portion of these profits to Kure Beach. Comm. Wright . a bill to present profits and bring as follows: moved, seconded by Comm. Alper, to ask the County Attorney to prepare to the Legislature to include Kun! Beach in the distribution of ABC it back for final approval in January. Upon vote, the motion carried '. :',. voting Aye: Comm. Alper, O'Shields, Taylor and Wright Absent: Chm. Davis AUTHORIZATION OF SALE OF SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT VEHICLES The Commissioners were requested to adopt a ReBolution authorizing the sale of nine (9) Sheriff's Department vehicles. Comm. Taylor moved, seconded by Comm. Alper, that the following Resolution be adopted authorizing the sale of the vehicles: The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover county, pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 153-176, do hereby order 1) That the County Fin~nce Officer, George F. Cooper, is hereby designated the official to dispose of the following personal property at public auction: Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Description 1974 Pontiac 1973 Plymoutn 1974 Pontiac 1975 Ford 1975 Ford 1975 Ford 1975 Ford 1968 Cadillac 1972 Plymouth Serial Number 2L69Y4P161043 PK4lM3F188999 2L69R4p203907 5B53A153906 5B53A153914 5B53A153911 5B53A153910 H8108835 PK41PZF178889 2) Said Public Auction shall be held on Saturday, January 3, 1976, at 10:00 o'clock a. m., at the New Hanover County Courthouse Parking Lot, corner of Market Street and Third Street, Wilmington, Nor.th Carolina. 3) A cash bid deposit equal to 10 per cent of the high bid for each item will be required. 4) The bids will be considered by the New Hanover County Board of Commis- sioners at their meeting on January 5, 1976, at: which time the Commissioners will accept or reject the bids. No sale will be effective until acted upon by the Board of Commissioners. 5) Vehicles may be inspected at the County Garage, 220 Division Drive, during business hours from December 29, 1975, 1:hrough January 2, 1976. Vehicles will be located at the corner of Third and Market Streets on January 2 until auction. 6) Successful bidders must pay for vehicles in full by January 12 or for- feit deposit. 7) All vehicles are sold as is with no warran1:y of any"kind. 8) A copy of this order shall be published in the Wilmington Star-News on December 24, 1975. Upon vote, the resolution was adopted as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Alper, O'Shields, Taylor and Wright Absent: Chm. Davis ~ ,~ / I 3D "' -.:J C> MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, DECEMBER 22, 1975 (CONTINUED) i i APPROVAL OF REDISTRIBUTION OF SCHOOL BOND FUNDS Dr. Heyward C. Bellamy appeared before the Board and presented a list of changes in the expenditure of school bond funds, which had been approved by the Board of Education, and requested approval of these changes by the Commiss~oners. He also requested the deletion of a windscreen at pine Valley School amountirg to an additional $3200 to be added to the list he had presented. Comm. Taylor moved, seconded by Comm. Alper, that the windscreen at pine Valley School be deleted and the list of changes in the expenditure of school bond funds presented by Dr. Bellamy be authorized. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: I) Voting Aye: Comm. Alper, O'Shields, Taylor and Wright Absent: Chm. Davis Comm. Wright stated that she was voting "aye" with the understanding that Dr. Bellamy had told the Commissioners that everything was in the list that was sup- posed to be. A copy of the list of changes presented by Dr. Be~lamy is contained in Exhibit Book III, Page 51. APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDERS - LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER Mr. Herbert P. McKim, Architect, appeared before the Board and presented the fol- lowing change order to the construction contract for the Law Enforcement Center totaling $17,908.45. CHANGE ORDER G-l RECAP LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER - PHASE I NEW HANOVER COUNTY Sanitary Sewer using terra cotta pipe Elevator equipment room Revise tunnel under 4th Street Plumbing revisions Delete pan system Time extension agreed to for the delay caused by Carolina Power & Light Co. in moving the power line at Princess and Fourth Streets - 14 calendar days, and 14 days extension for problems with movement in the Library. Item #7 Extra reinforcing added on approval drawings Item #1 Item #2 Item #3 Item #4 Item #5 Item #6 - 109.00 deduct ~ +13,504.45 add +4,420.00 add No change - 515.00 deduct + 608.00 add TOTAL CHANGE ORDER $ 17,908.45 Mr. McKim also reported that the construction was approximately three (3) months behind schedule on the first phase due largely to the Library problem. The Construction Company had requested a sizeable time extension because of down time involved with the Library Problem, but the architects did not approve the request. Comm. Alper moved, seconded by Comm. Taylor, that the change orders be accepted as presented by Mr. McKim. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Alper, O'Shields, Taylor and Wrfght I) Absent: Chm. Davis Copies of the Change Orders are on file in the County Manager's office. APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER - l.ffiNTAL HEALTH CENTER The Commissioners were requested to approve the following change order to the plumbing contract for the Mental Health Center adding $1,000 to the work to be performed. Item l. Furnish and install a counter top sink in the Play Therapy Area Add $ 250.00 Item 2. Furnish and install a stainless steel sink in the kitchen area (change to deeper sink with drainboards - 2 compartments) Add 350.00 \ \ '" :.~ !,~ -.., :31 1: ~; MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, DECEMBER 22, 1975 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER - MENTAL HEALTH CENTER (CONTINUED) Item 3. Connect 8 roof drains Add $ 400.00 i TOTAL ADDITIONAL COST $1,000.00 Comm. Alper moved, seconded by Comm. Wright,to approve the change order as presented. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: . Voting Aye: Comm. Alper, O'Shields, Taylor and Wright Absent: Chm. Davis A copy of this change order is on file in the Count:r Manager's Office. APPROVAL OF ELECTRICAL AND HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING RENOVATIONS - ADMINISTRATION BUILDING The County Manager recommended that the CommisBioners authorize the transfer of $6,000 from the General Capital Reserve Fund, Acct. #76 575 71, to Professional Ser- vices, in the Building and Grounds Budget, Acct. #l~ 535 04, to retain consulting engineers to design the electrical and heating and air conditioning renovations to the first floor of the Administration Building. Comm. Wright and Comm. Alper questioned why thE~ work could not be done by the County Engineering Department. County Engineer, Robert M. Williams, appeared before the Board and reported that the system presently used was not designed for the building as it would be with lowered ceilings and partitions for the various offi.ces and could not be readily adapted to the building as it' was to be renovated. He reported that to do the work adequately required an extensive design analysis, ar.d that his staff would do as much of the work as they possibly could. . Comm. that a new renovation Alper suggested that heating system might of the building. the engineers take into consideration the possibility be necessary at some future date in the overall Comm. Wright moved to table the matter until January and appoint Chm. Davis to work with Mr. Williams to come up with some kind of recommendations. The motion died for lack of a second. Comm. Alper made a substitute motion, seconded by Comm. O'Shields, to move ahead with this project as rapidly as possible with all deliberate speed and that the budget transfer for retaining the consulting engineers be approved as recommended by the County Manager. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Alper, O'Shields and Taylor voting Noe: Comm. Wright Absent: Chm. Davis APPOINTMENT OF TASK FORCE TO DEVELOP PLANS UNDER HOU3E BILL 456 - ALTERNATIVES TO TRAINING SCHOOLS County Manager Eller explained to the Board that the primary purpose of House Bill 456 was to develop an altenlative to training schools for status offenders (juveniles who had committed an act which, if committed by an adult, would not be considered a crime but for which juveniles could be sent to training school, i. e. truancy, running away from home, etc.). He reported that the County Commissioners were to report by January 1, 1976, how they intended to go about the nl:!eds assessment, and presented to the . Board a list of persons recommended as a task force 1:0 develop a plan for the needs of the system. Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. Alper, that the following persons be appointed to a task force for this purpose: S. J. Howie, New Hanover County Board of Educat:~on Miss Lela Moore Hall, Director of Social ServicE~s Department Norman Holden, Director of Juvenile Services Center William Childs, Juvenile Court CounsE~lor Mrs. Ethel Booth, Guidance Counselor, New Hanover County Schools ~ G ~\-< MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, DECEMBER 22, 1975 (CONTINUED) APPOINTMENT OF TASK FORCE (CONTINUED) Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: voting Aye: Comm. Alper, O'Shields, Taylor and Wright Absent: Chm. Davis APPROVAL OF SALE OF READER/PRINTER - REGISTER OF DEEDS The Commissioners were requested to authorize the sale of a 1973 model 6538 Motormatic Reader/Printer, Model MPG-TL and accessories in the Register of Deeds Office for a minimum price of $3,000, pursuant to G. S. l60A-266, 267. The purchase price was $3,637.50. f) The County Manager reported that there was a buyer interested in purchasing the equipment, and. Mrs. LeRay wanted to sell the equipment an,d use the money to purchase another cartridge reader/printer. Comm. Alper moved, seconded by Comm. Wright, to authorize the sale of the Reader/ Printer for $3,000. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: voting Aye: Comm. Alper, O'Shields, Taylor and Wright Absent: Chm. Davis APPROVAL OF REQUEST FOR BOATING ACCESS AREA AND PARK ON THE NORTHEAST CAPE FEAR RIVER Comm. O'Shields requested that the Commissioners authorize a request to the Wildlife Resources Commission that they develop a boating access area on the Northeast Cape Fear River at Castle Hayne on property owned by the Department of Transportation and to request that the Department of Transportation convey to the County all of the site not used by the wildlife Resources Commission. Comm. Taylor moved, seconded by Comm. O'Shields, that the Commissioners authorize a request to the Wildlife Resources Commission that they develop a boating access area on property now owned by the Department of Transportation and request that the Department of Transportation convey to the County all of the site not used by the wildlife Resources ~ Commission. Upon vote the motion carried as follows: ) voting Aye: Comm. Alper, O'Shields, Taylor and Wright Absent: Chm. Davis Comm. Wright moved that in the future the Chairman and Vice-Chairman be asked to refrain from obligating the Board until they brought the matter before the Board for discussion. vice-Chm. O'Shields ruled her motion to be out of order. Comm. Wright stated that all she was asking for was proper courtesy. APPROVAL OF BUDGET TRANSFER - AIRPORT The County Manager reported that the engineers for the insurance carrier and the County Engineer had recommended that while repairs were being made to the airport hangar that was damaged in a windstorm, additional reinforcing be installed. The estimated cost of the work was $2,500, and the Commissioners were requested to transfer $2,500 from Buildings, Acct. #31 650 72, to Maintenance and Repair - Buildings and Grounds, Acct. #31 650 15, for this purpose. Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. Alper, that the work be done and the budget transfer be approved as recommended by the County Manager. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: r) Voting Aye: Comm. Alper, O'Shields, Taylor and Wright Absent: Chm. Davis APPROVAL OF BUDGET AMENDMENT - HEALTH DEPARTMENT County Manager Eller reported that the plumbing contractor for the Public Health Building had remitted his share of the outstanding utility bill, and in order to account for this, the Commissioners were requested to amend the budget by appropriating $100 to the Revenue Account, Fees - Other, Acct. #44 359 00, and by appropriating $100 to the Expendi ture Account, uti Ii ties, Acct. #44 590' 13. \ "'-- . . . d -.., f I ~ ,., 'J ',' 00 " .~,"~ MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, DECEMBER 22, 1975 (CON~rrNUED) APPROVAL OF BUDGET AMENDMENT - HEALTH DEPARTMENT (CONTINUED) Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. Alper, 1:0 approve the budget amendment as outlined by the County Manager. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Alper, O'Shields, Taylor and Wright Absent: Chm. Davis CHANGE IN MEETING OF BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REV::EW Vice-Chm. O'Shields announced to the Board that he had just received a call from Mr. Powell, the Tax Administrator, saying that: he felt it would be impossible to get the information ready for the Board of E & H meeting scheduled for Monday, December 29, since Tuesday, December 23, would be 1:he last working day before the holidays, and requested that the meeting be changed to January 6, 1976, at 9:00 o'clock a. m. TABLING OF LAND ACQUISITION MATTERS Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. Alper, t.hat the land acquisition matters scheduled for discussion in Executive Session be tc:bled until Monday, January 5, 1976. Upon vote, motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Alper, O'Shields, Taylor ar:.d Wright Absent: Chm. Davis EXECUTIVE SESSION The County Manager reported that there was onE personnel matter that needed discussion. Comm. Taylor moved, seconded by Comm. Alper, that the meeting be recessed to Executive Session. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Alper, O'Shields, Taylor and Wright Absent: Chm. Davis \ Vice-Chm. O'Shields recessed the meeting to Executive Session at 2:00 p. m. Vice-Chm. O'Shields reconvened the meeting to Public Session at 2:05 p. m. APPOINTMENT OF ALYCE B. BROWN AS CLERK TO THE BOARD Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. Taylor, that since Mrs. Lise K. King, who was on maternity leave, had resigned, Mrs. Alyce B. Brown be appointed as Clerk to the Board to replace her. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Alper, O'Shields, Taylor and Wright Absent: Chm. Davis ADJOURNMENT Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. Alper, that the meeting be adjourned. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Alper, O'Shields, Taylor and wright Absent: Chm. Davis Vice-Chm. O'Shields adjourned the meeting at 2:05 o'clock p. m. Respec':fully submitted, ~~o~ ,.d" /S.-~ (Mrs.) Alyce B. Brown Clerk 1:0 the Board ab ~