2023-12-23 NHCHLC Special Meeting Minutes New Hanover Hispanic/Latino Commission Special Meeting Minutes January 2, 2024 3:00 PM l. Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 3:03 p.m. Members present: Flor Bautista, Dr. Amanda Boomershine, Maria del Carmen Rodriguez Morales, Dr. Edelmira Segovia, Helen Tarokic Members absent: Dr. Andres Afanador, Gabriel Guerra, Janeth Howard, Dr. Susanna Lopez-Legentil, Natalie Picazo Staff: Kemp Burpeau, Monica Rohena, Linda Thompson Guest: Penny Presley, New Hanover County Schools II. This meeting was scheduled because it came to our attention that the Career Readiness Academy at Mosley was being closed. There is a school board meeting happening very soon in January. We want to take advantage that P. Presley is here to give us insight in terms of understanding how things work in the school. Penny Presley, Executive Director of Secondary Schools in New Hanover County, received our invitation and came to provide information specifically about what has already been shared with the students and families at Mosley. Dr. Patrice Faison, Chief Academic Officer, was not able to make it to this meeting. She would not be able to provide answers to other questions regarding discussion with the board and the next steps. In November, we started talking about the potential transition for students at Mosley. There was a meeting with the school staff. Dr. Faison and Mr. Eddie Anderson, Assistant Superintendent of Operations, did a walk of the building and met with the principal. Following up on what senior leadership decisions for next steps at Mosley. We began having conversations with families on December 1st after we met with the staff. We told them that the possibility existed that we would be looking at transitioning Mosley to a newcomer program for the next year. Hadto determine, how to work with our families and our students for the transition. A letter was provided to families, both English and in Spanish because there is a large Spanish speaking population at the school, that described all of the details of what was coming for Mosley including the timeline of events. Charlie Broadfoot, the principal, provided that information, in English and Spanish, via the broadcast that families call in to receive that information. Then he and the members of the staff met with the students to explain to them what could potentially be happening. In order to offer other opportunities for them, transitioning back to their home schools or applying/receiving information to go to one of the specialty high schools. Information continues to be sent home to families every week in the Mosley weekly newsletter. A few things are happening in January. o On January 10th, a scheduled field trip for students to go and see Sea-Tech (Southeast Area Technical High School) as well as WECHS (Wilmington Early College High School at Cape Fear Community College North). o On January 11,there will be a high school choice night. School counselors willcome to the school in the evening to meet with families and with students to talk with them about the transition. Either the traditional high school setting or for the small settings at Sea- Teach and WECHS. o On January 20th, there will be a high school specialty fair at the Board of Education for all parents in the district. o Since we have a small number of students at Mosley, we are having individual meetings with each student to do transcript reviews and to talk about what the school options would be for them. We are making sure that they understand that there's going to be someone following them in that move from Mosley to the other school next year. The total enrollment is around sixty to sixty-three students. Sixty-two of the students in the high school are listed as Hispanic. They have one counselor at Mosley. These conversations have been ongoing in the community for several years, but I can't really speak to the timeline in this particular decision. Sea-Tech and WECHS are very similar environments to what the students are currently have. That is why we wanted to do the field trip. Transportation: Students have to catch the bus, to their home school and then take another? The newcomer school would generally serve students in grades three through eleven. The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction stipulate that a student may only be in attendance for a year. This provides support of the American education system. Helen read aloud from the bylaws so that the community is aware of what our goals are since we have been newly formed. Our commission was established to advise the board related to the matters in the Hispanic-Latino community To serve as a liaison between the community and New Hanover County. To promote understanding, inclusiveness and equality for the Hispanic-Latino community in New Hanover County. To act as advocates for the Hispanic-Latino community and a resource of information on the status of Hispanic-Latinos in New Hanover County. o to identify the status of Hispanic-Latino population in the county and assess their needs o to be able to provide an annual status report to the Commission related to those needs. o to be able to provide information and recommendations to the board on the needs and issues important to Hispanic-Latinos as we deem necessary o improving and upholding specifically the opportunities in employment, education and community services for all people regardless of gender and age o to work toward the betterment of the status of Hispanic-Latinos, perspective employment, educational opportunities, health services, childcare services, welfare services, financial services, and community leadership opportunities. o there are a few other bullet points about educational seminars and networking within the community and collaborating with the Latino Alliance. Attorney Kemp Burpeau stated that the NHC Hispanic/Latino Commission may use your expertise to make recommendations to the commissioners and/or the manager, and that would be the usual protocol. After your first year the NHC Hispanic/Latino Commission should plan their annual meeting to the County Commissioners. We can look at some dates on the calendar of the commission meeting and put you on their agenda. Some of the other commissions have already sent letters to the head of our commission, chair of our commission, in order to share their concerns and what they would like to see. The NHC Hispanic/Latino Commission will come up with a recommendation letter. Then the subcommittee could send it to the greater commission. III. Adjourn: Meeting was adjourned at 3:55 p.m. NEXT MEETING Jan 23, 2024 NHC GOVERNMENT BUILDING