2024-03-18 RM ExhibitsNew Hanover County Monthly Collection Report for January 2024 Exhibf Book _!xuvt Page 5- 1 ck Scroll/Billed II IIIA 18 8,290,087.97 $ 14,956,600.40 $ 7,961,325.59 III III 11 @ $ 211,208,013.96 Abatements $ (164,004.73) $ 1 (219,414.99) $ $ (383,419.72) Adjustments $ 58,541.13, $ 30,439.69 $ $ 88,980.82 ,Total Tax4s Charged $ 188IIII,184,62MII II4.37 $ 14,II $ 7,961,325.59 $ 210,9IIII 13,57olI 5.06 1II :Collections to Date $ 184,692,388.07 $ I�767,625.10 14,166,819.02 $ 7,961,325.59 $ 206,820,532.68 1*Refunds $ 747,619.42 $ 59,154 .81 $ $ 806,774.23 Write-off 62.82 $ 1,455.93 $ 1,518.75 IMMMINISTOR "14 Scroll 1,518,383.70 4,309,0Ilya 8993 5,9III IIII 43,945.22 Abatements (17,563.98) (346,322.64) (363,886.62) Adjustments 38,642.17 38,642.17 TotalLevy 1,539,461.89 3,962,767.29 116,471.59 $ 5,618,700.77 Collections to Date $ 432,075.55 78,619.47 196.62 510,891.64 i*Refunds $ 94,276.13 $ 284,539.49 $ 96.28 $ 378,911.90 $ 20,703.34 $ 400,338.39 $ 108,741.06 $ 529,782.79 �.��Nraswjnvxu 4 avow, Total Prior Year Collections YTD *Detailed information for Refunds can be found in the Tax Office NEW HANOVER COUNTY tQ T %, hair JA Clerl(fo the -Board (j Date Exhibit Book.]i _LJV Page "S. I lo New Hanover County Debt Service Monthly Collection Report for Janaury 2024 Current Year 2023-2024 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll/Billed $ 10,609,045.88 $ 852,583.87 $ 506,115.73 $ 11,967,745.48 Abatements $ (9,239.65) $ (12,363.76) $ - $ (21,603.41) Adjustments $ 3,298.10 $ 1,714.86 $ - $ 5,012.96 Total Taxes Charged $ 10,603,104.33 $ 841,934.97 $ 506,115.73 $ 11,951,155.03 Collections to Date $ 10,356,606.95 $ 802,300.58 $ 506,115.73 $ 11,665,023.26 *Refunds $ 68.92 $ 120.94 $ 189.86 Write-off $ 12.18 $ 92.29 $ 104.47 Outstanding Balance $ 246,554.12 $ 39,663.04 $ - $ 286,217.16 Collection Percentage 97.67 95.29 100.00 97.61 YTD Interest Collected $ 6,715.00 $ 532.34 $ 5,065.30 $ 12,312.64 Total 2Q23_2024 Collections YTD $ 11,677,146.04 Prior Years 2013-2022 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll $ 143,039.18 $ 351,588.21 $ - $ 494,627.39 Abatements $ (1,292.30) $ (44,468.27) $ (45,760.57) Adjustments $ 4,017.25 $ - $ 4,017.25 Total Levy $ 145,764.13 $ 307,119.94 $ - $ 452,884.07 Collections to Date $ 37,262.96 $ (1,369.21) $ - $ 35,893.75 *Refunds $ 4,350.34 $ 29,240.94 $ - $ 33,591.28 Write-off $ 2.60 $ 10.42 $ - $ 13.0 Outstanding Balance $ 112,848.91 $ 337,719.67 $ - $ 450,594.62— YTD Interest Cc 2,639.08 $ - $ 9,194.45 Total Prior Year Collections YTD ORE, TV �,$ Grand Total All Collections YTD $ 11,688,642.96 *Detailed information for Refunds can be found in the Tax Office 1111UTIO-T—Ail, 14181:11IM41411AZI! Chair Cler0o the Board U 1�2 —, I 1,�, I 'A'd) 0-z Date C Exhibit Book-2 �JPage New Hanover County Fire District Monthly Collection Report for January 2024 Current Year 2023-2024 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll/Billed $ 12,023,435.12 1,096,371.72 $ 652,284.42 $ 13,772,091.26 Abatements $ (3,714.90) $ (14,994.47) $ (18,709.37) Adjustments $ 1,001.09 $ 1,658.72 $ 2,659.81 Total Taxes Charged $ 12,020,721.31 $ 1,083,035.97 $ 652,284.42 $ 13,756,041.70 Collections to Date $ 11,730,847.29 $ 1,041,711.42 $ 652,284.42 $ 13,424,843.13 *Refunds $ 4.16 $ 97.47 $ 101,63 Write-off $ 23.91 $ 170.40 $ 194.31 Outstanding Balance $ 289,854.27 $ 41,251.62 $ - $ 331,105.89 Collection Percentage 97.59 96.19 100.00 97.59 YTD Interest Collected $ 7,162.14 $ 752.90 $ 5,360.00 $ 13,275.04 Total 24 Collections YTD $ 13,438,016.54 Prior Years 2013-2022 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll $ 120,022.91 $ 231,475.46 $ 7,288.27 $ 358,786.64 Abatements $ (100.73) $ (50,824.34) $ - $ (50,925.07) Adjustments $ 723.12 $ - $ 723,12 Total Levy $ 120,645.30 $ 180,651.12 $ 7,288.27 $ 308,584.69 Collections to Date $ 31,164.62 $ (1,637.84) $ 0.67 $ 29,527.45 *Refunds $ 428.88 $ 41,217.93 $ - $ 41,646.81 Write-off $ 1,126.59 $ 22,340.27 $ 6,820.15 $ 30,287.01 Outstanding Balance $ 88,782.97 $ 201,166.62 $ 467.45 $ 350,991.06 YTD Interest Collected $ 4,889.25 $ 1,692.71 $ :. �O _ �12 $ 6,582.08_ Total Prior Year Collections YTD 36,109.53 Grand Total All Collections YTD $ 13,474,126.07 *Detailed information for Refunds can be found in the Tax Office NEW HANOVER COUNTY Chair 0 V1,00", Cler�T the Board I ✓ ts`R3I is 2 — .4 :-:;k) Date Exhibit AGENDA: March 18,2024 B o o k Page NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2024 BUDGET BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment(s) be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Community Safety and Well Being Strategic Objective(s): Effectively and Efficiently respond to public health and safety demands. Fund: General Department: 911 Communications KjaMditure. Decrease Increase Total BA 24-061911 Communications 74,94911$ 174,949 Total $ $ 174,949r-0 lj,174,949 Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 24-061 NC 911 Board Grant $ 174,04-9 Total $ 174,949 1 $ 174,949 Prior to Total if Actions Taken Actions Today Departmental Budget $ 72953,122 $ 8128071 Section 2: Explanation BA 24-061 accepts a grant from the NC 911 Board in the amount of $174,949. The funds will be used to purchase portable radios for the countys primary Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP). The radios will increase operability with surrounding emergency response resources and increase redundancy and security. There is no county match required. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment(s) 24-061 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, is adopted. Adopted, this 18th day of March, 2024. (SEAL) Sit William E. Rivenbark, Chairman ATTE ��,uk�,� Kyinb#fgh G. Crowell, krk—to the Board xhb AGENDA: March 18, 2024 B 0 0 k ���� �°" � �P a g e NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2024 BUDGET BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment(s) be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Good Governance Strategic Objective(s): Communicate what the county does and why. Proactively manage the county budget. Fund: Debt Service Department: Proiect Grace BA 24-062 Debt Service Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 24-062 Appropriated Fund Balance $ - $ 1,318,700 $ 1,318 700 Total $ - $ 1,318,700 $ 1,318,700 Prior to Total if Actions Taken Actions Toda Debt Service Approp Fund Bal $ - $ 1,318,700 Section 2: Explanation BA 24-062 appropriates the first interest payment for Project Grace that is due May 1, 2024. Future debt payments for the project will be included in the FY25 recommended budget. Currently, the Debt Service Fund appropriated fund balance is zero, therefore the new balance will be $1,318,700. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment(s) 24-062 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, is adopted. Adopted, this 18th day of March, 2024. (SEAL) �a Z %,/, C 0 , ,, William E. Rivenbark, Chairman ATTEST: �.J Kymldeigh G. Crowell, Cgfik to the Board 230Governmuent Center Drive, Suite ?75 Wilmington, N[284O3 Bill Rivenbark,[har | KeAmn Pierce, Vice -Chair Jonathan BaofielldLUr~Cornmisnioner | Dane Scalise, Commissioner | Rob Zapple,Cbmmissimner Nl.Senator Michael Lee 3OON.Salisbury SL,Room S23 Raleigh, N[276O3 Dear Senator Lee: Exhibit Book, YL,V Page Onbehalf of the New Hanover County Board ofCommissioners, |write to express our support of Cape Fear Public Utility Authority's request for state assistance to close funding gaps related tothree critical infrastructure projects brought about primarily by construction inflation in addition to expected lost revenue as a result of changes made to system development fee calculations in Session Law 2023-137. The CFPUA projects are the South Castle Hayne Road water main, the River Road pump station and interconnections and ocapacity upgrade for the K8otts Creek force main. These projects were budgeted by CFPUA at a total of nearly $27 million, but because of external forces beyond CFPUA's control are now facing atotal budget gap of$2S,O9S,OOO. Tubesure, New Hanover County is gratefulfor $45million instate funding tosupport the extension of water and sewer infrastructure in Northern New Hanover County and at Blue Clay Business Park. That funding is fully committed and will support job growth and new businesses and residences. The South Castle Hayne Road water main project is critical to the projects being funded by the $45miUion instate funding sogenerously allocated toNew Hanover County. Further, the River Road pump station and interconnections and the capacity upgrade for the K4otts Creek force main will help to support the growth being experienced insouthern New Hanover County. As such, these projects proposed by CFPUA will provide much -needed infrastructure to support new and existing businesses and residences. Any state support would be greatly appreciated. |naddition tothe inflation inthe noted capital projects, Session Law ZO23-137,which legally caps akey input of system development fee calculations, is projected to cause an estimated $4 million in lost system development fees annually. In the absence of other state funding or a change in this legislation, that annual revenue would have tobeborne bvCFPUA/scustomers. Additional approved state funding will prevent excessive increases toCFPUAcustomer rates. Sincerely, VViUiarn E. Rkmnbad, Chair 230Govemment Center Drive, Suite 175,Wilmington, N[28403 Bill Rivenbark, Chair | KeAnn Pierce, Vice -Chair Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Commissioner I Dane Scalise, Commissioner I Rob Zapple, Commissioner N.C.Representative Ted Davis 3OON.Salisbury St,Room 4178 Raleigh, N[276O3 Dear Representative Davis: Exhibit Bock _XLV Page On behalf ufthe New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, | write to empress our support of Cape Fear Public Utility Authority's request for state assistance to close funding gaps related to three critical infrastructure projects brought about phnnahk/ by construction inflation in addition to expected lost revenue as a result of changes made to system development fee calculations in Session Law 2023-137. The BPUAprojects are the South Castle Hayne Road water main, the River Road pump station and interconnections and a capacity upgrade for the Motts Creek force main. These projects were budgeted by CFPUA at a total of nearly $27 million, but because of external forces beyond CFPUA's control are now facing a total budget gap of $15,095,000. To be sure, New Hanover County is gratefulfor $45million instate funding to support the extension of water and sewer infrastructure in Northern New Hanover County and at Blue Clay Business Park. That funding is fully committed and will support job growth and new businesses and residences. The South Castle Hayne Road water main project is critical to the projects being funded by the $45 million in state funding sogenerously allocated to New Hanover County. Further, the River Road pump station and interconnections and the capacity upgrade for the K4otts Creek force main will help to support the growth being experienced insouthern New Hanover County. As such, these projects proposed by CFPUA will provide much -needed infrastructure to support new and existing businesses and residences. Any state support would be greatly appreciated. in addition to the inflation in the noted capita! projects, Session Law 2023-137, which legally caps a key input of system development fee calculations, is projected to cause an estimated $4 million in lost system development fees annually. In the absence of other state funding or a change in this legislation, that annual revenue would have to be borne by CFPUA's customers. Additional approved state funding will prevent excessive increases toCFPUAcustomer rates. Sincerely, /ILP ' °� . v— -- VViUiann E. Rivenbed, Chair New Hanover County Board mfCommissioners 23OGovernment Center Drive, Suite 175,Wilmington, N[2O4O] Bill Rivembark,Chair | &eAmnn Pierce, Vice -Chair Jonathan Barfielx,8r.,Comnnoissioner | Dane Scalise, Commissioner / Rob ZappUe, Commissioner N.C.Representative Deb Butler 16West Jones St.,Room 11O9 Raleigh, NC275O1 Dear Representative Butler: Onbehalf ofthe New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, |write to express our support of Cape Fear Public Utility Authority's request for state assistance to close funding gaps related to three critical infrastructure projects brought about phnnahh by construction inflation in addition to expected lost revenue as a result of changes made to system development fee calculations in Session Law 2023-137. The CFPUA projects are the South Castle Hayne Road water main, the River Road pump station and interconnections and a capacity upgrade for the Motts Creek force main. These projectsvverebudeeted by CFPUA at a total of nearly $27 million, but because of external forces beyond CFPUA's control are now facing atotal budget gap of$15,O95,0lO. Tobesure, New Hanover County is gratefulfor $45million instate funding b»support the extension of water and sewer infrastructure in Northern New Hanover County and at Blue Clay Business Park. That funding is fully committed and will support job growth and new businesses and residences. The South Castle HayneKoad water main project is critical to the projects being funded bythe $45mU|ion instate funding sogenerously allocated toNew Hanover County. Further, the River Road pump station and interconnections and the capacity upgrade for the KXotts Creek force main will help to support the growth being experienced insouthern New Hanover County. As such, these projects proposed bvCFPUAwill provide much -needed infrastructure tosupport new and existing businesses and residences. Any state support would be greatly appreciated. |naddition to the inflation in the noted capital projects, Session Law 2023-137, which legally caps okey input ofsystem development fee calculations, bprojected tocauseanestinnated$4noiUionin|ostsystenn development fees annually. In the absence of other state funding or a change in this legislation, that annual revenue would have tobeborne bvCFPU/Yscustomers. Additional approved state funding will prevent excessive increases toCFPUAcustomer rates. Sincerely, VViUiano E. RivenbaN, Chair 101,111 Oki We] 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175,Wilmington, N[28403 Bill Rivenbark,Chair | LeAnn Pierce, Vice -Chair Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Commissioner I Dane Scalise, Commissioner I Rob Zapple, Commissioner N.C. Representative Charles Miller 16West Jones St,Room ZZ19 Raleigh, NC27GOl Dear Representative Miller: EXhib it Book Page Onbehalf of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, |write to express our support of Cape Fear Public Utility Authority's request for state assistance to dose funding gaps related to three critical infrastructure projects brought about primarily bvconstruction inflation in addition to expected lost revenue as a result of changes made to system development fee calculations in Session Law 2023-137. The CFPUA projects are the South Castle Hayne Road water main, the River Road pump station and interconnections and acapacity upgrade for the MottsCreek force main. These projects vverebudmeted by CFPUA at a total of nearly $27 million, but because of external forces beyond CFPUA's control are now facing atotal budget gap of$15,O9S,OU0. To be sure, New Hanover County is grateful for$4G million in state funding tosupport the extension of water and sewer infrastructure in Northern New Hanover County and at Blue Clay Business Park. That funding is fully committed and will support job growth and new businesses and residences. The South Castle HayneRoad water main project is critical tothe projects being funded by the $45mU|ion in state funding sogenerously allocated tm New Hanover County. Further, the River Road pump station and interconnections and the capacity upgrade for the Motts Creek force main will help to support the growth being experienced insouthern New Hanover County. As such, these projects proposed by CFPUA will provide much -needed infrastructure to support new and existing businesses and residences. Any state support would be greatly appreciated. |naddition to the inflation in the noted capital projects, Session Law 2023-137, which legally caps ekey input ofsystem development fee calculations, is projected tocause anestimated $4million inlost system development fees annually. |nthe absence ofother state funding orachange inthis legislation, that annual revenue would have tobeborne bvCFPU/Yscustomers. Additional approved state funding will prevent excessive increases to[FPUAcustomer rates. Sincerely, /J )w . � . 0 ;�: William E.Rivenbork,Chair New Hanover County Board ofCommissioners 23OGovernment Center Drive, Suite 175,Wilmington, N[284U] Bill Rivenbark,Chair | LeAmnn Pierce,Vice'Chair Jonathan Barfield,jr., Commissioner I Dane Scalise, Commissioner I Rob Zapple, Commissioner Nl�Senator Bill Rabon l6West Jones 5t,Room 2O1O Raleigh, NC27601 Dear Senator Rabon: F'Yh�h On behalf of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, | write to express our support of Cape Fear Public Utility Authority's request for state assistance to close funding gaps related to three critical infrastructure projects brought about primarily by construction inflation inaddition toexpected lost revenue as a result of changes made to system development fee calculations in Session Law 2023-137. The CFPUA projects are the South Castle Hayne Road water main, the River Road pump station and interconnections and a capacity upgrade for the Motts Creek force main. These projects were budgeted byCFPUA at a total of nearly $27 million, but because of external forces beyond CFPUA's control are now facing atotal budget gap of$15,O95,U0O. Tobesure, New Hanover County is gratefulfor $45million instate funding tosupport the extension of water and sewer infrastructure in Northern New Hanover County and at Blue Clay Business Park. That funding is fully committed and will support job growth and new businesses and residences. The South Castle Hayne Road water main project iscritical to the projects being funded by the $45miUion in state funding so generously allocated to New Hanover County. Further, the River Road pump station and interconnections and the capacity upgrade for the Motts Creek force main will help to support the growth being experienced insouthern New Hanover County. As such, these projects prmoosedbvCFPUAvviU provide much -needed infrastructure tosupport new and existing businesses and residences. Any state support would be greatly appreciated. |naddition tothe inflation inthe noted capital projects, Session Law 202SB7,which legally caps akey input ofsystem development fee calculations, is projected tocause anestimated $4million inlost system development fees annually. In the absence of other state funding or a change in this legislation, that annual revenue would have to be borne by CFPUA's customers. Additional approved state funding will prevent excessive increases toCFPUAcustomer rates. Sincerely, Ns . � - 0 Z� WilliamE. RivenbaM, Chair DION't NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS book-�L)L—Page RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING AND APPROVING A NEW HANOVER COUNTY AMERICA 250 NC COMMITTEE WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners desires to celebrate and honor the nation's history and the 250th Anniversary of the United States; and WHEREAS, the United States Congress established the U.S. Serniquincentennial Commission to encourage Americans to remember the country's past, celebrate the present, and look forward to a promising future; and WHEREAS, North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper created AMERICA 250 NC as a statewide initiative to plan, encourage, develop, and coordinate the commemoration of the 250th anniversary of the United States and North Carolina's integral role in that event, as well as the role of its people in the nation's past, present, and future; and WHEREAS, AMERICA 250 NC has a mission to engage all North Carolinians and all 100 counties through their many signatures and officially recognized programs, projects, and events during the commemoration, inspiring future leaders and celebrating North Carolina's contributions to the nation over the last 250 years; and WHEREAS, having a New Hanover County Committee will help achieve the goals of AMERICA 250 NC and the committee will be responsible for planning and coordinating local programs and events to commemorate the 250th anniversary over the next two years, with a focus on 2026 and concluding in 2027 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners supports the mission of AMERICA 250 NC and approves the establishment of the New Hanover County AMERICA 250 NC Committee comprised of a diverse group of volunteer citizens to work on all activities, associated with the commemoration, led by the Cape Fear Museum of History and Science. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to New Hanover County's legislative delegation and the AMERICA 250 NC Committee. ADOPTED this 18 th day of March, 2024. New Hanover Coun William E. Rivenbark, Chair ATTEST: KYAe'rleigh G. Cr well, Clerk to the Board rXh '!, it NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Bcuk A-V Pace g RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING THE HISTORIC ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF THE WILMINGTON NC ALUMNAE CHAPTER OF DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY INCORPORATED DURING WOMEN'S HISTORY MONTH WHEREAS, the United States Congress designated March as Women's History Month in 1987, celebrating and highlighting the contributions and achievements of women throughout American history; and WHEREAS, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated consists of college -educated women dedicated to the constructive development of its members and public service with a primary focus on the African American community. It is a private, not -for -profit organization aimed at providing assistance and support through established programs in local communities worldwide; and WHEREAS, in 1961 the Wilmington NC Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated achieved a significant first, particularly for African American women, in New Hanover County by initiating the process to purchase a house and securing a mortgage in a segregated environment; and WHEREAS, the act of purchasing a home and securing a mortgage was a radical, brave act during a time when African Americans and women were denied basic financial rights and the Chapter successfully paid off the mortgage ahead of the scheduled completion terms; and WHEREAS, the Wilmington NC Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated has remained a steadfast pillar in the community, serving for over sixty years by hosting annual Christmas dinners, senior giveaways, and health fairs for the Cape Fear community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners recognizes the Wilmington NC Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated's significant accomplishments and historical milestones, achieved through its sorority sisters' ongoing dedication to this community to empower and pave the way for women and girls across the Cape Fear region. ADOPTED, this 18 th day of March, 2024. MEW .1 a ink William E. Rivenbark, Chair ATTEST: Kym6rleigh G. CrovA Clerk to the Board NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Exhibit NATIONAL NUTRITION MONTH PROCLAMATION Book _X'U\1 Page _15 -All WHEREAS, food serves as a fundamental element essential for sustaining life, and the type, quality, and quantity of food that individuals consume significantly influence their overall health and are critical to their well-being; and WHEREAS, barriers to proper nutrition, such as rising food costs, inadequate nutrition education, and limited access to quality food options negatively impacts the community with disparities among marginalized populations; and WHEREAS, in 2022 the percentage of adults who were overweight or obese was 35% of the population, placing them at higher risk for serious health conditions; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County's strategic plan sets forth a goal for every resident to have access to services that support their physical health and mental well-being, with optimal nutrition being a crucial component in achieving these targets; and WHEREAS, a registered dietitian or nutritionist can provide personalized nutrition advice that is easy to follow, promoting the development of sustainable healthy habits; and WHEREAS, National Nutrition Month provides organizations and health practitioners in New Hanover County with an opportunity to emphasize the significance of making informed food choices and cultivating healthy eating and physical activity habits to achieve optimal health. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that March 2024 will be recognized as "National Nutrition Month" in New Hanover County. ADOPTED this the 18th day of March, 2024. b,!TV I I NEW HANOVER COUNTY William E. Rivenbark, Chair ATTEST: KYWberleigh G. Cr ell, Clerk to the Board