2024-02-27 NHCHLC Minutes New Hanover County Hispanic/Latino Commission February 27, 2024 5:00 PM I. Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 5:00 p.m. Members present: Dr. Andres Afanador, Flor Bautista, Dr. Amanda Boomershine, Gabriel Guerra, Natalie Picazo, Dr. Susanna Lopez-Legentil, Gustavo Rodea, Maria del Carmen Rodriguez Morales, Members absent: Janeth Howard, Dr. Edelmira Segovia, Helen Tarokic Staff:Monica Rohena Guest: MariMer McKenzie II. Approve Minutes Motion to approve January 23 minutes. Amanda Motion. Susanna Seconded it. III. Approve Agenda Motion to approve agenda. Amanda Motion. Maria Seconded it. IV. Chair Comments Some of the commission members terms are ending in April. What happens when a member of the commissions term is about to expire? The Commissioners have a schedule for re-appointments. The clerks will reach out to those members prior to their term mmissioners will make the re-appointments at their April 15th meeting. Need to add Janeth Howard and Natalie Picazo to the members present section of the January minutes. V. Guest Presenter On February 19, the Language Access Plan (New Hanover County in collaboration with Cape Fear Latinos and UNC Chapel Hill \[Building Integrated Communities\]) was approved unanimously by the Commissioners of New Hanover County. o This means that we can have more access so that our community has more access to interpreters, vital documents that are in Spanish, etc. o The demographics showed that Spanish was the second most spoken language and ASL was the third. We are also building to have more resources for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. o We will keep you updated on how we are going to implement this plan within the county. (Resolution Supporting Immigrants in North Carolina) because we have an antiimmigrant climate. It has been sent to Governor Cooper to sign. Meetings are public so there is a copy for everyone to see it. We are starting a bilingual Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). o The first training completely in Spanish for the CERT Team. o It will be onJuly 12 (6:00-9:00pm), July 13 (9:00-5:00pm) and July 14 (9:00- 5:00pm). o Need a minimum of 10 people to sign up. o Send Monica Rohena an email if you are interested in signing up. hold their meeting at UNCW from 11:30am to 3:00pm. It is open to the public.Would like to see the commissions members present at the meeting. VI. Committee Updates 1. Confirm new members subcommittee assignments: a. Natalie will join the Education Committee b. Janeth will have to choose from Information and Civic Engagement Subcommittee or Language Equity Subcommittee 2. Information and Civic Engagement Subcommittee (Helen, Gustavo, Edel) Had difficulty meeting. 3. Advocacy for Public Education Subcommittee (Amanda, Andres, Flor, Natalie) There is a lot happening in schools due to budget. May lose a lot of services. 4. Language Equity Subcommittee (Gabriel, Maria, Susanna) a. Last week Gabriel met with Monica and Mari to discuss what they are doing since we will be doing the same thing but in a smaller scale. b. Gabriel came up with a survey and had Susanna and Maria look over it. The questions were read to the members and the survey was updated based on their responses. c. Once it is complete, this survey will be sent out to all of the non-profits in the county. d. Must be approved by Linda before it can be sent out. 5. Proposing to make our email communication more organized. For future emails, reply to a commission email if you are discussing that topic. If you need to cover a different topic, please start a new email and send it to whoever it applies. VII. Old Business Update on the Career Readiness Academy at Mosley Mosley is on hold. The newcomer school is off the table. VIII. Other Business Upcoming events o March 5, 2024 Primary Elections o March 10, 2024, 1:00pm-4:00pm - How to Become a Homeowner, Sunday (Spanish), Main Library 201 Chestnut St., Wilmington, NC 28401 o April 20 to April 21, 2024 FaithActionID at UNCW o May 17, 2024, 7:30am-2:30pm - Free dental day at Coastal Cosmetic Family Dentistry in Bolivia, NC. Volunteers are needed. IX. New Business 1. There were almost 70 visitors seen at the Free Vision Clinic held on February 11, 2024. Out of those 54 needed glasses. Amanda started receiving the Free Vision Clinic glasses and needs to find a location to have the glasses fitted. No one can use their glasses if they do not fit properly. Email Amanda if you have any contacts. We need to check that they will fit glasses if the person did not buy them there and if they have a Spanish speaking staff member. Andres will check with his colleagues. 2. Gustavo is part of the New Hanover Community Endowment Council and needs to bring a Community Champion (someone who is involved with their community) guest with him to the March 4 meeting. X. Public Comments There were no comments. XI. Adjourn: Meeting was adjourned at 5:48 pm. Motion to adjourn the meeting. Susanna Motion. Amanda Seconded it. NEXT MEETING March 26, 2024, 5:00pm at the NHC GOVERNMENT BUILDING