04-04-24 Planning Board Agenda PacketNEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING BOARD AGENDA Assembly Room, New Hanover County Historic Courthouse 24 North Third Street, Room 301 Wilmington, NC 28401 Members of the Board Jeffrey P Petroff, Chair |Donna Girardot, Vice-Chair Paul Boney|Hansen Ma'hews |Jeffrey Stokley Jr. | H. Allen Pope |Colin J. Tarrant Rebekah Roth, Director| Ken Vafier, Planning Manager APRIL 4, 2024 6:00 PM Mee2ng Called To Order Pledge of Allegiance Approval of Minutes REGULAR ITEMS OF BUSINESS The Planning Board may consider substanal changes in these peons as a result of objecons, debate, and discussion at the meeng, including rezoning to other classificaons. 1 Public Hearing Text Amendment Request (TA24-01) - Request by New Hanover County Planning & Land Use to amend Ar2cles 2, 4, and 5 of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) in order to provide for a defini2on, permissions, and supplemental standards for Suppor2ve Housing Communi2es. 2 Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Staff Presenta2on - Bicycle and Pedestrian Priori2es Plan - Public Comment Dra? Release 3 Staff Presenta2on - Residen2al Density and Infill Guidelines Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Public Comment Dra? Release Planning Board - April 4, 2024 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING BOARD REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: 4/4/2024 Regular DEPARTMENT: Planning PRESENTER(S): Ken Vafier, Planning Operaons Supervisor CONTACT(S): Ken Vafier; Rebekah Roth, Planning & Land Use Director SUBJECT: Public Hearing Text Amendment Request (TA24-01) - Request by New Hanover County Planning & Land Use to amend Ar7cles 2, 4, and 5 of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) in order to provide for a defini7on, permissions, and supplemental standards for Suppor7ve Housing Communi7es. BRIEF SUMMARY: New Hanover County Planning & Land Use Staff has dra(ed an amendment to amend Arcles 2, 4, and 5 of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) in order to provide for a definion, permissions, and supplemental standards for Supporve Housing Communies. In recent months, staff has received inquiries into proposals for different models of supporve housing communies or facilies to which the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) does not have a clearly defined land use to accommodate. Examples of these models include housing for individuals in recovery or those dealing with personal circumstance such as domesc abuse, mental health, financial or other hardship, or other situaons which may require housing with accompanying assistance or a connuum of care. Such communies are geared toward providing a housing model that is not typically accommodated by homeownership, private market rental opportunies, or accommodaons geared toward inpaent or outpaent healthcare, senior living, or transient lodging. The intent of this Amendment is to create a new use and definion for Supporve Housing Community to accommodate an idenfied organizaonal and community need and to remove barriers to the development of such uses in the unincorporated county. This will reduce subjecvity in the interpretaon of the Principal Land Use Table and provide a direct process for development of this use with appropriate guiding standards. This text amendment aims to encompass defining Supporve Housing in the UDO, arculang permissions for the use, and outlining supplemental standards consistent with those of a residenal subdivision or community living facility. A Supporve Housing proposal may funcon either as a community of individual housing units, or as group living in a campus-like se:ng, similar to the UDO’s allowance for Senior Living opons. Staff’s inial proposal is that the use be permi<ed by-right in the lower density residenal (RA, R-20, R-15, R-10, and R-7) districts and the Office and Instuonal district and subject to the respecve district’s density requirements and dimensional standards, similar to that of a convenonal or performance development. For a group living proposal or those that exceed density requirements, a rezoning to the corresponding zoning district via a Condional Rezoning would be required. Supplemental standards that address separaon requirements, density and permi:ng requirements, and those governing dimensional, design, and code standards are included with this amendment. Potenal Amendment Concepts were presented to the Planning Board at the February 1, 2024 meeng, and staff has met with various stakeholders involved in the development or management of Supporve Housing Communies to complete a first dra( of the ordinance provisions. This dra( was released for public comment on March 22, 2024, and Planning Board - April 4, 2024 ITEM: 1 staff received no comments during the public comment period. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends approval of the requested amendment and suggests the following moon: I move to RECOMMEND APPROVAL of the proposed amendment to the New Hanover County Unified Development Ordinance to provide for new standards for supporve housing communies. I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purpose and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because it provides an opon within the UDO to expand the ability to provide for a range of housing types, opportunies, and choices. I also find RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of the proposed amendment reasonable and in the public interest because it creates an opon and removes current limitaons within the UDO to address an idenfied community need for residents needing supporve housing in the community. Alterna7ve Mo7on for Denial: I move to recommend [Approval / Denial] the proposed amendment to the New Hanover County Unified Development Ordinance. I find it to be [Consistent / Inconsistent] with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because [insert reasons]. I also find [Approval / Denial] of the proposed amendment is reasonable and in the public interest because [insert reasons]. ATTACHMENTS: Descripon TA24-01 PB Script TA24-01 PB Staff Report TA24-01 PB Draft Amendment COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Planning Board - April 4, 2024 ITEM: 1 SCRIPT for Unified Development Ordinance Text Amendment (TA24-01) Request by New Hanover County to amend Articles 2, 4, and 5 of the Unified Development Ordinance in order to provide for a definition, permissions, and supplemental standards for Supportive Housing Communities. 1.This is a public hearing. We will hear a presentation from staff. Then the applicant and any opponents will each be allowed 15 minutes for their presentation and an additional 5 minutes for rebuttal. 2.Conduct Hearing, as follows: a.Staff presentation b.Supporter’s Presentation (up to 15 minutes) c.Opponent’s presentation (up to 15 minutes) d.Staff’s response to questions and concerns (up to 5 minutes) e.Opponent’s rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) 3.Close the public hearing. 4.Board discussion 5.Vote on amendment. The motion should include a statement saying how the change is, or is not, consistent with the land use plan and why approval or denial of the text amendment request is reasonable and in the public interest. Example Motion for Approval: I move to RECOMMEND APPROVAL of the proposed amendment to the New Hanover County Unified Development Ordinance to provide for new standards for supportive housing communities. I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purpose and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because it provides an option within the UDO to expand the ability to provide for a range of housing types, opportunities, and choices. I also find RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of the proposed amendment reasonable and in the public interest because it creates an option and removes current limitations within the UDO to address an identified community need for residents needing supportive housing in the community. Alternative Motion for Approval/Denial: I move to [Approve/Deny] the proposed amendment to the New Hanover County Unified Development Ordinance to provide for Supportive Housing Community standards. I find it to be [Consistent/Inconsistent] with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because [insert reasons] ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ I also find [Approval/Denial] of the proposed amendment is reasonable and in the public interest because [insert reasons] ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Planning Board - April 4, 2024 ITEM: 1 - 1 - 1 STAFF REPORT FOR TA24-01 TEXT AMENDMENT APPLICATION APPLICATION SUMMARY Case Number: TA24-01 Request: To amend Articles 2, 4, and 5 of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) in order to provide for a definition, permissions, and supplemental standards for Supportive Housing Communities. Applicant: Subject Ordinances: New Hanover County Unified Development Ordinance Purpose & Intent: This amendment updates the Unified Development Ordinance to provide a new land use classification with an accompanying definition, permissions in the Principal Use Table, and standards for Supportive Housing Communities. 1.Definition Draft, UDO Section 2.3 a.Addition of definition of Supportive Housing Community 2.Amend Principal Use Table, UDO Table 4.2.1 a.Addition of use and permissions in RA, R-20, R-15, R-10, R-7, and O&I 3.Outlining standards for Supportive Housing a.Updating Section 4.3.2.B, Group Living Standards to include: i.Separation requirements; ii.Integration of support service structures (amenity centers, clinics, offices, etc. into community; iii.Building code requirements; iv.Density requirements and calculations, dimensional standards, and design requirements; 4.Amend Table 5.1.2.A: Minimum Off-Street Parking to include parking standard. BACKGROUND In recent months, staff has received inquiries into proposals for different models of supportive housing communities or facilities to which the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) does not have a clearly defined land use to accommodate. Examples of these models include housing for individuals in recovery or those dealing with personal circumstance such as domestic abuse, mental health, financial or other hardship, or other situations which may require housing with accompanying assistance or a continuum of care. Such communities are geared toward providing a housing model that is not typically accommodated by homeownership, private market rental opportunities, or Planning Board - April 4, 2024 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 1 accommodations geared toward inpatient or outpatient healthcare, senior living, or transient lodging. New Hanover County currently has no direct use or guidance for this type of housing arrangement. The county has had recent inquiries from prospective developers of the use, and it is supported by the Strategic Plan. It is the goal of this text amendment to create and adopt a new land use that will remove subjectivity in the interpretation of the Principal Land Use Table and provide a more direct process for development of these uses with appropriate guiding standards. This text amendment aims to encompass defining Supportive Housing in the UDO, articulating permissions for the use, and outlining supplemental standards consistent with those of a residential subdivision or community living facility while recognizing the need for support services to be provided to residents within a Supportive Housing Community. Providing this type of housing has been prioritized by the county in other efforts due to the identified need in the community. A recent Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Strategic Plan conducted by the Office of Strategy identified the lack of specific UDO provisions as a barrier to providing supportive housing in the unincorporated county. In addition, the 2024-2028 NHC Strategic Plan outlined Community Based Outcomes with Strategic Objectives and measurable targets, and the provision of a means for supportive housing is consistent with the following outcomes and objectives: The UDO contains five broad categories of housing types: Household Living, Group Living, Health Care Facilities, and Lodging. Household Living is characterized by a range of housing types that are typically owner or renter occupied such as single-family detached and attached, multi-family, manufactured and mobile homes, or live/work units. Housing products in this category may be affiliated with an organization or housing program, such as Habitat for Humanity, a senior living development, or developed as a Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program. However, they typically are occupied by an individual, family, or group of roommates living independently. While support personnel may come to a private home, it typically is not an organized component of the community, nor is there a continuum of care in a typical household living community. Group Living uses are comprised of those that typically serve as an interim lodging opportunity for those needing supervised and independent health or recovery care, fraternity or sorority homes, or Planning Board - April 4, 2024 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 2 senior living options including assisted living and continuing care retirement communities. The UDO’s current land use classifications in the Group Living category may be targeted towards a specific population demographic, such as Senior Living, or may be restricted by separation requirements for individual group homes. Health Care Facilities include uses that are more clinical or institutional in nature and offer accommodations for common medical conditions, such as hospice, hospitals, in-patient clinics, and nursing and rehabilitation centers. However, these facilities typically offer short term accommodations during the duration of the condition or treatment and are not a viable option for transitional lodging. Lodging is comprised of uses that typically accommodate short term stays in commercially oriented uses for personal, business, and recreational travel such as hotels, motels, bed and breakfasts, and campgrounds/RV parks. Depending on the specific scope and model of a transitional or supportive housing proposal, it may be able to be interpreted as a land use in one of the above groupings. However, it seems that such proposals are unique enough that they would warrant their own designated land use, with the appropriate permissions assigned and supplemental standards adopted. A Supportive Housing proposal may function either as a community of individual housing units, or as group living in a campus-like setting, similar to the UDO’s allowance for Senior Living options. Staff’s initial proposal is that the use be permitted by-right in the lower density residential (RA, R- 20, R-15, R-10, and R-7) districts and the Office and Institutional district and subject to the respective district’s density requirements and dimensional standards, similar to that of a conventional or performance development. For a group living proposal or those that exceed density requirements, a rezoning to the corresponding zoning district via a Conditional Rezoning would be required. Supplemental standards that address separation requirements, density and permitting requirements, and those governing dimensional, design, and code standards are included with this amendment. PLANNING BOARD CONCEPTUAL PRESENTATION The Planning Board was presented the concept for this amendment at their February 1, 2024 meeting. At that meeting, the Planning Board suggested consideration of the following as the amendment is being drafted: 1.Consider the need for and the potential effect of separation requirements, similar to the 2,000’ separation requirement for individual group homes. In addition, it was suggested to consider separation of supportive housing communities from other similar uses, such as individual group homes. 2.Consider the integration of commercial uses or amenities within a community, such as a restaurant or amenity center, that can be used for the benefit of the residents or for the provision of support services. Such uses are common within household living subdivisions and senior living communities. Planning Board - April 4, 2024 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 3 PUBLIC COMMENT No public comment was received by staff during the comment period. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the attached amendment and suggests the following motion: I move to RECOMMEND APPROVAL of the proposed amendment to the New Hanover County Unified Development Ordinance to provide for new standards for supportive housing communities. I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purpose and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because it provides an option within the UDO to expand the ability to provide for a range of housing types, opportunities, and choices. I also find RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of the proposed amendment reasonable and in the public interest because it creates an option and removes current limitations within the UDO to address an identified community need for residents needing supportive housing in the community. Planning Board - April 4, 2024 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 4 TA24-01 Supportive Housing- Public Comment Draft PROPOSED AMENDMENT Section 2.3 Definitions Supportive Housing Community A residential group living community or campus that combines residential dwelling accommodations with support services and/or supervisory personnel for residents needing increased assistance and/or specialized services to assist with transitioning to household living or other dwelling arrangements. The dwelling units may consist of a range of living accommodations which may include single-family, multi- family, facility, or dormitory style living along with support services to provide a continuum of care for residents. Support personnel may, but are not required to, reside on site. Table 4.2.1 Principal Use Table Table 4.2.1: Principal Use Table Key: P = Permitted by Right S = Special Use Permit Required *= Specific Use Standards Apply in District blank cell = not allowed Use Zoning District Us e S t a n d a r d s RA AR R-20 S R-20 R-15 R-10 R-7 R-5 RM F -L RM F -M RM F -MH RM F -H PD UM X Z B-1 CB B-2 O& I SC CS AC I-1 I-2 Residential uses Group Living Family Care Home P* P* P* P* P* P* S* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P 4.3.2 Fraternity/Sorority Residence S* S* S* S* P* P* P* P* 4.3.2 Group Home P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* S* S* 4.3.2 Senior Living: Assisted Living Facility [11-16- 2020][03-21-2022] S* S* S* S* S* S* S* S* S* P* P* S* S* S* 4.3.2 Senior Living: Continuing Care Retirement Community [11-16-2020] S* S* S* S* S* S* S* S* S* P* P* S* S* 4.3.2 Supportive Housing Community P* P* P* P* P* P* P* 4.3.2 Planning Board - April 4, 2024 ITEM: 1 - 3 - 1 TA24-01 Supportive Housing- Public Comment Draft Section 4.3.2 Residential Uses 4.3.2 B GROUP LIVING 6.Supportive Housing Community Supportive Housing Communities in permitted residential zoning districts shall comply with the following standards: a.Supportive housing communities shall not be located closer than 2,000 feet to any other existing supportive housing community, measured by a straight line from the nearest perimeter property lines of the parent or all contiguous parcels comprising the development, irrespective of jurisdictional boundaries. b.Supportive Housing communities must meet the density requirements in the respective zoning district in which it is permitted. a.For the purposes of calculating the density for this use in units per acre, “Unit” shall be defined as an independent dwelling space or shared room. b.Applications for Supportive Housing Communities shall submit the total number of independent dwelling spaces or shared rooms with a floor plan during the approval process. c.Supportive Housing communities shall meet the dimensional standards and all applicable design requirements for the base zoning district in which the community is located. d.Support services for residents including, but not limited to, amenity centers, offices, clinics, and maintenance shall follow applicable standards in Article 5, General Development Standards. e.All structures within a supportive housing community shall be designed to meet applicable provisions of the NC Residential or Commercial Building Code. Recreational Vehicles, travel trailers, containers, and other accommodations that do not comply with applicable building code provisions shall not be used for habitation or dwelling. f.Supportive Housing communities may be served by a private drive meeting applicable fire code standards. Planning Board - April 4, 2024 ITEM: 1 - 3 - 2 TA24-01 Supportive Housing- Public Comment Draft Table 5.1.2.A Minimum Off-Street Parking Table 5.1.2.A: Minimum Off-Street Parking sf = square feet of gross floor area, except where otherwise specified; du = dwelling unit; / = per Use Required Off-Street Parking Group Living Family Care Home 2/du Fraternity/Sorority Residence 1/single occupancy bedroom 2/double occupancy bedroom Group Home Maximum of 2 plus 1/every 4 beds plus 2 for resident supervisor(s) Senior Living: Assisted Living Facility 1 per 3 beds Senior Living: Continuing Care Retirement Community See Senior Living: Independent Living Retirement Community and Senior Living: Assisted Living Facility Supportive Housing Community .5/unit as defined in Section 4.3.2.B (6) plus 2.5/1,00 sf 1,000 square feet of office, amenity, or other building space dedicated to the provision of support services Planning Board - April 4, 2024 ITEM: 1 - 3 - 3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING BOARD REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: 4/4/2024 Regular DEPARTMENT: Planning PRESENTER(S): Dylan McDonnell, Associate Planner - Long Range CONTACT(S): Dylan McDonnell; Rebekah Roth, Planning & Land Use Director SUBJECT: Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Staff Presenta0on - Bicycle and Pedestrian Priori0es Plan - Public Comment Dra5 Release BRIEF SUMMARY: The Bicycle and Pedestrian Priori es Plan is intended to ar culate exis ng priority bicycle and pedestrian projects that have been iden fied and ve&ed over the past several years. They have been presented to the Board previously, but they are not currently included in any County-adopted plan, which is needed so they can be included in the Wilmington Urban Area Metropolitan Organiza on's (WMPO) Metropolitan Transporta on Plan (MTP). Inclusion into the MTP allows projects to be eligible for state and federal funding sources. While staff an cipates addi onal bicycle and pedestrian projects and recommenda ons which will be iden fied in a full plan update to come later, adop ng a priority plan now will allow New Hanover County to take advantage of poten al funding opportuni es. This amendment is also a place to include current Board of Commissioner direc on to have applicants provide bicycle and pedestrian easements along Carolina Beach Road South where a 10’ (foot) wide mul -use path is desired. Including it in the Comprehensive Plan will make sure that this policy direc on is clear for both applicants and the public and will allow bicycle and pedestrian easements to be considered during the development review process. Implementa on of the amendment is an cipated as an addi on to the exis ng Comprehensive Plan as an appendix that will include a map, a list of the priori zed projects and any other supplemental informa on. In addi on, Chapter 5 Building the Future will be amended to include changes and/or addi ons to implementa on strategies and/or guidelines. Following the presenta on to the Board, staff will be prepared to release the dra= for public comment on April 5th. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hear Presenta on COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Planning Board - April 4, 2024 ITEM: 2 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING BOARD REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: 4/4/2024 Regular DEPARTMENT: Planning PRESENTER(S): Amy Doss, Associate Planner CONTACT(S): Amy Doss; Rebekah Roth, Planning & Land Use Director SUBJECT: Staff Presenta'on - Residen'al Density and Infill Guidelines Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Public Comment Dra6 Release BRIEF SUMMARY: The Residenal Density and Infill Policy Guidelines project is intended to arculate exisng policies and provide the Board of Commissioners and Planning Board with a tool they can use when considering rezoning and special use permit amendments right away while the Comprehensive Plan is being updated. This amendment will include recommendaons for when lower and higher densies for each place type are appropriate, guidelines for design elements, and examples to illustrate the elements. Implementaon of the amendment is ancipated as an addion to the exisng Comprehensive Plan as an appendix that will include specific guidelines for infill development. This appendix will provide guidance on evaluang the proposed densies of condional rezoning and special use permit applicaons. Following the presentaon to the Board, staff will be prepared to release the dra. for public comment on April 5th. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hear Presentaon COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Planning Board - April 4, 2024 ITEM: 3