Order - SignedAN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED July 1, 1974 respectively and subsequently amended CASE: Z24-01 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The New Hanover County Zoning Map is hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tracts from an R-20, Residential District and (CZD) R-10, Residential District placing them in a (CZD) R-5, Residential Moderate -High Density District said land being described legally as follows: Being known and designated as the Map of Legacy Landing recorded in Plat Book 74, Page 17, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County, North Carolina, reference to which is hereby made for a more particular description. And Beginning at a point in the eastern boundary of Reminisce Road (SR 2754), a 50' public right-of-way; said point being located southwardly 582.40 feet from its intersection with the southern boundary of Rockhill Road (SR 1331), a 60' public right-of-way; and running thence: South 83012' 00" East, 130.00 feet to a point; thence North 06148' 00" East, 177.60 feet to a point; thence South 830 31' 59" East, 115.74 feet to a point; thence South 830 34' 20" East, 266.02 feet to a point; thence North 05137' 25" East, 405.76 feet to a point in the southern boundary of Rockhill Road; thence with that right of way, South 830 34' 20" East, 217.70 feet to a point; thence South 050 37' 25" West, 100.00 feet to a point; thence South 840 22' 35" East, 15.00 feet to a point; thence South 050 37' 25" West, 670.61 feet to a point; thence North 86100' 45" West, 622.74 feet to a point; thence North 060 48' 00" East, 163.61 feet to a point; thence North 830 12' 00" West, 130.00 feet to a point in the eastern boundary of Reminisce Road; thence with that right-of-way, North 160 48' 00" East, 50.00 feet to the point and place of beginning, containing 7.95 acres, more or less. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the supervision of the County Commissioners to change the New Hanover County Zoning Map on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Z24-01 Order Page 1 Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina and subject to the conditions also approved as part of this action, shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Section 5. The County Commissioners find, in accordance with the provisions of NCGS 160D that the zoning map amendment of approximately 7.65 acres of land from the R-20, Residential District and (CZD) R-10, Conditional Residential District to the (CZD) R-10, Conditional Residential District is: Consistent with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the proposed density and housing type is within the recommendations of the General Residential place type. And reasonable and in the public interest because the project provides additional housing diversity in the area. Section 6. The County Commissioners find that all of the specific requirements set forth in Sections 3.2.9 and 10.3.3 of the County Zoning Ordinance WILL be satisfied if the property is developed in accordance with the plans submitted to the County Commissioners and attached as part of this approval. IT IS ORDERED that the application for the issuance of a conditional zoning district BE GRANTED subject to the following conditions as agreed to by the applicant attached as Exhibit A: 1. The permitted density range is 0 dwelling units per acre to a maximum of 3.1 dwelling units per acre. Planning staff is authorized to administratively approve reductions in density within the permitted range. 2. The housing types in the development shall be limited to detached single-family dwellings and dual unit attached dwellings as defined in Section 2.3 of the Unified Development Ordinance. Section 7. In accordance with Section 10.3.3.C.7 of the ordinance, revocation of the Conditional Zoning District approval may be considered if no building permit has been issued for the subject tract within 24 months of the date of this approval, or if work authorized by the approvals or permits associated with the conditional zoning has not substantially commenced. Z24-01 Order Page 2 Section 8. The applicant shall fully comply with all of the specific requirements stated in the Ordinance for the proposed use; all other state, federal and local rules; and any additional conditions hereinafter stated: A. If any of the conditions imposed within this conditional zoning district shall be held invalid beyond the authority of this Board of Commissioners by a court of competent jurisdiction, then this district designation shall be reversed and the tract shall be rezoned in accordance with the process for map amendment outlined in Section 10.3.2 of the zoning ordinance. Adopted the 18th day of March, 2024. LISMR '3j�ea ot Bill Rivenbark, Chair Attest: t4" O'L"dj - Kym owell, Clerk to the Board Z24-01 Order Page 3 EXHIBIT A Agreement of Conditions of Approval for Conditional Zoning Map Amendment Case Numisen Z24-01 ApElitaeM: Cindee Wolf, Design Solutions Properly Ownw(s): Cape Fear Habitat for Humanity, LaTeisha Darden, Erik Diaz, and Karl Reddidt Request by Ondee Wolf with Design Sohrtians, applicant, an behalf of Habitat for Humanity, LaTelsha Darden, Erik Diaz, and Karl Reddick, property owners, to Request: rezone approximately 7.95 acres zoned (CZD) R-10, Residential and R-20, Residential located at 1728 Rockhlll Road to (aD) R-10, Residential for a maximum 24 dwelling units. 10, Lauren McKenzie , hereby acknowledge that I am the owner, or the applicant/agent of the owner, of all property included in the above referenced application and volunteer the following condition(s) of approval that were mutually agreed upon by the owner/applicant of the application and New Hanover County: Applicant/Owner Initials: Condition(:) 1 The permitted density range is 0 dwelling units per acre to a maximum of 3.1 dwelling units per acre. Planning staff is authorized to administratively approve j reductions in deruity within the permitted range. The housing types In the development shall be limited to detached single-family dwellings and dual unit attached dwellings as defined to Section 2.3 of the Unified Development Ordinance. I hereby acknowledge that the approval of the petition/application referenced above is not effective until New Hanover County Planning and Land Use Department has received written consent to any and all mutually agreed upon conditions of approval. Lauren McKenzie Applicant/Owner Name (Print) Applicant/Owner 51' natur 312ol -z-� Date