Bike_Ped_Priorities_Plan_PublicComment_DRAFT Bicycle and Pedestrian Priorities Plan 2016 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Location in Plan Appendix Chapter Amended Chapter 5 Goal IV Goal VIII Purpose • Adopt a priority bicycle and pedestrian plan articulating past initiatives including the County’s Capital Improvement Plan and the 2022 Quarter (1/4) Cent Sales Tax project list. • Formalize Board of Commissioners policy direction to include bicycle and pedestrian easements along Carolina Beach Road in new development projects. • Adopt a bicycle and pedestrian plan so prioritized projects are eligible for state and federal funding through the Wilmington Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization’s (WMPO) Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). • Provide clarity for both applicants and the public of the desire to add additional bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure within New Hanover County. Components • A proposed implementation guideline to adopt and implement a bicycle and pedestrian plan with priorities will be added to Goal IV within Chapter 5 Building the Future. • A proposed implementation guideline to require new development adjacent to Carolina Beach Road to include bicycle and pedestrian easements along Carolina Beach Road will be added to Goal VIII within Chapter 5 Building the Future. • Maps and a project list will be included as an appendix to the 2016 Comprehensive Plan. Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Bicycle and Pedestrian Priorities Plan - Public Comment Draft PROPOSED AMENDMENT Chapter 5: Building the Future – Implementation Guidelines – Goal IV Goal IV: Use public infrastructure improvements to leverage private investments. Desired Outcome: Coordinated efforts of public and private investment to maximize improvements. Implementation Strategies Implementation Guidelines A. Work with CFPUA on a targeted long range plan for water and sewer infrastructure. Guidelines are not part of this strategy. B. Work with MPO on a targeted long range plan for transportation infrastructure. IV.B.1 Coordinate with NC DOT, WMPO, and property owners to complete a collector street network plan for unincorporated areas. IV.B.2 Encourage driveway standards to promote better traffic flow in the county. IV.B.3 Continue to require street connectivity and discourage cul-de-sacs and gated communities that impede connectivity and emergency response. IV.B.4 Adopt and implement a Bicycle and Pedestrian plan that identifies a network of bicycle and pedestrian facilities and prioritizes the location and preferred type of facility. C. Consider revising zoning ordinances to support mixed uses and holistic approach to development. IV.C.1 Encourage new development to consider allocation of space for new community services such as fire stations, schools, libraries, and museums. IV.C.2 Encourage public investments to consider locating near existing communities. D. Consider strategies to encourage increased private sector investment in the provision of infrastructure. Guidelines are not part of this strategy. Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Bicycle and Pedestrian Priorities Plan - Public Comment Draft Chapter 5: Building the Future – Implementation Guidelines – Goal VIII Goal VIII: Integrate multi-modal transportation into mixed land uses that encourage safe, walkable communities. Desired Outcome: A community with a mixture of land uses that allows for individuals to perform daily tasks without the use of an automobile. A community where individuals can safely walk, bike, and access transit. Implementation Strategies Implementation Guidelines E. Encourage provision of transit supportive land uses and infrastructure where appropriate. VIII.E.1 Encourage pedestrian, bicycle, and public transportation circulation networks and the inclusion of infrastructure considerations (such as cross walks, bike lanes, shelters, pedestrian islands, and others that promote safe havens for alternative transportation). VIII.E.2 Concentrate development in nodes and high growth areas depicted on the Future Land Use Map to ultimately produce densities that can support multi modal transportation and Transit Oriented Development. VIII.E.3 Provide alternatives to automobile transportation by encouraging new development, redevelopment, and transportation improvements to include provisions for a network of bicycle and pedestrian facilities, including pedestrian causeways, bridges, and crossings on collector streets and major arterials. VIII.E.4 Require new development and/or rezoned property adjacent to Carolina Beach Road to dedicate a 20’ (foot) easement parallel to Carolina Beach Road for the inclusion of multi- use paths. Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Bicycle and Pedestrian Priorities Plan - Public Comment Draft Appendix: Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Bicycle and Pedestrian Priorities Plan - Public Comment Draft Appendix: Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Bicycle and Pedestrian Priorities Plan - Public Comment Draft Appendix: