03-05-2024 PB Agenda Review MinutesMinutes of the New Hanover County Planning Board Agenda Review March 5, 2024    An agenda review of the New Hanover County Planning Board was held on March 5, 2024, at 3:00 PM in the New Hanover County Government Center, 230 Government Center Dr., Conference Room 138 in Wilmington, North Carolina Members Present   Pete Avery  Cameron Moore  Members Absent Jeff Petroff, Vice Chair   Clark Hipp   Kevin Hine  Hansen Matthews Colin Tarrant Staff Present   Rebekah Roth, NHC Director of Planning & Land Use   Robert Farrell, NHC Development Review Supervisor   Katia Boykin, NHC Housing Supervisor Amy Doss, NHC Associate Planner  Dylan McDonnell, NHC Long Range Planner Lisa Maes, NHC Administration Coordinator  Damion Fulford, NHC Administration Specialist   The meeting started at 3:04pm Announcements Director Rebekah Roth updated the board members that starting on April 2, 2024, an agenda review meeting, there will be presentations from different groups from the community. These presentations will be recorded and posted to the NHC website to provide the public with updates but there will be no public comments. The first of the presentations will be Stormwater on April 2, 2024. Agenda Ms. Roth shared with the board members there will be staff presentations on the staff-initiated Supportive Housing UDO text amendment, the Track 1 Comprehensive Plan amendments, and the public engagement plan for the full Comprehensive Plan update. Supportive Housing Public Comment Ms. Roth gave a brief overview on the Supportive Housing -Public Comment draft which will be presented by Ken Vafier at the regular Planning Board Meeting. The board had questions on what examples currently are in the area so they could have a better understanding of what the text amendment would look like. Ms. Roth mentioned that Good Shepherd Center would be a good example where it would gear more towards individual living where the clients rent individual units. In response to additional questions from the board about what was driving this amendment, Ms. Roth shared that staff had received inquiries about proposals for different models of supportive housing communities or facilities and have learned from the strategy team that there is a need in the area. Bicycle and Pedestrian Priorities Plan Mr. McDonnell shared with the board information regarding the Bicycle and Pedestrian Priorities Plan which is intended to be included as an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan as part of the comprehensive plan update. He stated the purpose of the plan is to identify priority projects for the unincorporated New Hanover County to aid in the construction of bicycle and pedestrian facilities. After a question from the board about funding he mentioned that funding does come from a variety of sources where an adopted plan will allow identified projects to be eligible for state and federal funding. The board asked how these areas were identified and if there were any requirements that would project the cost for these plans. Mr. McDonnell concluded his update by informing the board that the current list of identified projects are from previous planning initiatives that extend on existing network. He also stated that the WMPO has a scoring criteria for projects that become eligible for state funding. Residential Density and Infill Guidelines Ms. Doss provided an overview of the intent of the proposed Residential Density and Infill Guidelines plan amendment. She explained that it would clarify current policy guidance on density and provide additional information on desired transitions between higher intensity and lower intensity uses. Discussion focused on how the amendment would be coordinated with the place type recommendations and how housing affordability would be incorporated. Ms. Roth reminded the Board that staff would just be providing presentations at their regular meeting and nothing would be voted on Western Bank Ms. Roth reviewed past presentations and reports related to the Western Bank and explained how the amendment is proposed to be structured. If a deeper look into these would be needed, then keeping this item on Track 1 part of the Comp Plan wouldn’t work. The board expressed that they would wait to hear the whole presentation at the regular meeting. Public Engagement Plan Ms. Boykin provided an overview of the public engagement approaches that would be presented at their regular meeting The board members asked if they would need to attend the public engagement forums to support the project and if there were a change in the public engagement plan process used for the 2016 plan. Staff responded that the need for Planning Board members to be at the public engagements would be on a case-to-case basis. They informed the board members that the estimated go live for the website will be in April for the release of public comment drafts of the Track 1 amendments. The meeting adjourned at 3:40pm