1976-05-20 Special Meeting "l;.:'. '.;: 'I: :~ ..., 129 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY ]7, 1976 (CONTINUED) NOMINATIONS SUBMITTED TO GOVERNOR FOR COASTAL RESOUltCES COMMISSION Comm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Alper. that the following names be sub- mi tted to the Governor for consideration as appointE!es to the Coastal Resources Commission: William C. Taylor Neill Laney Hamilton Hicks, Jr. John Talbe,rt Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. . ADJOURNMENT . Comm. Alper moved, seconded by Comm. O'Shields, that there being no further business, : the meeting be adjourned. Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. Chm. Davis adjourned the meeting at 11:55 o'clock a. m. Respectfully submitted, ~~-<..- /6. 4.--~~'-)--rt.j Alyce B. Brc'wn Clerk to the: Board ab MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, MAY 20, 1976 The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners rrlet in Special Joint Session with Wilmington City Council on Thursday, May 20, 1976, at 9:30 o'clock a. m. in the Assembly Room, 'New Hanover County Admipistration Building, wi Imington, North Carolina, to hold a Public Hearing on the proposed Growth and Developrr.ent Policy for New Hanover County as required by the Coastal Area Management Act of 1974. Members present were Commissioners Claud O'Shie.lds, Jr.; William C. Taylor; Vivian S. Wright; County Manager Dan W. Eller; County Attorney James C. Fox and Clerk . to the Board Alyce B. Brown. Comm. George E. Alper and Chairman Peter R. Davis were absent. Vice-Chairman O'Shields called the meeting to order and read the following statement: In the Spring of 1974, the North Carolina General Assembly passed the Coastal Area Management Act. The purpose of this legislation is to establish a comprehensive plan for the management of the State's Coastal Land and Water Resources. Local Governments have been given the major role in this planning effort. The legislation requires that each local government prepare and adopt a Land Use Plan in accordance with standards established by the Coastal Resources Coromission. Since January of 1975, New Hanover County and its municipalities have been involved in the preparation of the required Land Use Plan. Planning for Wilmington and the unincorporated areas of New Hanover County has been done jointly by the Wilmington-New Hanover Planning Department. Planning for Wrightsville Beach, Carolina Beach, and Kure Beach has been done with the assistance of the North Carolina Department of Natural and Economic Resources. . The purpose of this public hearing is to receive coroments from the citizens of New Hanover County on the plans which have b2en prepared to meet the require- ments of the Coastal Area Management Act. Approximately 45 minutes will be allotted for the presentation of the major elements of the Land Use Plans. After prl~sentation of the Plans, approximately one hour will be allotted for citizen comments. Each person will be allowed a maximum of five minutes to m~~e coroments. PRESENTATION OF GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT POLICY Mr. Bill Farris of the Wilmington-New Hanover Planning Department presented the proposed Growth and Development Policy for the City of Wilmington and the unincorporated areas of New Hanover County. He explained the work done by the Planning Department and the purpose, and outlined the policies recommended b:{ the Planning Department. A copy of the Plan is on file in the County Manager's Office. ~ / , I >~n /J'-' MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, MAY 20, 1976 (CONTINUED) CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS ARRIVE Wilmington City Councilwoman Margaret Fonvielle, Councilmen Charles Green, Ralph Roper, Mayor Ben Halterman, Councilman William Schwartz and City Manager John Jones arrived at the meeting at approximately 9:50 o'clock a. m. PRESENTATION OF GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT POLICY FOR CAROL I Nl'. AND KURE BEACHES Mr. Jim Taylor of the Department of Natural and Economic Resources presented the Plan that had been developed for the Carolina and Kure Beach Planning Districts and the recommendations of the Department of Natural and Economic Resources. Mr. Taylor stated that the Carolina Beach Public Hearing had been held on May 11, 1976, and the Council adopted the Plan. He also stated that the Kure BE!ach Public Hearing had been held on May 18, 1976, but a quorum was not present so the Mayor was in the process of getting the Resolution adopted. I) COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC Vice-Chm. O'Shields opened the floor for coroments from the public. Mr. Lee Shelton, Mr. Daniel A. Malpass, Sr., Mrs. Robert van Luyn, Mr. Darryl Wiley, Mr. Wolfgang Stier and Mrs. AugustaCooper appeared'before the Boards and expressed their opinions on the proposed Growth and Development Policy for Wilmington and New Hanover County. REVIEW OF CHANGES PRESENTED EARLIER IN THE MEETING Mr. Farris reviewed the changes in the Growth and Development policy that had been recommended at the Planning Commission Meeting of May 12, 1976, and distributed to the Commissioners at the beginning of this meeting. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC Mr. Wilbur Bryant, Mr. C. S. Willoughby and Mr. James Ferger appeared before the Boards to express their opinions of the proposed Growth and Development Policy for Wilmington and New Hanover County. PRESENTATION OF GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT POLICY FOR WRIGHT~:VILLE BEACH Mr. John Hooten of the Department of Natural and Economic Resources appeared to present the Growth and Development Policy that had been developed for the Wrightsville Beach Planning District. "He stated that the Plan had been approved by the Wrightsville Beach Board of Aldermen subject to some minor editorial changes that would be made prior to submission to the Coastal Resources Commission. . tJ ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION Comm. Taylor moved, seconded by Comm. O'Shields, that the following Resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH Cl\ROLlNA, ADOPTING A GROWTH AND DEVELOPMEHT POLICY FOR WILMINGTON AND NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, the Coastal Area Management Act of 1974 (G. S. l13A-l07 (a) required that each of the twenty coastal counties of North Carolina develop and adopt a policy for growth and development of tha.t county; and WHEREAS, a policy for the growth and development of Wilmington and the unincorporated areas of New Hanover County has been reviewed and recom- mended by the Wilmington-New Hanover Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, said policy is necessary to provide for and guide the orderly growth and development of Wilmington and the unincorporated areas of New Hanover Coun ty . ~. ji NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, AT A MEETING ASSEMBLED THIS THE 20TH DAY OF MAY, 1976 AS FOLLOWS: That the growth and development policy for Wilmington and New Hanover County is hereby adopted for purposes ,of submission to the Coastal Resources Commission for their review and comment. The foregoing resolution was duly adopted at the meeting aforesaid. ~. . i. I. ..., IB.I MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, MAY 20, 1976 (CONTINUED) ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION (CONTINUED) Upon vote, the Resolution was adopted by the following vote: " Ii Voting Aye: Corom. O'Shields and Taylor voting Noe: Comm. Wright Absent: Comm. Alper and Chm. Davis ADJOURNMENT Comm. Taylor moved that the Board of County Commissioners be adjourned. Comm. Wright stated that there had been right much talk about 1500 people meeting on the Land Use Plan which was one out of every 61 :?ersons in the County. That meant there were another 60 that didn't meet on the subje~t. She stated that this was a Board with 5 members C?n it, only 3 were present, only 2 were elected and only 1 of the elected ones voted for it. She felt the Resolution '~as a far-reaching statement that encompassed a lot of things, and she did not think the Board was really aware of all the things it was leading to and she felt it was rushed into. Comm. Taylor stated that he felt he was fully a.ware of the program as he had been on the Coastal Resources Advisory Council ahd attended many Coastal Resources Coromission meetings. Comm. O'Shields stated that he felt 1500 participants in the program was very good input from the public, and that everyone had the smne opportunity to participate in the program and the ones who didn't apparently did not feel the need to exercise this right. Comm. O'Shields seconde4 Comm. Taylor's motion to adjourn. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. O'Shields, Taylor and Wrigh~ Absent: Comm. Alper and Chm. Davis Vice-Chm. O'Shields adjourned the meeting at LL:25 o'clock a. m. Respectfull~, submitted, t2t"tJC-<- 18. 4~ Alyce B. Brown Clerk to thE~ Board ab MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, MAY 27, 1976 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners n~t in Special Session on Thursday, May 27, 1976, at 8:00 o'clock a. m. in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administra- tion Building, Wilmington, North Carolina, for the purpose of reviewing the Official Statement in connection with the sale of $9,360,000 Public Hospital Bonds. Members present were Coromissioners Claud O'Shields, Jr.; Vivian S. Wright; Chairman Peter R. Davis; County Manager Dan W. Eller and Clerk to the Board, Alyce B. Brown. Comm. George E. Alper and William C. Taylor and County Attorney James C. Fox were absent. Chm. Davis called the meeting to order. DISCUSSION OF OFFICIAL STATEMENT OF TID!: LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION IN RELATION TO PUBLIC HOSPITAL BONDS County Manager Eller reported that the Official Statement had been prepared by the Local Government Commission; the Bond Attorney, Jim LaPenn; County Attorney, Jim Fox; the Planning Depart.ment; Finance Officer, Felix Cooper; the Hospital authorities; and himself. He requested the Coromissioners let him know of any changes that they felt needed to be made in the Statement. Corom. Wright stated that on Page 13, the number of Volunteer Fire Departments should be changed to 8 instead of 9. .~