1976-06-21 Regular Meeting "" ~ ~ ~ J47 MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, JUNE 14, 1976 (CONTINUED) AWARD OF BID ON DRAGLINE TO BE SOLD BY HEALTH DEPARrMENT (CONTINUED) Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. Alper, approval of the sale of the dragline to Mr. Dobbins for $15,750 and approval of the budg::!t amendment and advertisement for bids as requested by the County Manager. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: voting Aye: Comm. Alper, Wright and Chm. Davis Absent: Comm. O'Shields and Taylor . ADJOURNMENT Comm. wright moved, seconded by Comm. Alper, t:lat the meeting be adjourned. vote, the motion carried as follows: Upon Voting Aye: Comm. Alper, Wright and Chm. DaviB Absent: Corom. O'Shields and Taylor Chm. Davis adjourned the meeting at 8:35 o'clock a. m. Respectfully submitted, ~~;3. ~ Alyce H. Brown Clerk to the Board ab MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 21, 1976 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover Cotmty Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Monday, . June 21, 1976, at 9:20 o'clock a. m. in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administra- tion Building, Wilmington, North Carolina. (The meeting was scheduled to begin at 9:00 o'clock a. m. but was delayed due to the length of the preceding budget meeting.) Members present were Commissioners George E. Alper, Claud O'Shields, Jr.l william C. Taylor; Chairman Peter R. Davis; County Manager Dan W. Eller; County Attorney James C. Fox and Clerk to the Board, Alyce B. Brown. Corom. Vivian S. Wright was absent. Chm. Davis called the meeting to order. Rev. L. M. Peele of Wrightsboro United Methodist Church offered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: REGULAR 11EETING, JUNE 7, 1976 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: SPECIAL MEETING, JUNE 14, 1976 Comm. Alper moved, seconded by Comm. O'Shields, that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 7, 1976, and the Minutes of the Special Meeting of June 14, 1976, be approved as presented. Upon vote, the motion carrie,j as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Alper, O'Shields, Taylor and Chm. Davis Absent: Corom. Wright the . get APPROVAL OF SUPPLEMENT FOR DRIVER EDUCATION Mr. Hal Stout appeared to request that driver education teachers in order that under way. TEACHERS the Commissioners approve a supplement for teachers could be hired and the program could Chm. Davis moved, seconded by Comm. Alper, that the schools be notified of the Coromission's intention to supplement the Driver Education Program for Fiscal Year 1976/77 in the amount of $8,333 so that the program could be implemented without further delay. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Alper, O'Shields and Chm. Davis Voting Noe: Corom. Taylor Absent: Corom. 'I'lright ~ /148 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 21, 1976 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF SUPPLEMENT FOR DRIVER EDUCATION TEACHERS (CONTINUED) Comm. Taylor stated that he was not voting agains1: the driver training but he could not vote to increase the school budget. Chm. Davis stated that the supplement would be for this suromer only and hopefully the State and the Driver Education teachers could come to an equitable salary compensa- tion program so it would again be available for future students. AGREEMENT TO INVITE SEN. SMITH AND REPRESENTATIVES SCHWARTZ AND RHODES TO FIRST MEETING IN JULY Upon request from Comm. O'Shields, it was agreed by common consent that Chm. Davis would invite Senator Smith and Representatives Schwart~ and Rhodes to meet with the Commission at the first meeting in July to go over a few problem areas between the County and the State. f\ ) 'I PUBLIC HEARING - SECONDARY ROAD CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM The Division of Highways had advertised a public ture of $32,000 in secondary road construction funds. Division of Highways were as follows: hearing to be held on the expendi- The recommendations of the 1. Base and pave SR 1341, Castle Hayne, Dirt Road from end of pvt. to US 117 - 0.4 miles $ 17,000. 2. Improve street in Greenview Ranches Subdivision from US 17 to dead end so it could be added to the state system - 0.55 miles 4,000. 3. Improve W. T. Lewis Road at Carolina Beach so it can be added to state system - 2,112 feet from SR 1333 to US 421 7,500. 4. Widen SR 1492, Pine Street, from US 76 to SR 1467 2 feet each side - 0.3 miles 3,500. Mr. Ted Funderburk of the Division of Highways was present to discuss the recom- mendations of the Division of Highways and request the Commissioners accept this recommendation. ~ / Vice-Chm. O'Shields asked if there was anyone present to speak for or against the recommendation and no one appeared in this regard. Comm. Taylor moved, seconded by Comm. Alper, to accept the recommendation of the Division of Highways. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Alper, O'Shields and Taylor Absent: Comm. Wright and Chm. Davis (Temporarily) PUBLIC HEARING Notice had been published in the Star-News Newspap!~rs that a public hearing would be held by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover C01mty on Monday, June 21, 1976, at 9:30 a. m. in the Assembly Room of the County Admini:;tration Building, Wilmington, North Carolina, to consider the following: APPROVAL OF APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO USE PROPERTY ON THE NORTH SIDE OF BRIDGE ROAD APPROXIMATELY 500 FEET WEST OF BEACH ROAD NORTH FOR A MARINA, PRIVATE CLUB AND RESIDENTIAL SALES OFFICE IN ZONING AREA #5. Planning Director, Richard Fender, appeared and reported that the Planning Commission had considered this application at its meeting in June Clnd both the Planning Commission and Planning Staff voted approval of the application wi1:h the plan as submitted with the ~. application. ) Vice-Chm. O'Shields asked if there was anyone preSE!nt to speak for or against this application. Mr. Hugh Garris, Project Manager for Figure 8 Islard, appeared to request the Special Use Permit be approved, and no one appeared in opposition. ~, ""~ .,' {, l~.~ .. i4~' ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 21, 1976 (CONTINUED) SPECIAL USE PERMIT ON NORTII SIDE OF BRIDGE ROAD (CON'I'INUED) After the commission !lad cons'idered the followir.g four items and found them to be fact, (a) that the uselwould not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved; (b) that the use met all required conditions and specifications; (c) that the use would not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or the use was a public necessity; and (d) t:hat the location and characber of the use, if developed according to the plan as sw>mitted and approved, would be in harmony with the area in which it was to be locat(~d and in general conformity eith the plan of development for New Hanover County, Comm. Alper moved, seconded y Comm. Taylor, that this Special Use Permit be issued based on the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the plan as submitted with the application. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Alper, O'Shields and Taylor Absent: Comm. wright and Chm. Davis (Tempo:rarily) APPROVAL OF APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO USE PROPERTY AT 137 HINTON AVENUE FOR A FAMILY CARE HOME IN ZONING AREA #9B. Planning Director, Richard Fender, reported to the Board that the Planning Commission had considered this case at its meeting in June and both the Planning Commission and staff recommended approval of the plan as submitted with the application. Vice-Chm. O'Shields asked if there was anyone present to speak for or against this application and Mr. Russell Bateman appeared to request approval of the application for the petitioner. No one appeared in opposition. After the Coromission had' considered the following four items and found them to be fact, (a) that the use would not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved; (b) that the use met all required conditions and specifications; (c) that the use would not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or the use was a . public necessity; and (d) that the location and character of the use, if developed . according to the plan as submitted and approved, would be in harmony with the area in . which it was to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County, Corom. Taylor moved, seconded by Comm. Alper, that this Special Use Permit be approved based on the plan as submitted with the application and the recom- mendation of the Planning Commission. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Alper, O'Shields and Taylor Absent: Corom. Wright and Chm. Davis (Temporarily) APPROVAL OF APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO UHE PROPERTY ON THE NORTH SIDE OF OLEANDER DRIVE ACROSS FROM DOGWOOD LANE FOR AN OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT FACILITY IN ZONING AREA #9B. Planning Director, Richard Fender, reported to the Board that the Planning Com- mission had considered.this application at its June meeting and both the Planning Com- mission and Planning Staff recommended approval of ':he plan as submitted with the application. Vice-Chm.O'Shields asked if there was anyone present to speak for or against this application. Col. Nelson Burton, the petitioner, and Mr. Hugh Garris were present to request approval of the application and they displayed for the Coromissioners a model of the proposed park. No one appeared in opposition. . After the commission had considered the following four items and found them to be fact, (a) that the use would not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved; (b) that the use met all required conditions and specifications; (c) that the use would not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or the use was a public necessity: and (d) that the location and character of the use, if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved, would be in harmony with the area in which it was to be located and ,in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County, Comm. O'Shields moved, secondea by Comm. Alper, that this Special Use Permit be approved based on the plan as submitt.ed with the application and the recom- mendation of~the Planning Commission. Upon vote, t:he motion carried as follows: voting Aye: Comm. Alper, O'Shields, Taylor and Chm. Davis Absent: corom. wright .--.._.~ / I J(.O MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 21, 1976 (CONTINUED) TABLING OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO COUNTY ZONING ORDINANO~ Planning Director, Richard Fender, explained the reason for the proposed amend- ment to the County Zoning Ordinance. He stated that there were still some unresolved questions on the amendment and requested that the matter be continued for two weeks to give the staff time to study the proposed amendment and also to consult with the County Attorney. Comm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Alper, that consideration of the pro- posed amendment' to the County Zoning Ordinance be tabled until July 6. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: G ,/1 Voting Aye: Comm. Alper, O'Shields, Taylor and Crun. Davis Absent: Comm. Wright ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION CREATING INDUSTRIAL AND POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITY FINANCING AUTHORITY Mr. Bruce Strickland Qf the Department of Natural 1md Economic Resources had de- scribed the powers and duties of the authority at the Commissioners' meeting of June 7 and explained the procedure involved in creating an authority. Comm. Taylor introduced the following resolution which was read at length: RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE COUN~rY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TO FILE NOTICE OF INTENTION OF BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TO CREATE AN INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES AND POLLUTION CONTROL FINANCING AUTHORrry. BE IT RESOLVED by the B,oard of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover: Section 1. The Board of Commissioners has de1:ermined to create by resolution a political subdivision and body corporate and poLi.tic of the State of North Carolina to be known as "The New Hanover County Industrial Facilities and Pollu- tion Control Financing Authority" (the "Authority"; pursuant to the provisions of Chapter l59C of the General Statutes of North Carolina (the "Act"). Section 2. In compliance with Section l59C-4~a) of the Act, the Board of Commissioners hereby directs the Chairman of the Board to file with the De- partment of Natural and Economic Resources of the ~;tate of North Carolina and the Local Government Commission of the State of North Carolina notice of its intention to adopt a resolution creating the Authority, which notice shall be in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A. I): section 3. This resolution shall take effect upon its passage. Commissioner Taylor moved passage of the fore90ing resolution, Comm. O'Shields seconded the motion, and the resolution was passed by the following vote: Ayes: Comm. Alper, O'Shields, Taylor and Chm. Davis Nays: None Absent: Corom. Wright A copy of the notice (Exhibit A) which was attached to the Resolution is contained in Exhibit Book III, Page 78. CERTIFICATION OF FIRE DEPARTMENT ROSTERS GS 118-23 requires that the governing body certify the rosters of Volunteer Fire Departments annually in order for the members to be elic,o'ible for the line of duty death benefit. Rosters had been submitted by Ogden, Seagate a.nd Winter Park Volunteer f\ Fire Departments. ) Comm. Alper moved, seconded by Comm. Taylor, approval of certification of the following Volunteer Fire Department Rosters: \ Ogden Volunteer Fire Department Seagate Volunteer Fire Department Winter Park Volunteer Fire Department Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Alper, 0' Shields, Taylor and Chrr:. Davis Absent: Comm. Wright ~ . '. ~. ,t' i'1. : ~~.. ~ 1:1 J MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 21, 1976 (CONTINUED) DISCUSSION OF CONTRACT FOR CODIfICATION OF COUNTY ORDINANCES The County Manager stated that he and the County Attorney had contacted three firms who provide codification ~ervices and received proposals for codifying all County Ordinances and Session Laws from Callaghan and Company, the Michie Company and Municipal Code Corporation. They recommended that the County Commission contract with Municipal Code Corporation and that the sum of $8,500 be transferred from Con- tingencies, Acct. #11 445 61, to Contracted Services in the County Attorney's Budget, Acct. #11 470 45. Callaghan and Company had submitted a lower bid but the County Manager and County Attorney were unfamiliar with the company and the quality of their work. Comm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Alper, to accept the Manager's recom- mendation on the Contract for codification of Ordinances. Chm. Oavis made a substitute motion, seconded by Comm. Alper, to table this matter for two weeks and ask ~he County Manager to contact Callaghan to satisfy the Coromission why they were $1,000 less and also to furnish a list of their customers. Upon vote, the motion tied as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Alper and Chm. Davis Voting Noe: Comm. O'Shields and Taylor Absent: Comm. wright Upon vote, the original motion, .made by Comm. O'Sh:ields, tied as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. O'Sqields and Taylor Voting Noe: Comm. Alper and Chm. Davis Absent: Comm. Wright SALE OF CITY/COUNTY PROPERTY County Manager Eller reported that bids had bE~en received on approximately 74 of the 200 parcels of City/County owned property that had been advertised for sale. The Commissioners were requested to authorize the advertising of these offers and permitting upset bids to be filed. The County Manager recommended that the bidders be required to post a 10% bid deposit with a minimum deposit 0:: $35. Corom. Alper moved, seconded by Comm. Taylor, 1:0 follow the recommendation of the County Manager and advertise the property in accordance with the manner in which all County property is sold. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Alper, Taylor and Chm. Dav,J.s Absent: Comm. Wright and O'Shields (Temporarily) BUDGET TRANSFER - SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT Comm. Taylor moved, seconded by Corom. Alper, ccpproval of the transfer of $300 from Salaries and Wages, Acct. #11 510 02, to Telephone and Postage, Acct. #11 510 11, as requested in the Sheriff's Department budget in orCler to pay the telephone bill for the month of June. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Alper, Taylor and Chm. Davis Absent: Comm. Wright and O'Shields (Temporarily) APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER - LANEY AND TRASK SCHOOLS SEWER LINE The Commissioners we~requested to approve a change order to the contract with Central Builders increasing the total contract from $216,084 to $221,999.12. The Engineers had estimated 32 tons of crushed stone would be required and the Contractor had to use 1,105 tons. The Cotinty Manager recommended the change order be approved and that the budget for the Water and Sewer Fund be amended by appropriating $5,916 as Revenue, Interest on Investments, Acct. #64 329 00, and as an Expenditure, Capital Outlay - Other Improvements, Acct. #64 575 73. Corom. Alper moved, seconded by Comm. Taylor, approval of the change order and th.:lt the budget be amended as recommended by the County Manager. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Alper, O'Shields, Taylor and Chm. Davis Absent: Comm. Wright F. k!. . ~ ~[" : . ,Lt.J MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 21, 1976 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL FOR LEASE AGREEMENT FOR RADIO TOWER The Commissioners were requested to approve a Lease Agreement with the City of Wilmington to provide for the construction of a radio tONer at the City's Southside Sewage Treatment Plant. County Manager Eller reported that the to.wer would be used for the law enforcement agencies, and other departments within the City and County, to have countywide communication. Comm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Taylor, approval of the lease with the changes as outlined by the County Manager. Upon vote, t;he motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Alper, O'Shields, Taylor and Chm. Davis I)' /; Absent: Comm. Wright A copy of the Lease Agreement is on file in the COlli~ty Manager's Office REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON INSURANCE COVERAGE Comm. Alper requested that the County Manager check on the County's insurance policies to see if it would be possible to obtain excess coverage to blanket all the operations of the County so that there were not several policies. APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER - MENTAL HEALTH CONSTRUCTION Corom. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Taylor, a~)roval of the change order in the amount of $60 to the contract with Reagan Construction Company for the Southeastern Mental Health Center, as requested, to provide for the installation of sound insulation in one of the rooms. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Alper, O'~hields, Taylor and Chm.. Davis Absent: Comm. Wright APPROVAL OF BUDGET TRANSFER - BOARD OF ELECTIONS Comm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Taylor, approval of the transfer of $500 from Professional Services, Acct. #11 430 04, to Contrac1:ed Services, Acct. #11 430 45, as requested in the Board of Elections budget, due to receiving additional requests for computer printouts of the registration records. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: (\1 /1 Voting Aye: Corom. Alper, O'Shields, Taylor and Chm. Davis Absent: Corom. Wright APPROVAL OF BUDGET TRANSFER - CAPE FEAR TECHNICAL INSTITUTE Comm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Taylor, approval of the transfer of $181 from Other Expense - Repairs and Maintenance, Acct. #6249, to Repairs - Facilities, Acct. #6223, and also the transfer of $76 from DiSability, Acct. #7208, to Hospitaliza- tion Contribution, Acct. #7209, as requested in the Cape Fear Technical Institute Budget. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Alper, O'Shields, Taylor and Chm. Davis Absent: Comm. Wright APPROVAL OF BUDGET TRANSFER - JUVENILE SERVICES Comm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Taylor, approval of the transfer of $254 from Miscellaneous Expense, Acct. #11 522 57, to Capital Outlay - Equipment, Acct. #11 522 74, as requested in the Juvenile Services Eudget, in order to purchase a foosball table to replace the existing table which was damaged beyond repair. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Corom. Alper, O'Shields, Taylor and Chm. Davis ~ / ,,"-,-.I Absent: Comm. Wright CONDEMNATION OF CITY AND COUNTY OWNED PROPERTY Comm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Taylor, approval of the condemnation of City and County owned proper1:ies designated as parcels 10-1, 10-24, 11-17, 15-14, 14-11 and 15-2, in the Northside Urban Renewal Area. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Alper, O'Shields, Taylor and Chm. Davis Absent: Comm. Wright ~ . I. . ;": ..., Ie. ,', 10, ., tiC) MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE,. 21, 1976 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF TRANSFER OF FUNDS - REGISTER OF DEEDS Comm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Taylo~, approval from Departmental Supplies and Equipment, Acct. #11 480 33, to Acct. #11 480 45, as requested i~ the Register of Dgeds budget standing bills from Cott Data Processing and Arcata Microfilm. carried as follows: of the transfer of $450 Contracted Services, in order to pay out- Upon vote, the motion Voting Aye: Comm. Alper, O'Shields, Taylor and Chm. Davis Absent: Corom. Wright APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE LIMITING THE USE OF LOUDSPE~~RS The Commissioners had considered and approved the ordinance prepared by the County Attorney limiting the use of loudspeakers at their meeting of June 7, 1976, but since the full board was not present it was necessary to vote on the ordinance again. Comm. Taylor moved, seconded by Comm.O'Shields, adoption of the following Ordinance limiting the use of loudspeakers: AN ORDINANCE LIMITING THE USE OF L)UDSPEAKERS OR AMPLIFIERS ON MOTOR VEHICLES IN NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners is informed and believes that it would be in the best interests of all citizens of New Hanover County that an ordinance be adopted limiting the use of any mechanical loudspeakers or amplifiers on motor vehicles within New Hanover County. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County: Section I The use within New Hanover County of any mechanical .loudspeakers or amplifiers on trucks, airplanes or other vehicles for advertising, political or other purposes except during weekdays, other than Sunday, between the hours of 8:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. shall be prohibited. Section II Any person who shall violate the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more than $50.00 or im- prisonment for not more than 30 days, in the discretion of the Court, as provided by Section 14-4 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. Section III This ordinance shall be effective within the corporate limits and extraterritorial jurisdiction of any municipality within New Hanover County which shall so agree by appropriate resolution. Section IV This ordinance shall take effect on the 21st day of June, 1976. Upon vote, the ordinance was adopted a second time by the following vote: Voting Aye: Comm. Alper, O'Shields, Taylor and Chm. Davis Absent: Comm. Wright APPROVAL OF TAX COLLECTOR'S REPORT THROUGH MAY 31, 1976 Corom. Taylor moved, seconded by Comm. Alper, a:?proval of the Tax Collector's Report through May 31, 1976. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Corom. Alper, O'Shields, Taylor and Chm. Davis Absent: Comm. wright A copy of the Tax Collector's Report is contained in Exhibit Book III, Page 79. ..~ ------ (154 i /~ I MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 21, 1976 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF TAX ABATEMENTS AND REFUNDS The County Attorney reported that he had reviewed the list of Tax Abatements and Refunds and found it to be in order. Comm. Alper moved, seconded by Comm. O'Shields, approval of the list of Abatements and Refunds. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Alper, O'Shields, Taylor and Chm. Davis Absent: Corom. Wright The list of Abatements and Refunds is contained in Exhibit Book III, Page 80. ~ ) RESOLUTION RE INTEREST ON HOSPITAL BONDS County Attorney Fox presented to the Board a resolution relative to the interest on the Hospital Bonds and requested that it be adopted. Comm. O'Shields moved that the following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, the Local Government Commission of North Carolina has informed the Board of Commissioners that it has sold in the ~lnner prescribed by law the $9,360,000 Public Hospital Bonds of the County of Ne,., Hanover, dated June 1, 1976, and that the contract of sale contemplates that the bonds shall bear interest as hereinafter provided; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, as follows: The bonds hereinbefore described shall bear interest as follows: Bonds payable in each of the years 1978 to 1986, inclusive, 6.50% per annum; bonds payable in each of the years 1987 to 1990, inclu- sive, 6% per annum; bonds payable in the year 1991, 5.50% per annum; bonds payable in the year 1992, 5.60% per annum; bonds payable in each of the years 1993 to 1996, inclusive, 5.50% per: annum; bonds payable in the year 1997, 5% per annum; and bonds payable in the year 1998, 4.50% per annum. Comm. Alper seconded the motion and the motion ,.,as adopted. Those voting for the resolution were Commissioners, Alper, O'Shields, 'raylor and Chm. Davis. Corom. Wright was absent and no one voted against it. I rl ) BIDS ON TENNIS COURTS AT BLAIR SCHOOL PARK County Engineer, Robert williams presented the bid tabulation for construction of the tennis courts, fencing and multi-use paved area at Blair Noble Park. He also displayed plans for the park and gave a progress report rnl the status of the construction. Comm. Taylor moved, seconded by Comm. Alper, to appn)ve the recommendation of the County Engineer to award the bids for the tennis courts to L. R. Armstrong & Son, in the amount of $12,201; the tennis court equipment to L. R. Armstrong & Son in the amount of $500; the tennis court fencing to R. D. McCalls, Inc. in the amount of $4,644 and the multi-use paved area to Kay Building Company in the amount of $5,336. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Corom. Alper, O'Shields, Taylor and Chm. Davis Absent: Comm. Wright County Attorney Fox stated that the formal bid procedure for contracts for con- struction or repair work amounting to more than $10,000 required three bids and if three bids were not received it would have to be rebid; therefore, in his opinion, it would be necessary to rebid the contract for the tennis courts. I f\ ) Comm. Taylor moved, seconded by Comm. Alper, that on advice of the attorney, the previous action be amended to only include the tennis cow~t equipment; tennis court fencing and multi-use paved area; and that the tennis courts be rebid. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Alper, O'Shields, Taylor and Chm. Davis Absent: Corom. Wright A tabulation of the bids is contained in Exhibit Book III, Page 81. ~. . . . .'>' '. ~ 155, MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 21, 1976 (CONTINm:D) DISCUSSION ON PROGRESS OF RENOVATION WORK AT LEGION STADIUM Comm. O'Shields stated his concern about the progress of the renovation work at Legion Stadium. Chm. Davis stated that he had been in contact with the architect and the con- tractor and it seemed that the delay was caused by the steel fabrication, but that progress on the renovations should improve since that matter had been settled. DISCUSSION ON SCHOOL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1976/77 Corom. Taylor expressed his concern on the adoption of the school budget for FY 1976/77 and stated that he felt some action should be taken so that they could place orders for equipment that they needed. Chm. Davis stated that since the last budget E:ession was scheduled for the next evening, the matter would be settled at that time and requested the County Manager to ask Dr. Bellamy to be present to answer any questions the Coromissioners had. DISCUSSION ON CLERK OF COURT BUDGET The County Manager related to the Board that the Clerk of Court was unhappy with the action taken by the Board on his budget and had requested to appear before them to request that the funds deleted from his budget be replaced. BUDGET TRANSFER - SOCIAL SERVICES County Manager Eller reported that another con~ressor had to be repaired at the Social Services Building and requested the transfer of $478 from Salaries, Acct. #11 610 O? to Maintenance and Repair - Buildings and Grounds, Acct. #11 610 15, in the Social Ser- vices Budget. Comm. 0' Shields moved, seconded by Comm. AlpeI', approval of the budget transfer as requested in the Social Services Budget. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Alper, O'Shields, Taylor and Chm. Davis . Absent: Comm. Wright AMENDMENT TO CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND FOR HOSPITAL CONSTRUCTION County Manager Eller reported that in order to pay interest to the hospital that the County had received on the Certificates of Depcsit belonging to New Hanover Memorial Hospital, the Capital projects Fund would have to be amended by appropriating $3,255 to Revenue Acct~ #78 329 00, Interest, and by appropriating that same amount to Expendi- ture Acct. #78 575 91, Payment to Hospital. Comm. Taylor moved, seconded by Comm. Alper, approval of the budget amendment to the Capital Projects Fund for Hospital Construction as requested by the County Manager. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Corom. Alper, O'Shields, Taylor and Chm. Davis Absent: Comm. Wright EXECUTIVE SESSION Comm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Alper, that the meeting be recessed to Executive Session to discuss committee appointments. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Alper, O'Shields, Taylor and Chm. Davis Absent: Comm. Wright Chm. Davis recessed the meeting to Executive Session at 10:45 o'clock a. m. Chm. Davis reconvened the meeting to Public Session at 11:00 o'clock a. m. ~ "...---- ( I ,- , ! ,)h /-.::, 12' MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 21, 1976 (CONTINUED) ADJOURNMENT Comm. Taylor moved, seconded by Comm. Alper, that the meeting be adjourned. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: voting Aye: Corom. Alper, O'Shields, Taylor and Chm. Davis Absent: Comm. Wright Chm. Davis adjourned the meeting at 11:05 o'clock a. m. Respectfully submitted, f) I ) d ~_ . ~- D. /u{.Q-t..-V--,/c.J Alyce B. Brown Clerk to 1:he Board ab MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, JUNE 30, 1976 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Special Session on Wednesday, June 30, 1976, at 10:00 o'clock a. m. in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Adminis- tration Building, Wilmington, North Carolina, for the purpose of awarding construction bids for tennis courts at Blair School Park; to adopt 1:he Budget Ordinance for Fiscal Year 1976/77; to award bids for ,Health Department equipment; budget transfers and amendments for Fiscal Year 1975/76 and an Executive Session Attorney/Client matters. Members present were Commissioners George Taylor; Vivian S. Wright; Chm. Peter R. Davis; Attorney James C. Fox; and Clerk to the Board, E. Alper; Claud O'Shields, Jr; William C. County Hanager Dan W. Eller; County Alyce B. Brown. No members were absent. Chrn. .Davis called the meeting to order. I) BUDGET TRANSFERS AND AMENDMENTS - FISCAL YEAR 1975/76 County Manager Eller presented to the Commissioners a list of budget transfers and amendments that were needed in various accounts to balance them out for the end of Fiscal Year 1975/76. He explained the reasons for each transfer that was necessary. Comm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Alper, t:hat the budget transfer and amendments be approved as requested. Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. A list of the budget transfers and amendments is contained in Exhibit Book IV, Page 1. BUDGET TRANSFER - PUBLIC ASSISTANCE The County Manager explained the following budget transfer for Public Assistance was necessary to account for revenue that had been received: Debit - Acct. #41 350 03 Revenue - AFDC Acct. #41 610 07 Med. Aid to Indigent Credit - Acct. #41 610 03 AFDC Acct. #41 610 09 Gen. Assistance Acct. #41 610 05 Med. Asst. Medicaid $50,289. 2,872 . $47,77l. 4,342. 1,048. Upon motion by Comm. Alper, seconded by Comm. Taylor, the budget transfer was unanimously approved as requested. ./'\ ) AWARD OF BID ON TENNIS COURTS AT BLAIR SCHOOL PARK County Engineer, Robert Williams presented the following tabulation of bids that had been received and stated that the construction of the tennis courts had been re- advertised due to the fact that three bids were not rec.eived the first time. He recom- mended that the bid be awarded to the low bidder, Reaga~ Construction Company, in the amount of $11,690. Carolina Courts & Track Reagan Construction Co. Kay Building Co. Bid Amt. $12,780.00 11,690.00 11,970 Discount 1% - $127.80 -0- 1% - $119.70 Net $12,652.20 11,690.00 11,850.30 ~_.:.-