Community Meeting NoticeMAYNARCiNESE April 19, 2024 Tonya Bunn Powell Robert Farrell, Development Review Supervisor Shareholder New Hanover County Planning and Land Use 230 Government Center Drive, Ste 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 Re: Meeting Notice for Conditional Rezoning Southeastern Freight Lines, Inc. — New Hanover County, North Carolina Dear Property Owner: This is a notice for a community information meeting for an upcoming request by Southeastern Freight Lines, Inc. ("SEFL"), property owner, for a conditional rezoning from B-2 to Conditional — AC (CZD-AC) to allow SEFL to use the subject property for an additional parking area for employees and trucks. The subject property is approximately 4.79 acres and is located at 2824 N. 23' Street, Wilmington, NC and is identified as PID R04100-002-007-001 (the "Propert '). The Property is adjacent to property owned by SEFL since 1986 on which it operates a service center for its transportation services. The Property was previously used as a mobile home park but now is vacant. The Property is proposed to be developed based on a plan to be approved by New Hanover County. Although the plan is not yet final, it will be substantially similar to the concept plan included with this letter. The purpose of the community information meeting is to explain the proposal and answer questions from meeting attendees. This meeting will be held virtually on Monday, April 29, 2024 and begin at 6:00 p.m. The link to join the meeting is as follows and would need to be typed into your internet browser: httDs://teams.microsoft,com/dl/launcher/launcher.litlnl?url=%2F %23%2FI%2Fmeetu join%2F 19%3Ameeting_YjliYmQOYzEtYzFhZC00OTN1LTk1 ZTgtMWIOMzkyNj diM mRi%40thread.v2%2FO%3Fcontext%3D%257b%2522Tid%2522%253a%2522b 18c68b d-d9c7-4348-b45 e-60fd0eec72ca%2522%252c%2522Oid%2522%253a%252212e759df- 8e76-4bcf-9b01-798493daeb0l %2522%257d%26anon%3Dtrue&type=meetup- join&deeplinkld= l a5628e2-e6e 1-4d07-81 fe- 26b334e82dc3&directDl=true&msLaunch=true&enableMobilePage=true&suppressProm pt=true. For a link to the virtual meeting, please email me tpowe�nardnexsen.com with your email address and I will send a link you can copy and paste into your browser. Very truly yours, Tonya B. Powell 4141 Parklake Avenue T 919.755.1800 Suite 200 F 919.653,0435 Raleigh, NC 27612 www.maynardnexsen.com Maynard Nexsen PC NPDocuments:62882948.1 Attorneys and Counselors at Law