2024-04-22 SM ExhibitsNEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WILMINGTON CITY COUNCIL WHEREAS, New Hanover County (County) and City of Wilmingtonshare a common interest in addressing unsheltered homelessness within our communities; and WHEREAS, unsheltered homelessness means an individual or family with a primary nighttime residence that is a including a car, park, abandoned building, bus or train station, airport, or camping ground; and negative health outcomes, public safety concerns, and a strain on social services; and WHEREAS, a coordinated and comprehensive approach is necessary to effectively address the root causes of unsheltered homelessness and provide pathways to permanent housing and support services; and WHEREAS, collaboration between the County and City will leverage resources, expertise, and local service providers to maximize the impact of the efforts. 7ft PT T 7 MT Council do hereby direct staff to engage with individuals experiencing homelessness, service providers, and community partners to identify supports that will achieve the following outcomes: 1. Develop an inventory of existing homeless services, current provider challenges, and potential opportunities. 2. Obtain first-hand knowledge from individuals experiencing homelessness. 3, Identify opportunities to close gaps in services for individuals experiencing homelessness. MEM r PAN/lii illiarn E, Rivenbark, Chair , Clerk to the Board CITY 0 ILMPGTON 101%