2024-05-06 RM ExhibitsExhibi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Book LV Page RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT FOR THE WILMINGTON ROAD RUNNERS CLUB APPLICATION FOR WILMINGTON, NC TO BE DESIGNATED AS A ROAD RUNNERS CLUB OF AMERICA RUNNER FRIENDLY COMMUNITY' WHEREAS, New Hanover County (County) is home to a vibrant running community, notably supported by the Wilmington Road Runners Club (WRRC), which was founded in 1977 and remains one of the oldest continuously operating running clubs in North Carolina; and WHEREAS, the County is notable for its vast green spaces, including three beaches and 17 county parks covering 1,800 acres within 199 square miles, establishing it as a community actively dedicated to promoting healthy living, setting it apart from other regions; and WHEREAS, the County collaborates with both public and private sectors to -develop a safe, running -friendly environment which is essential for a healthy lifestyle; and WHEREAS, the WRRC is a nonprofit member organization, promoting healthier lifestyles through running and walking and offers its members and the broader community opportunities for training, racing, socializing, and volunteering; and WHEREAS, the WRRC significantly enhances community health and fitness with impactful initiatives, including scholarships that reinforce its commitment to community engagement; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County and the WRRC are supportive of the community being designated as a Road Runners Club of America (RRCA) Runner Friendly Community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that the County recognizes the Wilmington Road Runners Club for advancing health and community spirit, endorses its application to have Wilmington designated as a RRCA Runner Friendly Community, and encourages community engagement in healthy activities to boost overall health and enhance the vibrancy of the community. ADOPTED this the 6th day of May, 2024. 11TV NEW HANOVER COUNTY aZL k William E. Rivenbark, C air ATTEST: Kyy erle igh G. C ell, Clerk to the Board NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Exhibit SEXUAL ASSAULT AWARNESSMONTH PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) is a time to draw attention to the sexual violence that is widespread and impacts every person inthe community. SAAK4 aims to raise public awareness about sexual abuse, harassment, and assault and educate communities about how to be involved in prevention; and WHEREAS, this year'oSAAM campaign theme, Building Connected Communities, calls oneach ofuotowork together to prevent sexual abuse, harassment, and assault. We believe when anyone experiences sexual violence, every community member isaffected. VVemust strive to build more connected, respectful, and inclusive communities to promote our collective well-being and protect against the risk ofsexual violence; and WHEREAS, The Building Connected Communities campaign is an opportunity for our community to join with othersaround the world in committing to prevent sexual abuse, assault, and harassment; and WHEREAS, we believe all of our communities will be safer and stronger by making them more equitable for people of all gender identities and sexual orientations, races and ethnic backgrounds, ages, faiths, and abilities; and WHEREAS, we must strive to create strong connected communities that take care of one another and make decisions to ensure the safety and well-being ofothers toend sexual violence; and Statistics show: w Over 53%ofwomen and over 29%nfmen have reported experiencing contact sexual violence intheir lifetime (Cher, etaL2U2]). 0 Most women and men across all sexual identities who have experienced contact sexual violence reported that the person who harmed them was someone they knew ([hen,etaLZOZ3). * More than I in 4 non -Hispanic Black women (29%) in the United States have been raped in their lifetime (Basile et al., ZO22). ^ 1 in 3 Hispanic women (34.8%) have reported unwanted sexual contact intheir lifetime (Basile etaL 2022). 9 More than 4 in 5 American Indian and Alaska Native women (84.3%) have experienced violence in their lifetime (Rosay, 3U1Q. 0 32.9% of adults with intellectual disabilities have experienced sexual violence (Tomsa et al., 2021). ^ 47% of all transgender people have been sexually assaulted at some point in their lives (James et al., 2016). NOW, THEREFORE BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that April 2024 will be recognized as "Sexual Assault Awareness Month" in New Hanover County. ADOPTED the 6thday ofMay, ZOZ4. tQr,' NEW HANOVER COUNTY ��a - �' -, - , � -C, /( William E. Rivenbark, Chair ATTEST: .0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Exhibit Book _)(W Page A. —Is OLDER AMERICANS MONTH PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, May is designated as Older Americans Month, a time to acknowledge and celebrate the significant contributions of older adults in New Hanover County and their profound influence across all aspects of society; and WHEREAS, older adults enrich our younger generations with their extensive life experiences and wisdom, perpetuating valuable cultural and historical knowledge; and WHEREAS, older Americans enhance our communities through their diversity, wisdom, fostering of intergenerational relationships, community service, civic engagement, and numerous other activities; WHEREAS, the well-being of our community is maximized when individuals of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds are empowered to participate and live independently; and WHEREAS, it is important for New Hanover County to support the necessary resources and support to ensure older Americans remain active and engaged in their communities, reflecting our dedication to inclusivity and connectedness; and WHEREAS, the theme for this year, "Powered by Connection," highlights the critical role of meaningful social interactions in enhancing the health and well-being of older adults; and WHEREAS, we urge all residents to recognize the invaluable contributions of our older citizens and to advocate for and engage in programs and activities that promote connectivity, inclusion, and support for our senior population. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that May 2024 is hereby declared as "Older Americans Month" in New Hanover County. ADOPTED this the 6th day of May, 2024. �,,!Rusmo, NEW HANOVER COUr,,Y X t William E. Rivenbark, Chair ATTEST: KyMberleigh G,,;Crowell, Clerk to the Board NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Exhibit SAFE BOATING WEEK PROCLAMATION Book Page WHEREAS, the beautiful coastal waters of New Hanover County represent a world-renowned recr"Vlo-m-&�M,-Mrce thf�t beach activities; and WHEREAS, North Carolina boasts 5,000 miles of water shoreline and is home to 361,000 registered boaters, with boating and fishing ranking among the state's most popular activities year-round; and WHEREAS, on average, 630 people die in the U.S. each year in boating -related accidents, and approximately 80% of those fatalities are caused by drowning; and r"Tcy I 1'tl it , le vasT r1ajoi, not by the boat, equipment, or environmental factors; and WHEREAS, in approximately 86% of drowning cases, the victims were not wearing a life jacket; and WHEREAS, most boaters who lose their lives by drowning each year would be alive today had they worn their life jackets; and WHEREAS, National Safe Boating Week is observed to bring attention to important lifesaving tips for recreational boaters, so they have a safer, more enjoyable experience out on the water throughout the year; and WHEREAS, the National Safe Boating Council, supported by the U.S. Coast Guard, the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, and other national organizations, has set May 18-24, 2024, as National Safe Boating Week. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED, by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that May 18-24, 2024, will be recognized as "Safe Boating Week" in New Hanover County and urges all those who boat to practice safe boating habits, and to always wear a life jacket while boating. ADOPTED the 6 th day of May, 2024. r� NEW HANOVER COU�,NT7­ blk William E. Rivenbark, Chair ATTEST: Ky erleigh G. Cr ell, Clerk to the Board NEWNANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS PROCLAMATION RECOGNIZING MAY 6THROUGH MAY 11,2g24 AS CLERKS TO THE BOARDS OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WEEK WHEREAS, the role of the clerk to the board of county commissioners (clerk) is crucial for maintaining an informed community and facilitating effective local governance through communication among citizens, governing bodies, and administrative departments; and WHEREAS, the position of clerk, one of the oldest in local government, continues to be essential as the official recordkeepers of their counties, with responsibilities that are deeply rooted in history; and WHEREAS, North Carolina General Statute 153A-111 requires every board of county commissioners to appoint or designate a clerk to the board to perform any duties that may be required by law or the board of commissioners including, but not limited to, the preparation, filing, and protection of local government records, which are vital for accountability and transparency; and WHEREAS, clerks enhance their professional skills through active participation in the North Carolina Association of County [|eMo to Boards of Commissioners, which in partnership with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Government and the International Institute of Municipal Clerks, offers nationally recognized certification programs and continuous professional education; and WHEREAS, clerks, through their dedication to professional development, not only improve the efficacy of their offices but also bring positive recognition to their counties by participating in advanced education and obtaining profession related certifications. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that May 5 through May 11, 2024, will be recognized as "Clerks tothe Boards ofCounty Commissioners Week" in New Hanover County and extends its appreciation to Clerk tothe Board Kymber|eigh G. Crowell and Deputy Clerk to the Board Melissa Long, and to all county clerks for the vital services they perform and their exemplary dedication to the county they represent. ADOPTED this the 6mday ofMay, 2O24. NEW HANOVERCO William E. Rkenbah, Chair ATTEST: AKyberIei`gk1G. C ' �iell, Clerk to the Board