TRC Comment Response_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3805 Cherry Avenue - Wilmington, NC 28403 - 910 791 4441 - www.csd-engineering.com – License # C-2710 March 29, 2024 Wendell Biddle Development Review Associate Planner New Hanover County Engineering Department 230 Government Center Drive Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 Re: Fawn Valley (SUBPP-23-007) TRC Comment Responses New Hanover County CSD Project No. 17-0402 Dear Wendell: Enclosed please find the following items for the referenced project address TRC comments from January 3 2024: - one (1) emailed copy of the revised TRC preliminary plan Comments and responses are below. Please let us know if you have any questions or require any additional information. Sincerely, Rodney Wright cc: Hoosier Daddy, LLC Fawn Valley - TRC Comment Responses | 2 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3805 Cherry Avenue - Wilmington, NC 28403 - 910 791 4441 - www.csd-engineering.com – License # C-2710 PLANNING: Comment: Please note that prior to final plat of this development or phasing, the HOA Covenants must be on record with the New Hanover County Register of Deeds. Response: Acknowledged. Comment: At a density of 2.5 units per acre, a total of 49 units for 19.52 acres is proposed and permitted. Please number and provide dimensions for each lot. Response: Lot numbers and lot dimensions have been added to preliminary plan. Comment: Please detail the Performance Subdivision setbacks and distance between structures. Response: Updated notes for 20 ft peripheral buffer and 10 ft between structures. Comment: Please detail if Fawn Valley Drive is stubbed for future connection. Response: Added note for Roads to be stubbed out for future connection Comment: Please detail if Fawn Settle Drive is a private roadway in which permission to connect with adjacent HOA is required? Please detail if Fawn Settle Drive has legal access across the connecting road into the adjacent development. Response: Adjacent subdivision are NCDOT roads, a driveway connection permit will be obtained for connection. Comment: Please detail the location of any traffic calming devices if used. Response: No traffic calming devices are proposed for the development. Comment: Please detail proposed method of tree mitigation in accordance with UDO Section 5.3. Strict payment into the New Hanover County Tree Fund for 286 inches of Significant tree removal is $57,200. Response: A new tree survey was performed and trees retained onsite that are not significant at a 1.5” credit create surplus, so no mitigation is required. Comment: Please note that trees retained are classified as Significant and do not accrue credit against mitigation. Response: No significant trees were used as credit inches. Comment: Please provide a detailed landscape and buffering plan detailing the requirements in accordance with UDO Section 5.4. a. Landscaping is only required for the amenity center. Response: Landscape plan for amenity center enclosed. Comment: Is any lighting proposed for the development? Response: Not at this time. Comment: Please note that with the latest update to the UDO, a lighting plan is not required at time of TRC approval. See below excerpt from Section 5.5.3: i. Information about the exterior lighting for the site that demonstrates compliance with the standards in this section shall be submitted in conjunction with an application for site plan approval (Section 10.3.6, Site Plan) or zoning compliance approval (Section 10.3.8, Zoning Compliance Approval), whichever comes first, approved no later than at time of construction plan approval. Response: Acknowledged. Fawn Valley - TRC Comment Responses | 3 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3805 Cherry Avenue - Wilmington, NC 28403 - 910 791 4441 - www.csd-engineering.com – License # C-2710 Comment: When the lighting plan is submitted, please ensure that the foot candles from the street lights at the lot lines do not exceed 0.5, as the adjacent land is residential. Response: Acknowledged Comment: Please note that all signs are subject to Section 5.6 of the UDO. Response: Added note 28 on preliminary plan. Comment: Please submit for sign permits prior to installation. Response: Acknowledged Comment: New Hanover GIS records indicate a Swamp Forest Conservation Overlay on site. Please delineate on site plan the aggregate acreage of Swamp Forest on site. a. Please refer to UDO Section 5.7.3 for Conservation Space General Performance Controls. b. Please refer to UDO Table 5.7.3.A.5: Worktable for Determining Required Conservation Space Developable Land. c. Please note UDO Section 5.7.3.E Methods for Conservation. Response: Per wetlands Consultant Swamp Forest can only occur in wetlands not uplands. Area of wetlands located in the Overlay is less than 5 acres so additional measures are not required. Comment: Please show location of mailbox kiosk on site plan. Response: Mail kiosk as been added. Comment: Please indicate the length and width of the pull-off area on the site plan. Response: Added 9 ft x 18 ft spaces in front of kiosk. ENGINEERING: Comment: A land disturbing and a stormwater permit issued by the County are required for this project. Please submit for permits as the design is completed. Response: NHC stormwater and erosion control have been submitted for review Comment: Please contact the State for the stormwater permit requirements. Response: Site has State Stormwater Permit SW8 231211