Preliminary Forum Summary 5-2-2024NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING BOARD REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: 5/2/2024 Regular DEPARTMENT: Planning PRESENTER(S): Robert Farrell, Development Review Supervisor CONTACT(S): Robert Farrell; Rebekah Roth, Planning and Land Use Director SUBJECT: Preliminary Forum Special Use Permit Request (S24-01) - Tarin Woods - Shiloh Drive Addional Dwelling Allowance - Request by Samuel Poer with Equitas Law Partners, LLC, applicant, on behalf of Hoosier Daddy, LLC, property owner, for an Addional Dwelling Allowance to increase the allowed density up to 10.2 dwelling units per acre for 24 parcels totaling approximately 16.78 acres of land currently zoned R-15, Residenal located at 535, 539, 543, and 547 Manassas Drive and unaddressed parcels on the 5900 block of Shiloh Drivel. BRIEF SUMMARY: The applicant is requesng a special use permit for an addional dwelling allowance to construct a residenal project consisng of a mix of mul-family, row, and quadraplex housing types on approximately 16.78 acres of land between Carolina Beach Road and the exisng Tarin Woods Subdivision. The properes are currently vacant and zoned R-15, Residenal. The exisng R-15 district allows mul-family, row, and quadraplex housing by-right at a maximum density of 2.5 dwelling units per acre for a maximum of 42 dwelling units. The Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) allows for the density of R-15 properes to be increased to a maximum of 10.2 dwelling units per acre with the approval of a special use permit by the Board of Commissioners. The applicant is requesng the maximum density allowed for an addional dwelling allowance in the R-15 district. The project proposes full access at two locaons on Manassas Drive, an NCDOT maintained local road. The development also interconnects with the exisng Tarin Woods Subdivision private roads at Sweetgum Drive, Sand Ridge Drive, and Black Ashe Run. Addionally, a condion has been provided guaranteeing a road stub for future connecon to an adjacent commercially zoned parcel fronng Carolina Beach Road. It is esmated the site would generate approximately 29 AM and 39 PM peak hour trips if developed at the permied density of the current R-15 district. The proposed addional dwelling allowance is esmated to generate 76 AM and 94 PM trips, increasing the esmated number of peak hour trips by approximately 47 AM and 55 PM trips. While the esmated traffic generated from the site is under the 100 peak hour threshold that triggers the ordinance requirement for a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA), the subject parcels and addional traffic was included in the TIA for the larger Tarin Woods Subdivision. NCDOT has stated all required improvements of the TIA have been built and accepted by NCDOT. The 2016 Comprehensive Land Use Plan classifies the properes as General Residenal. The General Residenal place type focuses on lower-density housing and associated civic and commercial services. Typically, housing is single-family or duplexes. Commercial uses should be limited to strategically located office and retail spaces, while recreaon and school facilies are encouraged throughout. Types of uses include single-family residenal, low- density mul-family, residenal, light commercial, civic, and recreaonal. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: As this is a preliminary forum the Planning Board does not make a decision or recommendaon on special use permits. The board is requested to hear the presentaons of staff, the applicant, and the public to facilitate an open and transparent discussion of the special use permit applicaon. Quesons and comments related to the following topics are encouraged: - Components of the proposal that are not clear or where addional informaon is needed in order to understand the project, - Advice to the applicant on the presentaon they will be making to the Board of Commissioners, - Advice to the pares speaking in opposion on what they may want to consider when preparing for the Board of Commissioners meeng, and - Advice for both pares on potenal issues that should be addressed before the public hearing. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager)