240507 Sidbury 187 approval_pkt_signed May 7, 2024 Mr. AJ Anastopoulo, PE DAVENPORT 5917 Oleander Drive, Suite 206 Wilmington, NC 28403 RE: Approval with conditions of the Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) associated with the proposed Sidbury 187 (Gore Tract) residential development in New Hanover County, NC. Dear Mr. Anastopoulo: The WMPO, NCDOT and New Hanover County staffs have reviewed the Sidbury 187 TIA (sealed April 08, 2024) and based on the information provided and conversations held to date, it is our understanding that the proposed development will be built out in three (3) phases and consists of the following land uses: Phase 1 (build year 2029): o ITE Land Use Code 210 –324 Single Family detached housing o ITE Land Use Code 215 –144 Townhomes Phase 2 (build year 2030): o ITE Land Use Code 210 – 601 Single Family detached housing o ITE Land Use Code 215 –268 Townhomes Full Build (build year 2032): o ITE Land Use Code 210 – 1312 Single Family detached housing o ITE Land Use Code 215 – 442 Townhomes Based upon the review of the analysis provided, the following improvements are required of this development: Approval with conditions of Sidbury 187 Village Traffic Impact Analysis (New Hanover County) Page 2 of 4 US 117 (N College Road) and SR 1318 (Blue Clay Road) (Signalized intersection) Phase 1 • Construct an eastbound right turn lane on SR 1318 (Blue Clay Road) with 200 feet of storage, appropriate full width deceleration and taper. • Extend the existing northbound right turn lane on US 117 (N College Road) to provide 550 feet of storage, appropriate full width deceleration, and taper. • Restripe the northbound left turn lane on US 117 (N College Road) to provide 100 feet of storage and a two way left turn lane (TWLTL) of 150 feet. • Provide overlap phasing for eastbound right turn lane and optimize the signal cycle length and timings. • Modify the signal plan to accommodate the above improvements. Phase 2 & Full Build • No additional improvements are required. SR 1318 (Blue Clay Road) and SR 1336 (Sidbury Road) (Stop-controlled intersection) Phase 1, Phase 2 & Full Build • No improvements are required. SR 1336 (Sidbury Road) and SR 2181 (Dairy Farm Road) (Stop-controlled intersection) Phase 1 • Install a traffic signal. • Restripe the gore area on the eastbound approach to extend the eastbound left turn storage on SR 1336 (Sidbury Road) to 300 feet and appropriate taper. Phase 2 & Full Build • No additional improvements are required. SR 1336 (Sidbury Road) and Buck Drive/Sidbury Station Access 1 Phase 1, Phase 2 & Full Build • No improvements are required. SR 1336 (Sidbury Road) and SR 2202 (Edna Buck Road)/Sidbury Station Access 2 Phase 1 • Install a traffic signal and provide necessary equipment for coordination. • Restripe the gore area on the eastbound approach to provide an exclusive eastbound left turn lane on SR 1336 (Sidbury Road) with 50 feet of storage, appropriate full width deceleration and taper. Phase 2 & Full Build • No additional improvements are required. Approval with conditions of Sidbury 187 Village Traffic Impact Analysis (New Hanover County) Page 3 of 4 SR 1336 (Sidbury Road) and Sidbury Station Access 3 (Stop-controlled intersection) Phase 1 • Construct an exclusive northbound right turn lane on Site Access with 100 feet of storage, appropriate full width deceleration and taper. Phase 2 • No improvements are required. Full Build • Extend the eastbound right turn lane on SR 1336 (Sidbury Road) to provide 375 feet of storage, appropriate full width deceleration and taper. • Extend the westbound left turn lane on SR 1336 (Sidbury Road) to provide 100 feet of storage, appropriate full width deceleration and taper. US 17 and SR 1336 (Sidbury Road) (Signalized intersection) Phase 1, Phase 2 & Full Build • No improvements are required. SR 1336 (Sidbury Road) and Site Access 1 (Proposed stop-controlled intersection) Phase 1 Option 1 • Install a traffic signal and provide necessary equipment for coordination. • Construct an eastbound right turn lane on SR 1336 (Sidbury Road) with 200 feet of storage, appropriate full width deceleration and taper. • Construct a westbound left turn lane on SR 1336 (Sidbury Road) with 250 feet of storage, appropriate full width deceleration and taper. • Construct site access (northbound approach) with an internal protected stem of 200 feet, measured from the right-of-way line. The approach shall have one ingress lane and two egress lanes, configured as an exclusive left turn lane and exclusive right turn lane each with 200 feet of storage. Option 2 • Construct a single lane roundabout. • Construct northbound approach (site access) with an internal protected stem of 200 feet measured from the right-of-way, configured with one ingress and one egress lane. • Provide yield control for all approaches. Phase 2 & Full Build • No additional improvements are required. Legend Black - Existing Infrastructure Blue - Phase 1 Required InfrastructureGreen - Phase 2 Required Infrastructure Purple - Full Build Required Infrastructure Red - Committed improvement - Stop Control - Signal - Roundabout 1. Provide overlap phasing for eastbound right turn lane and optimize the signal cycle length and timings. 2. Modify the signal plan to accommodate the above improvements. Blue Clay Road 55 0 ' 300' 10 0 ' s t o r a g e , 1 5 0 ' T W L T L Bl u e C l a y Ro a d US 1 1 7 US 1 1 7 Da i r y F a r m Ro a d 1. Install a traffic signal. 2. Restripe the gore area on the eastbound approach to extend the eastbound left turn storage to 300 feet and appropriate taper. Bu c k Dr i v e Si d b u r y S t a t i o n Ac c e s s 1 Ed n a B u c k Dr i v e Si d b u r y S t a t i o n Ac c e s s 2 1. Install a traffic signal and provide necessary equipment for coordination. 2. Restripe the gore area on the eastbound approach to provide an exclusive eastbound left turn lane on Sidbury Road with 50 feet of storage, appropriate full width deceleration and taper. Si t e A c c e s s 1 50'375' 100' 10 0 ' 250' 20 0 ' 20 0 ' 200' Option 1 1. Install a traffic signal and provide necessary equipment for coordination Option 2 1. Construct a single lane roundabout. 2. Construct northbound approach (site access) with an internal protected stem of 200 feet measured from the right-of-way, configured with one ingress and one egress lane. 3. Provide yield control for all approaches. Si t e Ac c e s s 1 Sidbury Road Sidbury Road Sidbury Road 20 0 ' i n t e r n a l st e m Option 2 Sidbury Road Si d b u r y S t a t i o n Ac c e s s 3