Board Meeting Agenda Packet 05-14-2024MEETING AGENDA Date: May 14, 2024 Time: 2:00 AM Location: Bd of Elections Office, Long Leaf Room Type: Special Scheduled Attendees: Derrick R. Miller, Chair Rae Hunter-Havens, Director James Battle Morgan, Jr. Secretary Caroline Dawkins, Deputy Director Natalie Hinton-Stalling, Member Noelle Powers, Database & Systems Specialist Bruce Kemp, Member Joan Geiszler-Ludlum, Administrative Technician Tom S. Morris, Member Visitor(s): Tufanna Bradley, Assistant County Manager; Kemp Burpeau, Senior Deputy County Attorney AGENDA ITEMS 1.Meeting Opening a.Call to Order b.Pledge of Allegiance c.Approval of Agenda 2.Public Comment Period •2-minute limit •10-minute limit total 3.New Business •Counting of Absentee Ballots 4.Closed Session (N.C. Gen. Stat. § 143-318.11(6)) 5.General Discussion •Other Elections-Related Matters 6.Adjournment Agenda packets are sent via email in advance of meetings. Special Meeting New Hanover County Board of Elections May 14, 2024 Subject: Approval of Agenda Summary: N/A Board Action Required: Staff recommends approval Item # 1c Special Meeting New Hanover County Board of Elections May 14, 2024 Subject: Public Comment Period Summary: This is an opportunity for members of the public to provide comments on elections-related matters. Each commenter will be limited to two minutes. There is a limit of 10 minutes total for the public comment period. Board Action Required: Discuss as necessary Item # 2 Special Meeting New Hanover County Board of Elections May 14, 2024 Subject: Counting of Absentee Ballots Applicable Statutes and/or Rules N.C. Gen. Stat §§ 163-234(2) and 163-234(7) (Modified by Session Law 2023-140 (S747) Summary: The New Hanover County Board of Elections determined by resolution that the counting of absentee ballots would occur at 2:00 PM on Election Day (5/14/2024). Only ballots approved by the Board of Elections and received no later than 5:00 PM on the day preceding the election will be counted. The process will occur as follows: 1. Staff will count absentee by mail ballots that were optically scanned using the model 850 central tabulator 2. Staff will take a USB drive(s) with absentee by mail results and upload data into the ElectionWare reporting software 3. Staff will print results report from the ElectionWare computer for board review 4. Prior to 7:30 PM, staff will verify all results from the ElectionWare reporting software that are imported into the SEIMS Election Reporting Software (ERS) 5. Absentee results will be released to the publicly viewable site by the NC State Board of Elections at 7:30 pm The Board must also sign an absentee abstract and submit it, via first class mail, to the NC State Board of Elections following the counting of absentee ballots. Document/s Included: Absentee Abstract (Provided at Meeting) Board Action Required: Discuss as necessary and action required Item # 2 Item # 3 Special Meeting New Hanover County Board of Elections May 14, 2024 Subject: Closed Session Chairman Statement Prior to Closed Session: I move that the Board enter into closed session, under N.C. Gen. Stat. § 143-318.11(6) to discuss personnel matters. Applicable Statutes and/or Rules: N.C. Gen. Stat. § 143-318.11(6) Summary: Closed session is required to discuss personnel matters under N.C. Gen. Stat. § 143-318.11(6). Board Action Required: Discuss as necessary Returning to Open Session: I move that the Board return to open session, under N.C. Gen. Stat. § 143-318.11(6), to conduct business remaining before the Board. Item # 2 Item # 4 Special Meeting New Hanover County Board of Elections May 14, 2024 Subject: General Discussion Summary: This is an opportunity for discussion on other elections-related matters not included in the meeting agenda. Board Action Required: Discuss as necessary Item # 5