CRAC Meeting Notes _ May 28 2024 (002) Mee?ng of the Community Rela?ons Advisory Commi?ee (C-RAC) May 28, 2024 Special Joint Mee?ng with County-Wide Commissions This Commi?ee shall be organized for the purpose of addressing community issues involving prejudice or discrimina?on on the bases of race, na?onal origin, creed or religion, age, gender, sexual orienta?on, disability or medical condi?on; informing the Appoin?ng Authori?es and other organiza?ons of their findings; and making recommenda?ons, in an advisory capacity, to the Appoin?ng Authori?es and other organiza?ons, as necessary. Bylaws, 2016 CALL TO ORDER TIME: 5:30 LOCATION: New Hanover County Government Center QUORUM: Yes CITY APPOINTEES: COUNTY APPOINTEES: Kirsten Kainz Liz Carbone ATTENDANCE Charlrean Mapson (absent) Cherri Cook Victoria McSwain Stephanie Medcalfe Sabrenia Smallwood-Moore Fawn Rhodes (absent) Antrevonn Tate Sam Wheeler GUESTS: County Commissions (African American History, Heritage, and Culture; Hispanic-La?no; Commission for Women) Rae Hunter-Havens, Director, NHC Board of Elec?ons APPROVAL OF MINUTES Not conducted Reports from the City of Wilmington Liaison OLD BUSINESS Reports from the New Hanover County Liaison Goal Leads: Elected Officials (Tre), Community Engagement (Sabrenia & Victoria), Fair Housing (Liz) Presenta?on from Rae Hunter-Havens NEW BUSINESS Updates from Commissions: African American History, Heritage, and Culture Commission Hispanic-La?no Commission Commission for Women As government appointees we, members of the C-RAC, agree to du?fully a?end mee?ngs of the C-RAC, represent our community to the best of our knowledge, and promote the purpose and ac?vi?es of C- RAC throughout Wilmington and New Hanover County. Community Rela?ons Advisory Commi?ee Discussion PUBLIC COMMENT ANNOUNCEMENTS ADJOURNMENT NEXT MEETING June 25, 2024 at 5:30  Sam Wheeler introduced Rae Hunter-Havens. Ms. Hunter-Havens spoke on voter rights and recent changes with voting and voting identification. o Ms. Hunter-Havens provided handouts to clarify voter id requirements and practices in NHC that became active in the 2023 municipal elections o All counties in NC follow the same requirements o There are some options for provisional voting if someone does not have a photo id at the time of voting – the procedures for provisional voting are described in the handouts o There are also possibilities for voting without a photo id under specific approved exceptions o The handouts provided information on recent voter turn-out and voter use of id exceptions, absentee ballots, and provisional ballots o Voter education campaign will begin in August including information about securing a photo id o The Board of Elections will provide free voter id cards to people with acceptable personal identification (e.g., SSN) prior to the election and through the end of early voting o Ms. Hunter-Havens responded to questions from members of Commissions and the public  Ms. Linda Thomas reported on the African American History, Heritage and Culture Commission o Developing a brochure to update community on related events o Supporting Jim Downey to place historic markers to recognize location of lynching in NHC o Juneteenth events o Recognizing local youth whose work on the history of 1898 massacre has received local award o Working with the Gullageechee proclamation  Dr. Edel Segovia reported on Hispanic Latino Commission o 11 members o Three subcommittees: Information and Civic Engagement ; Advocacy and Public Education; Language Equity o This year’s accomplishments include: orientation with County DEI and legal counsel; resource fair; needs assessment; letters of support for local issues (e.g., Mosely); presentations to and from local groups; committee structure and nominations work group; community engagement (FaithAction; CF Latinos Annual Festival; MLK Run Day; dental and vision clinics; consulate visits) o Upcoming the Commission will produce an annual report, establish new leadership, conduct a langauge needs survey, and discuss HB 10  Ms. Evans reported on the Commission for Women As government appointees we, members of the C-RAC, agree to du?fully a?end mee?ngs of the C-RAC, represent our community to the best of our knowledge, and promote the purpose and ac?vi?es of C- RAC throughout Wilmington and New Hanover County. o Charged with helping the County and City to understand the needs of local women o Began meeting and working during COVID o Work closely with YWCA o Initial work focused on guest speakers teaching the Commission about local issues o Have created to dissemination materials to help the community understand the purpose of the commission o Administered a survey at local events o Created an Inspiration Award o Asked the City and County governance to sponsor resolutions on women’s rights o Working on education to curb the harmful release of balloons o Supported the practice of virtual court for domestic violence cases o Worked at Williston Legacy Celebration o Partnered with Junior League to collection menstrual products and donated to Diaper Bank o They are beginning to plan events for Women’s History Month 2025  Liz Carbone reported on the C-RAC o Tracked monthly reports of discrimination raised with City and County offices o Focused four or five months on investigations and events related to provision of Special Education in NHC o Hosted Listening Session for parents and caregivers of children receiving special education and related services in NHC o Hosted a Joint Meeting with NHC EDI to explore Listening Session findings o Created and circulated information materials related to Fair Housing laws o Worked with the City and County government to declare April 2024 Fair Housing Month o Will conduct a public meeting in June to provide information to landlords and renters related to Fair Housing o Working on a school supply give-away in August  Linda Thompson and Mary Vigue provided updates on City and County efforts related to C-RAC’s mission to identify and remedy discrimination. There were no specific incidents of discrimination to report, but Thompson and Vigue provided an overview of the relevant processes for reporting discrimination in local. The city has newly hired Kimberly Carson as the Director of DEI.  Liz Carbone opened Public comment o What is the difference between an HR department a DEI department? ACTIONS None VOTES None NEXT STEPS None As government appointees we, members of the C-RAC, agree to du?fully a?end mee?ngs of the C-RAC, represent our community to the best of our knowledge, and promote the purpose and ac?vi?es of C- RAC throughout Wilmington and New Hanover County.