2023-09-26 MinutesNew Hanover County Inspections Department Advisory Council (IDAC) Meeting Notice and Proposed Agenda Regular Meeting of 2023 Tuesday, September 26th, 2023, at 1:00 pm New Hanover County Government Center 230 Government Center Drive Rooms 138 and 139 Presiding: Chairperson-Pete Avery I. WELCOME COMMENTS & ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM 1) Hans Schult welcomed everyone and established a Quorum. II. INTRODUCTIONS (FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE PUBLIC) 1) Hans introduced the board and guest speakers. III. PRESENTATIONS 1) Overview of NC HB 488, presented by Randal Gray a. House Bill 488 became law on August 18th, introducing significant changes to the residential and construction codes. b. Section Details: i. Section 1: Effective January 2025. Establishes a new residential code council responsible for adopting residential codes effective from January 1, 2026. This initiates the first of the six-year code cycles. ii. Section 2: Effective October 1, 2023. Raises the total construction cost requiring a licensed general contractor to $40,000. Introduces a provision where a single permit can cover simultaneous projects on the same plot (e.g., house, garage, pool house). iii. Section 3: Focuses on pavement design standards for developments. iv. Section 4: Allows sheeting inspections for structures in 140-150 mph wind zones. v. Section 5: Removes the requirement to include Appendix D on the host website. A new document, New Hanover County Code Summary, replaces it. vi. Section 6: Effective March 3, 2023. States no changes to residential, fuel, gas, or energy codes until new council updates. vii. Section 7: Details unspecified but discusses stormwater control measures. viii. Section 8: Effective August 16th. Amends residential code to include triplexes and quadruplexes with specific building code modifications. c. Implementation Challenges: i. Discussion on how simultaneous projects under a single permit could lead to complications in partial finals and inspection schedules. ii. Clarification on the contents and naming of the new code summary replacing Appendix D, ensuring all required information is still accessible. d. Feedback and Concerns: i. Attendees expressed concerns about practical difficulties in managing inspection schedules for multiple simultaneous projects under a single permit. ii. There was a consensus on the need for clear guidelines on how the new permitting system would operate in practice to avoid administrative and operational inefficiencies. e. Questions and Clarifications: i. Discussion on whether multiple general contractors could operate under a single permit and how inspections would be scheduled for various phases of construction across different projects. f. Next Steps: i. Continued review of the law's implications on current and upcoming projects. ii. Planning further discussions to address specific implementation challenges as raised by attendees. g. After the main points were covered, further discussions took place regarding practical implications and concerns regarding the new law's implementation. i. Permitting Process for Multiple Projects: 1. Attendees raised questions about the process for obtaining permits for multiple projects on the same plot, such as a house and a pool. 2. Concerns were expressed about potential confusion and administrative challenges if multiple projects are covered under a single permit. ii. Applicability of Existing Permits: 1. Questions were raised about whether existing permits would remain valid for additional projects or if separate permits would be required. 2. Attendees emphasized the importance of clarity in the permitting process to avoid complications and administrative burdens. iii. Residential Inspections and Code Compliance: 1. Discussion ensued regarding the role of residential inspectors and their compliance obligations with North Carolina law and ICC regulations. 2. Concerns were raised about the transitional period and potential confusion for builders and the department during the implementation of the new regulations. iv. Sheathing Inspections: 1. Attendees discussed the importance of sheathing inspections for structural integrity, especially in areas prone to high wind speeds. 2. Consideration was given to making sheathing inspections optional versus mandatory, balancing safety requirements with practicality. v. Enforcement and Compliance: 1. Emphasis was placed on the importance of compliance with building codes and inspection requirements to ensure structural integrity and safety. 2. Concerns were raised about potential repercussions of not adhering to inspection standards, highlighting the importance of thorough inspections. 2) Permitting Updates by JD Limberger a. Introduction: i. JD introduced himself as JD Limberger and expressed gratitude to everyone for attending the meeting. ii. He emphasized his commitment to improving the permitting process and delivering exemplary customer service. b. Vision and Goals: i. JD outlined the vision for the permitting department to become the gold standard processor. ii. He emphasized the importance of efficiency, effectiveness, and exemplary customer service in achieving this goal. iii. The focus is on making the permitting process easy to navigate for customers and internal departments. c. Efficiency and Effectiveness: i. JD highlighted the department's focus on process improvement, drawing on his experience in Six Sigma methodology. ii. The emphasis is on making every aspect of the permitting process more efficient and effective, from phone inquiries to application submissions. d. Training and Development: i. JD emphasized the importance of investing in training and development for department staff. ii. He recognized the need for staff to have the latest knowledge and skills to better assist customers and improve internal processes. e. Department Overview: i. JD provided insight into the size and workload of the permitting department, which consists of 14 full-time employees. ii. Despite the small team, they processed 96% of all permits issued in New Hanover County, totaling 28,000 permits in the last year. iii. The department also handled 42,000 phone calls and nearly 20,000 emails, highlighting their dedication and workload. f. Recognition of Team Members: i. JD took a moment to recognize and introduce key members of the permitting department, highlighting their dedication and expertise. ii. Each team member was acknowledged for their role and contribution to the department's success. g. Recent Improvements: i. JD discussed recent improvements, including the launch of a new website and mobile app aimed at simplifying the permitting process for customers. ii. He highlighted efforts to improve reliability and efficiency, such as email automations and consolidated permit applications. h. Future Plans: i. JD discussed ongoing efforts to further streamline the permitting process, including plans to simplify commercial fee schedules and enhance customer communication. ii. The department remains committed to continuous improvement and delivering exceptional service to customers. i. Conclusion: i. JD concluded his presentation by expressing gratitude for the opportunity to share updates and insights into the permitting department's efforts. He reiterated the department's commitment to improving processes and providing excellent customer service. IV. ACTION ITEMS a. Minutes approved from May 11, 2023. b. Discussion took place regarding the Date of the Next Meeting. V. ANY INFORMATIONAL UPDATES TO SHARE? 1) CFPUA Update: a. Jeff Theberge provided an overview of recent activities and initiatives undertaken by the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority (CFPUA). He discussed ongoing infrastructure projects, water quality monitoring efforts, and community outreach programs aimed at promoting water conservation and sustainability. 2) Energov Updates: a. Teresa McCormick presented updates on the Energov system, highlighting recent enhancements and improvements to the permitting and inspection processes. She addressed any issues or concerns raised by council members and welcomed feedback for further system optimization. 3) Updates from Ad Hoc/Building Code Council: a. Pete Avery provided updates on the recent activities and discussions within the Ad Hoc Committee and Building Code Council. He summarized key topics discussed, including proposed revisions to building codes and regulations and ongoing efforts to streamline the permitting process. Avery encouraged council members to stay informed and engaged in these discussions to ensure effective representation of the inspections department's interests. VI. ADJOURNMENT – 2:30 PM or Earlier 1) The meeting adjourned at 2:30 PM, following which members exchanged further discussions and updates. Randal Gray (15 minutes) JD Limberger (30 minutes) Pete Avery (5 minutes) (5 minutes) Responses from: Jeff Theberge (5 min) Teresa McCormick (5 min) Board Members (10 min)