S24-01 Public Comments Public Comments In Support 0 Neutral 0 In Opposition 11 1 Farrell, Robert From:noreply@civicplus.com Sent:Wednesday, April 24, 2024 5:51 PM To:May, Katherine; Roth, Rebekah; Vafier, Ken; Farrell, Robert; Biddle, Wendell; Doss, Amy; Dickerson, Zachary; Ott, Love Subject:Online Form Submission #10906 for Public Comment Form ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Public Comment Form Public Comment Form The agenda items listed are available for public comment at an upcoming Planning Board or Board of Commissioners meeting. Comments received by 8 AM the day of the applicable meeting will be made available to the Board prior to that meeting and will be included as part of the permanent, public record for that meeting. First Name Cynthia Last Name Orlovsky Address 6012 Culdees Ln City Wilmington State NC Zip Code 28409 Email Orlovskyc@gmail.com Please select the case for comment. PB Meeting - S24-01 - Tarin Woods What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment I oppose this project due to safety concerns for residents and especially children. There are many children walking and riding bikes to the New Hanover Pines Nature Park. There is no bike or walking lane on Manassas and the traffic is extremely heavy during the morning rush and afternoon rush. Even during the evening and middle of the day there are many garbage trucks, delivery trucks and lawn and maintenance vehicles driving through Manassas and on thru the residential neighborhood. I feel the developer is being greedy, trying to make as much 2 profit as possible at the expense of the residents and taxpayers. Please do not approve this request. Upload supporting files If you need to support your comment with documentation, upload the files here. No more than 20MB in size total for all files. File types accepted are: doc, docx, ppt, pptx, txt, pdf, jpg, png. File 1 Field not completed. File 2 Field not completed. File 3 Field not completed. File 4 Field not completed. Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. 3 Farrell, Robert From:noreply@civicplus.com Sent:Wednesday, April 24, 2024 12:39 PM To:May, Katherine; Roth, Rebekah; Vafier, Ken; Farrell, Robert; Biddle, Wendell; Doss, Amy; Dickerson, Zachary; Ott, Love Subject:Online Form Submission #10898 for Public Comment Form ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Public Comment Form Public Comment Form The agenda items listed are available for public comment at an upcoming Planning Board or Board of Commissioners meeting. Comments received by 8 AM the day of the applicable meeting will be made available to the Board prior to that meeting and will be included as part of the permanent, public record for that meeting. First Name Paul Last Name Sommers Address 246 Inlet Point Dr City Wilmington State NC Zip Code 28409-5010 Email sommersguy@gmail.com Please select the case for comment. PB Meeting - S24-01 - Tarin Woods What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Dear members of the Planning Board: I oppose the development of high density dwellings in the area just north of Manassas Dr and east of Carolina Beach Rd and west of Shiloh Dr. Similar proposals by the same developer in that area have been rejected for many good reasons that have been repeatedly expressed by the nearby residents. I request that 4 the Planning Board respect those precedents. The developer should not be allowed to succeed by wearing down the residents of the area with repeated proposals of the same nature. The Tarin Woods II development was promised to be R15 residential homes. The proposals to add high density units constitute a bait-and-switch method which I regard as sinister. I live a few miles south of the proposed development. My personal concern is about emergency evacuation in the event of a blast at Sunny Point, an emergency at the Brunswick Nuclear Plant, or the sudden development of a hurricane to category 3 or higher. Such events will require rapid evacuation of Pleasure Island and the southern part of New Hanover County where I live. Please try to imagine the extraordinary traffic of residents fleeing north on Carolina Beach Rd and River Rd. The worst congestion is likely to occur where Sanders Rd intersects Carolina Beach Rd. That is exactly where the jam would be exacerbated by the swarm of cars from the proposed new units, whether those cars try to exit via Manassas Rd or directly onto CB Rd through some new egress roadway. Respectfully, Paul D Sommers Upload supporting files If you need to support your comment with documentation, upload the files here. No more than 20MB in size total for all files. File types accepted are: doc, docx, ppt, pptx, txt, pdf, jpg, png. File 1 Field not completed. File 2 Field not completed. File 3 Field not completed. File 4 Field not completed. Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. 5 Farrell, Robert From:Eric Carden <ericjcarden@gmail.com> Sent:Wednesday, April 24, 2024 10:37 AM To:Vafier, Ken; Farrell, Robert Subject:Latest plan at/near Tarin Woods on Shiloh Rd ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Hi all, I appreciate the time to review… I understand the developer has submitted another amended plan, but this time is adding even more units in this front section of the neighborhood than originally planned. This is outrageous! Requesting 18 units per building does not sound like townhomes or condos, it sounds like apartments and these people are trying to bully us (the folks opposed to so many units in a small residential community) into submission so they can profit on more and more units per sq. foot. The bullying tactics include withholding repair to developer paved roads and the addition of a 2nd pool and clubhouse, both have been promised for years. Another tactic was seemingly what he is doing now, the threat that they will just add apartments due to its current zoning if they have to. All of this is so wrong on so many levels... My wife and I along with our 4 boys decided to move to Wilmington in August 2021 and have enjoyed every minute of it. The Tarin Woods development and Monkey Junction area is beautiful and perfect for us. Close to the beach, downtown and away from the traffic and busy roads, yet close enough when we need to go shopping, dining out or what have you. Our biggest concern in the area is the amount of growth that has apparently been going on for quite some time now. We currently have 2 boys at Bellamy elementary and 2 more to continue going there in the near future. Already there are kids and classrooms in temporary trailers with no sign or plan to expand any time soon. So, to hear the developers for Tarin Woods want to expand up to 400+ more u nits seems inconceivable to add that much stress to an already overcrowded school system in the area. And to literally say at the recent meeting they held for nearby homeowners, “that’s not my problem, that’s for the school committee/board to figure out” is very disheartening to hear. I know they are businesspeople and have a job to do, but it would seem single family homes would be a better fit, reducing the amount of unit’s, kids, families moving into the area and putting additional stress on our schools and roads. Which leads to our next concern… as you know, there is a traffic issue daily at rush hours in the morning and evening as it is… can you imagine the mess an additional 400+ units would do to this area? How about during the summer vacation season? Can you imagine the monkey junction intersection and the light at Sanders road, all the way down to the bridge really. It would be chaos and a huge mess in my opinion. Also, the lack of ingress and egress the way the current plan is drawn up does not seem sufficient. We had one truck block the road for a pool installation just last week for 30 minutes, thank goodness there were no emergencies during this time… I am all the way near the end of Sweet Gum Drive and there would be no way an emergency vehicle would have been able to get here. We came from a town in Rhode Island that was also building like crazy and it has not worked out well for the roads, infrastructure or the schools. 6 I hope the planning board takes a long hard look at how much this area can handle, what needs to be done to support more growth in all aspects, from schools, roads, infrastructure, water, electricity, and emergency support… i.e.- police stations, fire departments, etc… And possibly put a freeze on building for some time. The area just can’t handle it in its current state. Thank you, Eric Carden 7 Farrell, Robert From:noreply@civicplus.com Sent:Monday, April 22, 2024 10:41 AM To:May, Katherine; Roth, Rebekah; Vafier, Ken; Farrell, Robert; Biddle, Wendell; Doss, Amy; Dickerson, Zachary; Ott, Love Subject:Online Form Submission #10865 for Public Comment Form ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Public Comment Form Public Comment Form The agenda items listed are available for public comment at an upcoming Planning Board or Board of Commissioners meeting. Comments received by 8 AM the day of the applicable meeting will be made available to the Board prior to that meeting and will be included as part of the permanent, public record for that meeting. First Name chass Last Name hood Address 777 liberty landing way City wilmington State nc Zip Code 28409 Email femchass@gmail.com Please select the case for comment. PB Meeting - S24-01 - Tarin Woods What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment I am opposed to this rezoning because: 1) This area of NHC is either at or has exceeded student capacity in all of the surrounding schools. They cannot sustain more students in the area. Different schools were supposed to receive funds to rebuild or increase capacity of the schools to accommodate student overload but that has been stopped due to lack of county funds. Now the situation is exasperated due to a 20 million dollar deficit. Commissioners and the Board of Education are considering removing 270 positions from 8 schools. That will effectively increase class size and create difficulties in effectively teaching the students already enrolled. There is no room for an influx of more students into this dire situation. 2) Hoosier Daddy has been denied high density development in this area several times previously because of several factors that I am here discussing, including the fact that Manassas Dr. is a small street that cannot be increased to adequately handle the extra traffic flow that will result from 170+ units additionally. That represents an increase of at least 340 more cars on this small street. Buses already use this street to pick up and unload students, thereby halting all traffic temporarily. This could conceivably cause traffic to back up on Carolina Beach Rd., negatively impacting traffic there. 3) The Tarin Woods residents already signed a petition and presented it to the county commissioners the last time this developer tried to put high density buildings in their back yards. No one in these neighborhoods wants these type of buildings here. He promised the residents who bought his $400,000+ homes that it would remain single family homes. He keeps going back on his original promises. He needs to honor his original permit with the current zoning and stop trying to change it. 4) We have serious traffic problems already because of the unchecked high density building that has been going on for years. It already takes 40 minutes to go 8 miles on College Rd. because of high traffic volume and frequent accidents. There are approximately 1000 units being built now that have not been completed and factored into the traffic congestion in this area. We cannot sustain any more traffic unless and until the infrastructure issues are brought up to acceptable standards here. 5) Since there are now so many residents in NHC, especially in the southern area and Carolina Beach, it will be impossible for us to evacuate in a timely manner in case of a hurricane or resulting flooding from catastrophic weather. This presents a very dangerous situation where many lives can be lost because of unchecked development and inadequate infrastructure. No more medium or high density building should take place until these serious problems are solved. 6) Part of the infrastructure problems in NHC are a lack of doctors and nurses to support the current population. It takes months to see a doctor now and a visit to the ER can result in death because of long waits in the emergency rooms; waits stretching from 4 to 10 hours in some cases. A couple of people have already died in the waiting rooms waiting to be helped. That is unacceptable! We must stop this unchecked development until we can adequately accommodate more 9 people into the healthcare system. 7) We currently have a shortage of single family homes in NHC and that shortage is helping to drive up home prices, thereby making it impossible for families to purchase. We need more single family homes; not less, and we need starter homes that cater to working families with limited incomes. Teachers, fire fighters, police who work in NHC cannot afford to purchase a home or rent an apartment at present. Apartments and condos are more expensive to rent than my home is to pay a mortgage and insurance on. This is wrong. Our service workers should be able to live in the county in which they work. Hoosier Daddy is not building affordable housing. He is focused on expensive high density dwellings where he can make maximum returns. He needs to honor his original committment to build single family homes in the Tarin Woods area. 8) The zoo that exists here, next to Tarin Woods has been there for 50 years. Many of the animals that live there were brought in because they were injured and needed a special place to live. This developer has ignored the needs of the zoo animals and tried to build right next to where they are housed already. He cannot be allowed to jeojardize the health and well being of these animals. Their well being must be considered here. 9) Finally, as previously stated, the residents surrounding this area have fought to stop this develop for years. He keeps coming back with one scheme after another. He bought up more land in this area before his last attempt to rezone. Now he is trying to bypass all previous denials and the wishes of hundreds of residents by using a PORTION of his land for high density development. He will request more high density if this passes. No! Upload supporting files If you need to support your comment with documentation, upload the files here. No more than 20MB in size total for all files. File types accepted are: doc, docx, ppt, pptx, txt, pdf, jpg, png. File 1 Field not completed. File 2 Field not completed. File 3 Field not completed. File 4 Field not completed. Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. 10 Farrell, Robert From:noreply@civicplus.com Sent:Friday, April 19, 2024 7:54 AM To:May, Katherine; Roth, Rebekah; Vafier, Ken; Farrell, Robert; Biddle, Wendell; Doss, Amy; Dickerson, Zachary; Ott, Love Subject:Online Form Submission #10843 for Public Comment Form ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Public Comment Form Public Comment Form The agenda items listed are available for public comment at an upcoming Planning Board or Board of Commissioners meeting. Comments received by 8 AM the day of the applicable meeting will be made available to the Board prior to that meeting and will be included as part of the permanent, public record for that meeting. First Name Rebecca Last Name Ward Address 5924 Appomattox Drive City Wilmington State NC Zip Code 28409 Email Thewards08724@gmail.com Please select the case for comment. PB Meeting - S24-01 - Tarin Woods What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment We are strongly opposed to this request again. For the same reasons they have been denied before and now are trying to even further increase the amount of housing. We do not have the infrastructure or space in school for this many people. The builder has not even put a buffer between our homes and what he is using as a transfer station. Our 525k home is constantly losing value and people are having difficulty selling their homes in Tarin. We have also been promised another pool for many years because their is not enough space for current residents 11 let alone future residents. The builder is mad and is doing everything to spite the residents in Tarin causing stress and discontent within our development. Upload supporting files If you need to support your comment with documentation, upload the files here. No more than 20MB in size total for all files. File types accepted are: doc, docx, ppt, pptx, txt, pdf, jpg, png. File 1 image.jpg File 2 image_1.jpg File 3 image_2.jpg File 4 Field not completed. Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. 12 Farrell, Robert From:noreply@civicplus.com Sent:Thursday, April 18, 2024 1:36 PM To:May, Katherine; Roth, Rebekah; Vafier, Ken; Farrell, Robert; Biddle, Wendell; Doss, Amy; Dickerson, Zachary; Ott, Love Subject:Online Form Submission #10833 for Public Comment Form ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Public Comment Form Public Comment Form The agenda items listed are available for public comment at an upcoming Planning Board or Board of Commissioners meeting. Comments received by 8 AM the day of the applicable meeting will be made available to the Board prior to that meeting and will be included as part of the permanent, public record for that meeting. First Name Allen Last Name Mitchell Address 6209, Lydden Road City Wilmington State NC Zip Code 28409 Email Field not completed. Please select the case for comment. PB Meeting - S24-01 - Tarin Woods What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment This area is already extremely congested and the roads cannot handle the added pressure from town homes. If this area is to be developed it needs to stay single family like the surrounding neighborhood. Similar proposals have already been denied. Upload supporting files 14 Farrell, Robert From:noreply@civicplus.com Sent:Wednesday, April 17, 2024 8:42 PM To:May, Katherine; Roth, Rebekah; Vafier, Ken; Farrell, Robert; Biddle, Wendell; Doss, Amy; Dickerson, Zachary; Ott, Love Subject:Online Form Submission #10821 for Public Comment Form ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Public Comment Form Public Comment Form The agenda items listed are available for public comment at an upcoming Planning Board or Board of Commissioners meeting. Comments received by 8 AM the day of the applicable meeting will be made available to the Board prior to that meeting and will be included as part of the permanent, public record for that meeting. First Name Deana Last Name Heitman Address 5932 Appomattox Dr City Wilmington State NC Zip Code 28409 Email dheitman42@gmail.com Please select the case for comment. PB Meeting - S24-01 - Tarin Woods What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment I strongly oppose the new Tarin Woods development. I live at 5932 Appomattox Dr. Before I signed the contract to purchase my home in November of 2021 I was told by the developer’s Realtor that it would be single family homes built behind mine. I signed my contract believing it would be single family homes as that is what it was zoned for. The day I did my walkthrough of my newly built home in July of 2022 I was then told it would be townhomes. As a widower moving into a single level home alone I was devastated. The developers Realtor did not even 15 finish my walk through because I was crying and asking her why she was Not honest. The builder from Caviness and Cates actually finished the walkthrough. I thought about not purchasing but it happened so fast and I would have lost almost $20,000. During my grieving process I was at a loss as to what to do. Please do not reward the developer Hoosier Daddy for his lies and manipulation. I did attend a previous meeting where the project was denied and now he is proposing more units that before. I will lose the privacy of my backyard. Also the intersection at Carolina Beach Rd and Manasses is completely unsafe. The No U-Turn sign which was propped at the previous meeting is up and people disregard it every day and I have cell phone videos to prove it. This is a very dangerous situation. Please do not approve this proposal. Sincerely, Deana A Heitman Upload supporting files If you need to support your comment with documentation, upload the files here. No more than 20MB in size total for all files. File types accepted are: doc, docx, ppt, pptx, txt, pdf, jpg, png. File 1 Field not completed. File 2 Field not completed. File 3 Field not completed. File 4 Field not completed. Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. 16 Farrell, Robert From:noreply@civicplus.com Sent:Wednesday, April 17, 2024 8:06 PM To:May, Katherine; Roth, Rebekah; Vafier, Ken; Farrell, Robert; Biddle, Wendell; Doss, Amy; Dickerson, Zachary; Ott, Love Subject:Online Form Submission #10820 for Public Comment Form ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Public Comment Form Public Comment Form The agenda items listed are available for public comment at an upcoming Planning Board or Board of Commissioners meeting. Comments received by 8 AM the day of the applicable meeting will be made available to the Board prior to that meeting and will be included as part of the permanent, public record for that meeting. First Name Angie Last Name Tew Address 6111 Tarin Road City wilmington State NC Zip Code 28409 Email uncach@aol.com Please select the case for comment. PB Meeting - S24-01 - Tarin Woods What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Density too high for existing schools and infrastructure for current roads already overwhelmed. Upload supporting files If you need to support your comment with documentation, upload the files here. No more than 20MB in size total for all files. File types accepted are: doc, docx, ppt, pptx, txt, pdf, jpg, png. 18 Farrell, Robert From:noreply@civicplus.com Sent:Wednesday, April 17, 2024 5:11 PM To:May, Katherine; Roth, Rebekah; Vafier, Ken; Farrell, Robert; Biddle, Wendell; Doss, Amy; Dickerson, Zachary; Ott, Love Subject:Online Form Submission #10819 for Public Comment Form ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Public Comment Form Public Comment Form The agenda items listed are available for public comment at an upcoming Planning Board or Board of Commissioners meeting. Comments received by 8 AM the day of the applicable meeting will be made available to the Board prior to that meeting and will be included as part of the permanent, public record for that meeting. First Name Barbara Last Name Garrow Address 805 Liberty Landing Way City Wilmington State NC Zip Code 28409 Email bagarrow@gmail.com Please select the case for comment. PB Meeting - S24-01 - Tarin Woods What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment The increase to the Tarin Woods Development from that currently approved has been previously denied for the same reasons I am opposed to special use permit 24-01. Manassas Drive is the current western outlet (access to Carolina Beach Road) for all phases of the Tarin Woods Subdivision, Battle Park, Covington, Congleton Farm, and Sentry Oaks communties. Manassas can not serve this outflow of additional vehicles. 19 While there is no estimate of the number of residents of driving age this proposal would allow, it can be reasonably assumed the 16.78 affected acreage with 10.2 dwellings per acre would provide 171 housing units. With about 2 persons on average of driving age housed in this new development, that is about 2 trips per unit daily at a minimum or 342 extra trips per day than Manassas currently experiences. Manassas and its exit onto Carolina Beach Road is already a hazard, particularly since the J turning traffic often illegally u turns onto Carolina Beach Road. Safe egress and engress is currently jeopardized and with these projected additional trips, it will be greatly impeded. In the event of emergencies like storms, fire, and other needed services, this additional traffic presents a public safety hazard. I urge you to please deny this request to again increase the number of residences in Tarin Woods development beyond what has been previously approved. I would also like to see data on how much runoff the pervious pavement that is proposed can handle. Much of Tarin floods in moderate rains, and with these additional residential structures, the likelihood of additional flooding can be expected. Upload supporting files If you need to support your comment with documentation, upload the files here. No more than 20MB in size total for all files. File types accepted are: doc, docx, ppt, pptx, txt, pdf, jpg, png. File 1 Field not completed. File 2 Field not completed. File 3 Field not completed. File 4 Field not completed. Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. 20 Farrell, Robert From:noreply@civicplus.com Sent:Wednesday, April 17, 2024 12:51 PM To:May, Katherine; Roth, Rebekah; Vafier, Ken; Farrell, Robert; Biddle, Wendell; Doss, Amy; Dickerson, Zachary; Ott, Love Subject:Online Form Submission #10817 for Public Comment Form ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Public Comment Form Public Comment Form The agenda items listed are available for public comment at an upcoming Planning Board or Board of Commissioners meeting. Comments received by 8 AM the day of the applicable meeting will be made available to the Board prior to that meeting and will be included as part of the permanent, public record for that meeting. First Name Karen Last Name Cassidy Address 6124 Sand Ridge Ave City Wilmington State NC Zip Code 28409 Email Karenkutta89@gmail.com Please select the case for comment. PB Meeting - S24-01 - Tarin Woods What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Good afternoon, I am writing to oppose the rezoning of Tarin Woods. My concern is with the developers plan to add this many additional units our roadways in the neighborhood are not adequately sufficient for daily traffic let alone for emergency responders. We already have traffic jams in the neighborhood at our current capacity. The city would be doing a disservice by allowing this to be moved forward and jeopardize the safety of its people. 22 Farrell, Robert From:noreply@civicplus.com Sent:Wednesday, April 17, 2024 12:22 PM To:May, Katherine; Roth, Rebekah; Vafier, Ken; Farrell, Robert; Biddle, Wendell; Doss, Amy; Dickerson, Zachary; Ott, Love Subject:Online Form Submission #10814 for Public Comment Form ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Public Comment Form Public Comment Form The agenda items listed are available for public comment at an upcoming Planning Board or Board of Commissioners meeting. Comments received by 8 AM the day of the applicable meeting will be made available to the Board prior to that meeting and will be included as part of the permanent, public record for that meeting. First Name Daniel Last Name Anderson Address 5965 Sweet Gum Dr City Wilmington State NC Zip Code 28409 Email Mrduke69@aol.com Please select the case for comment. PB Meeting - S24-01 - Tarin Woods What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment The infrastructure would not be able to handle this and along with huge traffic concerns since other homes will coming up to the other side of the road! The developer is out looking to make more money! Upload supporting files