ApplicationPage 1 of 7 Conditional Zoning District Application – Updated 06-2023 NEW HANOVER COUNTY_____________________ DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & LAND USE 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Telephone (910) 798-7165 nhcgov.com/528/Planning-Land-Use CONDITIONAL ZONING APPLICATION This application form must be completed as part of a conditional zoning application submitted through the county’s online COAST portal. The main procedural steps in the submittal and review of applications are outlined in the flowchart below. More specific submittal and review requirements, as well as the standards to be applied in reviewing the application, are set out in Section 10.3.3 of the Unified Development Ordinance. Public Hearing Procedures (Optional) Pre-Application Conference 1 Community Information Meeting 2 Application Submittal & Acceptance 3 Planning Director Review & Staff Report (TRC Optional) 4 Public Hearing Scheduling & Notification 5 Planning Board Hearing & Recom- mendation 6 Board of Commissioners Hearing & Decision 7 Post-Decision Limitations and Actions 1.Applicant and Property Owner Information Applicant/Agent Name Owner Name (if different from Applicant/Agent) Company Company/Owner Name 2 Address Address City, State, Zip City, State, Zip Phone Phone Email Email Adam G. Sosne, President MHMJ, LLC adam@mcadamshomes.net Adam G. Sosne, Member adam@mcadamshomes.net Brightwater Development Company 213 Racine Drive, Suite 100 213 Racine Drive, Suite 100 Wilmington, NC 28403 Wilmington, NC 28403 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F2C5DD9-4CD7-4E69-B510-7CDDACFDB170 Page 2 of 7 Conditional Zoning District Application – Updated 06-2023 2.Subject Property Information Address/Location Parcel Identification Number(s) Existing Zoning and Use(s) Future Land Use Classification 3.Proposed Zoning, Use(s), & Narrative Proposed Conditional Zoning District: Total Acreage of Proposed District: Maximum Residential Density (if applicable) Maximum Non-Residential Square Footage (if applicable) Please list all of the specific uses that will be allowed within the proposed Conditional Zoning District, the purpose of the district, and a project narrative (attach additional pages if necessary). Note: Only uses permitted in the corresponding General Use District are eligible for consideration within a Conditional Zoning District. 5322 Carolina Beach Road R07600-006-042-000 & R07606-003-002-000 Total Parcel(s) Acreage 12.68+/- acres RMF-M (CZD) vacant UMX & General Residential RMF-M 12.68 +/- acres *Please see attached. 10.5 units per acre n/a DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F2C5DD9-4CD7-4E69-B510-7CDDACFDB170 Page 3 of 7 Conditional Zoning District Application – Updated 06-2023 4.Proposed Condition(s) Note: Within a Conditional Zoning District, additional conditions and requirements which represent greater restrictions on the development and use of the property than the corresponding general use district regulations may be added. These conditions may assist in mitigating the impacts the proposed development may have on the surrounding community. Please list any conditions proposed to be placed on the Conditional Zoning District below. Staff, the Planning Board, and Board of Commissioners may propose additional conditions during the review process. 5.Traffic Impact Please provide the estimated number of trips generated for the proposed use(s) based off the most recent version of the Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual. A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) must be completed for all proposed developments that generate more than 100 peak hour trips, and the TIA must be included with this application. Note: It is recommended that traffic generation numbers be reviewed by the WMPO prior to application to ensure that the most appropriate ITE land use code is identified and most recent generation rates have been applied. If numbers are verified, please attach a copy of the verification. If numbers have not been verified and the submitted generation numbers must be adjusted, this may result in the application being ineligible to move forward to the intended Planning Board agenda. ITE Land Use(s): AM Peak Hour Trips: PM Peak Hour Trips: None. Townhomes - ITE Land Use Code 215 Trip Generation Use and Variable (gross floor area, dwelling units, etc.) 133 Townhomes 63 76 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F2C5DD9-4CD7-4E69-B510-7CDDACFDB170 Page 4 of 7 Conditional Zoning District Application – Updated 06-2023 6.Conditional Zoning District Considerations The Conditional Zoning District procedure is established to address situations where a particular land use would be consistent with the New Hanover County 2016 Comprehensive Plan and the objectives outlined in the Unified Development Ordinance and where only a specific use or uses is proposed. The procedure is intended primarily for use with transitions between zoning districts of dissimilar character where a particular use or uses, with restrictive conditions to safeguard adjacent land uses, can create a more orderly transition benefiting all affected parties and the community at-large. The applicant must explain, with reference to attached plans (where applicable), how the proposed Conditional Zoning district meets the following criteria. 1.How would the requested change be consistent with the County’s policies for growth and development, as described in the 2016 Comprehensive Plan, applicable small area plans, etc. 2.How would the requested Conditional Zoning district be consistent with the property’s classification on the 2016 Comprehensive Plan’s Future Land Use Map. See attached. See attached. DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F2C5DD9-4CD7-4E69-B510-7CDDACFDB170 Page 5 of 7 Conditional Zoning District Application – Updated 06-2023 3.What significant neighborhood changes have occurred to make the original zoning inappropriate, or how is the land involved unsuitable for the uses permitted under the existing zoning? See attached. DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F2C5DD9-4CD7-4E69-B510-7CDDACFDB170 Page 6 of 7 Conditional Zoning District Application – Updated 06-2023 Staff will use the following checklist to determine the completeness of your application. Please verify all of the listed items are included and confirm by initialing under “Applicant Initial”. If an item is not applicable, mark as “N/A”. Applications determined to be incomplete must be corrected in order to be processed for further review; Staff will confirm if an application is complete within five business days of submittal. Application Checklist Applicant Initial This application form, completed and signed (all property owners must sign signatory page) Application fee: •$600 for 5 acres or less •$700 for more than 5 acres •$300 in addition to base fee for applications requiring TRC review Community Information Meeting Report (complete and signed by agent or all property owners) Traffic Impact Analysis if applicable (use of attached report document is recommended) •The official TIA approval letter is recommended prior to this item being placed on the Planning Board meeting agenda. The Planning Board may choose to continue the hearing until the official TIA approval letter is provided. •The official TIA approval letter is required prior to this item being placed on the Board of Commissioners meeting agenda. Legal description (by metes and bounds) or recorded survey Map Book and Page Reference of the property requested for rezoning Conceptual Plan including the following minimum elements [Note: If elements beyond the minimum requirements are shown on the concept plan they may be considered conditions of approval if not eligible for approval as minor deviations]: Tract boundaries and total area, location of adjoining parcels and roads •Proposed use of land, building areas and other improvements o For residential uses, include the maximum number, height, and type of units; area to be occupied by the structures; and/or proposed subdivision boundaries. o For non-residential uses, include the maximum square footage and height of each structure, an outline of the area structures will occupy, and the specific purposes for which the structures will be used. •Proposed transportation and parking improvements; including proposed rights-of- way and roadways; proposed access to and from the subject site; arrangement and access provisions for parking areas. •All existing and proposed easements, required setbacks, rights-of-way, and buffers. •The location of Special Flood Hazard Areas. •A narrative of the existing vegetation on the subject site including the approximate location, species, and size (DBH) of regulated trees. For site less than 5 acres, the exact location, species, and sized (DBH) of specimen trees must be included. •Approximate location and type of stormwater management facilities intended to serve the site. •Approximate location of regulated wetlands. •Any additional conditions and requirements that represent greater restrictions on development and use of the tract than the corresponding general use district regulations or additional limitations on land that may be regulated by state law or local ordinance X X X X X X DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F2C5DD9-4CD7-4E69-B510-7CDDACFDB170 Page 7 of 7 Conditional Zoning District Application – Updated 06-2023 Documentation on soil types and infiltration rates if underground stormwater facilities proposed One (1) digital PDF copy of ALL documents AND plans 7.Acknowledgement and Signatures By my signature below, I understand and accept all of the conditions, limitations, and obligations of the Conditional Zoning District zoning for which I am applying. I understand that the existing Official Zoning Map is presumed to be correct. I certify that this application is complete and that all information presented in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. If applicable, I also appoint the applicant/agent as listed on this application to represent me and make decisions on my behalf regarding this application during the review process. The applicant/agent is hereby authorized on my behalf to: 1.Submit an application including all required supplemental information and materials; 2.Appear at public hearings to give representation and comments; 3.Act on my behalf without limitations with regard to any and all things directly or indirectly connected with or arising out of this application; and 4.Provide written consent to any and all conditions of approval. Signature of Property Owner(s) Signature of Applicant/Agent Print Name Note: This form must be signed by the owner(s) of record. If there are multiple property owners, a signature is required for each owner of record. Note: If changes are made to the proposal after the application completeness determination that require additional staff review and vetting, the proposal will be ineligible to move forward to the intended Planning Board agenda. No changes will be accepted by staff after the applications are posted at the time of public notice. If an applicant requests delay of consideration from the Planning Board or Board of County Commissioners before notice has been sent to the newspaper, the item will be calendared for the next meeting and no fee will be required. If delay is requested after notice has been sent to the newspaper, the Board will act on the request at the scheduled meeting and are under no obligation to grant the continuance. If the continuance is granted, a fee in accordance with the adopted fee schedule as published on the New Hanover County Planning website will be required. X X MHMJ, LLC, Adam Sosne, Member Print Name(s) Brightwater Development Company, Adam Sosne, President DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F2C5DD9-4CD7-4E69-B510-7CDDACFDB170 3. Proposed Zoning, Use(s), & Narrative Please list the uses that will be allowed within the proposed Conditional Zoning District, the purpose of the district, and a project narrative. MHMJ, LLC as owner of approximately 12.68 acres known as 5322 Carolina Beach Road (R07600-006-042-000 & R07606-003-002-000) is requesting a conditional rezoning from the current CZD Residential Multi-Family Moderate Density (RMF-M) approval for 200 units to Residential Multi-Family Moderate Density (RMF-M) for a residential project consisting of 133 single family townhouses. The RMF-M district accommodates moderate density single-family and multi-family development with a density of 17 units/acre. This project is approximately 10.5 units/acre, reduced from the approved 15.8 units/acre. The RMF-M district is intended to function as a transition between intensive nonresidential development and higher density residential development, as well as providing a reasonable range of choice, type, and location of housing units. Adjacent properties are currently zoned B-2 and R-10 with a nearby property recently rezoned to RMF-M. The majority of the property is classified as Urban Mixed Use on the Future Land Use Map. The Urban Mixed Use place type is intended to promote a mix of retail, office, and residential at higher densities. While mixed uses are encouraged on the same, parcel, they can be adjacent or separated by lower traffic roads. The rezoning request for RMF-M would allow desired higher density residential to be placed adjacent or in close proximity to retail and office uses, creating a mixed-use area within the growth node. DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F2C5DD9-4CD7-4E69-B510-7CDDACFDB170 Zoning Map Amendment Application for 5322Carolina Beach Road (R07600-006-042-000 & R07606-003-002-000) 1. How would the requested change be consistent with the County’s policies for growth and development, as described in the 2016 Comprehensive Plan, applicable small area plans, etc.? This proposed zoning change would be consistent with multiple goals and policies on the 2016 Comprehensive Plan. It would help to revitalize commercial corridors and blighted areas through infill development. It would promote environmentally friendly growth by clustering development and minimizing impacts on natural resources via infill and redevelopment and it would provide housing opportunities in a growth node close to transit, employment, and services. This zoning change would provide for a mix of housing types and mix of uses within the Monkey Junction Growth Node as contemplated by the 2016 Comprehensive Plan. The proposed change would also allow for a more modern development pattern of the area as the development would have to comply with all of New Hanover County’s land use and planning regulations including the traffic impact analysis mitigation as well as updated stormwater systems and landscaping. DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F2C5DD9-4CD7-4E69-B510-7CDDACFDB170 Zoning Map Amendment Application for 5322Carolina Beach Road (R07600-006-042-000 & R07606-003-002-000) 2. How would the requested zoning change be consistent with the property’s classification on the 2016 Comprehensive Plan’s Future Land Use Map? The majority of the property is classified as Urban Mixed Use on the Future Land Use Map. The Urban Mixed Use place type is intended to promote a mix of retail, office, and residential at higher densities. While mixed uses are encouraged on the same, parcel, they can be adjacent or separated by lower traffic roads. The rezoning request for RMF-M would allow desired higher density residential to be placed adjacent or in close proximity to retail and office uses, creating a mixed-use area within the growth node. The property is located within the Monkey Junction Growth Node at the intersection of S. College Road and Carolina Beach Road which is already a commercial center and has the opportunity to be a more dense area of development in the southern part of the county. This area is part of the unincorporated county but is in close proximity to city limits, making redevelopment with taller buildings and a more urban-design style appropriate. The proposed site plan corresponds with the townhomes to the north and provides a transition to the detached homes to the south. DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F2C5DD9-4CD7-4E69-B510-7CDDACFDB170 Zoning Map Amendment Application for 5322Carolina Beach Road (R07600-006-042-000 & R07606-003-002-000) 3. What significant neighborhood changes have occurred to make the original zoning inappropriate, or how is the land involved unsuitable for the uses permitted under the existing zoning? The property is currently zoned RMF-M (CZD) with a maximum density of 15.8 units/ acre; however, the property is undeveloped. RMF-M has a maximum density of 17 units/acre while the proposed project has a density of 15.8 units/acre. Adjacent properties are currently zoned B-2 and R-10 with a nearby property recently rezoned to RMF-M with a density of 10.4 units/acre. RMF-M on this property would serve as an appropriate transition between the zoning districts as well as comply with the Future Land Use Map classification of Urban Mixed Use within a Growth Node. DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F2C5DD9-4CD7-4E69-B510-7CDDACFDB170 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F2C5DD9-4CD7-4E69-B510-7CDDACFDB170 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F2C5DD9-4CD7-4E69-B510-7CDDACFDB170 Legal Description for Lot R07606-003-002-000 BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEASTERN MOST CORNER, SAID CORNER IS THE COMMON CORNER WITH BRITTON, LLC DEED BOOK 5535, PAGE 2917. SAID CORNER IS LOCATED S 27°47’18” 0.85’ FROM A RIGHT-OF-WAY DISK, FROM POINT SO LOCATED. THENCE ALONG AND WITH SAID COMMON LINE WITH BRITTON, LLC S 63°42’07” W 186.65’ TO A POINT AT THE COMMON CORNER WITH GROVE PARK PROPERTIES, DEED BOOK 1384, PAGE 1369. THENCE WITH THE COMMON LINE WITH GROVE PARK PROPERTIES N 72°20’38” W 53.99’ TO A POINT. THENCE S 50°13’38” W 691.55’ TO A POINT AT THE COMMON CORNER WITH GARY MATAVA, DEED BOOK 5531, PAGE 2200, MAP BOOK 52, PAGE 262, THENCE WITH THE COMMON LINE WITH MATAVA N 39°46’21” W 228.02’ TO A POINT, THENCE N 50°16’19” E 150.36’ TO A POINT. THENCE N 50°09’52” E 321.03’ TO A POINT ON THE COMMON CORNER WITH MATAVA MAP BOOK 52, PAGE 262. THENCE CONTINUING WITH THE MATAVA LINE THE FOLLOWING 4 COURSES: S 39°46’29” E 178.25’ TO A POINT N 50°13’37” E 247.73’ TO A POINT S 72°20’38” E 61.22’ TO A POINT N 63°42’07” E 156.84’ TO A POINT ON THE RIGHT-OF-WAY, THENCE S 36°58’53” E 50.91’ TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING CONTAINING 3.00 ACRES MORE OR LESS. DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F2C5DD9-4CD7-4E69-B510-7CDDACFDB170 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION OF AN EXISTSING 9.45 ACRE TRACT, MADE FROM TRACT "A", DAVID AND GARY MATVA SUBDIVISION, MAP BOOK 52, PAGE 262, DEED BOOK 5531, PAGE 2200, NEW HANOVER COUNTY REGISTRY, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. COMMENCING AT AN EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT IN THE EASTERN LINE OF LOT 124, MARQUIS HILLS SUBDIVISION, SECTION 6, MAP BOOK 11, PAGE 42, THE WESTERNMOST CORNER OF THE BENNETT COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES, LLC TRACT 1, DEED BOOK 2793, PAGE 719, THENCE WITH THE SOUTHERN LINE OF SAID TRACT 1, SOUTH 71°34'17" EAST, 194.13 FEET TO A NEW REBAR (SET) AT THE WESTERNMOST CORNER OF A, MAP BOOK 52, PAGE 262, THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. (POB}; THENCE WITH THE SOUTHEASTERN LINE OF THE BENNETT COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES, LLC TRACT 1, DEED BOOK 2793, PAGE 719, NORTH 50°11'36" EAST, 1,465.98 FEET TO AN EXISTING IRON ROD, THE WESTERNMOST CORNER OF TRACT B, MAP BOOK 52, PAGE 262, THENCE WITH THE SOUTHWESTERN LINE OF SAID TRACT B, SOUTH 39°48'51" EAST, 99.00 FEET TO AN EXISTING IRON ROD IN THE NORTHWESTERN LINE OF TRACT "A", CAROLINA JUNCTION RECOMBINATION, MAP BOOK 48, PAGE 190, DEED BOOK 6578, PAGE 850, THENCE WITH THE LINE OF SAID TRACT "A", SOUTH 50 °15'30" WEST, 150.44 FEET TO A NEW REBAR (SET}, THENCE SOUTH 39°48' 49" EAST, 228.04 FEET TO AN EXISTING IRON ROD IN THE NORTHWESTERN LINE OF THE GROVE PARK PROPERTIES TRACT, DEED BOOK 1384, PAGE 1369, THENCE WITH THE LINE OF SAID TRACT, SOUTH 50°12'40" WEST, 1,112.99 FEET TO AN EXISTING IRON PIPE, THE SOUTHERNMOST CORNER OF TRACT A, MAP BOOK 52, PAGE 262, THENCE WITH THE SOUTHERN LINE OF SAID TRACT A, NORTH 71°37'25" WEST, 384.27 TO A NEW REBAR (SET}, THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. (POB} THE DESCRIBED TRACT HAS A CALCULATED AREA OF 9.45 ACRES. ALL BEARINGS ARE REFERENCED TO NORTH CAROLINA GRID NORTH, NAO 1983 (2011). ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND DISTANCES. AS SHOWN ON A MAP OF SURVEY BY SEPI ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION, INC. MADE IN AUGUST, 2022. TOGETHER WITH: Legal Description for ParcelR7600-006-042-000: DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F2C5DD9-4CD7-4E69-B510-7CDDACFDB170 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION OF THE 10,391 SQUARE FOOT GAP AREA SOUTHWEST OF TRACT "A", DAVID AND GARY MATVA SUBDIVISION, MAP BOOK 52, PAGE 262, DEED BOOK 5531, PAGE 2200, NEW HANOVER COUNTY REGISTRY, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. COMMENCING AT AN EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT IN THE EASTERN LINE OF LOT 124, MARQUIS HILLS SUBDIVISION, SECTION 6, MAP BOOK 11, PAGE 42, THE WESTERNMOST CORNER OF THE BENNETT COMERCIAL PROPERTIES, LLC TRACT 1, DEED BOOK 2793, PAGE 719, THENCE WITH THE SOUTHERN LINE OF SAID TRACT 1, SOUTH 71 °34'17" EAST, 194.13 FEET TO A NEW REBAR (SET) AT THE WESTERNMOST CORNER OF TRACT A, MAP BOOK 52, PAGE 262, THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. (POB); THENCE WITH THE SOUTHWESTERN LINE OF SAID TRACT A, SOUTH 71 °37'25" EAST, 384.27 FEET TO AN EXISTING IRON PIPE IN THE NORTHWESTERN LINE OF OPEN SPACE B, CITRUS COVE SUBDIVISION, MAP BOOK 52, PAGE 105, THENCE WITH THE LINE OF SAID OPEN SPACE B, SOUTH 50 °12'40" WEST, 29.21 FEET TO A POINT IN THE NORTHERN LINE OF BREWSTER PLACE, SECTION TWO, MAP BOOK 37, PAGE 216, THENCE WITH SAID NORTHERN LINE, NORTH 72°16'59" WEST, 387.05 FEET TO A POINT IN THE NORTHERN LINE OF BREWSTER PLACE, SECTION THREE, MAP BOOK 38, PAGE 312, THENCE A NEW LINE NORTH 50°11'36" EAST, 34.44 FEET TO A NEW REBAR (SET) THE WESTERNMOST CORNER OF TRACT A, MAP BOOK 52, PAGE 262, THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. (POB) THE DESCRIBED PROPERTY HAS A CALCULATED AREA OF 10,391 SQUARE FEET. ALL BEARINGS ARE REFERENCED TO NORTH CAROLINA GRID NORTH, NAD 1983 (2011). ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND DISTANCES. AS SHOWN ON A MAP OF SURVEY BY SEPI ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION, INC. MADE IN AUGUST, 2022. 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F2C5DD9-4CD7-4E69-B510-7CDDACFDB170 Page 1 of 2 Community Information Meeting Report – Approved 06-2022 NEW HANOVER COUNTY_____________________ DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & LAND USE 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Telephone (910) 798-7165 Nhcgov.com/528/Planning-Land-Use COMMUNITY INFORMATION MEETING REPORT This Community Information Meeting Report must be submitted with the application for a conditional rezoning, planned development, or intensive industry special use permit in order for the application to be deemed complete. Address/Location Parcel Identification Number(s) Meeting Date and Time Format (Virtual, In-Person, Hybrid) Location if In-Person or Hybrid Selection Criteria for Location Meeting Summary 5322 Carolina Beach Road R07600-006-042-000 & R07606-003-002-000 May 28, 2024 at 6:00 PM In-Person 5600 Carolina Beach Rd, Wilmington, NC 28412 The location is near the property proposed for the rezoning. See attached. DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F2C5DD9-4CD7-4E69-B510-7CDDACFDB170 Page 2 of 2 Community Information Meeting Report – Approved 06-2022 List of Changes and Modifications Made to the Proposal in Response to Issues and Concerns (if no modifications were made, please explain why) Report Attachments All of the following items must be submitted as part of the required community information meeting report in addition to this form. Checklist Applicant Initial A list of names and addresses of attendees A list of the names and addresses of invitees and copies of any returned mailings received to date A copy of the mailed notice with all attachments A copy of all materials distributed or presented at the meeting Acknowledgement and Signatures Signature of Applicant or Applicant’s Agent Print Name Date By my signature below, I hereby certify that written notice of the community information meeting as described above was mailed and/or personal delivery to property owners withing 500 feet of the subject site as set forth on the attached list, by first class mail on [DATE] ______May 17, 2024______________. A copy of the written notice is also attached. I also herby certify that the meeting summary and list of attendees is accurate and representative of the proceedings at the community information meeting. No changes were made to the proposal in response to issues and concerns at this time. Attendees were given the following email address for the opportunity to reach out with any questions or concerns: gordonroaddev.grovepark@gmail.com X X X X Adam Sosne DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F2C5DD9-4CD7-4E69-B510-7CDDACFDB170 6/3/2024 Issues and Concerns Discussed at Meeting The attendees asked the Development Team questions about the project regarding traffic, stormwater, and tree removal. Traffic: The Development Team explained that the new project would not require a TIA due to the trip generation and that the project would be required to obtain driveway permits where NCDOT will review and list any required improvements. Stormwater: The Development Team explained current drainage patterns, the expected stormwater system, and that a stormwater system is required to be reviewed and constructed according to a permit after review by the appropriate agencies. Tree Removal : The Development Team explained that a tree survey was completed, and a permit will be required for tree removal. The county code requires trees in buffer areas and a landscape plan to supplement the current vegetation. A few attendees from Citrus Cove requested a change to review the tree survey and a list of the trees bring saved in relation to their property lines. One neighbor expressed concerns over burning of trees on site. The attendees also raised general questions about the changes from previous site plan and why the project had to be reapproved. The Development Team explained that the reapproval is required by county code. Attendees asked about for sale or rent and price points. It is too early in the process to know. Attendees asked about building height. The Development Team is proposing three story townhouses. Another neighbor asked for more transition along the southern property line by restricting the height of those townhomes to two stories. One neighbor asked if a fence would be provided. The Development Team is considering the request; however, there is a drainage ditch surrounding the property and tress which need to be retained. Attendees asked if there would be a connection to Citrus Cove. There is no connection to Citrus Cove. One neighbor asked about the dumpster. There will be individual trash since no longer apartment buildings. She was pleased and thought it would reduce concerns over visual impact and smells. There were questions about wetlands and other environmental studies. The Development Team explained all required studies must be completed and reviewed by the staff. Some attendees stated they like this plan better than the one approved as it does not have surface parking lots and the townhome community is a better transition to their neighborhood of Citrus Cove. The Development Team provided information on the county's process and timeline for review of a conditional rezoning request. DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F2C5DD9-4CD7-4E69-B510-7CDDACFDB170 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F2C5DD9-4CD7-4E69-B510-7CDDACFDB170 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F2C5DD9-4CD7-4E69-B510-7CDDACFDB170 OWN1 Owner_Address Owner_City AHNEMAN CRAIG J GEORGETTE E 808 BREWSTER LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 ALFORD SHARON LEE 902 DUNHILL LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 ALVAREZ LUCIANO J JR CHARLA M D 717 BREWSTER LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 AMATO LAUREN 813 TISBURY LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 ANDOLSUN COSKUN PO BOX 2101 MANASSAS, VA 20108 AUSTIN HEIDI L WILLIAM F JR 711 BREWSTER LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 BARRCO LLC 422 RIDGE RD WILMINGTON, NC 28412 BELL SANDRA KAYE 215 ANTOINETTE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 P3 LAF TOWNES AT PARK PLACE LP 3500 DUPONT HWY S DOVER, DE 19901 BENTON CAROLYN J ETAL 328 HORSETAIL CT CALABASH, NC 28467 BEVILL ROBIN W 807 TISBURY LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 BLAYLOCK JAMES W III DANA J 909 KIWI LANE WILMINGTON, NC 28412 BOLTZ SAVANNAH W 717 TISBURY LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 BREWSTER PLACE HOA ASSOC INC 2002 EASTWOOD RD 202 WILMINGTON, NC 28403 BRITTON LLC 1430 COMMONWEALTH DR SUITE 102 WILMINGTON, NC 28403 BROWN DERRICK KRISTIE 5000 SUN COAST DR WILMINGTON, NC 28411 BRUCE JONATHAN KAYLA 913 DUNHILL LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 CEDAR AKITA MOUNTAIN LLC TRUSTEE 3225 MCLEOD DR SUITE 777 LAS VEGAS, NV 89121 CHINNIS SHARON P 922 KIWI LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 CITRUS COVE HOA INC 1202 LAKE PARK BLV N CAROLINA BEACH, NC 28428 COSSETTE JUDITH A 808 TISBURY LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 DATEMA MORGAN J ETAL 811 BREWSTER LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 DAVIS JAMES PATRICK 706 BREWSTER LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 DAY TARA ETAL 5504 TANGELO DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 DICKEY TODD L ETAL 226 ANTOINETTE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 DUCSAY DANIELLE M 713 TISBURY LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 BARGESSER ROBERT 921 KIWI LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 DUNN RICHARD A DENISE M 306 ASHWORTH MANOR DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 DYER KELLY F 718 TISBURY LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 EDENS MELISSA A CHARLES B 5937 SWEET GUM DR WILMINGTON, NC 28409 EMBLER CHARLES A II HALEIGH C TURNER 815 BREWSTER LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 ESCALERA JOSE I DIANE 918 KIWI LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 FISCHER SHIRLEY A 810 TISBURY LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 FLEWWELLIN REBA A 718 BREWSTER LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 FRANCE ROY R JACQULINE H PO BOX 16165 WILMINGTON, NC 28408 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F2C5DD9-4CD7-4E69-B510-7CDDACFDB170 FROST STEVE M SHARON C 5512 TANGELO DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 GAGNON DONALD A ETAL 711 TISBURY LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 GARY ANDREW E 715 TISBURY LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 GARZA SINAI 913 KIWI LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 GRAY DEBRA LYNN 229 ANTOINETTE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 GRIMES CANDACE ETAL 819 BREWSTER LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 GROVE PARK PROPERTIES 6424 RIVER VISTA DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 GRUBBS EMORY NICHOLAS III 817 TISBURY LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 BYRD RUSSELL L 109 ANTOINETTE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 HAMON BROOKS 206 ANTOINETTE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 HARNED DONNA M 800 TISBURY LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 HARRIS WILLIAM A 714 BREWSTER LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 HEUBACH CHARLENE A ROGER A 918 DUNHILL LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 COTTON MICHAEL VICTORIA W 815 TISBURY LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 HOLDERMAN STEPHANIE DANIELLE 5600 CHOP WAY W WILMINGTON, NC 28412 HUFFMAN ROBERT FRANKLIN 37 ANTOINETTE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 JACK KALEN P 210 ANTOINETTE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 JACKSON HELEN J ETAL 821 BREWSTER LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 SWELL HOMES LLC 119 DEEPWOODS RDG ROCKY POINT, NC 28457 JACKSON RONALD L JR ET AL 910 KIWI LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 JERNIGAN ROBERT E CHARLENE D 26 ANTOINETTE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 K & S CRISP PROPERTIES LLC 4301 FORWALT PL WILMINGTON, NC 28409 KERR BEVERLY ANN 705 TISBURY LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 KERR MICHAEL S 814 BREWSTER LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 KINLAW ROMONA B 810 BREWSTER LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 KNEEBONE JOEL R LATAWNYA 804 TISBURY LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 KOOTMAN DAVID 3875 MONROE ST CARLSBAD, CA 92008 LEE JESSICA A LOUIS C ETAL 11980 VALLEY VIEW DR NOKESVILLE, VA 20181 LOGAN WILLIAM R DIANNE A REV TRUST 100 RICHELIEU RD WILMINGTON, NC 28412 LYNRICH ASSOCIATES LLC 5102 OLD MYRTLE GROVE RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 MADDEN TERRY 114 ANTOINETTE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 MALE THOMAS C SR 30 ANTOINETTE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 MANCARI JON VINCENT 811 TISBURY LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 MARN KAITLYN M 118 ANTOINETTE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 MARSHBURN LORI M 804 BREWSTER LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 MARTIN JOSEPH CLARE M 1 APPLE BLOSSOM LN NEW FAIRFIELD, CT 6812 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F2C5DD9-4CD7-4E69-B510-7CDDACFDB170 MARTIN PHILLIP J II SARAH D 715 BREWSTER LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 MATAVA GARY J ETAL 4913 BERRY DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 MCGOVERN MARIE BERNADETTE 806 TISBURY LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 MCINTYRE KATHRYN 110 ANTOINETTE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 MEE KIMBERLY FAY 901 BREWSTER LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 MHMJ LLC 6626 GORDON RD WILMINGTON, NC 28411 MIDAS PROPERTIES MANAGEMENT LLC 2206 BRANDERWOOD DR GREENSBORO, NC 27407 MILLIKEN KEVIN P 308 ANTOINETTE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 MIMS LARRY E LESLEY M 716 BREWSTER LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 MINSHEW EDWARD MARCI 1 INDUSTRIAL DR SNOW HILL, NC 28580 MINTZ VONNIE RAY 36 ANTOINETTE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 MULLEN PATRICK J DONNA MARIE 25 ANTOINETTE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 NATIONAL RETAIL PROPERTIES LP 450 ORANGE AVE S SUITE 900 ORLANDO, FL 32801 NGO HUY 906 KIWI LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 NGO HUY H ETUX 5103 ESCUDERO SAN ANTONIO, TX 78261 NUGENT MARSHALL TAYLER 222 ANTOINETTE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 OLEARY KENNETH R JR SANDY M 102 ANTOINETTE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 OLIVE CASSANDRA S ETAL 6216 STRAWFIELD DR WILMINGTON, NC 28405 PACKER TARA E 707 TISBURY LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 PADILLA RAFAEL E OLGA M 712 BREWSTER LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 PALUSO ROXANNE PATRICK J 710 BREWSTER LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 PASTOREK DANA M 713 BREWSTER LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 PEPPER RUBY 117 ANTOINETTE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 PERRYMAN MATTHEW N ANNA W 10809 BALLENTINE LN GLEN ALLEN, VA 23059 PINER JEREMY 507 CHARLOTTE AVE CAROLINA BEACH, NC 28428 POWELL DANNY M MARCIA L 5220 CAROLINA BEACH RD WILMINGTON, NC 28412 PRINCE CHARLES D LINDA M 5604 CHOP WAY W WILMINGTON, NC 28412 PROKOPOVICH MARISSA ETAL 816 BREWSTER LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 RACKLEY DEBORAH 704 BREWSTER LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 REISIG MICHAEL 910 DUNHILL LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 REN HANYU 800 BREWSTER LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 REYNOLDS ROBERT ANN O 237 ANTOINETTE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 RHEIN MICHAEL LESLIE K 705 BREWSTER LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 RIGGS JERRY T JR 105 ANTOINETTE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 RILP NC2 LP 11995 EL CAMINO REAL SAN DIEGO, CA 92130 ROBANCHO RODOLFO Y 1216 SWEETCLOVER DR WAKE FOREST, NC 27587 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F2C5DD9-4CD7-4E69-B510-7CDDACFDB170 ROSEN ANNETTE DEE 720 BREWSTER LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 ROUTION ROGER WAYNE MARY GAITHER 906 DUNHILL LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 RUE WILLIAM 713 SEA CASTLE CT WILMINGTON, NC 28412 SAPP KELLI A RICHARD G 708 BREWSTER LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 SASSER DON W REVOCABLE TR ETAL 1509 MARSH COVE LN WILMINGTON, NC 28409 SAWICKI STEVEN D AMY L 237 NORMANDY DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 SCOTT KERI M JASON T 723 BREWSTER LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 SIZEMORE RALPH B MELINDA A 914 KIWI LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 SOFIELD STEPHEN B II JANET L 33 ANTOINETTE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 SPIKE FREDERICK WAYNE KAREN E 925 DUNHILL LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 SPIVEY TAMMY M 202 ANTOINETTE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 SPROLES BRANDON EDWARD MELISSA 2420 LAKESIDE CIR WILMINGTON, NC 28401 STEELEY MICHAEL P AMBER M 309 ANTOINETTE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 STURTZ CARLIE N 813 BREWSTER LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 SUAREZ RAYMOND ALLEN ETAL 802 TISBURY LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 SULLIVAN JUANITA 5305 MARQUETTE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 SUMMER SAMUEL ETAL 922 DUNHILL LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 TAYLOR MARK A CHRISTINE M 917 DUNHILL LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 TAYLOR PATSY JOHNNY L 113 ANTOINETTE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 TEUCHTLER THOMAS F JR 5508 TANGELO DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 THOMPSON KATHRYN L 917 KIWI LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 THORNTON MIRIAM P 709 TISBURY LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 VALENTINE GLEN 803 TISBURY LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 WALTERS LEWIS S HRS 3 JOSEPHINE ST LISBON FALLS, ME 4252 WATKINS JOYCE C 302 ANTOINETTE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 WESNER WILLIAM N CHRISTINE M 3106 SCARBOROUGH DR WILMINGTON, NC 28409 WHITAKER SCOTT A MICHELLE LEE 230 ANTOINETTE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 WILLS MARGARET A 233 NORMANDY DR WILMINGTON, NC 28403 WILSON JANET G 914 DUNHILL LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 WILSON MELISSA M 905 KIWI LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 WOODS PRUDENCE J REV TRUST 106 ANTOINETTE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 WORMAN PHILLIP H LINDA L 29 ANTOINETTE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 WRIGHT JOHNNIE L 305 ANTOINETTE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 WUNDER SUSAN C ETAL 707 BREWSTER LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 YOUNT TONI TIMOTHY K 901 KIWI LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 Z A SNEEDEN LLC 1015 ASHES DR SUITE 205 WILMINGTON, NC 28405 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F2C5DD9-4CD7-4E69-B510-7CDDACFDB170 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F2C5DD9-4CD7-4E69-B510-7CDDACFDB170 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F2C5DD9-4CD7-4E69-B510-7CDDACFDB170 GSP CONSULTING 6626 Gordon Road, Unit C Wilmington, North Carolina 28411 tel: 910-442-7870 fax: 910-799-6659 May 17, 2024 RE: Community Meeting for Conditional Rezoning Request for property at 5322 Carolina Beach Road We invite you to join us for a community meeting for the proposed conditional rezoning of property located at 5322 Carolina Beach Road, Wilmington, North Carolina and identified as New Hanover County Parcels: R07600-006-042-000 & R07606-003-002-000. The recently updated zoning of the property will remain RMF-M (Residential Multi-Family Moderate Density). The updated site plan replaces the former apartments with townhomes, reducing the proposed density from 15.8 units/acre to 10.5 units/acre. Please reference the attached illustration of the concept site plan. We welcome the opportunity to discuss the proposed project with you at the community meeting where we will give a brief presentation and answer any questions. The community meeting will be held on May 28, 2024 from 6:00-7:00 p.m. at the Best Western Plus located at 5600 Carolina Beach Road, Wilmington, North Carolina, 28412. If you cannot attend the community meeting, you can send questions and comments to gordonroaddev.grovepark@gmail.com. We look forward to seeing you at 6:00 p.m. on May 28, 2024 at: Best Western Plus 5600 Carolina Beach Road Wilmington, NC 28412 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F2C5DD9-4CD7-4E69-B510-7CDDACFDB170 \ No.I '& 6 I� � a I� u I� g VICINITY MAP (NTS) / m [ l l � l� -------'-- II II II II IF "ii IF "ii IF "ii IF "ii IF "ii 1 11 II II II I II I II I 11 I 11 I r l 111 1 11 111 Ill Ill Ill Ill 111 II: ;ii "'�11 '=----------------. ) l II I I II II II II II 11 11 11 II II� - - -- - --- --=----��--------=.µ=-----=="' ""'=-=--I I L__)I I L _)II IIL _)II IIL _) IIL I � u·52)1 Li:=---------------7---------"��'�,��";,F---- --======-" =====� -== -===-� _'=----=' '=-----= '====-=="" -=-= �u,�• I Ii II �----·..N50"13'14"E 1465.66' zatNG: R-15 -=--= = = = = = = = - - ---=---------�----- -___,,, = = = = -- ------======================== -�;- �� ,$1> & ;,..��\ •'W;iP! 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ETAL I ----511 I � PID: RD7600-006-04J-000 • L..., -DB 5531 PG 2200 ZONNG:: 8-2 � \ \ �, ... >. \...... ..1-.. 1-.. 1-.. 1•• \ \' �""'�·"/ \ ... 1--1-.. 1• .. l-,!l'-I \\\ '-' \ ,ti'· �/ .. � �. ,$1> \ l••l••l••l•,.l•.,h'!L-l ' �"-�'�\ it.�' ♦ ♦•• l 1--1-""'--i-'--/ /I / ✓,, ___ w, I / \ / / \ \ -I} ��\ � \ >::, / / \� � \ '/ Revision �1��­'1<5· �r,, \\\\ /\ \ • • ,✓, ', , r :' rr=::�� �1�. . .. � • • •1 :� � ! _jtlll!PHl 1 dtil � �A[�:"' \ \ • I; IIEIENTION..,., 111 • : • '-'--'_=_=_=_=_;;._ r::--.-� I II ·p J' II I iii - - -- - -- ---��rw --S50'1!1'27"W 381.5]' -• • t 00' r ••. •_ • • .v . • fl 1 • • j �EWSTER PLACE HOA ASSOC., IN 9 02" • • • • • • • • • • � - • • . • h .... -• · ·::\«;: PIO: R07600-006-123-000 • N/J OAY, T A lTAL TRu: ZCJIING: R-10 PIO: R07600-006-290-000 DB !1918 PG� DB 525 3 PG 1872 P3 5492 FIG M11 ZONltG: R-10 �ING: R-10 ZONIIG: R-10 _It. -�GROVE PARK PROPERTIES PIO; R07600-006-041-000 DB -44.36 PG 54 7 ZONIIG: R-15 '----;<-� � '-NATIONAL RETAl'tFliiirnnES, LP " \ PIO: R07606:;cw_::oo3-00Q '-\l L I I HW I '"-�· PO '" '-� t • )"'''°' B-2 '--._ ��-? t JW:11\, 247.58' S2 I =-=-=:._' ... .. ______ _.S51>'1""'"1'""'-' .. '--'�-112':,-,_ _____________________ � / / __/ // \I I \ //I /)/ /� ··-· 1/... ✓ IJ-tL .. __, l I \ '\ '\, \\ \ �\ \\'\\ DB 2904 PG 1913 CITRUS 00\E HOA, INC. Pl R07600-006-292-\ PIO: R07600-006-293-00D PII I\ 55 v·<s-_ =-----�-�ss ss. � -�, ifu..c. PID: R0761 003-006-000 DB PG 2199 ING: 8-2 / . � I,-. I I I '\\ / I Date I By 111 De,igne, G5P Drawn By GSP License# P-0718 \� -� \ \ �\ \ �\\\-I} /�,�,\ / Scale , ·.so· II Date Mo 2024 Job No. 2022-0012 III Wilmin�ton ( /c,S / c,S/\\t \ :,, ,, ss----\.-----re�- <\I,_,:/1/ 1/ /1/ � / / ' � �--� �\\ �� WESTGROVE New Hanover County North Carolina / ss �6 -ss = -( \ \ � -- OVERALL PRELIMINARY PLAN \ \ PREPARED FOR: Brightwater Development Company 213 Racine Drive, Suite 100 Wilmington, NC 28403 910-799-300 6 /// \ /\I I I I I GRAPHIC SCALE BO 0 40 1 inch = 80 ft. GSP CONSULTING, PLLC ENGI NEERING 6626 Gordon Road Unit C Wilmington, North Carolina 28411 tel: 910-442-7870 fax: 910-799-6659 BO Sheet No. C-1 160 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F2C5DD9-4CD7-4E69-B510-7CDDACFDB170 OPEN SPACE DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F2C5DD9-4CD7-4E69-B510-7CDDACFDB170 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F2C5DD9-4CD7-4E69-B510-7CDDACFDB170 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F2C5DD9-4CD7-4E69-B510-7CDDACFDB170