Z24-06 PB Script PLANNING BOARD SCRIPT for Zoning Map Amendment Application (Z24-06) Request by Cindee Wolf with Design Solutions, applicant, on behalf of LaLuLi Investments, LLC, property owner, to rezone approximately 0.86 acres zoned R-15, Residential located at 501 and 505 Manassas Drive to (CZD) O&I, Office and Institutional for one commercial structure totaling 8,000 square feet for the use of Medical and Dental Office and Clinic and other limited uses. 1. This is a public hearing. We will hear a presentation from staff. Then the applicant and any opponents will each be allowed 15 minutes for their presentation and an additional 5 minutes for rebuttal. 2. Conduct Hearing, as follows: a. Staff presentation b. Applicant’s and supporters’ presentation (up to 15 minutes) c. Opponent’s presentation (up to 15 minutes) d. Applicant’s and supporters’ rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) e. Opponent’s rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) f. Staff review of any additional conditions 3. Close the public hearing 4. Board discussion 5. Before we proceed with a motion and vote, I would like to invite the applicant to the podium. Based on the Board discussion and items presented during the public hearing, would you like withdraw your petition, request a continuance, or proceed with a vote? 6. Vote on the application. The motion should include a statement saying how the change is, or is not, consistent with the land use plan and why approval or denial of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest. Example Motion for Approval I move to recommend APPROVAL of the proposed rezoning. I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the proposed mix of uses is in line with the recommendations of the Urban Mixed Use place type. I also find recommending APPROVAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the project would act as an appropriate transition between the highway and existing residential development. Applicant Proposed Conditions: 1. Street yard landscaping will be installed along Carolina Beach Road to meet current Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) landscape requirements for commercial projects. 2. Any freestanding sign(s) on the site shall be monument-style with landscaping around the base of the sign. No pole signs shall be permitted. 3. Exterior lighting including luminaries and security lighting shall be full cut-off fixtures that are directed downward in compliance with Figure 5.5.4.C Full Cut-off Fixtures of the UDO. In no case shall lighting be directed at or above a horizontal plane through the lighting fixture. Light posts shall be no taller than twelve (12) feet. 4. Permitted uses are limited to: • Medical and Dental Office and Clinic • Bank and / or Financial Institution • Business Service Center • Offices for Private Business and Professional Activities • Instructional Services and Studios • Personal Services (no tattoo parlors) 5. Significant trees identified on the concept plan shall be permanently retained. 6. A six-foot-tall solid wood privacy fence shall be installed along the northern and eastern sides of the project as depicted on the concept plan. 7. A minimum 20 foot wide public access easement shall be provided along the frontage parallel with Carolina Beach Road for public bicycle and pedestrian use. Alternative Motion for DENIAL (if based on information presented at the public hearing or other consideration beyond the scope of staff review, the board finds denial appropriate.) I move to recommend DENAL of the proposed rezoning. While I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the proposed mix of uses is in line with the recommendations of the Urban Mixed Use place type. I find recommending DENIAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the project does not provide adequate transition to neighboring residential development. Alternative Motion for Approval/Denial: I move to RECOMMEND [Approval/Denial] of the proposed rezoning to a (CZD) O&I district. I find it to be [Consistent/Inconsistent] with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because [insert reasons] __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ I also find RECOMMENDING [Approval/Denial] of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because [insert reasons] __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________