Z24-06 PB Staff ReportZ24-06 Staff Report PB 6.6.2024 Page 1 of 14 STAFF REPORT FOR Z24-06 CONDITIONAL REZONING APPLICATION APPLICATION SUMMARY Case Number: Z24-06 Request: Rezoning to a Conditional O&I district Applicant: Property Owner(s): Cindee Wolf with Design Solutions LaLuLi Investments, LLC Location: Acreage: 501 and 505 Manassas Drive 0.86 PID(s): Comp Plan Place Type: R07906-001-001-000 and R07906-001-002- 000 Urban Mixed Use Existing Land Use: Proposed Land Use: Two undeveloped residential lots Medical and Dental Office and Clinic, Bank and / or Financial Institution, Business Service Center, Offices for Private Business & Professional Activities, Instructional Services & Studios, Personal Services (no tattoo parlors) Current Zoning: Proposed Zoning: R-15, Residential (CZD) O&I, Office & Institutional SURROUNDING AREA LAND USE ZONING North Single Family Residential R-15 East Single Family Residential R-15 South Veterinary Clinic and Single Family Residential (CZD) O&I and R-15 West Carwash, Convenience Store with Fuel Stations, and Restaurant (CZD) B-1 Z24-06 Staff Report PB 6.6.2024 Page 2 of 14 ZONING HISTORY April 7, 1971 Initially zoned R-15 (Area 4) COMMUNITY SERVICES Water/Sewer Water services are available through CFPUA. Public sewer is not located in close proximity to the site. As a result, sewer service is proposed by a private septic system that must be approved and permitted by New Hanover County Environmental Health. Fire Protection New Hanover County Fire Services, New Hanover County Southern Fire District, New Hanover County Myrtle Grove Station Schools Bellamy Elementary, Murray Middle, and Ashley High Schools Recreation Hanover Pines Park CONSERVATION, HISTORIC, & ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES Conservation No known conservation resources. Historic No known historic resources. Archaeological No known archaeological resources Z24-06 Staff Report PB 6.6.2024 Page 3 of 14 APPLICANT’S PROPOSED CONCEPTUAL PLAN Applicant’s Concept Plan - Includes Staff Markups • The concept plan includes a 2-story, 8,000 square foot commercial building with associated parking. The applicant is proposing using the site for a dentist’s office but has also included a limited list of other potential uses to provide flexibility for potential future landowners or tenants. • In addition to the use of Medical and Dental Office and Clinic for the dentist, a condition has been included limiting the allowed uses to Bank and / or Financial Institution, Business Service Center, Offices for Private Business & Professional Activities, Instructional Services & Studios, and Personal Services (no tattoo parlors). Manassas Drive Proposed Privacy Fence Proposed Underground Stormwater Z24-06 Staff Report PB 6.6.2024 Page 4 of 14 • Access to the site is right-in / right-out only onto Carolina Beach Road. NCDOT has conducted a preliminary review of the site and prohibited access onto Manassas Drive to prevent cut-throughs from Manassas Drive to Carolina Beach Road. • The project includes a solid wood privacy fence to provide a visual screen from the adjacent residentially zoned parcels to the north and east. The fence will be in addition to the required Type A opaque buffer along the property lines. A condition has been included guaranteeing the privacy fence. • CFPUA has confirmed the nearest public sewer access is at Appomattox Drive, approximately 1,500 feet from the subject parcels. Due to the distance from public sewer CFPUA cannot require sewer connection. The project proposes a private septic field for sewer service on the eastern side of the property away from Carolina Beach Road and buffered with a privacy fence. New septic systems must be reviewed and permitted by New Hanover County Environmental Health. • The concept plan also proposes an underground stormwater facility under the parking lot on the western side of the site. A soils analysis was provided indicating the site is suitable to support an underground system. Stormwater systems must be reviewed permitted by both New Hanover County Engineering and the State Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ). • Staff has proposed an additional condition for a public access easement along the frontage of Carolina Beach Road to accommodate future bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure. • Three Significant Trees are shown along the northern property line. A condition has been included guaranteeing retention of the significant trees. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS • The R-15 district in this area was established in 1971. At the time, the purpose of the R-15 district was to ensure housing served by private septic and wells would be developed at low densities. • Since that time, the Carolina Beach Road corridor has experienced a transition to higher density residential and mixed commercial districts from the Monkey Junction growth node to Halyburton Parkway. • The O&I district was established to provide lands that accommodate institutional, professional office, and other compatible uses. The O&I district is recommended for areas with more intense uses and higher density development patterns to support economic clusters in appropriate locations. • In addition to the required lighting standards listed in Section 5.5 of the UDO, the applicant has proposed to limit light posts to a height of 12 feet. • A Type A Opaque buffer is required along the northern and eastern property lines bordering residentially zoned parcels. In addition to the Type A buffer standards the applicant has provided a condition for a solid wood privacy fence in those areas. • If approved, the project would be subject to the Technical Review Committee and Zoning Compliance review processes to ensure full compliance with all ordinance requirements and specific conditions included in the approval. Only minor deviations from the approved conceptual plan, as defined by the UDO, would be allowed. Z24-06 Staff Report PB 6.6.2024 Page 5 of 14 AREA DEVELOPMENTS Z24-06 Staff Report PB 6.6.2024 Page 6 of 14 TRANSPORTATION CURRENT CONDITIONS Intensity of Current Zoning Typical development under current zoning would allow 2 single family dwelling units. PROPOSED ACCESS Primary Access Carolina Beach Road via a right-in, right out only driveway Secondary Access N/A EXISTING ROADWAY CHARACTERISTICS Affected Roadway Carolina Beach Road Type of Roadway State Highway Z24-06 Staff Report PB 6.6.2024 Page 7 of 14 Roadway Planning Capacity (AADT) 41,370 Latest Traffic Volume (AADT) 48,000 Latest WMPO Point-in-Time Count (DT) 48,748 Current Level of Congestion Over Capacity Sources Source of Planning Capacity: WMPO Source of Latest Traffic Volume: 2022 Source of WMPO Point-in-Time County: 2023 NEARBY NCDOT STIP ROADAWAY PROJECTS U-5702B- S. College Rd. Improvements (2025 Right-of-way acquisition and utilities) - Access management and travel time improvements along College Road between Shipyard Boulevard and Carolina Beach Road. U-5790 – Monkey Junction Intersection and Roadway Improvements (2029 Right-of-way acquisition and utilities) - Project to convert the intersection of Carolina Beach Road and College Road to a continuous flow intersection. - The project includes widening Carolina Beach Road south of the intersection of Sanders Road. TRAFFIC GENERATION Traffic Generated by Present Designation Traffic Generated by Proposed Designation Potential Impact of Proposed Designation AM Peak Hour Trips 2 19 +17 PM Peak Hour Trips 2 53 +51 Assumptions Typical Development with Existing Zoning – 2 single family detached dwellings. Proposed Development – 2-story, 8,000 square foot medical office building. Sources Source of Trip Generation: ITE Trip Generation Manual, 11th Ed. TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS (TIA) The estimated traffic generated from the site is under the 100 peak hour threshold that triggers the ordinance requirement for a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA). Z24-06 Staff Report PB 6.6.2024 Page 8 of 14 SUMMARY Carolina Beach Road is currently over capacity in the vicinity of the Manassas Drive intersection. The estimated traffic generation of the proposed uses is moderately low and the proximity of the proposed uses to residential neighborhoods could reduce vehicle traffic with longer trips on Carolina Beach Road. Southbound traffic on Carolina Beach Road would utilize a U-turn approximately 1,000 feet south of the site. While there is a U-turn available south of the site, there are anecdotal accounts of regular prohibited U-turn movements at the Manassas Drive intersection resulting in vehicle conflicts at the intersection. While vehicles could use the existing southern U-turn or an available U-turn on Manassas Drive, the restriction of only right-in / right-out access onto Carolina Beach Road could result in increased conflicting U-turn activity at Manassas Drive. The project will be subject to NCDOT engineering review through the driveway permitting process. ENVIRONMENTAL • The property is not within a Natural Heritage Area or Special Flood Hazard Area. • The property is within the Everette Creek watershed. • Per the Classification of Soils in New Hanover County for Septic Tank Suitability, soils on the property consist of Class I (Suitable) soils. • The project proposes an underground stormwater management system. A soil report was included with the application verifying the property is suitable for an undergound stormwater system. The system must be reviewed and permitted by New Hanover County Engineering and NCDEQ. • CFPUA public water is available to the site. The applicant is proposing a private septic system for sewer utilities. Septic systems must be approved by New Hanover County Environmental Health. The closest available public sewer is approximately 1,500 feet away from the site at Appomattox Drive and Chancellorsville Drive. Z24-06 Staff Report PB 6.6.2024 Page 9 of 14 OTHER CONSIDERATIONS New Hanover County Strategic Plan On July 17, 2023, the Board of Commissioners adopted a new strategic plan for Fiscal Years 2024- 2028. This plan focuses on three core areas: workforce and economic development, community safety and well-being, and sustainable land use and environmental stewardship. Strategic Plan Outcomes Relevant to Proposal Analysis Through planned growth and development, residents have access to their basic needs. The strategic objective to achieve this desired outcome includes providing residents with space to accommodate small businesses that support the local economy. The proposed CZD O&I rezoning will allow businesses that could support the surrounding community to locate in a transitional area along a major roadway corridor and in close proximity to a number of households. A business-friendly environment that promotes growth, agility, and collaboration. The plan aims to prepare for the long-term needs of businesses and to maintain new business growth within 2.5% of the state. The proposed commercial zoning district will enable new businesses. Representative Developments Representative Developments of Single Family Residential: Manassas Drive Z24-06 Staff Report PB 6.6.2024 Page 10 of 14 Tarin Woods Subdivision Representative Development of O&I and Medical Office Myrtle Grove Animal Hospital – Manassas Drive Z24-06 Staff Report PB 6.6.2024 Page 11 of 14 Browning Orthodontics – Junction Creek Drive Context and Compatibility • The project is located at the corner of Carolina Beach Road and Manassas Drive approximately 1,500 feet south of the Beau Rivage Marketplace that includes a grocery store, restaurants, vehicle service, home appliance sales, and pharmacy services. • The Carolina Beach Road corridor has seen increased interest in higher density residential development such as the Towns at Market Place across the highway from the subject site, and the Winds Ridge and Myrtle Landing Townhomes approximately a mile south. • The project proposes a condition limiting the list of allowed uses to those intended to serve surrounding residential development such as the use of medical offices and offices for private business and professional activities. • An existing similar office use is located on the southern corner of Carolina Beach Road and Manassas Drive. • The project is located at the intersection of a major highway and the primary entrance to several residential developments which makes the subject parcels less likely to be developed for single-family residential. • The Carolina Beach Road corridor has also seen a gradual conversion of residentially zoned parcels to commercial and mixed-use projects. As proposed the project would serve as an appropriate transition between the Carolina Beach Road corridor and neighboring residential development. Z24-06 Staff Report PB 6.6.2024 Page 12 of 14 2016 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The New Hanover County Future Land Use Map provides a general representation of the vision for New Hanover County’s future land use, as designated by place types describing the character and function of the different types of development that make up the community. These place types are intended to identify general areas for particular development patterns and should not be interpreted as being parcel specific. Future Land Use Map Place Type Urban Mixed Use Place Type Description Promotes development of a mix of residential, office, and retail uses at higher densities. Types of uses encouraged include office, retail, mixed use, small recreation, commercial, institutional, single-family, and multi-family residential. Analysis The property is located at the intersection of Carolina Beach Road and Manassas Drive. The Carolina Beach Road corridor has seen increased interest in higher density residential development such as the Towns at Market Place across the highway from the subject site, and the Winds Ridge and Myrtle Landing Townhomes approximately a mile south. The Comprehensive Plan classifies the property as Urban Mixed Use, which promotes a mix of residential and commercial uses intended for areas of higher growth. The proposed mix of uses is limited to community level services and business uses in closer proximity to nearby subdivisions. Additional neighborhood level services can reduce the need for additional longer vehicle trips on Carolina Beach Road and serve as an appropriate transition between the highway corridor and neighboring residential development. Consistency Recommendation The proposed rezoning request is generally CONSISTENT with the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because the proposed mix of uses is in line with the recommendations of the Urban Mixed Use place type and the proposed development would act as an appropriate transition between the highway and existing residential development. Z24-06 Staff Report PB 6.6.2024 Page 13 of 14 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff’s recommendation is based on the policy guidance of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan, zoning considerations, and technical review. This portion of the Carolina Beach Road corridor has been designated Urban Mixed Use. The plan proposes neighborhood level services that can reduce the need for additional longer trips on Carolina Beach Road and serve as an appropriate transition between the highway corridor and neighboring residential development. As a result, Staff recommends approval of the request and suggests the following motion: I move to recommend APPROVAL of the proposed rezoning. I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the proposed mix of uses is in line with the recommendations of the Urban Mixed Use place type. I also find recommending APPROVAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the project would act as an appropriate transition between the highway and existing residential development. Applicant Proposed Conditions: 1. Street yard landscaping will be installed along Carolina Beach Road to meet current Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) landscape requirements for commercial projects. 2. Any freestanding sign(s) on the site shall be monument-style with landscaping around the base of the sign. No pole signs shall be permitted. 3. Exterior lighting including luminaries and security lighting shall be full cut-off fixtures that are directed downward in compliance with Figure 5.5.4.C Full Cut- off Fixtures of the UDO. In no case shall lighting be directed at or above a horizontal plane through the lighting fixture. Light posts shall be no taller than twelve (12) feet. 4. Permitted uses are limited to: • Medical and Dental Office and Clinic • Bank and / or Financial Institution • Business Service Center • Offices for Private Business and Professional Activities • Instructional Services and Studios • Personal Services (no tattoo parlors) 5. Significant trees identified on the concept plan shall be permanently retained. 6. A six-foot-tall solid wood privacy fence shall be installed along the northern and eastern sides of the project as depicted on the concept plan. 7. A minimum 20 foot wide public access easement shall be provided along the frontage parallel with Carolina Beach Road for public bicycle and pedestrian use. Z24-06 Staff Report PB 6.6.2024 Page 14 of 14 Alternative Motion for DENIAL (if based on information presented at the public hearing or other consideration beyond the scope of staff review, the board finds denial appropriate.) I move to recommend DENAL of the proposed rezoning. While I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the proposed mix of uses is in line with the recommendations of the Urban Mixed Use place type. I find recommending DENIAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the project does not provide adequate transition to neighboring residential development.