Board Meeting Agenda Packet 06-11-2024MEETING AGENDA Date: June 11, 2024 Time: 5:30 PM Location: Bd of Elections Office, Long Leaf Room Type: Regular Scheduled Attendees: Derrick R. Miller, Chair Rae Hunter-Havens, Director James Battle Morgan, Jr. Secretary Caroline Dawkins, Deputy Director Natalie Hinton-Stalling, Member Noelle Powers, Database & Systems Specialist Bruce Kemp, Member Joan Geiszler-Ludlum, Administrative Technician Tom S. Morris, Member Visitor(s): Tufanna Bradley, Assistant County Manager; Kemp Burpeau, Deputy County Attorney AGENDA ITEMS 1.Meeting Opening a.Call to Order b.Pledge of Allegiance c.Approval of Agenda d.Approval of Minutes (05/07/2024-Amended, 5/13/2024, 5/14/2024, 5/23/24, 5/24/24) 2.Public Comment Period •2-minute limit •20-minute limit total 3.Director Update a.Financial Update b.List Maintenance c.2024 NC State Board of Elections Summer Conference 4.Closed Session (N.C. Gen. Stat. § 143-318.11(6)) 5.General Discussion •Other Elections-Related Matters 6.Adjournment *Agenda packets are sent via email in advance of meetings. Regular Meeting New Hanover County Board of Elections June 11, 2024 Subject: Approval of Agenda Summary: N/A Board Action Required: Staff recommends approval Item # 1c Regular Meeting New Hanover County Board of Elections June 11, 2024 Subject: Approval of Minutes Applicable Statutes and/or Rules N.C. Gen. Stat. §§ 163-31(e) and 143-318.10(e) Summary: This includes minutes from the 5/7/2024, 5/13/2024, 5/14/2024, 5/23/24, and 5/24/24 meetings. The minutes from the 5/7/2024 meeting were previously approved by the board but did not include a reference to the board’s approval of the meeting minutes from the 4/23/24 meeting. A reference to that approval has been added to the amended minutes from the 5/7/24 meeting. Board Action Required: Staff recommends approval Item # 1d Item # 1d Board Minutes – 05/07/2024 Page | 1 SPECIAL MEETING New Hanover County Board of Elections May 7, 2024 5:00 P.M. ATTENDANCE Members: Derrick R. Miller, Chair James Battle Morgan, Jr., Secretary Natalie Hinton-Stalling, Member Bruce Kemp, Member [Excused] Tom Morris, Member Staff: Rae Hunter-Havens, Executive Director Jessica O’Neill, Elections Program Coordinator Noelle Powers, Elections Systems Administrator Beth Pugh, Elections Specialist Joan Geiszler-Ludlum, Administrative Elections Technician Duplication Team: Emily Fountain, Jane Saunders, Sarah Vitt Visitors: Tufanna Bradley, Assistant County Manager; Kemp Burpeau, Deputy County Attorney Public Attendees: Toni Dewey Virtual Attendees: None 1. MEETING OPENING a. Call to Order Chair Miller called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. The New Hanover County Board of Elections meeting was held in the Board of Elections office, Long Leaf Room, 1241A Military Cutoff Road, Wilmington, NC. Chair Miller, Secretary Morgan, Members Hinton-Stalling and Morris were present; Member Kemp was excused. Chair Miller reminded the audience to silence their cell phones; that the meeting is being recorded and live streamed over the internet; that members of the audience should speak only when invited; and to limit crosstalk. b. Pledge of Allegiance Chair Miller called on the audience to rise and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Board Minutes – 05/07/2024 Page | 2 c. Approval of Agenda Member Morris moved to approve the agenda as submitted, seconded by Member Hinton-Stalling. Motion carried unanimously. d. Approval of Minutes (4/23/2024) Chair Miller called for any corrections to the minutes of the 4/23/2024 meeting. Hearing none, Chair Miller said the minutes are approved as submitted. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD Chair Miller called upon the public attendees for their comments or questions, limited to two minutes each with a total maximum time of ten minutes. Seeing and hearing no public attendees wishing to comment, Chair Miller closed the Public Comment period. 3. NEW BUSINESS a. Review of Absentee Ballot Applications Director Hunter-Havens presented 10 absentee ballot applications for Board review: 7 met all requirements, including 1 Visually Impaired Persons (VIP) ballot received in the absentee portal, 1 with a cure certification, and 1 with affidavit review pending; 2 UOCAVA1 ballots, including 1 overseas ballot returned by mail, and 1 military ballot returned through the portal and duplicated prior to the meeting as the Board has authorized; and 1 pending Board authorization to review the application with photo ID sealed in the ballot return envelope. By unanimous consent, the Board authorized staff to proceed with opening the absentee ballot return envelope with the photo ID sealed in it for compliance with all requirements. The Board reviewed the 9 absentee ballot applications for compliance with signature, witness, and photo ID requirements. Review began at 5:05 p.m. and concluded at 5:16 p.m. Beth Pugh, Elections Specialist, reported that the opened absentee ballot return envelope was complete and complied with all requirements. Chair Miller moved to approve the 10 absentee ballot applications, seconded by Member Morris. Motion carried unanimously. Chair Miller said, hearing no objection, staff is authorized to proceed with the preliminary steps of opening the approved return envelopes and scanning the ballots. 1 Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA) is a federal law that requires states to enable absentee voting by active-duty members of the armed forces, Merchant Marine, the commissioned corps of the Public Health Service and NOAA, National Guard or state militia, their spouses and dependents, and US citizens residing outside the United States. Board Minutes – 05/07/2024 Page | 3 The Board reviewed the zero report from the DS850. Scanning began at 5:18 p.m. and concluded at 5:28 p.m. The Board reviewed Precinct Processed Report from the DS850 and signed the Absentee Meeting Ballot Certification. 4. CLOSED SESSION (N.C. Gen. Stat. §143-318.11(6)) Chair Miller said there is no business requiring a closed session. 5. GENERAL DISCUSSION Chair Miller called for any Board discussion of election-related matters. Member Morris asked for a report on the early voting turnout to date. Director Hunter- Havens said turnout has been light, with the single-day high of 72 votes cast. Hearing no additional discussion, Chair Miller called for a motion to adjourn the meeting. 7. ADJOURNMENT Member Morris moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Member Hinton-Stalling. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m. Director Hunter-Havens said the next Board meetings are scheduled to be held on May 13, 2024, at 5:00 p.m., and May 14, at 2:00 p.m. in the Board of Elections office, Long Leaf Room, 1241A Military Cutoff Road, Wilmington, NC. APPROVED BY: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: _______________________________ ______________________________ JAMES BATTLE MORGAN, JR. RAE HUNTER-HAVENS SECRETARY ELECTIONS DIRECTOR Board Minutes – 05/13/2024 Page | 1 SPECIAL MEETING New Hanover County Board of Elections May 13, 2024 5:00 P.M. ATTENDANCE Members: Derrick R. Miller, Chair James Battle Morgan, Jr., Secretary Natalie Hinton-Stalling, Member Bruce Kemp, Member Tom Morris, Member Staff: Rae Hunter-Havens, Executive Director Jenna Dahlgren, Elections Logistics Coordinator Caroline Dawkins, Deputy Director Gina Herring, Elections Specialist Noelle Powers, Elections Systems Administrator Beth Pugh, Elections Specialist Joan Geiszler-Ludlum, Administrative Elections Technician Duplication Team: Emily Fountain, Bea Powell, Jane Saunders Visitors: Tufanna Bradley, Assistant County Manager; Kemp Burpeau, Deputy County Attorney Public Attendees: None Virtual Attendees: None 1. MEETING OPENING a. Call to Order Chair Miller called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. The New Hanover County Board of Elections meeting was held in the Board of Elections office, Long Leaf Room, 1241A Military Cutoff Road, Wilmington, NC. All members were present. Chair Miller reminded the audience to silence their cell phones; that the meeting is being recorded and live streamed over the internet; that members of the audience should speak only when invited; and to limit crosstalk. b. Pledge of Allegiance Chair Miller called on the audience to rise and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Board Minutes – 05/13/2024 Page | 2 c. Approval of Agenda Member Kemp moved to approve the agenda as submitted, seconded by Member Morris. Motion carried unanimously. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD Chair Miller called upon the public attendees for their comments or questions, limited to two minutes each with a total maximum time of ten minutes. Seeing and hearing no public attendees wishing to comment, Chair Miller closed the Public Comment period. 3. NEW BUSINESS a. Review of Absentee Ballot Applications Director Hunter-Havens presented 14 absentee ballot applications for Board review: 13 meet all requirements, including 1 with a cure certification, and 1 with affidavit review pending Board review of the voter’s photo ID exception form. The Board divided into 2 bipartisan teams to review the 14 absentee ballot applications. Board review began at 5:04 p.m. and concluded at 5:08 p.m. Member Kemp moved to approve 14 absentee ballot applications, seconded by Member Morris. Hearing no discussion, Chair Miller called the vote. Motion carried unanimously. b. Oath Certificates for Absentee Ballots Chair Miller executed the Certificate of Executed Absentee Ballots (Military and Overseas Citizens) and Civilian Certificate of Oath before notary Jenna Dahlgren. Director Hunter-Havens said these certifications will be delivered by sheriff’s deputies to the polling places by10:00 a.m. on Election Day. Chair Miller said staff are authorized to proceed with the preparatory steps of opening the approved absentee ballot envelopes and scanning the ballots which will be counted on Election Day. The preparatory steps began at 5:11 p.m. and concluded at 5:25 p.m. 4. CLOSED SESSION Chair Miller said there is no business requiring a closed session. 5. GENERAL DISCUSSION Chair Miller called on Director Hunter-Havens to review the emergency transfers to complete the staffing of the polling places for Election Day. The Director said these Board Minutes – 05/13/2024 Page | 3 transfers were needed to staff the polling places when an assigned official advised of their inability to work on Election Day. Six polling places are affected: W08, CF05, H10, W03, H02, and W34. These transfers apply only for the second primary. Member Kemp moved to approve the transfers, seconded by Chair Miller. Motion carried unanimously. Chair Miller called on Director Hunter-Havens to review the agenda for the Election Day Board meeting at 2:00 p.m. Director Hunter-Havens said the approved absentee ballots will be counted under Board supervision for public release by the State Board after polls close at 7:30 p.m. Then, at 7:30 p.m., the early voting ballots will be counted when staff close the DS200 used at the office early voting site and upload the tabulated data to ElectionWare computer, which is not connected to any network. The closing of the DS200 will be livestreamed so that any member of the public who wishes to view the closing of the polls may do so. A results data file will be generated on the ElectionWare computer and saved to a USB drive for secure upload to the State Board website for release to the public. Members Hinton-Stalling and Morris will observe the closing of the early voting DS200 and uploading of data on Election Night. The pre-canvass meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 23, at 2:00 p.m. to conduct the Sample Audit Count, act on supplemental absentee by mail ballots received after 5:00 pm on the Monday before Election Day, and review provisional ballots cast during the election. The canvass meeting is scheduled for Friday, May 24 at 11:00 a.m. when the election results will be finalized and certified. Hearing no further general discussion, Chair Miller called for a motion to adjourn. 6. ADJOURNMENT Member Kemp moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Member Morris. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 5:39 p.m. The next Board meeting is scheduled to be held on May 23, 2024, at 2:00 p.m., at the Board of Elections office, Long Leaf Room, 1241A Military Cutoff Road, Wilmington, NC. APPROVED BY: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: _______________________________ ______________________________ JAMES BATTLE MORGAN, JR. RAE HUNTER-HAVENS SECRETARY ELECTIONS DIRECTOR Board Minutes – 05/14/2024 Page | 1 SPECIAL MEETING New Hanover County Board of Elections May 14, 2024 2:00 P.M. ATTENDANCE Members: Derrick R. Miller, Chair James Battle Morgan, Jr., Secretary Natalie Hinton-Stalling, Member Bruce Kemp, Member [attended virtually] Tom Morris, Member Staff: Rae Hunter-Havens, Executive Director Jenna Dahlgren, Elections Logistics Coordinator Caroline Dawkins, Deputy Director Noelle Powers, Elections Systems Administrator Beth Pugh, Elections Specialist Joan Geiszler-Ludlum, Administrative Elections Technician Visitors: Kemp Burpeau, Deputy County Attorney Public Attendees: None Virtual Attendees: Member Bruce Kemp 1. MEETING OPENING a. Call to Order Chair Miller called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. The New Hanover County Board of Elections meeting was held in the Board of Elections office, Long Leaf Room, 1241A Military Cutoff Road, Wilmington, NC. All members were present. Chair Miller reminded the audience to silence their cell phones; that the meeting is being recorded and live streamed over the internet; that members of the audience should speak only when invited; and to limit crosstalk. b. Pledge of Allegiance Chair Miller called on the audience to rise and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Board Minutes – 05/14/2024 Page | 2 c. Approval of Agenda Member Hinton-Stalling moved to approve the agenda as submitted, seconded by Member Morris. Motion carried unanimously. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD Chair Miller called upon the public attendees for their comments or questions, limited to two minutes each with a total maximum time of ten minutes. Seeing and hearing no public attendees wishing to comment, Chair Miller closed the Public Comment period. 3. NEW BUSINESS • Counting of Absentee Ballots Director Hunter-Havens said the Board adopted a resolution on March 15, 2024, setting 2:00 p.m. on Election Day as the time to count the approved absentee ballots for the 2024 Second Primary Election. Ballots received through 5:00 p.m. on the preceding day will be counted. Staff will process the approved ballots as follows: 1. Staff will count the absentee ballots that were optically scanned and stored securely on USB drives during the absentee meetings using the DS850 central tabulator. 2. Staff will take each USB drive containing the absentee ballot results and upload the data into the ElectionWare reporting software. 3. Staff will print the results report from the ElectionWare computer for board review. 4. Prior to 7:30 p.m., staff will verify all results from the ElectionWare reporting software that are imported into the SEIMS Election Reporting Software (ERS). 5. Absentee results will be released to the publicly viewable site by the NC State Board of Elections at 7:30 p.m. At the conclusion of the process, the Board will sign the Absentee Abstract for mailing to the NC State Board of Elections. Secretary Morgan and Member Morris left with staff to observe the secure uploading of the absentee voting results at 2:03 p.m. The Board members and staff returned to the meeting at 2:26 p.m. The Board members reviewed and signed the abstract, attested by notary Jenna Dahlgren. 4. CLOSED SESSION Chair Miller said there is no business requiring a closed session. Board Minutes – 05/14/2024 Page | 3 5. GENERAL DISCUSSION Chair Miller called on the Board members for any election-related discussion. Member Morris asked when the Absentee Results by Weekly Meeting Report will be available. Director Hunter-Havens said it is attached to the Absentee Abstract which the Board members just signed. Member Morris asked about absentee requests completed for all elections in the calendar year and whether the requester’s voter registration status is checked before sending an absentee ballot. Director Hunter-Havens said the request must be renewed annually, list maintenance continues throughout the year, and submission of an absentee ballot request qualifies as a contact which keeps the voter’s registration in Active status. Member Kemp asked about his signing the final canvass documents when he will be attending the meeting virtually. Director Hunter-Havens said, subject to different guidance from the State Board of Elections, she plans to email the canvass documents to him for his review since he will attend the canvass meeting virtually. Director Hunter- Havens will check with the State Board to determine the best procedure to follow for remote participation of board members in the canvass meeting and send an update to the board once this guidance is received. Hearing no further general discussion, Chair Miller called for a motion to adjourn. 6. ADJOURNMENT Member Kemp moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Member Morris. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 2:37 p.m. The next Board meeting is scheduled to be held on May 23, 2024, at 2:00 p.m., at the Board of Elections office, Long Leaf Room, 1241A Military Cutoff Road, Wilmington, NC. APPROVED BY: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: _______________________________ ______________________________ JAMES BATTLE MORGAN, JR. RAE HUNTER-HAVENS SECRETARY ELECTIONS DIRECTOR Board Minutes – 05/23/2024 Page | 1 SPECIAL MEETING New Hanover County Board of Elections May 23, 2024 2:00 P.M. ATTENDANCE Members: Derrick R. Miller, Chair [Excused] James Battle Morgan, Jr., Secretary Natalie Hinton-Stalling, Member Bruce Kemp, Member [Attended virtually] Tom Morris, Member Staff: Rae Hunter-Havens, Executive Director Noelle Powers, Elections Systems Administrator Beth Pugh, Elections Specialist Joan Geiszler-Ludlum, Administrative Elections Technician Ballot Assistants: Jenna Dahlgren, Sarah Vitt Duplication Team: Emily Fountain, Bea Powell, Jane Saunders Sample Audit Count Teams: Ronnie Thomas, Barry Jezerack, Tracey Sirjue, Danette Brown; Eileen Jezerack, Cindy Fusco, Meredith Ezzel, Byron Waugaman Visitors: None Public Attendees: None Virtual Attendees: Member Bruce Kemp; Jenna Dahlgren; Denise Brown 1. MEETING OPENING a. Call to Order In the absence of Chair Miller, Secretary Morgan called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. The New Hanover County Board of Elections meeting was held in the Board of Elections office, Long Leaf Room, 1241A Military Cutoff Road, Wilmington, NC. A quorum was present: Secretary Morgan, Members Hinton-Stalling and Morris attended in person; Member Kemp attended virtually. Chair Miller was excused. b. Pledge of Allegiance Secretary Morgan called on the audience to rise and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Board Minutes – 05/23/2024 Page | 2 c. Approval of Agenda Member Morris moved to approve the agenda as submitted, seconded by Member Hinton Stalling. Motion carried unanimously. d. Approval of Minutes (4/30/2024, 5/07/2024) Member Morris moved to approve the minutes of the 4/30/2024 Board meeting as submitted, seconded by Member Hinton-Stalling. Motion carried unanimously. Director Hunter-Havens noted one correction to the 5/7/2024 minutes: on page 2, change “Visually Impaired Portal” to “Visually Impaired Persons.” Secretary Morgan said the correction would be accepted without objection. Member Hinton-Stalling moved to approve the minutes of the 5/7/2024 meeting as corrected, seconded by Member Morris. Motion carried unanimously. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD Secretary Morgan called upon the public attendees for their comments or questions, limited to two minutes each with a total maximum time of ten minutes. Seeing and hearing no public attendees wishing to comment, Secretary Morgan closed the Public Comment period. 3. NEW BUSINESS a. Sample Audit Count Secretary Morgan called on Director Hunter-Havens to introduce the Sample Audit Count. Director Hunter-Havens said all North Carolina county boards of elections must complete a sample audit count between Election Day and canvass as part of the post-Election Day auditing process that ensures the reliability of elections results tabulated by the voting equipment. The Sample Audit Count compares the machine counts with the hand-to-eye counts to ensure that the voting equipment read the voter’s choices accurately. Pursuant to NC Gen. Stat. §163-182.2, the NC State Board of Elections (NCSBE) randomly selected a sample of ballots from two different voting sites and/or methods. NCSBE conducted the random selection process on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, which determined that New Hanover County will conduct a full count of precincts H10 (Eaton Elementary School) and W16 (Lifepoint Church). For the Second Primary Election, the Lt. Governor contest on the Republican ballot was audited. Bipartisan teams will conduct the hand-to-eye count, compare the results with the machine-tabulated results, and report any variances which in turn will be reported to the NCSBE. Board Minutes – 05/23/2024 Page | 3 Secretary Morgan called for a motion to authorize conducting the Sample Audit Count in the adjacent Paynter Room. Member Hinton-Stallings so moved, seconded by Member Morris. Motion carried unanimously. b. Review of Provisional Ballot Applications Director Hunter-Havens presented 38 provisional ballot applications for Board review: 33 that meet all requirements and are recommended for approval, and 5 that are recommended for disapproval. Included in the 5 disapproved provisional applications is one application where the voter did not present a valid photo ID, chose to vote a provisional ballot, and bring an acceptable photo ID to the office. That voter has until 5:00 p.m. today to present photo ID. If the voter presents an acceptable photo ID by that deadline, the Director said she will bring that provisional application back before the Board at the canvass meeting for further consideration. The Board reviewed the 5 provisional applications which are recommended for disapproval, beginning at 2:11 p.m. and completed at 2:14 p.m. The Board waived individual review of the 33 provisional applications recommended for approval but reviewed the provisional summary reports presented by the Director. Member Morris moved to approve 33 provisional applications and disapprove 5 provisional applications as the Director recommended, seconded by Member Hinton- Stalling. Hearing no discussion, Secretary Morgan called the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Member Kemp, attending virtually, expressed his approval of the motion despite being unable to review the provisional applications or the provisional summary reports. The Board members present in person signed the Provisional Ballot Certification. c. Review of Supplemental Absentee Ballot Applications Director Hunter-Havens presented 3 supplemental absentee ballot applications: 1 civilian application that meets all requirements; 1 application pending review of the photo ID documentation which was sealed in the ballot envelope; and 1 application recommended for disapproval due to return after the deadline. The Director reminded the Board that additional UOCAVA absentee applications may come in by mail by the 5:00 p.m. deadline today. If this happens, the Board can review these applications at the canvass meeting. Member Morris moved to authorize staff to open the pending absentee ballot envelope to review the photo ID documentation, seconded by Member Hinton-Stalling. Motion carried unanimously. The Board reviewed the 1 application recommended for approval. Board review began at 2:20 p.m. and concluded at 2:22 p.m. Staff opened and reviewed the pending application and photo ID which complied with the requirements. Board Minutes – 05/23/2024 Page | 4 Member Hinton-Stalling moved to approve 2 absentee ballot applications, seconded by Member Morris. Motion carried unanimously. Member Kemp, attending virtually, expressed his approval of the motion despite being unable to review the absentee ballot applications. The Board reviewed 1 absentee ballot application recommended for disapproval for late return, beginning at 2:25 p.m. and concluded at 2:26 p.m. Member Morris moved to disapprove the application, seconded by Member Hinton- Stalling. Motion carried unanimously. Member Kemp, attending virtually, expressed his approval of the motion despite being unable to review the absentee ballot applications. Before executing the Supplemental Oaths Certificates, Absentee Meeting Ballot Certification, and Supplemental Abstract, Director Hunter-Havens asked the Board to take a brief pause while staff generated the updated executed list of absentee ballots to include the pending application that was approved by the Board. She suggested that the Board authorize the opening of the approved provisional envelopes while the list is printed. Secretary Morgan said that opening the provisional envelopes will proceed in the absence of an objection. Opening and scanning the approved provisional envelopes began at 2:27 p.m. and concluded at 2:55 p.m. During scanning, two ballots were inadvertently scanned into precinct H10 when they should have been scanned into precinct H12. The two ballots were cleared from precinct H10 and rescanned into the correct precinct, H12. The Board members present reviewed the zero results report, election results report, and the precincts processed report for the approved provisional ballots scanned on the DS850, and signed the Provisional Ballot Certification and Absentee Meeting Ballot Certification. Deputy Director Caroline Dawkins reported the results of the Sample Audit Count. The Board members reviewed the Sample Audit reports which confirmed that the hand-to-eye counts matched the machine counts. The Board authorized the staff to proceed with opening and scanning the approved supplemental absentee ballots at 2:58 p.m. Tabulating the supplemental absentee ballots concluded at 3:04 p.m. The Board members signed the Certification of Supplemental Absentee Abstract. d. Supplemental Oath Certificates for Absentee Ballots In the absence of the Chair, Secretary Morgan signed the Certificates of Executed Absentee Ballots (Military and Overseas Citizens) and Civilian Absentee Ballots before notary Jenna Dahlgren. Secretary Morgan and Members Hinton-Stalling and Morris recessed the meeting and left with staff at 3:05 p.m. to upload the approved provisional and supplemental absentee Board Minutes – 05/23/2024 Page | 5 results to the NCSBE. The Board and staff returned, and the meeting resumed at 3:18 p.m. 4. CLOSED SESSION Secretary Morgan said there is no business requiring a closed session. 5. GENERAL DISCUSSION Secretary Morgan called for any Board discussion of election-related matters. Member Kemp commented on the challenges of participating virtually. Secretary Morgan noted that there is a 1 to 2 second delay. Hearing no further discussion, Secretary Morgan called for a motion to adjourn the meeting. 6. ADJOURNMENT Member Kemp moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Member Morris. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 3:21 p.m. The next Board meeting is scheduled to be held on May 24, 2024, at 11:00 a.m., at the Board of Elections office, Long Leaf Room, 1241A Military Cutoff Road, Wilmington, NC. APPROVED BY: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: _______________________________ ______________________________ JAMES BATTLE MORGAN, JR. RAE HUNTER-HAVENS SECRETARY ELECTIONS DIRECTOR Board Minutes – 05/24/2024 Page | 1 SPECIAL MEETING New Hanover County Board of Elections May 24, 2024 11:00 A.M. ATTENDANCE Members: Derrick R. Miller, Chair [Attended virtually] James Battle Morgan, Jr., Secretary Natalie Hinton-Stalling, Member Bruce Kemp, Member [Attended virtually] Tom Morris, Member Staff: Rae Hunter-Havens, Executive Director Caroline Dawkins, Deputy Director Noelle Powers, Elections Systems Administrator Beth Pugh, Elections Specialist Joan Geiszler-Ludlum, Administrative Elections Technician Public Attendees: None Virtual Attendees: Derrick R. Miller, Chair; Bruce Kemp, Member; Jessica O’Neill; Denise Brown; Jana Albritton, League of Women Voters LCF; Bob; Beth Pugh 1. MEETING OPENING a. Call to Order At the request of Chair Miller, Secretary Morgan called the meeting to order at 11:00 a.m. The New Hanover County Board of Elections meeting was held in the Board of Elections office, Long Leaf Room, 1241A Military Cutoff Road, Wilmington, NC. All members were present, Secretary Morgan, Members Hinton-Stalling and Morris attended in person, and Chair Miller and Member Kemp attended virtually. b. Pledge of Allegiance Secretary Morgan called on the audience to rise and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. c. Approval of Agenda Member Morris moved to approve the agenda as submitted, seconded by Member Hinton-Stalling. Motion carried unanimously. Board Minutes – 05/24/2024 Page | 2 2. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD Secretary Morgan called upon the public attendees for their comments or questions, limited to two minutes each with a total maximum time of ten minutes. Seeing and hearing no public attendees wishing to comment, Secretary Morgan closed the Public Comment period. 3. NEW BUSINESS • Canvass of 2024 Second Primary Election Director Hunter-Havens said the canvass is the entire process of determining that the votes have been counted, tabulated, and reported correctly, culminating in the authentication of the official results. Once the Board authenticates the voting results, the members will sign the original canvass abstracts for internal records and distribution to the NC State Board of Elections (NCSBE) and Clerk of the Superior Court for New Hanover County. Director Hunter-Havens said there are no additional absentee ballots received since the pre-canvass meeting to consider. She said 2 absentee applications pending cure are incomplete and are recommended for disapproval: 1 had an insufficient photo ID exception form, and 1 is missing the voter’s signature on the envelope. Staff reached out to both voters by mail, and by phone and email as available. The Board members physically present reviewed the 2 applications. Chair Miller said he is comfortable with the Director’s explanation and with accepting the review by the physically present Board members, and asked if it is appropriate for him to vote or to abstain. Director Hunter-Havens said only the Board members physically present and able to review the absentee ballot applications are eligible to vote. Member Kemp moved to disapprove the 2 absentee ballot applications as staff recommended, seconded by Member Morris. Hearing no further discussion, Secretary Miller called the vote. Secretary Morgan, Members Hinton-Stalling, Kemp, and Morris voted aye. Motion carried by majority vote. Chair Miller abstained; Member Kemp, attending virtually, expressed his approval of the motion despite being unable to review the absentee ballot applications. The Board members present signed the Absentee Meeting Disapproved Ballot Certification. Director Hunter-Havens called on Deputy Director Dawkins to present the 2024 Second Primary Election Reconciliation Report. Deputy Director Dawkins said the Report was a team effort of staff and precinct officials. Deputy Director Dawkins presented the 2024 Second Primary Reconciliation Report, drafted in collaboration with elections staff Noelle Powers and Jessica O’Neill. As a part Board Minutes – 05/24/2024 Page | 3 of this presentation, Deputy Director Dawkins answered any questions related to the administrative processes utilized during reconciliation of the election. Director Hunter-Havens reviewed the additional information submitted to the Board related to the canvass of the 2024 Second Primary Election. Board members participating remotely were able to review the same documentation. Member Kemp asked what reason the provisional voter gave on the photo ID reasonable exception form. Director Hunter-Havens said she did not recall which exception the voter selected, but the Board approved the provisional ballot the previous day. The provisional ballot application and photo ID exception form were retrieved and Member Kemp’s question was answered by the Director. Hearing no other questions, Secretary Morgan called for a motion to certify the results. Member Morris so moved, seconded by Member Hinton-Stalling. Hearing no further discussion, Secretary Morgan called the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Staff prepared the canvass abstract cover sheets for signature by the Board. The Director brought the Board’s attention to an adjustment the NCSBE has made to the reporting of results in the interest of ballot secrecy in this low turnout election. To protect ballot secrecy, copies of abstracts for viewing by the Clerk of Superior Court and any member of the public must be redacted to ensure the secrecy of any individual’s voted ballot. The Board members present signed 4 copies of the Certification of Canvass before notary Jenna Dahlgren. 4. CLOSED SESSION Secretary Morgan said there is no business requiring a closed session. 5. GENERAL DISCUSSION Member Morris congratulated staff on the success of the Second Primary Election, with other Board members concurring. Chair Miller added his appreciation for the support of the Board as well. Discussion of the State Board review of nonunanimous early voting plans for the 2024 General Election, an upcoming outreach event, and election official recruitment followed. Secretary Morgan asked if the Board had any further matters for general discussion. Hearing none he called for a motion to adjourn the meeting. 6. ADJOURNMENT Member Morris moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Member Hinton-Stalling. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 11:47 a.m. Board Minutes – 05/24/2024 Page | 4 The next Board meeting is scheduled to be held on June 11, 2024, at 5:30 p.m., at the Board of Elections office, Long Leaf Room, 1241A Military Cutoff Road, Wilmington, NC. APPROVED BY: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: _______________________________ ______________________________ JAMES BATTLE MORGAN, JR. RAE HUNTER-HAVENS SECRETARY ELECTIONS DIRECTOR Regular Meeting New Hanover County Board of Elections June 11, 2024 Subject: Public Comment Period Summary: This is an opportunity for members of the public to provide comments on elections-related matters. Each commenter will be limited to two minutes. There is a limit of 20 minutes total for the public comment period. Board Action Required: Discuss as necessary Item # 2 Regular Meeting New Hanover County Board of Elections June 11, 2024 Subject: Director’s Report Summary: a. Financial Update The attached reports provide the Board with a budget update, including the following: • Salaries and Benefits expended through FY23-24 11th Period (May) • Operating Expenses expended through FY23-24 11th Period (May) • Grand Total expended through FY23-24 11th Period (May) The current overage in cellular expense is the result of a billing issue with the vendor. We have been working with the vendor on the issuance of credit to correct this billing error. b. List Maintenance Update Per data provided from the Statewide Elections Information Management System (SEIMS), the New Hanover County Board of Elections completed the following: • Removed 961 voters from the voter registration rolls between March 1, 2024, and May 31, 2024, consistent with NC Gen. Stat. §163-82.14. • Processed 2,397 new registrations, 2,113 duplicate registrations, and 3,303 registration updates between March 1, 2024, and May 31, 2024 c. 2024 NC State Board of Elections Summer Conference The 2024 Summer Conference will be held at Koury Convention Center in Greensboro, NC on Monday and Tuesday, August 4th, and 5th with check-in on Sunday, August 3rd. Hotel rooms have been reserved for all board members at the Sheraton Greensboro, 3121 West Gate City Boulevard, Greensboro, NC 27407. Please let me know if you will not be attending the conference so I can cancel the hotel reservations without incurring any expenses. Board Members who have not attended 2 conferences within 2 years of their initial appointment are required to attend this conference. Document/s Included: Financial Year-To-Date Budget Report 11th Period (May); NVRA Report (March – May 2024) Board Action Required: Discuss as necessary Item # 2 Item # 3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY - LIVE YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Report generated: 06/03/2024 13:37User: rhavensProgram ID: glytdbud Page 1 FOR 2024 11 ACCOUNTS FOR: ORIGINAL TRANFRS/ REVISED AVAILABLE PCT110 GENERAL FUND APPROP ADJSTMTS BUDGET YTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES BUDGET USED 16 BOARD OF ELECTIONS 60 SALARIES & BENEFITS 11016100 610000 SALARIES AND WA 524,570 0 524,570 474,774.87 .00 49,795.13 90.5% 11016100 611500 CASUAL PART TIM 290,930 70,000 360,930 365,049.65 .00 -4,119.65 101.1% 11016100 611600 OVERTIME PAY (O 7,860 0 7,860 8,482.87 .00 -622.87 107.9% 11016100 621000 SOCIAL SECURITY 39,835 0 39,835 38,729.19 .00 1,105.81 97.2% 11016100 622000 RETIREMENT-LOCA 67,617 0 67,617 62,291.87 .00 5,325.13 92.1% 11016100 623500 GENERAL 401-K M 13,114 0 13,114 12,081.69 .00 1,032.31 92.1% 11016100 625000 MEDICAL INSURAN 77,192 0 77,192 65,891.42 .00 11,300.58 85.4% 11016100 626000 LONG TERM DISAB 890 0 890 821.33 .00 68.67 92.3% TOTAL SALARIES & BENEFITS 1,022,008 70,000 1,092,008 1,028,122.89 .00 63,885.11 94.1% 70 OPERATING EXPENSES 11016100 700000 CONTR SERVS 196,112 41,460 237,572 162,750.31 37,965.71 36,855.98 84.5% 11016100 700328 LEASE EXPENSE 45,559 2,500 48,059 45,068.24 2,986.21 4.55 100.0% 11016100 700329 SUBSCRIPTION SO 15,792 0 15,792 10,214.47 .00 5,577.53 64.7% 11016100 700330 RENT 76,952 29,624 106,576 57,407.00 27,110.00 22,059.00 79.3% 11016100 700350 ADVERTISING COS 3,751 1,300 5,051 4,902.86 .00 148.14 97.1% 11016100 700365 CELLULAR EXPENS 11,400 0 11,400 15,916.10 .00 -4,516.10 139.6% 11016100 700370 POSTAGE EXPENSE 56,294 -2,323 53,971 47,267.49 .00 6,703.51 87.6% 11016100 700430 M&R-EQUIPMENT 65,461 0 65,461 65,460.94 .00 .06 100.0% 11016100 700500 PRINTING 84,715 28,932 113,647 86,559.29 .00 27,087.71 76.2% 11016100 700512 PRINTER-COPIER 6,750 0 6,750 5,555.25 .00 1,194.75 82.3% 11016100 700520 SUPPLIES 68,648 392 69,040 37,411.73 .00 31,628.27 54.2% 11016100 700542 SUPPLIES-COMPUT 1,600 0 1,600 71.04 .00 1,528.96 4.4% 11016100 700700 DUES & SUBSCRIP 150 0 150 .00 .00 150.00 .0% 11016100 700825 EMPLOYEE REIMBU 2,125 2,000 4,125 2,556.43 .00 1,568.57 62.0% 11016100 700905 TRAINING & TRAV 5,160 1,455 6,615 5,842.92 .00 772.08 88.3% 11016100 701050 INSURANCE&BONDS 40,638 0 40,638 28,503.54 .00 12,134.46 70.1% TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 681,107 105,340 786,447 575,487.61 68,061.92 142,897.47 81.8% TOTAL BOARD OF ELECTIONS 1,703,115 175,340 1,878,455 1,603,610.50 68,061.92 206,782.58 89.0% TOTAL GENERAL FUND 1,703,115 175,340 1,878,455 1,603,610.50 68,061.92 206,782.58 89.0% TOTAL EXPENSES 1,703,115 175,340 1,878,455 1,603,610.50 68,061.92 206,782.58 NEW HANOVER COUNTY - LIVE YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Report generated: 06/03/2024 13:37User: rhavensProgram ID: glytdbud Page 2 FOR 2024 11 ORIGINAL TRANFRS/ REVISED AVAILABLE PCT APPROP ADJSTMTS BUDGET YTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES BUDGET USED GRAND TOTAL 1,703,115 175,340 1,878,455 1,603,610.50 68,061.92 206,782.58 89.0% ** END OF REPORT - Generated by RAE HUNTER-HAVENS ** NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS NVRA REPORT Reporting Period:-3/1/2024 5/31/2024 Totals Active 154,679 Inactive 28,174 Total Registration 182,853 REPORTING PERIOD Registrations Approved 187 Total Registrations Removed 961 Inactive Registrations Removed 208 New Registrations 00 - No Application Source 13 01 - Public Assistance 19 02 - Disability 2 03 - Other (ESC) 0 04 - Armed Forces 0 05 - DMV 1,670 06 - Mail-in 89 07 - In-person 83 08 - Library & High School 0 09 - Spanish Language Application 2 10 - Online Registration 253 17 - Registration Drives 257 21 - Medicaid Renewal 4 96 - Temporary FWAB Registrant 0 97 - Temporary FPCA Registrant 5 2,397 Duplicates 00 - No Application Source 160 01 - Public Assistance 29 02 - Disability 2 03 - Other (ESC) 0 04 - Armed Forces 0 05 - DMV 744 06 - Mail-in 183 07 - In-person 571 08 - Library & High School 0 09 - Spanish Language Application 0 10 - Online Registration 105 17 - Registration Drives 227 21 - Medicaid Renewal 6 95 - Voter Return of NCOA 21 96 - Temporary FWAB Registrant 0 97 - Temporary FPCA Registrant 2 98 - Voter Change On Confirmation 59 vtr_nvra_stat.rpt Page 1 of 5Jun 03, 2024 2:34 pm NVRA REPORTNEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS 99 - Voter Change On Verification 4 2,113 vtr_nvra_stat.rpt Page 2 of 5Jun 03, 2024 2:34 pm NVRA REPORTNEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS Changes of Information 00 - No Application Source 242 01 - Public Assistance 53 02 - Disability 2 03 - Other (ESC) 0 04 - Armed Forces 0 05 - DMV 1,627 06 - Mail-in 123 07 - In-person 597 08 - Library & High School 0 09 - Spanish Language Application 2 10 - Online Registration 281 17 - Registration Drives 332 21 - Medicaid Renewal 6 95 - Voter Return of NCOA 0 96 - Temporary FWAB Registrant 0 97 - Temporary FPCA Registrant 38 98 - Voter Change On Confirmation 0 99 - Voter Change On Verification 0 3,303 Verifications # of 1st & 2nd verification mailings sent 5,018 # of 1st NCOA mailings sent 0 # of 1st verification returned undeliverable 287 # of verification returned by voter 4 Confirmations # of confirmations returned by voter 58 # of confirmations sent 258 # of confirmations returned undeliverable 2,391 # of confirmations not returned at all 86 COUNTY STATISTICAL Constitution 0 Democratic 50,523 Green 64 Libertarian 1,463 No Labels 239 Republican 54,318 Unaffiliated 76,246 American Indian 403 Asian 1,494 Black 19,229 Multi-Racial 839 Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 15 White 140,252 Other 4,585 Undesignated 16,036 Hispanic 4,350 Not Hispanic 116,934 vtr_nvra_stat.rpt Page 3 of 5Jun 03, 2024 2:34 pm NVRA REPORTNEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS Undesignated 61,569 Female 89,263 Male 75,808 Undesignated 17,782 Unprocessed Registrations - Incomplete Queue 00 - No Application Source 96 01 - Public Assistance 23 02 - Disability 0 03 - Other (ESC) 0 04 - Armed Forces 0 05 - DMV 315 06 - Mail-in 30 07 - In-person 172 08 - Library & High School 0 09 - Spanish Language Application 1 10 - Online Registration 14 17 - Registration Drives 115 21 - Medicaid Renewal 1 95 - Voter Return of NCOA 2 96 - Temporary FWAB Registrant 0 97 - Temporary FPCA Registrant 6 98 - Voter Change On Confirmation 6 99 - Voter Change On Verification 1 Unprocessed Registrations - Archive Queue 00 - No Application Source 0 01 - Public Assistance 0 02 - Disability 0 03 - Other (ESC) 0 04 - Armed Forces 0 05 - DMV 1 06 - Mail-in 0 07 - In-person 0 08 - Library & High School 0 09 - Spanish Language Application 0 10 - Online Registration 0 17 - Registration Drives 1 21 - Medicaid Renewal 0 95 - Voter Return of NCOA 0 96 - Temporary FWAB Registrant 0 97 - Temporary FPCA Registrant 0 98 - Voter Change On Confirmation 0 99 - Voter Change On Verification 0 Unprocessed Registrations - Review Queue 00 - No Application Source 56 01 - Public Assistance 51 02 - Disability 5 03 - Other (ESC) 0 04 - Armed Forces 0 05 - DMV 2,418 vtr_nvra_stat.rpt Page 4 of 5Jun 03, 2024 2:34 pm NVRA REPORTNEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS 06 - Mail-in 97 07 - In-person 70 08 - Library & High School 0 09 - Spanish Language Application 2 10 - Online Registration 443 17 - Registration Drives 623 21 - Medicaid Renewal 5 96 - Temporary FWAB Registrant 0 97 - Temporary FPCA Registrant 3 vtr_nvra_stat.rpt Page 5 of 5Jun 03, 2024 2:34 pm Regular Meeting New Hanover County Board of Elections June 11, 2024 Subject: Closed Session Chairman Statement Prior to Closed Session: I move that the Board enter into closed session, under N.C. Gen. Stat. § 143-318.11(6) to discuss personnel matters. Applicable Statutes and/or Rules: N.C. Gen. Stat. § 143-318.11(6) Summary: Closed session is required to discuss personnel matters under N.C. Gen. Stat. § 143-318.11(6). Board Action Required: Discuss as necessary Returning to Open Session: I move that the Board return to open session, under N.C. Gen. Stat. § 143-318.11(6), to conduct business remaining before the Board. Item # 2 Item # 4 Regular Meeting New Hanover County Board of Elections June 11, 2024 Subject: General Discussion Summary: This is an opportunity for discussion on other elections-related matters not included in the meeting agenda. Board Action Required: Discuss as necessary Item # 6