06_ 18_2024 Meeting Agenda June 18, 2024 @ 8:00 AM Welcome and Review of HHS Mission Statement: Provide services and support that promote self-reliance, prevent adverse experiences, and protect the community. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Approval of Agenda 2. Approval of Minutes REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS Start Time Presenter 1. Old Business None 2. New Business 8:05 a. GenX Community Level Data Dr. Jane Hoppin 8:25 b. Review of HHSB Operating Procedures, Standard Agenda Items and Dr. Adams Proclamations for FY’25 (in preparation for Board Action in July) 8:40 c. Public Health Fee Policy Update (Board Action) Ms. Davis 8:50 d. Identify HHSB Nominating Committee for Chair and Vice-Chair Dr. Adams 9:00 3. HHS Updates and Priority Areas Ms. Jackson, Mr. Campbell, & Ms. Bradley 9:30 4. Public Comments Ms. Limoges 9:35 5. Closing Remarks Dr. Adams