EV Parking Summary Sheet BOC Electric Vehicle (EV) Parking Standards Code Sections Affected Section 2.3, Definitions and Terms Section 5.1.2, Minimum Off-Street Parking Standards Key Intent • Create clear standards that everyone understands. • Allow for easier and less expensive modifications to install future charging stations. • Consider needs of citizens that may not be met by the current market, including accessibility. Changes • Definition for Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations is expanded and descriptions of charging levels are added. (See Section 2.3, Definitions and Terms) • Definitions for Electric Vehicle Capable Parking Space and Electric Vehicle Charging Assembly are added. (See Section 2.3, Definitions) • EV Parking Requirements are outlined, including clarification that EV- capable parking spaces do not require installation of charging stations and that EV-capable spaces may count towards minimum parking requirements for a development. (See Section 5.1.2.D.1, General) • Language added to cap the maximum number of EV-capable spaces at 15. (See section 5.1.2.D.2, Electric Vehicle Capable Parking Spaces) • A table of uses has been added with percentages of required EV-capable parking spaces by use. (See section 5.1.2.D.2, Electric Vehicle Capable Parking Spaces) • Electric Vehicle Parking Space Design Requirements are outlined, including size, equipment protection, signage and usage fees where applicable. (See Section 5.1.2.D.2, Minimum Off-Street Parking Standards) • Minimum standards for accessible EV Parking Spaces are outlined, included specifications that ADA parking spaces may count towards the minimum parking requirements. (See Section 5.1.2.D.3, Minimum Off- Street Parking Standards) What has changed since the January 3, 2024 Board Of Commissioners Meeting • Terminology changed from Electric Vehicle Ready Parking Space to Electric Vehicle Capable Parking Space to reflect the intent of the amendment and to match more closely with language common in the EV industry (See Section 2.3, Definitions) • Language added to allow Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in required transitional buffers and street yards eliminating a barrier to retrofitting existing sites. (See Section 5.1.2.D.2) • Language added to exempt multi-family developments that provide 100% affordable housing to reduce burden on affordable housing developers. (See section 5.1.2.D.2, Electric Vehicle Capable Parking Spaces)