NCB230257 - CRL Bohler Engineering NC, PLLC 4130 Parklake Avenue, Suite 200 Raleigh, NC 27612 919-578-9000 www.BohlerEngineering.com April 26, 2024 Via: Electronic Mail/Fedex New Hanover County Planning & Land Use 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC. 28403 Re: Comment Response Letter Gregory Poole Rental Facility 8130 Market St Wilmington, NC 28411 BE # NCB230257 Dear Reviewers: Bohler Engineering is pleased to submit on behalf of Gregory Poole, the site plan for the Propose Rental Facility (8130 Market Street.) The following is our comment response letter addressing comments received from New Hanover County dated April 17, 2024. Each comment is addressed and responded to as follows: General Comments: Comment 1: Page C-301 of submitted plans details proposed structure to be 170’ x 65’ which equals 11,050 SF. Please clarify the difference between the structure’s dimensions and the proposed square footage. Response 1: This has been revised on the plan set, please see sheet C-301 Comment 2: UDO SECTION 3.5.3 (SPECIAL HIGHWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT STANDARDS) a. Please note that any outside storage will need to be located directly to the rear of the principal building and not visible from the Market Street corridor. i. Please detail on-site plan location of any proposed outside storage space and ensure that it meets the requirement of Section 3.5.3.D.3. b. Please detail if loading areas are to be performed on the side or rear of the proposed structure. If loading areas are to be performed on the side, please note that a 3-row (vegetative) screen will be required along the front property line per Section 3.5.3.D.4. c. Please note that only one freestanding ground sign that does not exceed 6 feet in height and a maximum surface are of 150 square feet is allowed within the 100-foot (SHOD) setback per Section 3.5.3.D.6. Response 2: A storage area has been shown and called out in the rear of the site, please see sheet C-301 Comment 3: UDO SECTION 5.1 PARKING & LOADING b. Please detail accessway arrows on site plan in accordance with UDO 5.1.4.B.6. c. Please detail the dimensions for the proposed parking spaces per UDO Table 5.1.4.B. d. Please detail if the illustrated service bays are to act as any loading berth that would involve the routine vehicular delivery or the shipping of goods, supplies, or equipment per UDO 5.1.5.A.1. e. Please note that per Table 5.1.5, commercial uses in size between 2,000 and 20,000 SF require a minimum of 1 loading berth. Please detail the location and dimension of said loading berth. Comment Response Letter April 26, 2024 Page 2 of 6 www.BohlerEngineering.com Response 3: b. Arrows have been added to the site plan, please see sheet C-301 c. Dimensions have been added to the parking spaces, please see sheet C-301 d. Service bays have been clarified to have 8 individual bays and no loading is needed outside of them, please see sheet C-301 e. loading areas have been shown in the rear of the site, please see sheet C-302 Comment 4: UDO Section 5.2. Traffic, Access, & Connectivity a. Please include sight triangles. b. Please note that no building permit for any structure shall be issued which requires NCDOT approval for a Driveway Permit until NCDOT has issued the permit approval. Evidence of approval shall accompany the application for the building permit.” Response 4: Sight distance triangles have been provided, please see sheet C-301 Comment 5: UDO Section 5.4 Landscaping and Buffering a. Please detail the means of screening the proposed dumpster enclosure. Response 5: Screening has been provided in the form of a wooden fence around the enclosure, please see sheet C-701 Comment 6: UDO Section 5.5 Exterior Lighting a. Please note that with the latest update to the UDO, a lighting plan is not required at time of TRC approval. See below excerpt from Section 5.5.3: i. Information about the exterior lighting for the site that demonstrates compliance with the standards in this section shall be submitted in conjunction with an application for site plan approval (Section 10.3.6, Site Plan) or zoning compliance approval (Section 10.3.8, Zoning Compliance Approval), whichever comes first, approved no later than at time of construction plan approval. Response 6: Noted, this has been removed from the plan set Comment 7: UDO Section 5.6 Signs a. Please note that all signs are subject to Section 5.6 of the UDO. b. Please submit for sign permits prior to installation. Response 7: Noted NHC Fire Services: Comment 1: David Stone 910-798-7458 Required for Plan Review Submittal. Response 1: Noted Comment 2: The complete TRC/Site plans comments from New Hanover County Fire staff shall be submitted along with the building plans for review to New Hanover County Building Safety. This shall include the complete set of civil plans. Failure to submit the comments or complete set of civil plans will result in a resubmittal for review for verification of compliance. Response 2: Noted Comment 3: Any building with a generator or aboveground storage tank (AST) shall include an engineered plan complying with the NCFC Chapter 23, 57 and NFPA 30 showing all applicable distances as required from those specific requirements. Response 3: Noted Comment 4: Any plan involving an underground storage tank (UST) shall include an engineered plan complying with the NCFC Chapter 23, 57 and NFPA 30 for Underground Storage Tank Cover requirements. This plan shall also show all vent lines. Response 4: Noted Comment Response Letter April 26, 2024 Page 3 of 6 www.BohlerEngineering.com Comment 5: Per NCFC 507.1, Provide an Engineered fire flow analysis report in accordance with the fire code and Appendix B to include pertinent information. Fire flow test shall be conducted in accordance with NFPA 291 and NCFC 507.4. Accessibility Response 5: Noted, the architect shall provide this Comment 6: All new structures larger than 7,500 square feet must comply with Section 510 of the NC Fire code. An Emergency Responder Radio Coverage (ERRC) survey must be conducted, and results given to the Building Safety Fire Plan Reviewer. All buildings that are more than one story, underground, windowless or buildings with a basement must complete an ERRC survey. (It is highly recommended that a pre-construction survey be conducted, however a pre-construction survey is not required). Response 6: Noted Comment 7: All new structures must comply with Appendix J of the NC Fire Code, Building Information Signs. An example can be provided upon request. Response 7: Noted Comment 8: Fire apparatus access roads are required at time of construction. They are to be capable of handling the weight of fire apparatus and be passable in all weather conditions. Fire apparatus access roads are to be a minimum of 20 feet wide (Chapter 5), unless there are fire hydrants installed along the roadway then minimum is 26 feet wide (Appendix D). The fire code official may increase this width as necessary based on potential for fire apparatus response. Dead end roads greater than 150 feet in length shall require an approved means for fire apparatus to turn around (Chapter 5 and Appendix D). Fire apparatus access roads shall provide a clear vertical clearance of 14 feet including trees, canopies, bridges, etc. (Chapter 5 requirement is 13 feet 6 inches, however AHJ requires 14 feet based on local apparatus). Response 8: Noted, our access road meets these requirements Comment 9: Street and road signs are required, temporary signs during construction are acceptable as long as they are legible and weather resistant. (Chapter 5). Response 9: Noted, signs have been added to the plan set Comment 10: Gates on fire apparatus access roads are discouraged due to the delay in response. If a gated access is deemed necessary it shall be either staffed with personnel 24 hours per day every day, 365 days of the year or must include KNOX key bypass switch and siren activation (both). (Chapter 5). Response 10: A knox box has been provided Comment 11: Key Boxes (KNOX Boxes) o Required if the structure is required to have a fire alarm system or automatic sprinkler system. o Knox Box required at front (main) entrance, above eye level. Larger facilities may require more than one. The customer may order online from Knox. Response 11: A knox box has been provided Comment 12: Premises identification is required. Address and or unit numbers are required on the street side as well as unit identification on rear access doors. Letters and Numbers shall not be less than 6 inches tall and ¾ inches wide; must be weather resistant and contrasting in color to their background. (Chapter 5). Buildings constructed under the 2018 code shall require additional signage per Appendix J. Response 12: Noted Comment Response Letter April 26, 2024 Page 4 of 6 www.BohlerEngineering.com NHC Engineering: Comment 1: A land disturbing and a stormwater permit issued by the County are required for this project. Please submit the permit applications documentation with requisite review fees for County issued permit directly to gjamison@nhcgov.com. Forms can be found at https://www.nhcgov.com/251/Stormwater and https://www.nhcgov.com/249/Sediment-Erosion- Control. Response 1: Noted, these applications will be submitted Comment 2: A curiosity review of the stormwater management report resulted in the below unofficial stormwater permit request for more information. a. Per Section, table 2-4 of the NHC Stormwater Design Manual, upon curiosity review, items 5, 8, 14, 21, and 26 appear to be missing from the plans. b. Per Section, table 2-5, upon curiosity review, items 2, 4, 6, 11 and 12 appear to be missing from the narrative report. c. Per Section, table 2-9, upon curiosity review, the perimeter ditches to the storage yard open channel calculations and drainage areas could not be found in appendices to the narrative report. d. Per Section, table 2-10, upon curiosity review, items 5 and 6 could not be found in appendices to the narrative report. e. Per Section 2.6.5, please provide a public drainage easement along the eastern portion of the pond to enable NHC Stormwater Services improved access to the NHC maintained ditched located east of the property. The County will work the adjacent property owner to obtain the full width of the easement. f. Per Article 7.8 of NHC UDO, please provide storm attenuation for the 25-year storm event. g. Please provide details and calculations for the pond’s inlet facility to the forebay along with the drainage areas. h. Details for the emergency spillway and gravel pavement couldn’t be found in the plans. Note, NHC considers gravel pavement subject to heavy loading (vehicular) as impervious. i. The sequence of construction notes should speak to when the construction entrance is installed, should not have the basin removed prior to paving, and indicate temporary erosion control measures can be removed only after approval from the NHC erosion inspector. j. Skimmer and diversion ditches details and calculations are missing. k. Wood stakes for silt fence isn’t permitted and 8’ spacing post spacing requires reinforcement. l. The specifications and maintenance requirements for the erosion control measures couldn’t be found in the plans. Response 2: a. These have been added to the stormwater report b. These have been added to the stormwater report narrative c. These have been provided in the SIA in appendix G d. 25-year calculations have been added to the report e. This drainage easement has been added to the plans f. The 25-year storm has been controlled in our new stormwater report g. Calculations have been provided in Appendix G h. These details have been added to the plan set I. These notes have been revised, please see sheets C601 / C-602 j. These have been provided in the SIA in appendix G k. A NHC silt fence detail has been provided l. These notes have been added, please see sheets C601 / C-602 Comment 3: Please contact the State for the stormwater permit requirements. Response 3: Noted Comment 4: Please note an existing state and county stormwater permit exists for this site. These permits will need to be rescinded. Response 4: Noted Comment Response Letter April 26, 2024 Page 5 of 6 www.BohlerEngineering.com NHC Environmental Health: Comment 1: Site plan reflects connection to public water. Environmental Health has records of two wells at 8130 Market St. These wellheads must be protected during demolition and properly abandoned by a Certified Well Driller. Proposed infrastructure does not violate setbacks to any surrounding properties well heads. Response 1: Noted, these existing wellheads have been labeled as such and a note has been added for proper abandonment and demolition. Please see note #11 on sheet C-201 Comment 2: Site plan reflects connection to public sewer. Surrounding properties appear to be connected to public sewer as well. Proposed infrastructure does not violate setbacks to any surrounding properties septic systems. Response 2: noted NCDOT: Comment 1: No gates are allowed within 100’ from right-of-way. Response 1: Noted, our gates are greater than 100’ from ROW and can be seen on C-301 as being behind the 100’ building setback Comment 2: Provide auto turn templates for the largest proposed vehicle at the proposed entrance. Response 2: An autoturn template has been provided, please see sheet C-302 Comment 3: A radius encroachment letter will be required if the radius of the proposed driveway crosses the adjoining property line. Response 3: The radius has been revised to not encroach on the adjoining property, please see sheet C-301 Comment 4: Provide auto turn templates for the largest proposed vehicle at the u-turn to the north (Food Lion Driveway). Response 4: An autoturn template has been provided, please see sheet C-302 Comment 5: Label the internal protection stem length for the proposed driveway connection Response 5: This dimension has been provided, please see sheet C-301 Comment 6: The existing curb inlet will be impacted at the proposed driveway location and will need to be moved. Response 6: This is to be converted to a traffic rated inlet and remain in place, please see sheet C-201 Comment 7: If a low boy tractor trailer is used make sure to accommodate the ground clearance with the proposed slope of the driveway. Response 7: Our driveway is able to accommodate a tractor trailer. Comment 8: Make sure to use the 2024 NCDOT Standard Drawings. Response 8: We do not propose any site features that would require DOT drawings Comment 9: Show and label the 10’ X 70’ NCDOT sight triangles. Response 9: These have been shown and labeled, please see sheet C-301 Comment 10: Show and label the appropriate sight distances. Response 10: These have been shown and labeled, please see sheet C-301 Comment Response Letter April 26, 2024 Page 6 of 6 www.BohlerEngineering.com WMPO: Comment 1: Please clarify if the sidewalk is raised. If raised, provide a curb ramp with ADA detectable warning pad. If not raised, provide wheel stops for parking spaces along sidewalk. Response 1: The sidewalk is to be flush, bollards have been provided, please see sheet C-301 Comment 1: Provide turning templates of the largest design vehicle to access the site. Response 1: These have been provided, please see sheet C-302 Should you have any questions regarding this project or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 919-578-9000. Sincerely, Bohler Engineering NC, PLLC Will Swaringen, P.E. Project Manager