Z23-03 Planning Board Staff Report - MarchZ23-03 Staff Report PB 3.2.2023 Page 1 of 23 STAFF REPORT FOR Z23-03 CONDITIONAL REZONING APPLICATION APPLICATION SUMMARY Case Number: Z23-03 Request: Rezoning to a Conditional R-5 district Applicant: Property Owner(s): James Yopp with River Road Construction, LLC Hoosier Daddy, LLC - James Yopp, Manager Location: Acreage: 5791 Carolina Beach Road 42.10 PID(s): Comp Plan Place Type: R08200-001-036-000 Urban Mixed Use and General Residential Existing Land Use: Proposed Land Use: Partially platted and undeveloped land 10 Single-Family and 327 Multi-Family Residential Units Current Zoning: Proposed Zoning: R-15, Residential (CZD) R-5 SURROUNDING AREA LAND USE ZONING North Single-Family Residential and Private School R-15 East Single-Family Residential R-15 South Single-Family Residential R-15 West General Office and Retail, Self-Storage, Senior Living and Single-Family Residential B-2 and R-15 Z23-03 Staff Report PB 3.2.2023 Page 2 of 23 ZONING HISTORY April 7, 1971 Initially zoned R-15 (Area 4) COMMUNITY SERVICES Water/Sewer Water and sanitary sewer services are available through CFPUA by extension of public utility mains. Fire Protection New Hanover County Fire Services, New Hanover County Southern Fire District, New Hanover County Station 18 Schools Ashley High School, Murray Middle School, Myrtle Grove Middle School, Bellamy Elementary School. There is a dividing line for middle school areas through the proposed development. Recreation Myrtle Grove Athletic Complex, the future Hanover Pines Park CONSERVATION, HISTORIC, & ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES Conservation Conservation resource maps indicate pocosin wetlands may exist on the property. Projects containing 5 acres or more of pocosin conservation resources are required to comply with additional buffer and conservation standards in Section 5.7 of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). Historic No known historic resources Archaeological No known archaeological resources Z23-03 Staff Report PB 3.2.2023 Page 3 of 23 APPLICANT’S PROPOSED CONCEPTUAL PLAN Includes Staff Markups Single Family Dwellings Proposed Stormwater Triplexes and Quadraplexes Proposed Stormwater Proposed Road Stub Z23-03 Staff Report PB 3.2.2023 Page 4 of 23 • The concept plan can be broken into two interconnected portions. • The southern portion at Shiloh Drive and Manassas Drive includes 24 quadraplex residential units, 2 triplex units, and 1 duplex for a total of 104 dwelling units. • The southern portion of the project will connect with existing road stubs at Sweet Gum Drive, Sand Ridge Avenue, and Black Ash Run in the existing Tarin Woods Subdivision providing multiple points of ingress and egress through the development to Carolina Beach Road. • Shiloh Drive is also proposed to extend north and connect to an adjoining commercially zoned parcel on Carolina Beach Road owned by the applicant. • While not under consideration as part of the proposed rezoning, future commercial services on the adjacent parcel would be accessible by vehicles through the connection. • The northern portion of the project includes 10 single-family residential lots transitioning from Tarin Woods to the south into 23 quadraplex units, 40 triplexes, and 1 duplex for a total of 224 single-family attached residential units. • The northern portion includes a connection to the eastern end of Rosa Parks Drive that continues north to the new proposed roadway connection onto Carolina Beach Road. • The connection to Rosa Parks Drive will not be for ingress and egress as Rosa Parks Drive is a private right-of-way. The applicant has proposed a condition to preserve existing landscaping or installing traffic prevention measures to restrict ingress and egress to Rosa Parks Drive from the existing and proposed developments. • The proposed roadway would provide a continuous connection from Carolina Beach Road, through the proposed development and the existing Tarin Woods south to Manassas Drive and Carolina Beach Road as well as east to Myrtle Grove Road. • The applicant’s proposed conceptual plan indicates 8.75 acres of the site will be preserved as open space, slightly above the 20% open space requirement of the UDO. • The concept plan also shows the attached single-family units sited perpendicular to the rear of existing houses to reduce potential visual impacts to existing adjacent properties. • The proposed single-family lots are adjacent to existing single-family lots and act as a transition between the existing development and the proposed higher density residences. • The placement of the proposed attached housing on the Ironwood Drive extension are designed to reduce the number of individual driveways to ensure the road serves as a connector through street between Carolina Beach Road and Tarin Woods. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS • The R-15 district in this area was established in 1971. At the time, the purpose of the R-15 district was to ensure that housing served by private septic and wells would be developed at low densities. Since that time, public and private water and sewer services have become available to the surrounding area; however, the Carolina Beach corridor remains primarily zoned for low density housing. • While the site is zoned R-15, the Carolina Beach Road corridor has seen increased interest in higher density residential such as the Towns at Market Place across Carolina Beach Road Z23-03 Staff Report PB 3.2.2023 Page 5 of 23 from Manassas Drive, and the Winds Ridge, and Myrtle Landing Townhomes residential developments approximately a mile south of the subject site. • The Myrtle Grove shopping center and Monkey Junction commercial node are immediately to the north providing services, amenities, and educational and employment opportunities. • As currently zoned, the site would be permitted up to 105 dwelling units at a density of 2.5 du/ac under the performance development standards. The proposed 337 units equate to an overall density of 8 du/ac. • The R-5 district was established to provide lands that accommodate moderate to high density residential development on smaller lots with a compact and walkable development pattern. The district allows a range of housing types that can be developed in conjunction with a non-residential district to create a vertical mixed-use development pattern as well as serve as a transition between mixed-use or commercial development and low to moderate density residential development. • Both the existing R-15 and proposed R-5 zoning districts allow a maximum building height of 40 feet. • A Type-A opaque buffer meeting the standards of Table 5.4.3.B.2 is required for attached housing along all property lines adjoining single-family development. • If approved, the project would be subject to Technical Review Committee and Zoning Compliance review processes to ensure full compliance with all ordinance requirements and specific conditions included in the approval. Only minor deviations from the approved conceptual plan, as defined by the UDO, would be allowed. Z23-03 Staff Report PB 3.2.2023 Page 6 of 23 AREA SUBDIVISIONS UNDER DEVELOPMENT Z23-03 Staff Report PB 3.2.2023 Page 7 of 23 TRANSPORTATION • Access is proposed to the subject property from Carolina Beach Road, a NCDOT-maintained Urban Principal Arterial highway, at Manassas Drive, a NCDOT-maintained secondary road and a proposed new, paved access road into the northern portion of the site parallel to Rosa Parks Lane. • Access at Manassas Drive is a right-in/right-out with a stoplight on Carolina Beach Road. The new proposed access to the north of the site will be right-in/right-out. • The proposed northern access road is currently under review by NCDOT and would provide another point of ingress and egress for both the existing Tarin Wood and proposed Ironwood Development. The access road would also increase internal circulation for existing developments and help mitigate additional traffic on Carolina Beach Road between The Kinds Highway and Manassas Drive. Proposed Internal Connector Proposed Internal Connector Proposed Access Current Primary Access: Manassas Drive Z23-03 Staff Report PB 3.2.2023 Page 8 of 23 • An additional future vehicular access is planned between the proposed residential development and an adjacent commercially zoned parcel on Carolina Beach Road. • When developed, vehicles within the existing Tarin Wood and proposed Ironwood developments would be able access any future commercial services provided by the parcel without being required to accessing Carolina Beach Road. • The proposed concept plan includes a paved connection to the commercial parcel shown as a northern extension of Shiloh Drive. • Vehicles traveling north from Manassas Drive encounter an opportunity for U-turn movement approximately 1,500 feet north at the intersection of Sanders Road and Carolina Beach Road. • Vehicles traveling north from the new proposed access road will encounter an opportunity for U-turn movement approximately 1,500 feet north at the dedicated U-turn immediately south of Monkey Junction. • Vehicles traveling south on Carolina Beach Road encounter an opportunity for U-turn movement to access Manassas Drive approximately 800 feet south of the intersection of Manassas Drive and Carolina Beach Road. • Vehicles traveling south on Carolina Beach Road encounter an opportunity for U-turn movement to access the new proposed access road immediately south of the intersection of Rosa Parks Drive and Carolina Beach Road. • There is an additional U-turn opportunity for vehicles traveling both north and south located between Manassas Drive and the new proposed access road. This is anticipated to be changed to a northbound U-turn opportunity as part of the TIA required improvements for the planned Village at Motts Landing in 2024. • While multiple U-turn movements are available for vehicles to travel south, the majority of local services are located to the north at the Villages at Myrtle Grove shopping center and Monkey Junction commercial node. Z23-03 Staff Report PB 3.2.2023 Page 9 of 23 • As currently zoned, it is estimated the site would generate about 78 AM and 104 PM trips during the peak hours if developed at the permitted density for performance development. The proposed R-5 development would result in an estimated 171 AM and 201 PM trips, increasing the estimated number of peak hour trips by approximately 93 AM and 97 PM trips. Current Primary Access: Manassas Drive Proposed Access U-Turn North U-Turn North U-Turn South U-Turn North Z23-03 Staff Report PB 3.2.2023 Page 10 of 23 • Before any development can occur on this site, the Technical Review Committee will review all plans for compliance with applicable land use regulations, including any recommended roadway improvements required by the TIA. Traffic Impact Analysis • New developments that are anticipated to generate more than 100 trips during any peak hour period are required to submit a traffic impact analysis (TIA) as part of their rezoning application. After working with the WMPO and NCDOT, the TIA for this project was approved on July 27, 2022. • The finalized TIA analyzed the development for three phases with a proposed 125 single- family dwellings and 241 townhomes. Based on the unit count proposed in the TIA, the estimated trip generation resulted in 204 AM and 255 PM peak hour trips. • The number of units analyzed by the TIA is higher than what is proposed in the current application. Intensity Approx. Peak Hour Trips Existing Development: Undeveloped 0 AM / 0 PM Typical Development under Current Zoning: 105 Single-Family Dwellings – Performance Development 78 AM / 104 PM Proposed Development: 10 Single-Family Dwellings and 327 Single Family Attached Dwellings 7 AM / 9 PM 164 AM / 192 PM Total Proposed Peak Hour Trips: - 171 AM / 201 PM Net Addition: - + 93 AM / + 97 PM Z23-03 Staff Report PB 3.2.2023 Page 11 of 23 • The proposed development under consideration is less intensive than what was analyzed for the TIA however the applicant has proposed a condition to make all required and recommended improvements of the TIA. • The proposed development will be built over three phases with the following notable roadway improvements: o Phase 1A – Build year of 2023 for 125 single-family detached dwelling units. ▪ No improvements required. o Phase 1B – Build year of 2024 for 125 single-family attached dwelling units. ▪ Extend southbound U-turn lane on Carolina Beach Road south of Rosa Parks Lane to provide 500 feet of storage, 50 feet of full width deceleration and 100 feet of taper and optimize single timings. ▪ Construct the new proposed site access to Carolina Beach Road with an internal protected stem of 175 feet measured from the right-of-way line with right-in / right-out ingress and egress lanes and stop controls on the westbound approach. Construct a northbound right turn lane on Carolina Beach Road from the U-turn bulb south of the proposed access. o Phase 2 – Build year of 2026 for 116 single-family attached dwelling units. ▪ Construct a future third access into the site meeting NCDOT roadway standards. ▪ Note: While this improvement is not included as part of the conditional rezoning application the applicant has included a condition requiring the future construction in accordance with the TIA. TIA Analysis: 125 Single-Family Dwellings and 241 Townhomes 204 AM / 255 PM Proposed Development 10 Single-Family Dwellings and 327 Single-Family Attached Dwellings 171 AM / 201 PM Net Reduction: -29 Dwelling Units -33 AM / -54 PM Z23-03 Staff Report PB 3.2.2023 Page 12 of 23 Nearby Planned Transportation Improvements and Traffic Impact Analyses Nearby NC STIP Projects: • STIP Project U-5702B o Project includes access management and travel time improvements along College Road between Shipyard Boulevard and Carolina Beach Road. Right-of-way acquisition and utilities is currently scheduled to take place in FY 2025. • STIP Project U-5790 o Project to widen Carolina Beach Road from College Road to Sanders Road and includes intersection improvements at Carolina Beach Road and College Road (Monkey Junction Intersection). Right-of-way acquisition and utilities is currently scheduled to take place in FY 2029. Z23-03 Staff Report PB 3.2.2023 Page 13 of 23 Nearby Traffic Impact Analyses: Traffic Impact Analyses (TIAs) are completed in accordance with the WMPO and NCDOT standards. Approved analyses may be re-examined by the WMPO and NCDOT if the proposed development is not completed within one calendar year after the build out date established within the approved TIA. Proposed Development Land Use/Intensity TIA Status 1. Village at Motts Landing • 356 Multi-Family Dwellings • TIA approved January 5, 2022 • 2024 Build Out Year The TIA requires improvements be completed at certain intersections in the area. The notable improvements consist of: • Extend existing southbound left-turn lane to provide 225 feet of storage, 50 feet of full width deceleration and 200 feet of taper on Carolina Beach Road at Sanders Road. • Construct a southbound right-turn lane with 200 feet of storage, 50 feet of full width deceleration and 200 feet of taper at Carolina Beach Road and Jacob Mott Drive. • Remove the U-turn markings and replace with left turn only pavement markings within the north bound left-turn lane at Carolina Beach Road and Jacob Mott Drive. • Construct a southbound approach with one ingress and one egress lane and an internal protected stem of 100 feet measured from the right-of-way line and install Stop controls for the southbound approach for both proposed site access drives at Jacob Mott Drive. Nearby Proposed Developments included within the TIA: • 6144 Carolina Beach Road • Congleton Farms Subdivision Development Status: Development has not started for this project. Proposed Development Land Use/Intensity TIA Status 2. Tarin Woods II Phase 2B(1) • 219 Single Family Dwellings • 398 Multi-Family Dwellings Phase 2B(2) • 219 Single Family Dwellings • 458 Multi-Family Dwellings • TIA approved March 26, 2020 • 2019 Build Out Year The TIA requires improvements be completed at certain intersections in the area. The notable improvements consist of: Z23-03 Staff Report PB 3.2.2023 Page 14 of 23 Phase 2B(1): • Provide a second westbound right-turn lane with 225 feet of storage, full-width deceleration and appropriate taper on Carolina Beach Road at Manassas Drive. • Provide a northbound leftover / U-turn with 250 feet of storage with appropriate deceleration and taper at the Harris Teeter. Phase 2B(1): • Provide a second westbound right-turn lane with 225 feet of storage, full-width deceleration and appropriate taper on Carolina Beach Road at Manassas Drive. • Provide a northbound leftover / U-turn with 250 feet of storage with appropriate deceleration and taper at the Harris Teeter. • Provide a right-out exit only access road to Carolina Beach Road north of Sanders Road. Nearby Proposed Developments included within the TIA: • Beau Rivage Townhomes Development Status: Tarin Woods II is platted and homes are under construction. All TIA required improvements have been completed except the right-out exit only access road to Carolina Beach Road north of Sanders Road. This is the access road requirement for the proposed Ironwood development. Installation is a condition of the rezoning request and requirement of NCDOT. Proposed Development Land Use/Intensity TIA Status 3. Kaylie’s Cove • 110 Single Family Dwellings • TIA approved February 20, 2018 • 2019 Build Out Year The TIA requires improvements be completed at certain intersections in the area. The notable improvements consist of: • Provide an exclusive eastbound right-turn lane on Piner Road with at least 100 feet of storage and appropriate taper. This was installed with the initial phase of the development. • Provide an exclusive westbound left-turn lane on Piner Road by restriping the existing painted gore area. Nearby Proposed Developments included within the TIA: • None Development Status: Development is fully built out. Z23-03 Staff Report PB 3.2.2023 Page 15 of 23 Proposed Development Land Use/Intensity TIA Status 4. Habitat Restore • 20,320 sq ft Discount Store • 14,830 sq ft Shopping Center • TIA approved July 26, 2022 • 2023 Build Out Year The TIA requires improvements be completed at certain intersections in the area. The notable improvements consist of: • Increase the southbound U-turn lane on Carolina Beach Road to provide 325 feet of storage and 50 feet of full-width deceleration and appropriate taper on Carolina Beach Road at Cathay Road. • Right-in / right-out only access on Carolina Beach Road. Access must meet the minimum 100 feet corner clearance from South Ridge Boulevard. • Provide a southbound right-turn lane on Carolina Beach Road with full-width storage from the intersection of South Ridge Boulevard to the site access and provide a minimum of 100 feet of driveway stem, with no left-turns off the stem. • The site access on South Ridge Boulevard shall be located a minimum of 150 feet west of Carolina Beach Road and provide a minimum of 100 feet of driveway stem with no left-turns off the stem. Nearby Proposed Developments included within the TIA: • Beau Rivage Update • Beau Rivage Townhomes Development Status: Development and improvements are currently under construction. ENVIRONMENTAL • The property is not within a Natural Heritage Area or the Special Flood Hazard Area. • The property is within the Mott Creek and Everette Creek watersheds. • Per the Classification of Soils in New Hanover County for Septic Tank Suitability, soils on the property consist of Class I (Suitable), Class III (Severe Limitation), and Class IV (Unsuitable) soils; however, the project is expected to be served by CFPUA water and sewer if developed. • Conservation resource maps indicate pocosin wetlands may exist on the property. Projects containing 5 acres or more of pocosin conservation resources are required to comply with additional buffer and conservation standards in Section 5.7 of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). • The existing stormwater management ponds for Tarin Woods are sized to accommodate the proposed development for the southern portion of the project adjacent to Shiloh Road. • The development area was included in the original stormwater engineering and permitting for the Tarin Woods Subdivision. Z23-03 Staff Report PB 3.2.2023 Page 16 of 23 • The developer has included a condition to address future maintenance of the existing and any future stormwater management systems requiring portions of the proposed development obtain approval to join the existing Tarin Woods Property Owners Association or enter into a maintenance agreement. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS Schools • Students living in the proposed development would be assigned to Anderson Elementary School and Ashley High School. Depending on the area of the development students would be assigned to Myrtle Grove Middle School or Murray Middle School. Students may apply to attend public magnet, year-round elementary, or specialty high schools. • A maximum of 105 dwelling units would be permitted under the current R-15 zoning base density, and 337 units could potentially be developed under the proposed zoning for an increase of 232 dwelling units. • Based on a generalized historic generation rate*, staff would estimate that the increase in homes would result in approximately 51 additional students than would be generated under current zoning. • The general student generation rate provides only an estimate of anticipated student yield as different forms of housing at different price points yield different numbers of students. Over the past four years, staff has also seen a decline in the number of students generated by new development. Student numbers remained relatively stable between 2015 and 2020 (excepting the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic), while 14,500 new residential units were permitted across the county. In addition, the student population is anticipated to only grow by approximately 1,300 students over the next 10 years based on the recent New Hanover County Schools Facility Needs Study. Development Type Intensity Estimated Student Yield (current general student generation rate) * Existing Development 18 undeveloped single-family lots Approximate** Total: 4 (2 elementary, 1 middle, 1 high) Typical Development Under Current Zoning 105 residential units Approximate** Total: 21 (9 elementary, 5 middle, 7 high) Proposed Zoning 337 residential units Approximate** Total: 71 (30 elementary, 17 middle, 24 high) *The current general student generation rate was calculated by dividing the New Hanover County public school student enrollment for the 2022-2023 school year by the number of dwelling units in the county. Currently, there are an average of 0.22 public school students (0.09 for elementary, 0.05 for middle, and 0.0 7 for high) generated per dwelling unit across New Hanover County. These numbers are updated annually and include students attending out - of-district specialty schools, such as year-round elementary schools, Isaac Bear, and SeaTech. **Because the student generation rate often results in fractional numbers, all approximate student generatio n yields with a fraction of 0.5 or higher are rounded up to a whole number and yields with a fraction of less than 0.5 are rounded down. This may result in student numbers at the elementary, middle, and high school levels not equaling the approximate total. Z23-03 Staff Report PB 3.2.2023 Page 17 of 23 • Since the residential components associated with the proposed rezoning are likely to have a build-out date within 5 years per the Traffic Impact Analysis, staff has outlined existing school capacity to provide a general idea of the potential impact on public schools. • Staff has provided information on existing school capacity to provide a general idea of the potential impact on public schools, but these numbers do not reflect any future capacity upgrades. School Enrollment* and Capacity** (2022-2023 School Year) *Enrollment is based on the New Hanover County Schools student numbers for the 2022-2023 school year. **Capacity calculations were determined based on the capacities for the 2022-2023 school year, and funded or planned capacity upgrades were those included in the Facility Needs Study presented by New Hanover County Schools to the Board of Education in January 2021. This information does not tak e into account flexible scheduling that may be available in high school settings, which can reduce the portion of the student body on campus at any one time. • The 2021 facility needs survey prepared by Schools staff indicates that, based on NC Department of Public Instruction (DPI) student growth projections and school capacity data, planned facility upgrades, combined with changes to student enrollment patterns, will result in adequate capacity district wide over the next ten years if facility upgrades are funded. New Hanover County Strategic Plan • One of the goals of the New Hanover County Strategic Plan for 2018-2023 is to encourage the development of complete communities in the unincorporated county by increasing housing diversity and access to basic goods and services. • The proposed (CZD) R-5 zoning district would allow for an increase in housing diversity and would allow those residents to utilize existing goods and services within one mile of the subject property. • The predominant housing type in the area is single-family detached at 79%. Under the proposed R-5 district the site would allow for single-family attached (townhomes) and increase housing type diversity by reducing the percentage of single family detached (79% to 76%) and increasing the percentage of single-family attached units (8% to 11%). • The subject property is located in the Monkey Junction community area, where 65% of residents currently live within one mile of a convenience need (grocery store, retail staples, pharmacies, etc.), a support service (urgent care, primary doctor’s office, child & adult care, etc.), and a community facility (public park, school, museum etc.). The proposed R -5 district would increase the number of residences within one mile of goods and services (65% to 66%). Level Total NHC Capacity School Projected Enrollment of Assignment School Capacity of Assigned School w/Portables Capacity of Assigned School Funded or Planned Capacity Upgrades Elementary 91% Anderson 291 314 93% None Middle 92% Murray 882 889 99% None Middle 92% Myrtle Grove 640 747 86% None High 93% Ashley 1983 1990 99.6% None Z23-03 Staff Report PB 3.2.2023 Page 18 of 23 Representative Developments Representative Developments of R-15: Tarin Woods Subdivision Page’s Corner in Ogden Z23-03 Staff Report PB 3.2.2023 Page 19 of 23 Representative Developments of Townhome Developments: Saylors Watch in Wilmington Forest Cove in Wilmington Z23-03 Staff Report PB 3.2.2023 Page 20 of 23 Context and Compatibility • The property is located between existing properties zoned and used for commercial purposes along Carolina Beach Road and the existing Tarin Woods Subdivision, a lower density single-family residential development. • The proposed attached housing type increases housing type diversity in the area and acts as an appropriate transition between the commercially zoned Carolina Beach Road corridor and the existing lower density Tarin Woods Subdivision, which itself acts as a buffer for even lower density residential development east towards Myrtle Grove Road. • The property is located south of the Myrtle Grove shopping center and Monkey Junction commercial node providing services, amenities, and educational and employment opportunities. • The new Hanover Pines county park is under construction immediately to the south of the proposed project. • Most of the surrounding land is either single-family developments or commercial uses intended to serve the surrounding homes. • The proposed concept plan includes a new site access that would serve as an internal connector road for the existing and proposed residential developments in the area that would provide more opportunities for vehicles to exit Carolina Beach Road when trying to reach their destination. • The development is conditioned to install all roadway improvements required by the TIA within the approved phasing and build out years unless amended by NCDOT and the WMPO. 2016 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The New Hanover County Future Land Use Map provides a general representation of the vision for New Hanover County’s future land use, as designated by place types describing the character and function of the different types of development that make up the community. These place types are intended to identify general areas for particular development patterns and should not be interpreted as being parcel specific. Z23-03 Staff Report PB 3.2.2023 Page 21 of 23 Future Land Use Map Place Type General Residential and Urban Mixed Use Because of the general nature of place type borders, sites located in proximity to the boundaries between place types could be appropriately developed with either place type, allowing site-specific features and evolving development patterns in the surrounding area to be considered. Place Type Description General Residential: Focuses on lower-density housing and associated civic and commercial services. Typically, housing is single-family or duplexes. Commercial uses should be limited to strategically located office and retail spaces, while recreation and school facilities are encouraged throughout. Types of uses include single-family residential, low density multi-family residential, light commercial, civic, and recreational. Urban Mixed Use: Promotes development of a mix of residential, office, and retail uses at higher densities. Types of uses encouraged include office, retail, mixed use, small recreation, commercial, institutional, single-family, and multi-family residential. Analysis The subject parcels are located between existing lower density residential neighborhoods to the east and the Carolina Beach Road commercial corridor to the west, which is envisioned for the more intensive Urban Mixed Use place type. The proposed attached housing type increases housing diversity in the area and acts as an appropriate transition between existing commercial and residential development. The proposed development is south of the Monkey Junction commercial node and provides residential infill development that can serve existing commercial uses. Roadway additions and improvements proposed as part of the development increases connectivity and opportunities for vehicles to exit Carolina Beach Road sooner to reach their destinations. The proposed 8 dwelling units per acre matches the density recommended for multi- and single-family residential development in the General Residential place type. The Urban Mixed Use place type promotes multi- family and higher density single-family development to provide a range of housing types, opportunities, and choices. The Urban Mixed Use placed type does not recommend a maximum density and identifies Monkey Junction as an appropriate area for higher density development. Consistency Recommendation The proposed rezoning request is generally CONSISTENT with the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because the proposed density, housing type, and increased interconnectivity are in line with the recommendations of both the General Residential and Urban Mixed Use place types and the proposed development acts as an appropriate transition between existing commercial and residential uses in the area. Z23-03 Staff Report PB 3.2.2023 Page 22 of 23 STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Carolina Beach Road corridor has been designated as General Residential and Urban Mixed Use within the Comprehensive Plan. The plan recommends a mix of commercial uses and residential housing types that act as a transition between higher intensity and lower intensity development. The proposed development would act as a buffer between Carolina Beach Road and lower density residential development to the east, providing infill development and increased housing diversity and interconnectivity in the area. The applicant has also provided additional conditions for the installation of roadway improvements and stormwater maintenance. As a result, Staff recommends approval of the request and suggests the following motion: I move to recommend APPROVAL of the proposed rezoning. I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the proposed density, housing type, and increased interconnectivity of the project are in line with the recommendations of both the General Residential and Urban Mixed Use place types and the proposed development acts as an appropriate transition between existing commercial and residential uses in the area. I also find recommending APPROVAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the project provides interconnectivity and housing diversity at an appropriate density to act as a transition between existing commercial and residential development. Proposed Conditions: 1. Attached residential dwellings on the east side of Shiloh Drive shall be sited perpendicular to neighboring single-family residential lots. 2. The improvements required as part of each phase of the approved 2022 Traffic Impact Analysis must be completed by the end of the build out year listed in the TIA for each phase. Planning staff is authorized to accept changes to the timing provided such changes are approved by NCDOT and the WMPO. While not shown on the proposed development, the TIA required future third access into the site meeting NCDOT roadway standards for Phase 2 must be completed by the build out year of 2026 unless otherwise approved by NCDOT and the WMPO. 3. Existing trees shall be retained, or another appropriate traffic prevention measure shall be established at the eastern terminus of Rosa Parks Drive to prevent vehicular ingress and egress until such time a written agreement is reached to provide connectivity. An access easement shall be recorded on the final plat from the edge of pavement to the property line with Rosa Parks Drive to ensure the possibility of future access. 4. Any portion of the proposed development that utilizes any portion of the existing stormwater management system for Tarin Woods Subdivision that is not accepted into the Tarin Woods property owners association, must enter into a stormwater maintenance agreement with the Tarin Woods property owners association. Z23-03 Staff Report PB 3.2.2023 Page 23 of 23 Alternative Motion for DENIAL I move to recommend DENIAL of the proposed rezoning. I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the proposed density, housing type, and increased interconnectivity are in line with the recommendations of both the General Residential and Urban Mixed Use place types and the proposed development acts as an appropriate transition between existing commercial and residential uses in the area. However, I find recommending DENIAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal is not consistent with the desired character of the surrounding community and the density will adversely impact the adjacent neighborhoods.