Sidbury Farms TRC Comments 8_16_2019 Sidbury Farm Performance Preliminary Plan - TRC Review Page | 1 To: Richard Moore - MKim and Creed (ramoore@mckimcreed.com) Ian Flannery - DR Horton (ieflannery@drhorten.com) From: Ron Meredith Current Planner Date: August 16, 2019 Subject: Sidbury Farms – Performance Residential – TRC Review The following comments have been received for the August 21, 2019 TRC meeting. Please note: Following the TRC meeting, a revised preliminary plan addressing each of the below items must be resubmitted prior to receiving preliminary plan approval. Planning, Ron Meredith 910-798-7441 1. Please update the plan with the following general corrections: a. Please illustrate the adjacent property boundaries more clearly and include the ownership of the adjacent parcels per the New Hanover County Subdivision Ordinance Section 32- 2(5). b. Please label any existing or proposed utility easements and include the width of each respective easement. Subdivision Ordinance Section 32-2(11). c. In regard to the connectivity plan there appears to be a node missing. It looks as though the roundabout did not have a node on it and the count was one less than what was stated one the plan. d. Please label the preliminary plan as a “Performance Residential” subdivision in the title block. e. Please show the location of the street lights, if applicable. Subdivision Ordinance 52-9. f. Please label the active and passive Recreation Areas. Per Section 52-7 (2) 50% of the required recreation area shall be designated for passive recreation and 50% of the required recreation area shall be designated for active recreation. g. Please place the acreage of the passive and active Recreation Areas required and proposed calculations in the chart for verification. h. For clarity please label the multifamily as townhomes. Sidbury Farm Performance Preliminary Plan – TRC Review Page | 2 2. Subdivisions adjacent to large tracts of unsubdivided property are required to provide street connections to the adjacent undeveloped tracts. 41-1(7)(e) of the NHC Subdivision Ordinance. Please show additional connections to the adjacent tracts. This is required to be accomplished connections at a maximum distance of every 1000 feet. An exception can be made if environmental features are present. 3. Please note that an approved TIA will be required prior to the approval of the Construction Drawings. 4. Please verify that there are significant trees located on the subject property. Per Section 62. 1-9 of the New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance. a. Please note that tree mitigation is required if any significant trees are located within planned infrastructure pathways and stormwater areas, as well as rights-of-ways. Specifically, twice the amount of caliper inches removed must be mitigated by either planting additional trees or by making a payment into the County’s Tree Improvement Fund. All replacement trees must be 2-3” in caliper at planting, or a $295 payment may be provided in lieu of installing one replacement tree. Prior to issuance of land disturbance approvals, all significant trees to be removed must be identified. Prior to final plat approval, a tree mitigation plan illustrating the method of mitigation must be provided, and replacement trees must be either installed or bonded. 5. Have you considered the location of the cluster box units? Building Safety and USPS may have additional standards for the cluster boxes. 6. Please label the required conservation resources clearly on the preliminary site plan. Please label the required setbacks as well. Per Section 32-2(22) of the New Hanover County Subdivision Ordinance. 7. The proposed boat storage considered an accessory use and would be considered an encroachment into the proposed recreation space. This acreage would not be included in the recreation space calculations per Section 52-7-(4)(j) of the New Hanover County Subdivision Ordinance. Parks and recreation open space areas required by this section shall exclude roadways, parking areas and other accessory uses except recreational facilities. a. The boat storage would only be permitted as an amenity to the future residents of this subdivision and separate approvals would be required for a commercial storage facility. Please indicate the access location for the proposed boat storage. Please take into consideration calling the area boat and RV storage to prevent modifications in the future. A buffer would be required from the adjacent tracts. 8. All sidewalk shall be ADA assessable. Please show ADA approved connections from the sidewalk to the roadway. Sidewalks shall be required to be constructed on one side of the right-of-way of all local streets extending through the property to be developed in the R-15 Per Section 52-11(1)(c) of the New Hanover county subdivision Ordinance. 9. Please add an approved temporary turnaround to Road O, per Section 41-1(7)(h) of the New Hanover county subdivision Ordinance, streets designed to be permanently closed at one end shall have a turnaround. 10. Please keep in mind based on the roadway improvements and the phasing that it may be necessary to adjust phase lines to prevent from being required to build temporary turnarounds. Per Section 41-1(7)(i) of the New Hanover County Subdivision Ordinance phasing the construction of street improvements within approved subdivisions, the developer must make provision for vehicle turnarounds at the end of street construction for each phase. Sidbury Farm Performance Preliminary Plan – TRC Review Page | 3 11. Please be sure to construct all road stubs to the property lines. Road stubs shall not contain gates or obstructions to qualify for connectivity standards as stated in Section 41-1 (7)(f) of the New Hanover county subdivision Ordinance. 12. Please show the location of the proposed subdivision signage. Per Section 52-10 of the New Hanover County Subdivision Ordinance signs delineating the subdivision name and any lighting associated with such sign shall be constructed in compliance with Section 94-1 of the Zoning Ordinance. Sign location shall be shown on the Preliminary Plan. 13. Please make sure that there are no visual obstructions at intersections. Please revise the plantings to illustrate adequate sight angles (15’ x 30’). Section 62.1-3(4) of the New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance. 14. Please revise the street trees to place them inside the property lines per Section 41-1(8) Street Trees - If street trees are planted, they shall be planted inside the property lines where they are less subject to injury, decrease the chance of accidents, and enjoy more favorable conditions for growth. Trees in islands within dedicated rights-of-way are permitted. Fire Services, Troy Davidson 910-798-7464 1. Fire hydrant at Lot 264, move to Lot #6 just in from roundabout. 2. Illiminate the fire hydrant at Lot #469. We do not want fire hydrants at the dead ends. The distance between other fire hydrants and the dead ends meets our needs. 3. We need to know where the water will be coming from. I am expecting from the area of Sidbury and Old Dairy Road. Can you provide us with drawings and fire hydrant placement along Sidbury Road for our comments and review. 4. No gates or other traffic calming devices are allowed unless in comes through TRC. 5. No building permits shall be issued unless the roads are "All Weather Surfaced" and approved by this office. 6. How will this project be phased. We hope from the Sidbury Road side, going inwards. 7. Roads 20 – 26 feet in width. No parking will be allowed on those streets 8. Roads more than 26 feet wide to 32 foot in width. Parking is allowed on one side only. NHC Engineering, Phil Bevilacqua 910-798-7072 1. 1A New Hanover County Authorization-to-Construct is required. Stormwater control measures are required to maintain the pre-development runoff rate for the 2-, 10- and 25-yr storms. Analysis for the 100-yr storm is required to verify that no buildings are flooded. 2. On site collection systems are required to be designed for the 25-yr storm and analyzed for the 100-yr storm. 3. Any off-site drainage is required to be delineated and conveyed through the site in a drainage easement and in accordance with NHC standards. Sidbury Farm Performance Preliminary Plan – TRC Review Page | 4 Cape Fear Public Utility Authority, Bernice Johnson 910-332-6620 1. The current master plan utilizing water and sewer connections at College Road extended down Sidbury is still best available. 2. CFPUA will be going out for a preliminary engineering report for the Sidbury area which will better inform our master plan. 3. CFPUA will work with this developer and County planning to ensure continuity and consistency between the PER and their progress in regard to this site. NCDOT, Alex Stuart 910-398-9100 Sidbury Rd is in WMPO’s Long Range Transportation Plan for future widening from US 17 to Blue Clay Rd and is ranked 37/72 for plan year 2045. I would anticipate this route becoming more congested over time and would recommend reducing accesses to prevent any future operational problems. NCDOT, Nick Drees 910-398-9100 These preliminary comments and are based on the plans as submitted for the proposed site and are subject to further review upon receipt of any additional information. Subsequently, additional comments and/or requirements may be necessary for this site. 1. A TIA has not been approved for this project at this time so NCDOT has no comments on improvements that may or may not be required. 2. A NCDOT Driveway Permit is required. Submit a plan in accordance with pages 14 and 15 of thePolicy on Street and Driveway Access to North Carolina Highways to include access locations within 500’ of the proposed access on both sides of the State road. Submit to the local NCDOT District Engineer’s Office. 3. A NCDOT Encroachment Agreement is required for any utility connections or installation within NCDOT right-of-way. 4. If the developer anticipates adding or petitioning for addition of this subdivision (Shows private now) to the state system, all roads/streets shall be designed and constructed in conformance with the current North Carolina Department of Transportation Subdivision Roads Minimum Construction Standards. Contact the District Engineers office with regards to submittals, telephone 910.398.9100. 5. Developer shall submit subdivision plans to the North Carolina Department of Transportation for review, unless it is a private community. 6. Provide stormwater calculations for the proposed site, for submittal to the Hydraulics Unit. 7. A 50’ right-of-way width is acceptable for residential subdivision roads (see p. 26 of the North Carolina Department of Transportation Subdivision Roads Minimum Construction Standards). DCM, Courtney Spears, 910-796-7426 These projects do not appear to be in a CAMA AEC and therefore a CAMA permit would not be required. NCDEMLR, Linda Lewis, 910-796-7343 The project is required to obtain a state stormwater permit. Planning (Addressing), John Townsend 910-798-7443 Unduplicated street names need to be provided prior to addressing. Names are to be reviewed and approved by the Planning Department. Sidbury Farm Performance Preliminary Plan – TRC Review Page | 5 WMPO, Bill McDow 1. The Sidbury Road Development TIA, (a phased TIA) is under review for this project. 2. The TIA Scope for this project, has stated that Site Access #2, located at the intersection of Road J and Sidbury Road, has been rejected. Please revise the site plans to remove this access location along Sidbury Road. 3. Please show the location of proposed wheel chair ramps and crosswalks at street corner intersections within the project area. If the crosswalks form mid-block crossings, please show Pedestrian Crossing signs on the site plan. 4. Show a cross section or the Roundabout. Please show the typical details for the Roundabout, (such as pedestrian refuge islands, cross walks, truck apron, pavement markings, etc.). New Hanover County Schools, Mark Clawson 910-254-4084 NHCS Transportation would likely position a bus stop at the central access to Sidbury Farms development along Sidbury Road. As for the Village at Mott's Landing, the bus stops would be located along southbound Carolina Beach Road at the entrance to the development. Comments not received at this time from: Emergency Services & E911, Steve Still NCDEQ, Chad Coburn New Hanover Soil & Water, Dru Harrison USACE, Rachel Capito, 910-251-4000 New Hanover County Schools, Mark Clawson 910-254-4084