Final Plat re-review 4.11.22 Sidbury Station Phase 1 – Performance Residential – Final Plat Review Page | 1 To: Will Riddick – DR Horton - WHRiddick@drhorton.com From: Ron Meredith Current Planner Date: April 13th, 2022 PID: R01900-002-004-000 Egov: SUBFP-22-0005 Zoning: R-15 Subject: Sidbury Station Phase 1 (A) – Performance Residential – Final Plat Review The following comments have been received for Bountiful Village Final Plat Review: Planning, Ron Meredith 910-798-7441 1. General Comments: a. Invoice has been paid in Full INV-00072804. b. Show and label all wetland lines, show, and label the COD setbacks. c. Complete all final plat signatures before final submittal once comments have been addressed. d. Label all easements. e. Please add all signatures and seal for the submittal. f. Please make sure that the plat for recordation is the correct size and has the correct margin widths, prescribed by NCGS §47-30. g. Please correct spelling of “separation” in the project building setbacks table on page 1. 2. Please verify that the following monument requirements listed below have been met. UDO Section 6.3.3. a. Permanent Monuments Unless previously existing, a minimum of two permanent control monuments of stone or concrete shall be placed at the point of intersection on the centerline of intersecting public or private street rights-of-way or at the point of intersection of the tangents of curves when such point lies within the pavement of the proposed street. Otherwise, monuments may be placed on the centerline at the points of curvature and at the points of tangency of curves which are to be dedicated for street purposes. A table of dimensions, or dimension between control monuments, shall be shown on the map. Metal castings or access boxes for the control monuments mentioned above shall be placed in the pavement prior to release of Unified Development Ordinance Sidbury Station Phase 1 – Performance Residential – Final Plat Review New Hanover County, NC 6-15 final sureties for road construction or final approval of road construction. (Reference N.C.G.S. 39-32.1) b. Such monuments shall be set a minimum of nine inches below the finished grade of the pavement. A metal casting of approved type will be mounted over the monument with its base flange mounted on a brick foundation with mortar joints of at least two course thickness, the top of which must be a minimum of one and three-quarters inches higher than the highest point of the monument. Permanent monuments shall be at least 30 inches in length, six inches in diameter, and shall have a metal pin or punch-marked metal plate embedded therein marking the point represented on the final plat. 2. In addition to the two required Control Monuments, a control point (i.e. railroad spike, P.K. nail, iron rod, rebar, etc.) shall be set at all other centerline intersections, point of curvature, and points of tangency prior to recordation. In the event that these points are destroyed during initial project construction, it shall be the developer’s responsibility to have said points replaced in their original horizontal position. 3. Please show the line data, the curve data appears to be included, but that line data has not been included. 4. Has this documentation been included within the Homeowners Association documentation? a. Responsibilities for maintenance of private streets, open space, recreation facilities, and other common areas shall be specified; b. Responsibilities for exterior maintenance of attached dwelling units shall be specified; and; c. The Association shall be authorized to rebuild damaged or destroyed portions of structures containing attached dwelling units when the individual owner fails to do so. d. Ownership, management, and maintenance: 1. General Open space set-asides shall be managed and maintained as permanent open space through one or more of the following options: 2. Retention of open space set aside areas by the developer. 3. Conveyance of open space set-aside areas to a property owners’ or homeowners’ association established in accordance with the requirements of Section 6.3.4, Property Owners’ Association (POA), that holds the land in common ownership and will be responsible for managing and maintain the land for its intended open space purposes. 4. Conveyance of open space set-aside areas to a third party beneficiary such as an environmental or civic organization that is organized for, capable of, and willing to accept responsibility for managing and maintain the land for its intended open space purposes in perpetuity; 5. Transfer to the County, for use as open space or other recreation area, provided the County consents to the transfer; or 6. Establishment of easements on those parts of individually-owned lots including open space set-aside areas that require the areas to be managed consistent with the land’s intended open space purposes and prohibit any inconsistent future development, in perpetuity. 5. Bond Comments: a. Have street signs been installed? b. Hydrants are required to be included within the cost estimate. c. Please separate NHC and CFPUA items on their own estimates. d. UDO Section 6.3.2, Sureties may not exceed $8,000,000.00 (the “Surety Limit”). e. Please see NHC Engineering’s comments. NHC Engineering has additional requirements, please contact them. Sidbury Station Phase 1 – Performance Residential – Final Plat Review 6. Please include all Boundaries and acreage of all open space, recreation space, and common area, and all other areas to be maintained by a homeowner association. 7. Please include the Boundary of Special Flood Hazard Areas. 8. UDO Section 6.2.2.A.7.j.5, Please install and show temporary turn arounds. UDO Section 6.2.2.A.7.e Please change the roadway designation to public to prevent from future connections to the adjacent connection. 9. Private Streets: a. Streets designated as private shall be constructed to minimum construction standards as adopted by New Hanover County and certified by a professional, legally recognized by a State of North Carolina licensing board, as being licensed to perform such activities or undertakings. b. Pavement design shall meet the requirements as specified and shown in the road profiles depicted in Appendix A: Subdivision Appendices and Certificates. c. Streets designated as private may be allowed in subdivisions once they are reviewed and approved by the TRC. In their review, the TRC will consider unique physical conditions of the property, including but not limited to connectivity, topography, geometric design, storm water, tree preservation, ingress and egress, reduction of speed to desirable or safe levels, and other safety measures, and that sufficient language is provided through a legally established POA that the streets will be properly maintained. Whenever a private street intersects a U.S. or NC highway, or Secondary Road, an approved NCDOT Driveway Permit signed by the District Engineer is required prior to final plat approval. 10. Private road stubs and dead-end streets shall be constructed/paved to the property boundary, and shall not contain gates or obstructions to qualify for connectivity standards as stated in Section 6.2.2.A.7.g.6.f. Streets designed as collector roads that accept traffic from local streets shall be required to be designated as public, and adhere to the 11. Unified Development Ordinance | New Hanover County, NC 6-17 standards under public streets, as noted above. (see Table for Private Road ROW Specifications, General Standards, and Road Profiles located in Appendix A: Subdivision Appendices and Certificates). 12. Missing Certificates: a. Certificate of Disclosure for New Hanover County Sewer Costs. b. Certificate of Disclosure -New Hanover County Flood Plain Management. Cape Fear Public Utility Authority, Bernice Johnson 910-332-66 20 1. CFPUA has been in communications with the developer regarding the bond. The developer will resubmit the bond to CFPUA for re-review. 2. CFPUA is still waiting project related items to complete the review of the plat. These items directly affect the review of the plat, and therefore, the plat cannot be reviewed at this time. 3. CFPUA cannot sign the plat until the water and sewer have received final certification from the State or the project has been bonded. Fire Services, Raymond Griswold 910-798-7448 1. I made a site visit out to this location and the following observations were made: 2. I could not get on-site, as the site is not ready for my visit. Contractors still working on / in roadways. The roads are not marled yet and very damp with this weekend rains. 3. Water to the site is still under construction, with no water on the lines. 4. Could not accurately visualize fire hydrants due to site not ready for our access. No water on lines. 5. I reviewed the site map I had back in office. It appears there are 4 fire hydrants in this phase. Sidbury Station Phase 1 – Performance Residential – Final Plat Review 6. Obviously, no street signs. 7. Based on my viewing I do not think this project is ready for Final Platting NHC Engineering, Galen Jameson 910-798-7072 1. Per section 30.8 of the NHC Stormwater Design Manual, an approved executed partial designers construction certification is needed prior to Engineering signing the plat. Indicate which phase the certification applies too unless this is the final certificate. 2. The bonding of the stormwater system is not permitted. Pond 1, 2, 3 and 4 must be fully stabilized prior to Engineering signing the plat. 3. The NHC bond estimate appears to include CFPUA related items, please clarify. 4. Quantities, not percent complete, for the bond estimate are needed. 5. Lot 253 is not indicated in the County approved stormwater permit plans. The amenity pond located behind lots 241-244 and 236-232 are not shown in the County approved permit plans. Please provide revised stormwater permit plans and calculations. 6. The $300/acre fee for land disturbing activities will need to be resolved prior to signature. New Hanover County Environmental Health Dustin Fensk 910-798-6664 1. No Comments needed whereas the site is on Public Water and Sewer USACE-Project manager Brad Shaver Shaver, Brad.E.Shaver@usace.army.mil 1. The Corps currently has a jurisdictional determination on this property, and it appears there are no impacts proposed. The Corps currently does not offer any comments. NCDOT Nick Drees 1. They are currently working on the full driveway permit. They have a temp permit right now.