2700 N 23rd St - Signed Approved Site Plans’ ’ ’’ BLUE CLAY ROAD PUBLIC R/W VARIES N O R T H 2 3 R D S T R E E T P U B L I C R / W V A R I E S ST PROPOSED WAREHOUSE70' X 125'8,750 SQ. FT.18' HEIGHTSHOWROOM/OFFICE & WAREHOUSEFIN.FL. 25.40 PROPOSEDFABRICATIONSHOP70' X 125'8,750 SQ. FT.18' HEIGHTFIN.FL. 26.50 14' LOADING BAY 14' LOADING BAY 2700 N. 23RD STREET SITE PLAN HECTOR SAENZ C-101Engineering, PLLC – ’ – ’ NOTES PROPERTY INFORMATION – – – – – – – LEGEND ’ ’ ’’ BLUE CLAY ROAD PUBLIC R/W VARIES N O R T H 2 3 R D S T R E E T P U B L I C R / W V A R I E S ST PROPOSED WAREHOUSE70' X 125'8,750 SQ. FT.18' HEIGHTSHOWROOM/OFFICE & WAREHOUSEFIN.FL. 25.40 PROPOSEDFABRICATIONSHOP70' X 125'8,750 SQ. FT.18' HEIGHTFIN.FL. 26.50 14' LOADING BAY 14' LOADING BAY 2700 N. 23RD STREET SITE PLAN HECTOR SAENZ C-101Engineering, PLLC – ’ – ’ NOTES PROPERTY INFORMATION – – – – – – – LEGEND PROPO S E D W A R E H O U S E 18' HEI G H T FFL 25. 4 0 ' PROPO S E D F A B R I C A T I O N SHOP 18' HEIG H T FFL 26. 5 0 ' KASTR A N E N T E R P R I S E S , L L C DEED B O O K 6 2 8 1 , P A G E 1 2 6 5 ZONE A - 1 COMM E R C I A L DUNCAN HOLDINGS II, LLC DEED BOOK 6077, PAGE 122 ZONE A-1 COMMERCIAL EXISTI N G B U I L D I N G EXISTI N G B U I L D I N G 70 ' - 0 " 125'-0" 70'-0" 12 5 ' - 0 " STREETYARD 8745 SQ FT STREET YARD 1355 SQ FT STREET YARD 1000 SQ FT STREET YARD 430 SQ FT STORMWATER POND #2 STORMWATER POND #1 SIGHT TRIANGLE, ALL PROPOSED VEGETATION WITHIN SIGHT TRIANGLES SHALL NOT INTERFERE WITH CLEAR VISUAL SIGHT LINES 13 P A R K I N G S P A C E S 15 PARKING SPA C E S LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE 22' X 6' CONCRETE DUMPSTER PAD TO BE SCREENED WITH A 8' SOLID WOOD FENCE 552 SQ FT FOUNDATION PLANTINGS 594 SQ FT FOUNDATION PLANTINGS 15' DRAINAGE EASEMENT 15 ' - 0 " 15'-0 " 15' DRAINAGE EASEMENT HANDICAP PARKING SPACES (2) PLANT SCHEDULE TREES BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE HT.QTY Cornus florida Dogwood (White Flowering)8' Ht. Min.As Shown 18 Acer rubrum Red Maple 2" Cal.As Shown 2 Quercus virginiana Live Oak 2" Cal.As Shown 8 BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE QTY Ilex cornuta 'Bufordi Nana'Dwarf Buford Holly 12" HT Min.3' O.C.131 Myrica cerifera Wax Myrtle 3' HT Min.7' O.C.15 Serenoa repens Saw Palmetto 12" HT Min.4'' O.C.32 Clethra ainifolia Sweet Pepperbush 12" HT Min.5' O.C.69 Muhlenbergia capillaris Pink Muhly Grass 12" HT Min.3' O.C.26 GROUND COVERS BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME CONT SPACING QTY Liriope muscari `Big Blue`Big Blue Lilyturf flat 18" O.C.127 SITE DATA OWNER: HECTOR SAENZ/ SAENZ ENTERPRISES, LLC PROJECT ADDRESS:2700 N. 23RD STREET WILMINGTON, NC 28403 TAX PARCEL ID#:R04100-002-012-000/ R04100-002-013-000 AREA:PARCEL 1: .84 AC / 36,590 SQ FT PARCEL 2: 1.31 AC / 57, 036 SQ FT TOTAL: 2.5 AC / 93,653 SQ FT CURRENT ZONING:AC-AIRPORT COMMERCIAL EXISTING USE:NA PROPOSED USE:FABRICATION SHOP/WAREHOUSE SEC. 5.4.7 FOUNDATION PLANTINGS FOUNDATION PLANTING WAREHOUSE BUILDING FACADE AREA = 3510 SQ FT 3510 SQ FT X 12% = 422 SQ FT 422 SQ FT 594 SQ FT FABRICATION SHOP BUILDING FACADE AREA = 3510 SQ FT 3520 SQ FT X 12% = 422 SQ FT 422 SQ FT 552 SQ FT LANDSCAPE CALCULATIONS SEC. 5.4.6 STREETYARD LANDSCAPING NORTH 23RD STREET 404 LF X 25 FT = 10,100 FT 10,100T/600 SQ FT = 16 REQUIRED PROVIDED 1 CANOPY OR 3 UNDERSTOREY TREES PER 600 SQ FT 16 14 TWO (2) TREES RETAINED IN STREETYARD AND COUNTED TOWARDS TOTAL PER 5.3.4 !: REGULATED TREES: (1) MAGNOLIA - 8" DBH (1) HARDWOOD - 22" DBH 6 SHRUBS PER 600 SQ FT 100 103 BLUE CLAY ROAD 114 LF X 25 FT X 50% = 1430 SQ FT 1430 SQ FT/600 SQ FT = 2 REQUIRED PROVIDED 1 CANOPY OR 3 UNDERSCORE TREES PER 600 SQ FT 2 2 6 SHRUBS PER 600 SQ FT 12 39 General Notes 1)All Butler Landscape Architecture drawings are based on surveys provided by owner. Contractor must verify all site conditions including site utilities prior to beginning work and notify owner of any discrepancies. 2)Contractor to have all utilities marked at least 48 hours in advance prior to digging. Any utilities shown on plan are approximate and the depth of the utility is unknown. Hand digging in areas around utilities may be required. 3)All work is to be constructed according to drawings and notes provided by Butler Landscape Architecture. Contractors are responsible for supplying materials, equipment, and labor to complete the work as per drawings and notes. 4)Changes to the proposed work, such as substitutions in materials or method of construction, is to be brought to the attention of the owner and approved before the substitution is made. 5)Contractor shall adhere to all Federal, State, and local code and ordinances including obtaining any necessary permits. Any discrepancy between the drawings and code must be brought to the attention of the owner immediately. 6)The contractor must provide a safe work site at all times and adhere to insurance requirements as set by federal, state, and local laws. 7)Contractor to provide schedule of work prior to beginning of project. The contractor is responsible for contacting the owner to review schedule, site conditions, plans and any pertinent information. Regular updates of the schedule of work to be provided to the owner. Any changes in the schedule of work must be immediately brought to the attention of the owner. 8)Site protection including protection of all existing vegetation to be provided by the contractor. Materials and debris should not be stored in protection zones at any time. Pruning of tree roots and/or branches beyond the protection zone to be brought to the attention of the owner no less than 48 hours in advance. Pruning of any roots and/or branches to be done by qualified arborist/tree professional. 9)Trash and debris clean up at the construction site is the responsibility of the contractor. At no time should the contractor dump, bury, burn, or otherwise dispose of any waste on site. Material and debris that is susceptible to being blown or otherwise dispersed must be contained as to provide a clean and tidy site at all times. 10)All waste to be removed from site and disposed of by contractor. Planting and Soil 1)The contractor must provide at a minimum a one year guarantee on all plant material. If the owner assesses the plant to be in poor health, and the owner has provided care to promote plant health, the plant must be replaced at the cost of the contractor. 2)Contractor to provide schedule for planting of all locations and plant type. Schedule to be approved by owner before planting is begun. 3)Quantities of plants must be verified from drawing and associated plant schedule. Any discrepancies should be brought to the attention of the owner. 4)All plants to meet the requirements of the American Association of Nurserymen Standards for size, health, and typical habit of growth. Plant material may be sourced or otherwise selected by the owner but is generally the responsibility of the contractor. The owner reserves the right to reject plant material that does not meet the industry standard. 5)Large trees and specimen trees to be approved by owner. 6)All plant material must be kept in shade, protected from weather and machinery, and irrigated while on site or in a holding area. 7)Trees to be placed in planting location for approval by owner prior to planting. Planting beds to be staked or otherwise marked by contractor in order to be approved by the owner prior to planting. 8)Areas to be sodded should be left 6” below finish grade in order to receive imported topsoil. Planting beds to be left 8” below finish grade in order to receive imported planting mix. No imported topsoil or planting mix is permitted within existing woodland areas. 9)Subsoil from excavation is to be removed from site. Mixing of subsoil into planting mix not permitted. 10)Areas that do not provide conditions for plants to thrive must be brought to the attention of the owner prior to the planting of the area. 11)Areas that have been compacted due to construction must be tilled to a 24” depth in order to provide percolation. 12)Contractor must mulch all beds and tree rings to depth of 2”-3"after plants have been installed. Mulch to be double ground hardwood mulch or equivalent approved by owner. TREE NOTES PRIOR TO ANY CLEARING, GRADING, OR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY, TREE PROTECTION FENCING SHALL BE INSTALLED AROUND PROTECTED TREES OR GROVES OF TREES. NO CONSTRUCTION WORKERS, TOOLS, MATERIALS, OR VEHICLES SHALL BE PERMITTED WITHIN THE TREE PROTECTION AREA (TPA) AS PER UDO 5.3.7 TREE AND PLANT MATERIALS FOR LANDSCAPING L-1.0 2700 North 23rd Street Wilmington, NC 28405 New Hanover County, NC Hector SaenzLandscape Master Plan SCALE: DRAWN BY: DATE: 1" = 30'-0" RF February 29, 2024 DRAWING NUMBER: PROJECT:DRAWING TITLE: 3620 Pine Bark Court, Wilmington, NC 28409 Mobile: 704-562-6225 liruderman@gmail.com shep.butler@gmail.com BUTLER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE DATE:REVISION: VICINITY MAP N.T.S. N. 2 3 R D S T . E L I S H A D R I V E SITE N . 2 3 R D S T . BLU E C L A Y R D . GORDON R D . 2700 North 23rd Street SCALE: 0 1003015 1"=30'-0" #1- COUNTY COOMENTS -ADJUST FOUNDATION PLANTINGS24.05.01