CRAC Meeting Notes _ June 25 2024, revised None COMMENT PUBLIC Meeting Special to business No BUSINESS NEW time leave to discussed business No respectively. county, city represented meeting attended Thompson Linda Carson Kimberly BUSINESS OLD Meeting Special to vote No MINUTES APPROVAL Carolina North of Aide Legal e,Clark Kelly GUESTS: Wheeler Sam Rhodes Fawn Medcalfe Stephanie Cook Cherri Carbone Liz APPOINTEES: COUNTY Wirth Genna Tate Antrevonn Moore - Smallwood Sabrenia McSwain Victoria (Absent) Mapson Charlrean Kainz Kirsten APPOINTEES: CITY ATTENDANCE of Legal Project, Housing Fair with attorney staff Clarke, Kelly speaker, featured with Session Information Housing Fair Meeting Special - quorum No QUORUM: Church Zion Temple Warner LOCATION: PM 5:30 TIME: ORDER CALL 2016 Bylaws, necessary. organizations, other and Authorities Appointing the capacity, advisory recommendations, making and findings; their organizations other and Authorities Appointing the informing condition; medical disability orientation, sexual gender, age, religion, creed origin, national race bases the discrimination prejudice involving issues community addressing purpose the for organized shall Committee This Housing Fair on focused Meeting Special 2024 24, July Tuesday, Governments County Hanover New & City Wilmington RAC) - Committee Advisory Relations Community the Meeting As government appointees we agree to dutifully attend meetings of the C-RAC, represent our community to the best of our knowledge, and promote the purpose and activities of C-RAC throughout Wilmington and New Hanover County. PM 5:30 at 27th August MEETING NEXT 6:30 at adjourned meeting ADJOURNMENT slides Project Housing Fair attached See 4. you appointed entity which on depending County, the or City the to interest your indicate please reappointed, be to like would and your serving are you If terms. member's details that document attached the review Please .Committee the off rolling be will us of 3. know. me let please Committee, Executive the on serving in interested are you If Secretary. and Chair, Vice Chair, are officers Our review. your for attached are bylaws The elected. are officers our is August 2. undertake? to County and/or City the recommend or undertake we could initiatives or programs yesterday? meeting our in about learned we that protections and resources Housing Fair the promote to doing be we should 1. ANNOUNCEMENTS NOTES: During the special meeting Ms. Kelly Clarke discussed fair housing law and issues. Ms. Clarke’s presentation slides accompany these minutes. As government appointees we agree to dutifully attend meetings of the C-RAC, represent our community to the best of our knowledge, and promote the purpose and activities of C-RAC throughout Wilmington and New Hanover County.