HomeMy WebLinkAboutFY24-25 Adopted in BriefNEW HANOVER COUNTY The Model of Good Governance FISCAL YEAR2024-2025 ADOPTED BUDGET IN-BRIEF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2024-2025 County Commissioners Bill Rivenbark, Chair LeAnn Pierce, Vice-Chair Jonathan Barfield, Jr. Dane Scalise Rob Zapple County Manager Chris Coudriet County Staff Eric Credle, Chief Financial Officer Michelle Daniels, Budget Officer Amanda Kostusiak, Budget Officer Scott Steinhilber, Budget Coordinator Jeremy Ashworth, Senior Budget Analyst Karen Hurley, Budget Analyst Gwen Hill, Budget Analyst Jane Horrell, Budget Analyst David Rice, Budget Specialist 230 Government Center Drive Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 http://www.nhcgov.com/Finance You may send comments or questions on this budget to ecredle@nhcgov.com. Our Vision for New Hanover County A vibrant, prosperous, diverse coastal community committed to building a sustainable future for generations to come. Mission Statement New Hanover County is committed to providing equitable opportunities and exceptional public services through good governance to ensure a safe, healthy, secure and thriving community for all. Shared Values Professionalism – Equity – Integrity Innovation – Stewardship – Accountability The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners June 2023 i NEW HANOVER COUNTY TABLE OF CONTENTS County Manager’s Letter of Transmittal .................................................... 1 Strategic Plan 2024-2028 ....................................................................... 12 Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Funding Plan ……………….14 Adopted Enhancements .......................................................................... 15 New Hanover County Organizational Chart ............................................. 16 Position Summary by Function ................................................................ 17 Summary of Expenditures and Revenues – All Funds ............................. 18 General Fund Expenditures: General Fund Expenditure Comparison .............................................. 19 Expenditures by Function ................................................................... 20 Expenditures Pie Chart ....................................................................... 21 General Fund Revenues: Revenues by Class ............................................................................. 22 Revenues Pie Chart ............................................................................ 23 Net County Cost Human Services Departments ...................................... 24 Non-County Agency Contributions ........................................................... 25 Non-Departmental .................................................................................... 27 New Hanover County Education Summary .............................................. 31 Capital Outlay ......................................................................................... 32 Capital Improvement Plan ....................................................................... 34 Debt Service for Next Five Years ............................................................. 36 Numbers in the recommended budget document have been rounded to make the recommended budget document easier to understand and compare with other data. Minor discrepancies in tables between totals and sums of components may occur due to rounding. July 1, 2024 To the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners: I am pleased to present to you the Adopted Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget for New Hanover County, as passed on June 17, 2024. This document represents the County’s budget and strategic plan for the fiscal year. The Adopted Budget for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 reflects no changes from the recommended budget presented on May 30, 2024. The budget includes the following highlights: x Total Spending Plan of $543 million x No Change in Property Tax Rate of $0.45 cents per $100 of Assessed Value x No Change in Fire Service District rate of $7.25 per $100 of Assessed Value x No General Fund use of fund balance x No Principal use of the Revenue StabilizaƟon Fund x ConƟnued commitment to school funding of $99.6 million in total operaƟng funds, an increase of $5.5 million x $1.95 million for conƟnued Pre-k funding x ConƟnue to provide the same number of nurses and school mental health counselors at an increased cost of $2.1 million x Stormwater fee increased to $6.14 ERU/month to maintain and enhance level of service x No Change in Recycling and Solid Waste fee of $52/ton I look forward to working with you on the execuƟon of the FY 2024-2025 Budget for New Hanover County. Sincerely, Chris Coudriet County Manager 1    May30,2024  To theNewHanoverCountyBoardofCommissioners: IampleasedtopresenttherecommendedbudgetforĮscalyear(FY)2024-2025,whichwaspreparedin accordancewithTheNorthCarolinaBudgetandFiscalControlAct,NCGeneralStatuteChapter159-Article3,and meetsourstatutoryresponsibilities.ThisbudgetistheculminationofcollaborativeworkbetweenNewHanover Countystaffandthemanypublicentitiesandagenciesthatareapartofthisbudget. TheFY2024–2025recommendedbudgetamountsforthecounty’smostsignificantfundsareasfollows:  Fund  ProposedSpendingPlan PercentChangefromFY2023– 2024AdoptedBudget GeneralFund$391,106,4660.8% DebtService$57,334,65710.3% FireRescue$24,559,13018.5% StormwaterServices$4,729,934-2.9% Recycling&SolidWaste $23,602,859-7.4%  Propertytaxesarethecounty’slargestsourceofrevenue,accountingforoverhalfthetotalbudget.TheFY2025 budgetcyclerepresentsthefinalyearofthefour-yearrealestaterevaluationcycle.Assessmentvalueswerelast setoverfouryearsago,whileinflationhasincreased21percentsincethattime.Withapropertytaxratethathas beenreduced5.3%sincethelastrevaluation,thishasresultedinthecounty’spropertytaxrevenuesremaining relativelyflatoverthattimeperiod,whilethecoststoprovidecountyserviceshasincreasedsignificantly.These fiscalconstraintsrequirethecountytobefiscallyconsciousinitsofferingcontinuedandenhancedservices.With thoseconstraintsinmind,countystaffevaluatedandprioritizeditsservicesandreallocatedresourcesconsistent withthatevaluation,whichresultedinthescalebackoreliminationofcertainprograms. IbelievethisproposedbudgetensuresthatNewHanoverCountycontinuestoprovidehigh-qualityservicestothe community,whileassuringfinancialsustainabilityandalignmentwiththecounty’sstrategicplan. Therecommendedbudgetforallfundsis$543.1million,highlightsoftheFY2024–2025recommendedbudget include: x Noincreasestotaxes x NoincreasetotheFire-Rescuetaxrateintheunincorporatedcounty x NoprincipalusageoftheRevenueStabilizationFund x Increaseinthestormwaterfeeby8%to$6.14ERU/monthforcontinuedandenhancedlevelofservices x Employeewageincreaseof3.88percenttomatchtheriseininflationoverthepastyear x IncreasedoperatingcontributiontoNewHanoverCountyPublicSchoolsby$5.5million x MaintainedfundingforCapeFearCommunityCollegeconsistentwiththeprioryear 2     x Continuedcommitmentof$3millionfortheWorkforceHousingServicesProgram x $1.6millioninNon-CountyAgencyFunding,levelfundingwiththeprioryear x ContinuationofhavingSchoolResourceOfficersineachofourpublicschools x ContinuationofthebaselineandexpandedElementsandTooGoodforViolenceprograms x ContinuationofthebaselineandexpandedSeniorResourceCentercongregatemeals x EliminationofPortCityUnitedwithintegrationofitsemployeesintoothercountypositions Revenues Thisspendingplanisbalancedatthecurrentpropertytaxrateof45centsper$100ofvalue,with2.10centofthe ratededicatedtotheDebtServiceFundtopayforprioryearvoter-approveddebt,andtheremaining42.90cents fundinggeneralgovernmentoperations.Withapproximately$1.06billionaddedtothetaxbaseoverthepast year,theestimatedtaxbaseforFY2024–2025is$51.64billion.Thisequatestoanannualgrowthrateof2.1 percent. Salestaxreceiptsbegantoslowthiscurrentfiscalyear,andaccordinglytherecommendedbudgetforthenext fiscalyearmaintainsthesalestaxcollectionsatthesamelevelaswasbudgetedforfiscalyear2023-2024. ThesaleoftheNewHanoverRegionalMedicalCenterprovidedthecountywithanopportunitytomaintaincounty serviceswiththeRevenueStabilizationFundandaddressmentalhealthandsubstanceusedisorderswiththe MentalandBehavioralHealthFund. TheFY2024–2025recommendationincludes$16.6millionintotalfundingfromtheRevenueStabilizationFund andMentalandBehavioralHealthescrows.Thisplanproposesthefollowing: RevenueStabilizationFund x $6.1millionininteresttosupportgeneralfundservicesandoperationsofthecounty x TherecommendedbudgetincludesnoprincipalusageoftheRevenueStabilizationFund MentalandBehavioralHealthFund x $1.7millionininterest,whichincludes$621Kofprioryearinterestearnings x $8.8millioninprincipal x Thesefundswilladdresscomprehensivestrategiestoaddressmentalandphysicalhealth,includingthe County’sGettingHomeStreetOutreachInitiative,aswellasfundingthecounty’scommitmentto providinganurseineverypublicschoolandprovidingaccesstomentalhealthcounselorsforevery studentinmiddleandhighschool. AmericanRescuePlan TheAmericanRescuePlanpresentedaonceinagenerationopportunitytofundservicesforthecountywithout ataximpactonresidentsandbusinesses.Fortherecommendedbudget,$4.2millionisproposedtobeutilized inFY2024–2025.Theplanproposesthefollowing: x $3.0millionforhousingcommitment–providingqualityandaffordablehousingisessentialforqualityof lifeandgrowingNewHanoverCounty’seconomicbase. x $975kforPre-KExpansionclassrooms–theimportanceofqualityearlychildhoodeducationsetsthestage foracademicsuccess;thisthirdyearofexpandingthisprogramallowsNewHanoverCountySchoolsto providePre-Kservicesinsixadditionalclassrooms. 3     x $251Kforgeneralgovernmentservices NewHanoverCountyStrategicPlan OnJuly17,2023,theCountyadoptedthenewfive-yearstrategicplanthatwillhelpguideoperations,services, andinitiativesforFiscalYears2024-2028.ThisisthethirdstrategicplanadoptedbyNewHanoverCounty.The planwasdevelopedinpartfromprioritiesidentifiedbytheBoardofCommissioners,communitypartners,and resultsfromtheCommunitySurveysharedinearly2023.Thefocusareasdefinedbythenewstrategicplanare: x WorkforceandEconomicDevelopment x CommunitySafetyandWell-being x SustainableLandUseandEnvironmentalStewardship Additionally,theplanfeaturesafoundationalbasisforoperatingcountygovernmentunderthemodelofgood governance,whichcentersaroundeffectivecountymanagement,strongfinancialperformanceandresponsible stewardship. WorkforceandEconomicDevelopment Therecommendedbudgetincludesfundinginsupportofthehardworkinganddedicatedcountyemployees. Employeeswillreceivea3.88percentcostoflivingadjustmentinFY2025.Thisisinlinewiththeconsumerprice indexchangefromtheprioryear,whichmeansthatemployeeswillhaveadditionalincometooffsettheincreasing costsofconsumergoods. Also,therecommendedbudgetcontinuesthecounty’scommitmenttoworkforcehousinginitiatives.TheFY2024 –2025budgetincludes$3milliondollarstofundthethirdyearofafive-yearcommitmentfortheWorkforce HousingServicesProgram.Thismeans,thecountywillhavefunded$9millionofa$15milliondollarcommitment incollaborationwithThePlanning&LandUseDepartmentandwiththeJointCounty/CityWorkforceHousing AdvisoryCounciltoincreasethesupplyofresidentialunits,retainexistingaffordablehousingstock,andincrease residents’accesstoaffordablehomes. Forthesecondyear,Iamrecommendingthatthecountybudget$250KforusebytheWilmingtonInternational Airporttomarketnewairroutestothecounty.Ourairporthasexperiencedsignificantgrowth,bothintermsof airpassengersandnewairroutes,andisakeydriverofgrowthtothearea.Ibelievethisisawiseinvestmentto continuethestrongmomentumthattheairporthasexperienced. Thisbudgetalsoincludes$750KinsupplementalfundingtoWAVE,thecounty’stransitsystem.WAVEisimproving thefrequencyandstructureofitsroutesandremainsanimportantcomponenttoprovidingaffordable transportationtothecounty’scitizens,aswellasattemptingtominimizeautomobiletraffic.WithWAVE experiencingthesunsettingofcertainfederalfunding,thissupplementalfundingbythecountyisnecessaryto ensurewehaveathrivingtransitsystem. TheproposedFY2025alsobudgets$1.1millionrelatedtoaneconomicincentiveagreementthattheBoardof CommissionersrecentlyapprovedtoassistwiththeinfrastructureandconstructionofbuildingsattheWilmington TradeCenterlocatedonUS421inNewHanoverCounty.Thisexcitingprojectenvisions13buildingswith3.3 millionsquarefeetandover2,000jobsandisexpectedtofuelgrowthinthenortherpartofthecounty.   4     NewHanoverPublicSchools Thetotalrecommendedfundingforpublicschoolsis$122.7millionacrossallcategories.Ourcommitmentto fundinghigh-qualityeducationremainsatoppriorityforthecounty.Publicschooleducationfundingrepresents 33percentoftheFY2024–2025recommendedspendingplanforthecounty’sgeneralfund. Thecounty’spublicschoolsarefacingafiscalchallengethatislargelyassociatedwiththeexpirationoffederal fundsthatwereappropriatedduringthepandemic,aswellasdecliningenrollmentthathasnegativelyimpacted bothstateandfederalfunding. Tominimizethepotentialimpactofhavingtoreducestudent-facingpositions,Iamrecommendinganincreasein operatingfundingforpublicschoolsof$5.5million(inclusiveofcharterschools)toatotalof$99.56million,that preserves76suchpositions,aswellasfundsmandatedlocalemployeeraisesandbenefitincreasesforalllocally fundedpositions.Thisincreasesthecounty’sAverageDailyMembership(ADM)fundingratefrom$3,434per student,whichalreadycurrentlyranksthe8thhighestamongall100counties,to$3,703perstudent(basedon theschoolsprojectedADMof26,889). Thisproposedbudgetalsomaintains$1.95millioninfundingfortheNewHanoverCountySchoolsPre-Kprogram, whichweunderstandwillpreservealltwelveclassroomscurrentlyintheprogram.Thesestructuredclassrooms providestructuredlearningenvironmentsforthreeandfour-yearoldstudents,withthegoalofhavingstudents academically,socially,andemotionallyreadytoenterkindergarten. ForFY2024–2025,IamnotrecommendinganynewcapitalallocationforNewHanoverCountySchools.The schoolsystemhasapproximately$11.4millioninprioryearcapitalallocationand$2.0millioninlotteryproceeds areexpected.Ibelievetheschoolsystemwillbeabletoaccomplishtheirannualcapitalneedswiththesecurrent funds.Therecommendedbudgetalsoincludes$21.2millionindebtobligationsforschoolsystemdebt obligations. Inadditiontotheabovefundingallocations,thecountycontinuestosupportpublicschoolsthroughcounty personnelthatarededicatedtotheschools.Thisincludes61schoolresourceofficersand47schoolnurseswho providecoverageatallpublicschools,aswellas35school-basedmentalhealththerapistswhoprovidecoverage forallschools.Thecounty’sfundingforthesepositionshashistoricallybeenpartiallyoffsetbytheschoolsinthe formofpaymentsbacktothecounty.Whiletheschoolshaveinformedthecountythattheywillneedtoreduce theamountofthosepaymentsby$2.1millioninFiscal2024-2025,Ibelieveitisinthebestinterestofthecounty’s schoolchildrentocontinuetofullyfundthesepositions.Thefundingfortheschoolnurseswillmovefromthe GeneralFundtotheMentalHealthandSubstanceUseFund,whilethefundingfortheschooltherapistswillmove frombeingGeneralFundandARPfundedtotheMentalHealthandSubstanceUseFund. CapeFearCommunityCollege Therecommendedbudgetincludesatotalof$23.6millionforCapeFearCommunityCollege,whichisinclusiveof operatingexpensesaswellascapitalallocation.OperatingforCapeFearCommunityCollegeisrecommendedat $11.9milliondollarswithanadditional$1.9millionincapitaloutlay.Thisrecommendationkeepsthecommunity collegelevel-fundedwiththepriorfiscalyear. Thiscomingfiscalyear,thecountywillpay$9.7millionindebtserviceonbehalfofCapeFearCommunityCollege. Thesepaymentsaretoservicepriorapproveddebtforcapitalimprovementsforthecommunitycollege.  5     CommunitySafetyandWellͲbeing CommunitySafetyandWell-beingisatoppriorityforNewHanoverCounty.Therecommendedbudgetincludes continuationofthecounty’ssuccessfulElementsandTooGoodforViolencePrograms,whicharebothaimedat growingouryouthintosuccessfuladultsbyteachingthemlifeskillsandstrategiestoavoidviolence.Thecounty expandedtheseprogramstwoyearsagoandthisbudgetrecommendsthattheseprogramscontinueattheir expandedlevel. AndasInotedabove,IamalsorecommendingthatthecountycontinueourcommitmenttohavingaSchool ResourceOfficerassignedtoeverypublicschool.Ibelievethesesheriffdeputieshavebecomeanintegralpartof theschoolsystemandserveourstudentswell. Thisbudgetalsoincludes$1.8millioninvariousinvestmentstopublicsafety,healthandhumanservices,and x Upgradesfor911communicationsdispatchconsoles x Newdoorcontrolsystemupgradesatthedetentioncenter x Additionalcamerasystemsatthesheriff'soffice x Newshelterstoragefacilities x Enhancedcommunicationtechnology x Hybridvehiclereplacementsforsocialservices InvestmentsinthementalandbehavioralhealthspacewereintroducedintheFY2023–2024budgettoaddress opioidandsubstanceuseepidemic.TheMentalHealthandSubstanceUseFund(MHSUF),whichwasmade availablebythesaleofNewHanoverRegionalMedicalCenterandisestablishedsimilarlytotheRevenue StabilizationFund,isusedtoallocateresourcestoadvancetheMentalHealthandSubstanceUseDisorder Strategyandsupportaportionofthefundingplan.Therecommendedspendplanis$1.88millionandisshown below,whichisinadditiontotheplanneduseoftheMHSUFtofundpublicschoolnursesandtherapistsandthe county’sGettingHomestreetoutreachinitiative. RecommendedUseAmount CrisisInterventionTeam$25,000 MentalHealthOutreach&Education$20,000 MentalHealthPublicServiceAnnouncements$25,000 CliniciansEmbeddedwith911$537,670 CommunityOutreachWorkers$200,000 EmployeeAssistanceProgram–FirstResponders$141,504 ScholarshipforMentalHealthProfessionals$50,000 MentalHealthHousingSupport$250,000 UninsuredMentalHealthOutpatientServices$125,000 PsychiatricFellowshipProgram$210,000 MedNorth$214,660 911Consoles$84,130  TheOpioidSettlementFundsaremadepossiblebygovernmentalsettlementswiththemajorpharmaceutical manufacturersanddistributorstotalingover$55billion.Theagreementsecures$1.5billionforthestateofNorth Carolina,thestatehasallocatedtopassdown85percentofthefundstolocalgovernments.NewHanoverCounty iscurrentlyscheduledtoreceive$33.7millionoverthenext18years.Therecommendedbudgetcontinuesto 6     utilizethisallocationtofundevidence-basedaddictiontreatmentandpreventionaswellassupportthroughthe recoveryprocess.FundingoftheOpioidSettlementFundsis$3.38millionandisrecommendedasfollows: RecommendedUseAmount EmploymentRelatedServices$40,000 OutpatientServicesfortheUninsured$125,000 HousingSupport$250,000 OutreachandEducation$20,000 PublicServiceAnnouncements$25,000 DARE$20,000 MATforEMS(CommunityParamedics)$292,000 MedNorth–Outreach,ODUServicesandSupport$268,369 NCHSNaloxoneReplacement$20,000 Tides$350,000 RecoveredUnplugged–InpatientTreatment$160,000 HealingPlace$1,186,250 StaffingSupport$92,000 WraparoundSupportServices$250,000 ExpansionofMATatDetentionCenter$182,000 WithdrawalManagementWearableDevices(CoastalHorizonsandOpiAID)$100,000 Total$3,380,619  FireRescueͲ$24,512,130 TheproposedpropertytaxrateforFY2024–2025remainsat7.25cents.Thetaxbaseisexpectedtoincreaseby 2.41percentoverFY2024from$19.4billionto$19.9billion. SustainableLandUseandEnvironmentalStewardship SustainableLandUseandEnvironmentalStewardshipisanimportantpartofNewHanoverCounty’sStrategic Plan,thispilarfocusesoncontinuedgrowthanddevelopment,protectionofnaturalresourcesandenvironmental features,andenhancingculturalamenities.Amajorinitiativeduringthecomingfiscalyearwillbeforthecounty toupdateitscomprehensivelanduseplan,whichwascreatedin2016andhasbeenguidingthecounty’sgrowth sincethen.Thisbudgetincludes$450Kforservicesconnectedtoupdatethatplanbasedonacurrentmarket analysis. RecyclingandSolidWasteͲ$23,852,859 TheproposedtippingfeeforFY2024–2025remainsat$52perton. Thisrecommendationincludestwonewpositions,oneFiscalSupportTechnicianandanEnvironmentalTechnician tomaintainhighqualitylevelsofservice.Thisrecommendationalsoincludesasignificantinvestmentof$1.2 millionforawasteshredder.Thewasteshredderwillefficientlyreducethesizeandvolumeofwaste,allowing formoreefficienttransportation,storage,andprocessing.ThisinvestmenthighlightstheimportanceNew HanoverCountyplacesonenvironmentalsustainabilityandthelongevityofourlandfills.   7     StormwaterServicesSpecialRevenueFundͲ$4,729,934 TheproposedannualfeefortheStormwaterservicesprogramisrecommendedtoincreaseto$6.14per EquivalentResidentialUnit(ERU)permonth. Includedintherecommendedbudgetis$270Kforequipmentneedssuchasanexcavatorandavacuumtrailer. Thisequipmentisvitaltothedailyoperationsandmaintainqualityservicelevels. FiscalConstraint Inotedatthebeginningofthisletteraboutthecountyhavingrelativelyflattaxrevenue,whilethecoststoprovide servicehasincreasedsignificantly.Inadditiontothosefactors,AmericanRescuePlanfundingforcertainprograms hassunset.Andsowithagoaltoalsominimizetaxes,countystaffhasevaluatedourprogramsandprioritiesand recommendsthefollowingprogrammaticchangesandausteritymeasuresinordertohaveabalancedbudget withouttheneedtousethecorpusoftheRevenueStabilizationFund: x Thisbudgetrecommendsthatthecounty’sPortCityUniteddepartmentcease,includingtheCommunity ResourceCoordinatorsthatwerecontractedtoworkintheschools.Thisdepartmentwascreatedtwo yearsagoinanefforttoreduceviolenceandconnectallcornersofthecommunitytoneededservices. Asnotedabove,wewillcontinuewithotherviolencepreventionprogramsandwillcontinueourefforts withinourHealth&SocialServicestoensurethatallcitizenshaveaccesstotheservicesandprograms theyneed. x InJune2023,inanefforttoaddressstaffshortages,thecountyincreasedthepayforcertainemployees workingovertimeinthecounty’sdetentionfacilityfrom1.5xtheirbaserateto2.0x.Consistentwiththe intentthatthiswastobeatemporarymeasure,Iproposemovingtheovertimeratebackto1.5xforthe newfiscalyear. x Departmentmanagersidentifiedatotal$1.35millioninsavingsfromtheirbudgetsforthenewfiscalyear fromwhattheyoriginallyproposed.Itistypicaleachyearthatanamountofbudgetedfundsareavailable butarenotexpended.Ourmanagerscloselyreviewedtheirbudgetsandidentifiedexpendituresthat couldbesavedordeferredwithoutthedegradationofservicesprovidedtoourcitizens. x Forthethirdconsecutiveyear,thebudgetdoesnotincludemeritraises,onlythe3.88%cost-of-living adjustment. x ThisbudgetceasestofundtheUnitedWayCapacityBuildingandTechnicalCertificationsPrograms. Enhancements Iamrecommendingatotalof$3.2millioninGeneralFundenhancements,whichprimarilyincludes: x $1.6millionforanewdoorsystematthedetentioncenter x $450Kforthecomprehensivelanduseplanstudy x $225KfortheresurfacingoftheLaney&OgdenParktenniscourts x $321kforninenewemployees,asfollows:5employeesforMedicaidExpansion(50%statedfunded),1 employeefortheCooperativeExtension(100%reimbursedbyanon-profit),3newemployeesforParks &Gardensthatareneededtomaintainthecounty’sgrowingparks.   8     NonͲCountyAgencyFunding NewHanoverCountyiscommittedtoprovidingfinancialassistancetononprofitagencieswhichassistthecounty incarryingoutvitalservicesandourstrategicobjectives.Therecommendedbudgetincludes$1.6millionforour Non-CountyAgencypartners,thisrecommendationislevelfundingattheprioryearamount.The recommendationwillfund70agenciesintheupcomingfiscalyear. CapitalPlanning Iamrecommending$16.95millioninthecapitalimprovementplan(CIP)forFY2024–2025acrossallfunds.This planleveragesthecounty’sexcellentbondratingsandmarketconditions.Sourcesoffundingincludebonded debt,grantsanddonations,andgeneralfundrevenues. CapitalimprovementPlan IamrecommendingthefollowingincapitalprojectexpensesfortheGeneralFund,totaling$12.1million: ProjectAmount NorthsideFoodCoop$6,792,000 NCSUExtensionService:AdminBuildingReplacement$1,400,000 Parks:SouthCollegeRd.Trail$3,565,000 Parks:TrailsEndPier$350,000  TheNorthsideFoodCoopitemnotedaboveisthebudgetingoffundstobereceivedbytheNewHanover CommunityEndowment. ThefollowingcapitalprojectsarerecommendedintheRecyclingandSolidWasteFund,totaling$4.1million: ProjectAmount SouthernPropertyConstructionCells$2,000,000 LagoonRelining$1,300,000 SolarFarm$50,000 NewAdminBuilding$700,000  ThefollowingcapitalprojectsarerecommendedintheFireRescueFund,totaling$800K: ProjectAmount Sidbury/HollyShelterStation$350,000 SouthernStation$450,000  CapitalOutlay Atotalof$5.1millionofcapitaloutlayisrecommendedintheGeneralFundforFY2024–2025.Notedbeloware someofthemajorcapitaloutlaymaintenanceandrepairs,specializedequipment,vehicles,orothercategories recommendedforfunding. x $200,000forreplacementofITequipment x $3.0millionfor84replacementvehicles–80ofthesearefortheSheriffOffice 9     x $350,000forHVACreplacementsattheSeniorCenterand320Chestnut x $633,090foradditionalSheriffofficeequipmentreplacementneeds x $81,000formowingequipmentreplacement INCLOSING Thisrecommendedbudgetappropriatestaxpayerdollarstotheboard’sstrategicprioriƟesandmaintainsthe GeneralFundpropertytaxrateof45centsper$100ofvalue.Itismyopinionthatthisplanandtheassociated ratesensureasustainableapproachtogovernanceandprovideforfuturecountybudgetneeds. Whiletheresponsibilityfallsuponmeascountymanagertorecommendabalancedbudget,asagoverningboard youwouldnotbeinaposiƟontoconsiderastrategicandbalancedbudgetfor FY2024-2025withoutthededicated workfromthecounty’sExecuƟveLeadershipTeam,ourdepartmentdirectors,theFinanceDepartmentandBudget staī,andallNewHanoverCountyemployees. IlookforwardtoworkingwithyouontheadopƟonoftheFY2024-2025budgetforNewHanoverCounty.   Sincerely,    ChrisCoudriet CountyManager    10 New Hanover County Strategic Plan ƒ3URYLGHHTXLWDEOHH΍HFWLYHDQGHɝFLHQW FXVWRPHUGULYHQSUDFWLFHV ƒ$OLJQVHUYLFHVDQGSURJUDPVZLWKVWUDWHJLF SULRULWLHV ƒ&RPPXQLFDWHZKDWWKHFRXQW\GRHVDQGZK\ ƒ'HYHORSDQGQXUWXUHLQFOXVLYHSDUWQHUVKLSV WRGHOLYHUVWUDWHJLFREMHFWLYHV 1HZ+DQRYHU&RXQW\LVFRPPLWWHGWRSURYLGLQJ HTXLWDEOHRSSRUWXQLWLHVDQGH[FHSWLRQDOSXEOLF VHUYLFHVWKURXJKJRRGJRYHUQDQFHWRHQVXUHDVDIH KHDOWK\VHFXUHDQGWKULYLQJFRPPXQLW\IRUDOO $YLEUDQWSURVSHURXVGLYHUVHFRDVWDO FRPPXQLW\FRPPLWWHGWREXLOGLQJD VXVWDLQDEOHIXWXUHIRUJHQHUDWLRQVWRFRPH ƒ&RQWLQXRXVIRFXVRQWKH FXVWRPHUH[SHULHQFH ƒΖQFUHDVHWUDQVSDUHQF\ DQGDZDUHQHVVDERXW FRXQW\DFWLRQV ƒ'HOLYHUTXDOLW\VHUYLFHDW WKHULJKWWLPH ƒ0LQLPL]HWD[HVDQGIHHV ƒ3URDFWLYHO\PDQDJHWKH FRXQW\EXGJHW ƒ3ODQIRUWKHORQJWHUP ȴQDQFLDOKHDOWKRIWKHFRXQW\ ƒ5HGXFHFDUERQIRRWSULQW DWRXUIDFLOLWLHV ƒ5HGXFHFDUERQIRRWSULQW RIRXUȵHHW ƒ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• EQUITY • INTEGRITY • INNOVATION • STEWARDSHIP • ACCOUNTABILITY (΍HFWLYH&RXQW\0DQDJHPHQW 6WURQJ)LQDQFLDO3HUIRUPDQFH ΖQWHUQDO%XVLQHVV3URFHVVHV ƒ+LUHDQGUHWDLQSHRSOHFRPPLWWHGWRSXEOLF VHUYLFH ƒ)RVWHUDQDJLOHFXOWXUHWKDWHPEUDFHV GLYHUVLW\DQGGULYHVLQQRYDWLYHVROXWLRQV ƒ%XLOGFDSDFLW\IRUGDWDGULYHQGHFLVLRQPDNLQJ ƒ(QJDJHLQDQGDSSO\FRQWLQXRXVOHDUQLQJ 2UJDQL]DWLRQDO&DSDFLW\ &RPPXQLW\)RFXVHG2XWFRPHV 7KH)RXQGDWLRQRI*RRG*RYHUQDQFH %XVLQHVV3ULQFLSOHVRI1HZ+DQRYHU&RXQW\ 5HVSRQVLEOH6WHZDUGVKLS 9LVLRQ 0LVVLRQ )< (΍HFWLYHDQGHɝFLHQWLQDOOWKDWZHGR (DV\WRGREXVLQHVVZLWKDQGFRQVLVWHQWLQKRZZHGRLW 5HVSRQVLYHDQGSURIHVVLRQDOLQRXUVHUYLFH (΍HFWLYHDQGHɝFLHQWLQDOOWKDWZHGR (DV\WRGREXVLQHVVZLWKDQGFRQVLVWHQWLQKRZZHGRLW 5HVSRQVLYHDQGSURIHVVLRQDOLQRXUVHUYLFH $GRSWHG-XO\ Workforce & Economic Development Sustainable Land Use & Environmental Stewardship Community Safety & Well-being The Model of Good Governance 12 New Hanover County Strategic Plan 6WUDWHJLF2EMHFWLYHV 'HYHORSDFUDGOHWRFDUHHU SLSHOLQHWRHQVXUHOLIHORQJ OHDUQLQJDQGHPSOR\PHQW VXFFHVV 3ODQIRUWKHORQJWHUPQHHGV RIEXVLQHVVHVWKURXJKWLPHO\ LQQRYDWLYHSURJUDPVDQG FRPPXQLW\SDUWQHUVKLSV /HDGWKHDUHDLQZHOOSODQQHG LQIUDVWUXFWXUHFUHDWLRQDQG UHVRXUFHV 0DLQWDLQDFRXQW\XQHPSOR\PHQWUDWHORZHUWKDQWKHVWDWH $FKLHYHDQDYHUDJHZDJHJURZWKKLJKHUWKDQWKHVWDWH 0DLQWDLQQHZEXVLQHVVJURZWKZLWKLQRIWKHVWDWH &RXQW\VDOHVWD[b\HDURYHU\HDUJURZWKKLJKHUWKDQWKHVWDWH $FKLHYHDSRVLWLYHUHWXUQRQLQYHVWPHQWIRULQIUDVWUXFWXUHSURMHFWV RUIXQGLQJZLWKLQ\HDUV &RXQW\KDV*'3SHUFDSLWDJURZWKKLJKHUWKDQWKHVWDWH 3URYLGHHTXLWDEOHH΍HFWLYHDQGHɝFLHQWFXVWRPHUGULYHQSUDFWLFHV $OLJQVHUYLFHVDQGSURJUDPVZLWKVWUDWHJLFSULRULWLHV &RPPXQLFDWHZKDWWKHFRXQW\GRHVDQGZK\ +LUHDQGUHWDLQSHRSOHFRPPLWWHGWRSXEOLFVHUYLFH )RVWHUDQDJLOHFXOWXUHWKDWHPEUDFHVGLYHUVLW\DQGGULYHVLQQRYDWLYHVROXWLRQV %XLOGFDSDFLW\IRUGDWDGULYHQGHFLVLRQV (QJDJHLQDQGDSSO\FRQWLQXRXVOHDUQLQJ &DUERQ)RRWSULQW5HGXFWLRQ $GRSWHG-XO\ RIUHVSRQGHQWVUHSRUWWKH\DUHVDWLVȴHGZLWKWKHOHYHORIVHUYLFHVWKHFRXQW\SURYLGHVDQGDUHWUHDWHGIDLUO\E\WKH1HZ+DQRYHU&RXQW\WHDP RIDOOIRFXVDUHDPHWULFVDUHPDNLQJSRVLWLYHSURJUHVV RIUHVSRQGHQWVUHSRUWWKH\XQGHUVWDQGWKHGHFLVLRQVWKHFRXQW\PDNHV RIFRQWUROODEOHORVVHVGXULQJWKHȴVFDO\HDUZHUHIURPKLJKSHUIRUPHUV 2UJDQL]DWLRQDOGLYHUVLW\DVVHVVPHQWPDWFKHVRXUFRXQW\GHPRJUDSKLFZLWKLQRI&HQVXVGHPRJUDSKLF RIDOOGHSDUWPHQW.3ΖVDUHPHW RIFRXQW\HPSOR\HHVUHSRUWWKH\KDYHRUDUHUHFHLYLQJFRQWLQXRXVHGXFDWLRQWUDLQLQJUHODWHGWRWKHLUMRE 5HGXFHFDUERQIRRWSULQWE\DWRXUIDFLOLWLHVDQGȵHHW 5HGXFHGHPDQGDQGFRQVXPSWLRQDWQHZO\FRQVWUXFWHGIDFLOLWLHVE\ 5HVLGHQWVDUHSURYLGHG HTXLWDEOHRSSRUWXQLWLHVWR FRQQHFWWRHGXFDWLRQDQG KLJKO\VNLOOHGHPSOR\PHQW $EXVLQHVVIULHQGO\ HQYLURQPHQWWKDWSURPRWHV JURZWKDJLOLW\DQG FROODERUDWLRQ 5HVLOLHQWLQIUDVWUXFWXUHGULYHV HFRQRPLFJURZWKDQG RSSRUWXQLWLHV &RQQHFWUHVLGHQWVWR LQGLYLGXDOL]HGVHUYLFHVDWWKH ULJKWWLPHZLWKDYDULHW\RI VHUYLFHSURYLGHUV (΍HFWLYHO\DQGHɝFLHQWO\ UHVSRQGWRSXEOLFKHDOWK DQGVDIHW\GHPDQGV %XLOGUHODWLRQVKLSVDQG FUHDWHRSSRUWXQLWLHVWKDW HQKDQFHHQJDJHPHQWIRU DGLYHUVHFRPPXQLW\ 5HGXFHWRSFDXVHVRISUHPDWXUHGHDWKE\ •&DQFHU +HDUW'LVHDVHVȂDQQXDOO\RYHU\HDUV •$FFLGHQWVDQQXDOO\RYHU\HDUV $FKLHYHPHQWDOKHDOWKFDUHSURYLGHUUDWLRRIUHVLGHQWVSURYLGHU RIXUJHQWFDOOVDUHGLVSDWFKHGZLWKLQVHFRQGV RI)LUH5HVFXHUHVSRQVHVDUHWLPHO\DQGDUULYHZLWKLQ Rɝ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ΖQFUHDVHWKHKRXVLQJVXSSO\WRDOHYHORIRQHUHVLGHQWLDOXQLW SHUWZRUHVLGHQWV 5HGXFHWKHQXPEHURIQHZUHVLGHQWLDOORWVFUHDWHGLQVSHFLDO ȵRRGKD]DUGDUHDVZLWKLQWKHXQLQFRUSRUDWHGFRXQW\ 5HGXFHEDFWHULDOFRQWDPLQDQWVLQFRXQW\FUHHNV ΖQFUHDVHDWWHQGDQFHDWFRXQW\RSHUDWHGFXOWXUDODQG UHFUHDWLRQIDFLOLWLHV 5HVLGHQWVUHSRUWWKHLUFXOWXUHLVYDOXHGLQ1HZ+DQRYHU&RXQW\ 7KURXJKSODQQHGJURZWKDQG GHYHORSPHQWUHVLGHQWVKDYH DFFHVVWRWKHLUEDVLFQHHGV 1DWXUDODUHDVDQGFULWLFDO HQYLURQPHQWDOIHDWXUHVDUH HQKDQFHGDQGSURWHFWHG &XOWXUDODPHQLWLHVWKDW HQKDQFHTXDOLW\RISODFH DUHVDIHJXDUGHG 'HVLUHG2XWFRPHV 7DUJHWV 6WUDWHJLF2EMHFWLYHV'HVLUHG2XWFRPHV PROFESSIONALISM • EQUITY • INTEGRITY • INNOVATION • STEWARDSHIP • ACCOUNTABILITY 7DUJHWV 6WUDWHJLF2EMHFWLYHV'HVLUHG2XWFRPHV 7DUJHWV 6WUDWHJLF2EMHFWLYHV 7DUJHWV )< $GRSWHG-XO\ Workforce & Economic Development Sustainable Land Use & Environmental Stewardship Community Safety & Well-being Good Governance 13 Pr o g r a m  / In i t i a t i v e  Na m e Fu n d i n g  St r e a m N. C .  Op i o i d  Se t t l e m e n t  Li s t  A/ B R e c u r r i n g / O n e ‐Ti m e Y e a r  1 Y e a r  2 Y e a r  3 Y e a r  4 Y e a r  5 T o t a l  5 Ye a r D. A . R . E . Op i o i d  Fu n d s Li s t  B,  It e m  K1 On e ‐Ti m e 60 , 0 0 0                                  20 , 0 0 0                                  ‐                                              ‐                                              ‐                                              80 , 0 0 0                                        Ou t r e a c h  & Ed u c a t i o n  ‐   OU D  fo c u s Op i o i d  Fu n d s Li s t  B,  It e m  G2 Re c u r r i n g   20 , 0 0 0                                  20 , 0 0 0                                  20 , 0 0 0                                  20 , 0 0 0                                  20 , 0 0 0                                  10 0 , 0 0 0                                    Pu b l i c  Se r v i c e  An n o u n c e m e n t  / de s t i g m a t i z a t i o n  of  SU D Op i o i d  Fu n d s Li s t  B,  It e m  G2 Re c u r r i n g 25 , 0 0 0                                  25 , 0 0 0                                  25 , 0 0 0                                  25 , 0 0 0                                  25 , 0 0 0                                  12 5 , 0 0 0                                    Ou t r e a c h  & Ed u c a t i o n  ‐   me n t a l  he a l t h  fo c u s MH  & SU D  Fu n d N/ A Re c u r r i n g   20 , 0 0 0                                  20 , 0 0 0                                  20 , 0 0 0                                  20 , 0 0 0                                  20 , 0 0 0                                  10 0 , 0 0 0                                    Cr i s i s  In t e r v e n t i o n  Te a m  (C I T )  Tr a i n i n g MH  & SU D  Fu n d N/ A Re c u r r i n g 25 , 0 0 0                                  25 , 0 0 0                                  25 , 0 0 0                                  25 , 0 0 0                                  25 , 0 0 0                                  12 5 , 0 0 0                                    Pu b l i c  Se r v i c e  An n o u n c e m e n t  / de s t i g m a t i z a t i o n  of  MH   MH  & SU D  Fu n d N/ A Re c u r r i n g 25 , 0 0 0                                  25 , 0 0 0                                  25 , 0 0 0                                  25 , 0 0 0                                  25 , 0 0 0                                  12 5 , 0 0 0                                    To t a l ,  Ed u c a t i o n  & Ou t r e a c h  In i t i a t i v e s 17 5 , 0 0 0 $                       13 5 , 0 0 0 $                       11 5 , 0 0 0 $                       11 5 , 0 0 0 $                       11 5 , 0 0 0 $                       65 5 , 0 0 0 $                             Pr o g r a m  / In i t i a t i v e  Na m e Fu n d i n g  St r e a m N. C .  Op i o i d  Se t t l e m e n t  Li s t  A/ B R e c u r r i n g / O n e ‐Ti m e Y e a r  1 Y e a r  2 Y e a r  3 Y e a r  4 Y e a r  5 T o t a l  5 Ye a r M‐A‐T fo r  De t e n t i o n  Ce n t e r  (e v i d e n c e  ba s e d ) Op i o i d  Fu n d s Li s t  B,  It e m  A1 Re c u r r i n g 18 2 , 0 0 0                            18 2 , 0 0 0                            18 2 , 0 0 0                            18 2 , 0 0 0                            18 2 , 0 0 0                            91 0 , 0 0 0                                    M‐A‐T fo r  EM S    (e v i d e n c e  ba s e d ) Op i o i d  Fu n d s Li s t  B,  It e m  A1 Re c u r r i n g 52 0 , 0 0 0                            29 2 , 0 0 0                            29 2 , 0 0 0                            29 2 , 0 0 0                            29 2 , 0 0 0                            1, 6 8 8 , 0 0 0                            NH C  Na l o x o n e  Re p l a c e m e n t Op i o i d  Fu n d s Li s t  B,  It e m  H1 Re c u r r i n g 20 , 0 0 0                                  20 , 0 0 0                                  20 , 0 0 0                                  20 , 0 0 0                                  20 , 0 0 0                                  10 0 , 0 0 0                                    He a l i n g  Pl a c e Op i o i d  Fu n d s Li s t  A,  It e m  3 Re c u r r i n g ‐                                              1, 1 8 6 , 2 5 0                      1, 1 8 6 , 2 5 0                      1, 1 8 6 , 2 5 0                      1, 1 8 6 , 2 5 0                      4, 7 4 5 , 0 0 0                            Ti d e s ,  In c . Op i o i d  Fu n d s Li s t  B,  It e m  E1 Re c u r r i n g ‐                                              35 0 , 0 0 0                            35 0 , 0 0 0                            35 0 , 0 0 0                            35 0 , 0 0 0                            1, 4 0 0 , 0 0 0                            Me d N o r t h  OU D  Ou t p a t i e n t  Tr e a t m e n t  & Su p p o r t Op i o i d  Fu n d s Li s t  A,  It e m  2 Re c u r r i n g ‐                                              26 8 , 3 6 9                            27 2 , 9 2 9                            27 2 , 9 2 9                            27 2 , 9 2 9                            1, 0 8 7 , 1 5 6                            Wi t h d r a w a l  Ma n a g e m e n t  Se r v i c e s Op i o i d  Fu n d s Li s t  B,  It e m  A7 Re c u r r i n g ‐                                              10 0 , 0 0 0                            25 0 , 0 0 0                            50 0 , 0 0 0                            50 0 , 0 0 0                            1, 3 5 0 , 0 0 0                            Me d N o r t h  I/ D D  Se r v i c e s MH  & SU D  Fu n d N/ A Re c u r r i n g ‐                                              21 4 , 6 6 0                            16 6 , 8 9 1                            16 6 , 8 9 1                            16 6 , 8 9 1                            71 5 , 3 3 3                                    Co n s o l e s  fo r  Cl i n i c i a n s  in  91 1 MH  & SU D  Fu n d N/ A On e ‐Ti m e ‐                                              84 , 1 3 0                                  ‐                                              ‐                                              ‐                                              84 , 1 3 0                                        Cl i n i c i a n s  Em b e d d e d  w/  91 1 MH  & SU D  Fu n d N/ A Re c u r r i n g 53 3 , 4 4 1                            53 7 , 6 7 0                            55 2 , 3 2 5                            56 7 , 4 2 5                            58 6 , 8 6 2                            2, 7 7 7 , 7 2 3                            Co m m u n i t y  Ou t r e a c h  Wo r k e r s MH  & SU D  Fu n d N/ A Re c u r r i n g 20 0 , 0 0 0                            20 0 , 0 0 0                            20 0 , 0 0 0                            20 0 , 0 0 0                            20 0 , 0 0 0                            1, 0 0 0 , 0 0 0                            Em p l o y e e  As s i s t a n c e  Pr o g r a m  fo r  Fi r s t  Re s p o n d e r s MH  & SU D  Fu n d N/ A Re c u r r i n g 13 5 , 1 3 2                            14 1 , 5 0 4                            13 5 , 1 3 2                            13 5 , 1 3 2                            13 5 , 1 3 2                            68 2 , 0 3 2                                    Ro b i n  Ho o d  Ro a d  Re n o v a t i o n s MH  & SU D  Fu n d N/ A On e ‐Ti m e 3, 7 0 0 , 0 0 0                      ‐                                              ‐                                              ‐                                              ‐                                              3, 7 0 0 , 0 0 0                            To t a l ,  Ac c e s s  to  Se r v i c e s  an d  Tr e a t m e n t 5, 2 9 0 , 5 7 3 $                 3, 5 7 6 , 5 8 2 $                 3, 6 0 7 , 5 2 7 $                 3, 8 7 2 , 6 2 7 $                 3, 8 9 2 , 0 6 4 $                 20 , 2 3 9 , 3 7 3 $                   Pr o g r a m  / In i t i a t i v e  Na m e Fu n d i n g  St r e a m N. C .  Op i o i d  Se t t l e m e n t  Li s t  A/ B R e c u r r i n g / O n e ‐Ti m e Y e a r  1 Y e a r  2 Y e a r  3 Y e a r  4 Y e a r  5 T o t a l  5 Ye a r Co a s t a l  Ho r i z o n  Po s t  Ov e r d o s e  Re s p o n s e  Te a m   Op i o i d  Fu n d s Li s t  A,  It e m  8 Re c u r r i n g ‐                                              ‐                                              ‐                                              25 0 , 0 0 0                            25 0 , 0 0 0                            50 0 , 0 0 0                                    Em p l o y m e n t  Re l a t e d  Se r v i c e s  fo r  Pe o p l e  in  Tr e a t m e n t  & Re c o v e r y Op i o i d  Fu n d s Li s t  A,  It e m  5 Re c u r r i n g 40 , 0 0 0                                  40 , 0 0 0                                  40 , 0 0 0                                  40 , 0 0 0                                  40 , 0 0 0                                  20 0 , 0 0 0                                    Op i o i d  Us e  Di s o r d e r  Tr e a t m e n t  & Me d s  fo r  Un i n s u r e d Op i o i d  Fu n d s Li s t  B,  It e m  A1 Re c u r r i n g 12 5 , 0 0 0                            12 5 , 0 0 0                            12 5 , 0 0 0                            12 5 , 0 0 0                            12 5 , 0 0 0                            62 5 , 0 0 0                                    Re c o v e r y  Ho u s i n g  Su p p o r t Op i o i d  Fu n d s Li s t  A,  It e m  4 Re c u r r i n g 25 0 , 0 0 0                            25 0 , 0 0 0                            25 0 , 0 0 0                            25 0 , 0 0 0                            25 0 , 0 0 0                            1, 2 5 0 , 0 0 0                            Wr a p a r o u n d  Su p p o r t  Se r v i c e s  fo r  Pe o p l e  Tr a n s i t i o n i n g  fr o m  Op i o i d   Tr e a t m e n t Op i o i d  Fu n d s Li s t  B,  It e m  B1 Re c u r r i n g 25 0 , 0 0 0                            25 0 , 0 0 0                            25 0 , 0 0 0                            25 0 , 0 0 0                            25 0 , 0 0 0                            1, 2 5 0 , 0 0 0                            Fa c e  th e  Mu s i c / R e c o v e r y  Un p l u g g e d Op i o i d  Fu n d s Li s t  A,  It e m  2 ‐                                              16 0 , 0 0 0                            16 0 , 0 0 0                            16 0 , 0 0 0                            16 0 , 0 0 0                            64 0 , 0 0 0                                    Sc h o l a r s h i p s  fo r  MH  pr o f e s s i o n s  ‐   li c e n s e d  cl i n i c i a n s ,  so c i a l  wo r k e r s ,   th e r a p i s t s ,  co u n s e l o r s MH  & SU D  Fu n d s N/ A Re c u r r i n g 50 , 0 0 0                                  50 , 0 0 0                                  50 , 0 0 0                                  50 , 0 0 0                                  50 , 0 0 0                                  25 0 , 0 0 0                                    Ps y c h i a t r i c  Fe l l o w s h i p  Pr o g r a m MH  & SU D  Fu n d s N/ A Re c u r r i n g 21 0 , 0 0 0                            21 0 , 0 0 0                            21 0 , 0 0 0                            21 0 , 0 0 0                            21 0 , 0 0 0                            1, 0 5 0 , 0 0 0                            Ho u s i n g  Su p p o r t  fo r  Pe o p l e  in  Me n t a l  He a l t h  Tr e a t m e n t  & Re c o v e r y MH  & SU D  Fu n d s N/ A Re c u r r i n g 25 0 , 0 0 0                            25 0 , 0 0 0                            25 0 , 0 0 0                            25 0 , 0 0 0                            25 0 , 0 0 0                            1, 2 5 0 , 0 0 0                            Me n t a l  He a l t h  Ou t p a t i e n t  Se r v i c e s  fo r  Un i n s u r e d MH  & SU D  Fu n d s N/ A Re c u r r i n g 12 5 , 0 0 0                            12 5 , 0 0 0                            12 5 , 0 0 0                            12 5 , 0 0 0                            12 5 , 0 0 0                            62 5 , 0 0 0                                    To t a l ,  Su s t a i n a b l e  Re c o v e r y  & We l l b e i n g 1, 3 0 0 , 0 0 0 $                 1, 4 6 0 , 0 0 0 $                 1, 4 6 0 , 0 0 0 $                 1, 7 1 0 , 0 0 0 $                 1, 7 1 0 , 0 0 0 $                 7, 6 4 0 , 0 0 0 $                       Pr o g r a m  / In i t i a t i v e  Na m e Fu n d i n g  St r e a m N. C .  Op i o i d  Se t t l e m e n t  Li s t  A/ B R e c u r r i n g / O n e ‐Ti m e Y e a r  1 Y e a r  2 Y e a r  3 Y e a r  4 Y e a r  5 To t a l  5 Ye a r Sa l a r y Op i o i d  Fu n d s Li s t  A,  It e m  1 Re c u r r i n g ‐                                              92 , 0 0 0 . 0 0                      92 , 0 0 0 . 0 0                      92 , 0 0 0 . 0 0                      92 , 0 0 0 . 0 0                      36 8 , 0 0 0 . 0 0                        Ca s h  Re s e r v e  (5 % ) MH  & SU D  Fu n d N/ A On e ‐Ti m e 2, 5 0 0 , 0 0 0                      2, 5 0 0 , 0 0 0                            To t a l ,  Ot h e r 2, 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 $                 92 , 0 0 0 $                           92 , 0 0 0 $                           92 , 0 0 0 $                           92 , 0 0 0 $                           2, 8 6 8 , 0 0 0 $                       Fu n d i n g  So u r c e FY  23 ‐24 FY  24 ‐25 FY  25 ‐26 FY  26 ‐27 fy  27 ‐28 To t a l ,  5 Ye a r s MH  & SU D  Fu n d 7, 7 7 3 , 5 7 3 $                 1, 8 8 2 , 9 6 4 $                 1, 5 9 2 , 4 5 7 $                 1, 6 0 7 , 5 5 7 $                 1, 6 2 6 , 9 9 4 $                 14 , 9 8 4 , 2 1 8 $                   Op i o i d  Fu n d s 1, 4 9 2 , 0 0 0 $                 3, 3 8 0 , 6 1 9 $                 3, 5 1 5 , 1 7 9 $                 4, 0 1 5 , 1 7 9 $                 4, 0 1 5 , 1 7 9 $                 16 , 4 1 8 , 1 5 6 $                   9, 2 6 5 , 5 7 3 $                 5, 2 6 3 , 5 8 2 $                 5, 1 0 7 , 6 3 6 $                 5, 6 2 2 , 7 3 6 $                 5, 6 4 2 , 1 7 3 $                 31 , 4 0 2 , 3 7 3 $                   Me n t a l  He a l t h  & Su b s t a n c e  Us e  Di s o r d e r  Fu n d i n g  St r a t e g y Ed u c a t i o n  & Ou t r e a c h Ot h e r Su s t a i n a b l e  Re c o v e r y  & We l l b e i n g Ac c e s s  to  Se r v i c e s  an d  Tr e a t m e n t 14 Wo r k f o r c e  &  Ec o n o m i c   De v e l o p m e n t Co m m u n i t y   Sa f e t y  &                   We l l ‐be i n g Su s t a i n a b l e  La n d   Us e  &  En v i r o n m e n t a l   St e w a r d s h i p GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT          471,990  Information Technology 21,990           ESChat Radio (Interoperability with Cellular Devices)N R • • 21,990          D/LP • Planning & Land Use 450,000         Comprehensive Plan Update N  O •450,000        GF • HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES      5.0          154,054  Social Services 5.0    154,054         Medicaid Expansion Caseworkers (5) E R 5.0     •118,002        GF • Vehicle Replacement (Hybrid)E O 36,052          D/LP • PUBLIC SAFETY       1,943,764  911 Communications 84,130           Dispatch Consoles E  O • • 84,130          D/LP • Sheriff's Office 1,859,634      Door Control System Upgrade N O 1,629,155     D/LP • Camera System N O 106,700        D/LP • Portable x‐ray Imaging System N O 62,000          D/LP • Fingerprint Reader‐hand held N O 10,000          D/LP • Covered Wagon Trailer (8.5 x 18) N O 16,000          D/LP • Two Shelters (includes gravel)N O 35,779          D/LP • CULTURAL & RECREATIONAL      4.0          611,143  NCSU Extension Services 1.0     20,000           NCSU Associate N R 20,000          GF • Business Coordinator (Position Only)N R 1.0     ‐ OFS • Parks & Gardens 3.0    591,143         South District Grounds Workers E R 2.0     •123,354        GF • Ogden Park Tennis Resurfacing E O ••200,000        D/LP • Laney High School Tennis Courts Resurfacing E O ••135,000        D/LP • Mower and Utility Vehicle for Gov. Center N O •15,500          D/LP • 72 Inch Mower ‐ Athletic Fields N O ••15,000          D/LP • Ride on Blower N O •12,500          D/LP • Turf Aerator N O •10,500          D/LP • Trail and Easment Coordinator N R 1.0     •79,289          GF • TOTAL GENERAL FUND 9.0    3,180,951      STORMWATER SERVICES FUND Excavator N O •150,000        SS • Vacuum Trailer N O •120,000        SS • TOTAL STORMWATER SERVICES FUND 270,000         RECYCLING & SOLID WASTE FUND Waste Shredder NO •1,147,603     RSW • Fiscal Support Technician N R 1.0     32,896          RSW • Environmental Technician N R 1.0     37,293          RSW • TOTAL RECYCLING & SOLID WASTE FUND 2.0    1,217,792      TOTAL ALL FUNDS 11.0  4,668,743      Acronyms: D/LP ‐ Debt/Loan Proceeds GF ‐ General Fund MH ‐ Mental Health OFS ‐ Outside Funding Source SS ‐ Stormwater Services RSW ‐ Recycling & Solid Waste Go o d  Go v e r n a n c e Strategic Focus Area New Hanover County FY24‐25 Adopted Enhancements Ca p i t a l  Ou t l a y FY 2 4 ‐25  Ad o p t e d Du r a t i o n  of  Fu n d i n g No .  of  Po s i t i o n s Bu d g e t  Eq u i t y Fu n d i n g  So u r c e FUND Department Enhancement Ne w / E x i s t i n g   Pr o g r a m / S e r v i c e 15 Parks & Gardens NC Cooperative Ext. & Arboretum Cape Fear Museum Public Library NEW HANOVER COUNTY ORGANIZATIONAL CHART Citizens Legal Attorney Administration Manager Governing Body Clerk County Commissioners Register of DeedsSheriff Chief Facilities Officer Chief Information Officer Budget Intergovernmental Affairs Internal Auditor Health & Human Services Agency Fire Rescue Emergency Management 911 Communications Planning & Land Use Assistant County Manager Assistant County Manager Soil & Water Conserv. District Board of Elections Risk Management Assistant County Manager Social Services Public Health Veteran Services Recovery Services Courts & Juvenile Services Community Justice Services Senior Resource Center (Note: County also provides funding to CFCC & Public Schools (not shown) with no consulting role.) Effective July 1, 2024 General Governance Public Safety Human Services Cultural & Recreational Building Safety Inspections Engineering Stormwater Chief Finance Officer Chief Human Resources Officer ChiefCommunicationsOfficer Chief Diversity & Equity Officer Chief Strategy Officer Recycling & Solid Waste Tax Building Safety Permitting 16 NEW HANOVER COUNTY POSITION SUMMARY BY FUNCTION ADOPTED ADOPTED ADOPTED ADOPTED ADOPTED FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 General Fund: General Government 284 295 326 333 332 Human Services 536 549 588 602 619 Public Safety 711 733 746 746 760 Cultural & Recreational 135 136 138 138 143 Total General Fund 1,666 1,713 1,798 1,819 1,854 Fire Rescue 127 128 132 132 132 Stormwater Services 13 13 14 15 15 Recycling & Solid Waste 37 38 38 41 43 TOTALS 1,843 1,892 1,982 2,007 2,044 FY24-25 adopted position changes include the following (ARPA funded positions are not included in this summary): General Government •One position transferred to Cultural & Recreational (Cape Fear Museum), mid-year •One position transferred to County Mgr. from Information Technology (Sustainability Manager) Human Services •Five new positions in Social Services (Medicaid Expansion Caseworkers) •24 positions transferred from ARPA to Health (Mental Health Therapy (19), Homeless Initiative (5)) •One position transferred from ARPA to the Senior Resource Center (Congregate Meals) •13 positions unfunded in Port City United-Connect (Call Center Supervisor (1), Coordinator (1), and Specialists (11)) Public Safety •Four positions transferred from ARPA for Community Justice Services (Too Good For Violence) •10 positions transferred from ARPA for the Sheriff’s Office (Elements) Cultural & Recreational •One new position in NCSU Extension Services funded by Friends of the Arboretum (Business Coordinator) •Three new positions in Parks & Gardens (two South Districts Grounds Keepers and one Trails and Easement Coordinator) •One position was transferred from General Government (Non-departmental), mid-year Recycling & Solid Waste •Two new positions (Fiscal Support Technician and Environmental Technician) BUDGET FUNCTIONS The County's General Fund budget is comprised of eight functions, shown in the table below. All General Fund expenditures are classified into one of these eight functions. This is the budgetary level of expenditure control as adopted in the budget ordinance. Following is an outline of the Budget Functions for FY24-25: General Government Human Services Public Safety Administration - County Manager Board of Elections Building Safety - Permitting Communications & Outreach Diversity & Equity Engineering Facilities Management Finance Governing Body - Commissioners Human Resources Information Technology Legal/Risk Management Office of Strategy Planning & Land Use Register of Deeds Soil & Water Conservation Tax Health Health & Human Services Admin Non-County Agencies Senior Resource Center Social Services Trillium Health Resources/Other Recovery Services Veteran Services 911 Communications Building Safety - Inspections Community Justice Services Courts Emergency Management Juvenile Services Non-County Agencies Recovery & Resilience Sheriff’s Office Education Cultural and Recreational Economic and Physical Development Cape Fear Community College Library Parks and Gardens Economic Development New Hanover County Schools Museum Non-County Agencies Non-County Agencies NCSU Extension Service Transfers Debt Service Transfers Between Funds Installment Lease Payments Principal, Interest & Fees on Debt 17 FY24‐25 Adopted  Total Revenues1 FY24‐25 Less  Appropriations  from Other Funds FY24‐25  Adopted Net  Revenue FY24‐25  Adopted Total  Expenditures1 FY24‐25 Less  Appropriations  To Other Funds FY24‐25  Adopted Net  Expenditures GENERAL FUND 389,496,999$       1,086,314$               388,410,685$      390,153,976$      ‐$                           390,153,976$       REVENUE STABILIZATION FUND 6,125,663              ‐                             6,125,663             14,680                   ‐                         14,680                    MENTAL HEALTH AND SUBSTANCE USE DISORDER FUND 10,484,254           ‐                             10,484,254           5,005                     ‐                         5,005                      LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER PENSION ‐                          ‐                             ‐                         815,384                ‐                         815,384                 REAPPRAISAL RESERVE ‐                          ‐                             ‐                         170,000                ‐                         170,000                 AUTOMATION ENHANCEMENT & PRESERVATION 122,000                 ‐                             122,000                122,000                ‐                         122,000                 DEBT SERVICE 42,386,786           2,212,936                 40,173,850           57,334,657           ‐                         57,334,657            MODIFIED GENERAL FUND 448,615,702$       3,299,250$               445,316,452$      448,615,702$      ‐$                           448,615,702$       CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS 15,139,936$         820,000$                  14,319,936$         15,139,936$         2,212,936$           12,927,000$          FIRE RESCUE 24,559,130           ‐                             24,559,130           24,559,130           ‐                         24,559,130            FIRE RESCUE ‐ CAPITAL PROJECTS 800,000                 ‐                             800,000                800,000                ‐                         800,000                 ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX FIRST 3%20,234,392           ‐                             20,234,392           20,234,392           820,000                19,414,392            EMERGENCY TELEPHONE SYSTEM 1,627,699              ‐                             1,627,699             1,627,699             1,627,699              OPIOID SETTLEMENT 3,380,619              ‐                             3,380,619             ‐                         3,380,619              STORMWATER SERVICES 4,729,934              ‐                             4,729,934             4,729,934             168,000                4,561,934              SPECIAL PURPOSE 341,008                 ‐                             341,008                341,008                ‐                         341,008                 REPRESENTATIVE PAYEE 220,000                 ‐                             220,000                220,000                ‐                         220,000                 REVOLVING LOAN ‐                          ‐                             ‐                         ‐                          RECYCLING AND SOLID WASTE OPERATING 23,352,859           ‐                             23,352,859           18,393,990           667,696                17,726,294            RECYCLING AND SOLID WASTE CAPITAL RESERVE 250,000                 ‐                             250,000                ‐                          RECYCLING AND SOLID WASTE POST CLOSURE ‐                          ‐                             ‐                         1,158,869             1,158,869              RECYCLING AND SOLID WASTE CAPITAL PROJECTS ‐                          ‐                             ‐                         4,050,000             4,050,000              TOTAL RECYCLING AND SOLID WASTE FUND 23,602,859$         ‐$                               23,602,859$        23,602,859$        667,696$              22,935,163$         TOTAL ALL FUNDS 543,251,279$     4,119,250$            535,751,410$    543,251,279$    3,868,632$        539,382,647$     ______________________ NEW HANOVER COUNTY  SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES AND REVENUES ‐ ALL FUNDS  1Funds that comprise the Modified General Fund and the Recycling and Solid Waste Fund are shown net of intrafund transfers. 18 NEW HANOVER COUNTY GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE COMPARISON Difference Between FY22-23 FY23-24 REVISED FY24-25 FY23-24 Revised and ACTUAL ADOPTED BUDGET ADOPTED FY24-25 Adopted DEPARTMENTS:EXPENSES BUDGET as of 6/30/24 BUDGET $ Change % Change 911 COMMUNICATIONS 8,745,032 8,618,100 9,802,534 8,554,678 (1,247,856) -12.7% ADMINISTRATION - COUNTY MANAGER 1,911,301 1,964,448 2,043,160 2,132,517 89,357 4.4% BOARD OF ELECTIONS 1,438,084 1,703,115 1,878,455 1,778,920 (99,535) -5.3% BUILDING SAFETY-INSPECTIONS 3,522,690 3,998,554 3,998,554 3,867,159 (131,395) -3.3% BUILDING SAFETY-PERMITTING 1,096,741 1,534,718 1,534,718 1,474,460 (60,258) -3.9% COMMUNICATIONS AND OUTREACH 1,026,153 1,142,144 1,189,579 1,227,902 38,323 3.2% COMMUNITY JUSTICE SERVICES 3,263,645 3,679,110 3,972,096 4,065,089 92,993 2.3% COURTS 560,274 811,860 4,252,326 653,362 (3,598,964) -84.6% DIVERSITY AND EQUITY 528,961 585,292 625,292 631,301 6,009 1.0% EDUCATION:- Cape Fear Community College 11,407,742 11,922,167 11,922,167 11,922,167 - 0.0% Cape Fear Community College Capital Contribution 763,508 1,920,000 3,243,492 1,920,000 (1,323,492) -40.8% Cape Fear Community College Debt 10,368,538 10,044,473 10,044,473 9,717,965 (326,508) -3.3% New Hanover County Schools Operating 91,003,649 94,027,460 94,027,460 99,560,894 5,533,434 5.9% New Hanover County Schools Fund 8 - Pre-K 974,844 1,949,844 1,949,844 974,844 (975,000) -50.0% New Hanover County Schools Capital 1,631,533 10,185,950 13,480,417 - (13,480,417) -100.0% Fees Paid on Debt 38,166 40,744 40,744 31,387 (9,357) -23.0% New Hanover County Schools Debt 23,179,885 22,452,492 22,452,492 21,169,476 (1,283,016) -5.7% EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 3,126,101 1,784,950 3,794,659 1,647,336 (2,147,323) -56.6% ENGINEERING 1,076,980 862,423 1,046,258 858,709 (187,549) -17.9% FACILITIES MANAGEMENT 18,021,860 20,448,926 22,608,408 16,804,290 (5,804,118) -25.7% FINANCE 1,621,652 1,720,405 1,846,713 1,244,449 (602,264) -32.6% Non-Departmental 9,256,697 9,180,599 11,498,787 11,847,820 349,033 3.0% Economic Development - - - - - N/A Transfers 8,080,353 2,049,386 8,484,769 - (8,484,769) -100.0% Administrative Reserve - 702,874 102,220 15,950 (86,270) -84.4% Bonded Debt (Principal, Interest)2,321,175 2,238,800 2,238,800 2,156,175 (82,625) -3.7% Fees Paid on Debt 30,386 18,468 18,468 21,218 2,750 14.9% Installment Debt 17,582,414 15,813,378 17,132,078 21,455,286 4,323,208 25.2% Installment Debt for Healing Place (Trillium)- N/A NHC-CFPUA Debt 1,228,950 1,177,525 1,177,525 1,124,100 (53,425) -4.5% LEO Pension 782,044 815,384 815,384 815,384 - 0.0% GOVERNING BODY - COMMISSIONERS 636,351 678,465 679,857 720,637 40,780 6.0% HEALTH DEPARTMENT 18,099,492 23,290,178 21,286,782 23,912,204 2,625,422 12.3% HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 3,968,531 4,383,942 4,383,942 4,604,940 220,998 5.0% HUMAN RESOURCES 1,683,143 1,918,441 1,968,815 1,759,486 (209,329) -10.6% INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 19,021,092 13,494,026 16,261,858 14,499,471 (1,762,387) -10.8% JUVENILE SERVICES 427,963 427,533 467,533 696,425 228,892 49.0% LEGAL - COUNTY ATTORNEY 1,624,521 1,558,008 1,564,204 1,557,363 (6,841) -0.4% LIBRARY 5,356,412 5,898,993 6,467,572 5,801,442 (666,130) -10.3% MUSEUM 1,677,912 1,987,557 1,970,057 2,195,302 225,245 11.4% NCSU EXTENSION SERVICE 669,376 797,427 825,804 846,694 20,890 2.5% NON-COUNTY AGENCIES-HUMAN SERVICES 931,160 1,214,728 1,214,728 1,948,313 733,585 60.4% NON-COUNTY AGENCIES-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 548,446 971,728 971,728 1,027,739 56,011 5.8% OTHER COMMUNITY PARTNERS 2,635,161 3,089,656 3,386,449 1,535,204 (1,851,245) -54.7% PARKS AND GARDENS 7,730,073 7,701,141 7,998,455 8,326,202 327,747 4.1% PLANNING AND LAND USE 2,065,964 5,320,647 8,721,050 2,795,187 (5,925,863) -67.9% PORT CITY UNITED 2,442,640 3,077,527 3,168,484 -(2,933,853) -92.6% REGISTER OF DEEDS 1,859,117 2,034,087 2,096,179 1,980,531 (115,648) -5.5% RECOVERY AND RESILIENCE 14,250 - - - - N/A SENIOR RESOURCE CENTER 4,142,603 5,197,260 6,140,860 5,604,258 (536,602) -8.7% SHERIFF'S OFFICE 71,075,644 69,209,421 79,800,315 88,021,029 8,220,714 10.3% SOCIAL SERVICES 37,420,427 43,615,242 42,189,258 42,220,817 (203,072) -0.5% SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION 280,471 386,158 416,158 390,934 (25,224) -6.1% STRATEGY 1,131,849 2,260,915 2,171,667 1,866,870 (304,797) -14.0% TAX 4,968,138 5,920,805 6,034,934 5,978,820 (56,114) -0.9% TRILLIUM HEALTH RESOURCES/OTHER RECOVERY SERVICES 3,051,241 3,290,517 4,286,243 2,284,467 (2,001,776) -46.7% VETERAN SERVICES 248,108 351,497 351,497 368,529 17,032 4.8% TOTAL 418,299,444 441,469,488 482,322,356 448,615,702 (33,430,600) -6.9% 19   FY23‐24 FY23‐24 REVISED FY24‐25 Adopted ADOPTED 6/30/2024 ADOPTED $ Change % Change BUDGETED EXPENDITURES: GENERAL GOVERNMENT $ 69,313,996 $80,861,493      $ 69,560,612 $ (11,300,881)         ‐14.0% HUMAN SERVICES 88,745,026 87,579,222 79,289,483 (8,289,739)          ‐9.5% PUBLIC SAFETY 20,435,491 27,103,460         20,299,433 (6,804,027)          ‐25.1% Sheriff's Office 69,209,421 79,800,315         88,021,029 8,220,714            10.3% ECONOMIC & PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT 1,790,299 1,803,799           2,562,943 759,144               42.1% CULTURAL & RECREATIONAL 16,435,118 17,261,888         17,169,640 (92,248)                 ‐0.5% EDUCATION 120,005,421 124,623,380      114,377,905 (10,245,475)         ‐8.2% EDUCATION DEBT 32,537,709 32,537,709 30,918,828 (1,618,881)          ‐5.0% DEBT SERVICE 20,947,621 22,266,321 26,415,829 4,149,508            18.6% TRANSFERS 2,049,386                8,484,769           ‐                              (8,484,769)          ‐100.0% TOTAL BUDGETED EXPENDITURES $ 441,469,488 $ 482,322,356 $ 448,615,702 $ (33,706,654)        ‐7.0% NEW HANOVER COUNTY PERCENTAGE CHANGE IN BUDGETED EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION GENERAL FUND Difference Between FY23‐24  Revised and FY24‐25 20 ______________________ Education and Education Debt comprise 32.4% of General Fund Budget. GENERAL  GOVERNMENT 15.5% HUMAN SERVICES 17.7% PUBLIC SAFETY 24.1% ECONOMIC &  PHYSICAL  DEVELOPMENT 0.6% CULTURAL &  RECREATIONAL 3.8% EDUCATION 25.5% EDUCATION DEBT 6.9%DEBT SERVICE 5.9% TRANSFERS 0.0% FY24‐25 ADOPTED BUDGET EXPENDITURES 21 FY23Ͳ24 FY23Ͳ24 REVISED FY24Ͳ25 Adopted ADOPTED asof6/30/24 ADOPTED $Change %Change BUDGETEDREVENUES: ADVALOREMTAXES $228,303,219 $ 228,303,219$233,213,434 $ 4,910,2152.2% SALESTAXES 116,245,520116,245,520116,245,087(433)0.0% OTHERTAXES 6,129,0006,129,0005,637,977(491,023)Ͳ8.0% INTERGOVERNMENTALREVENUES 44,490,62856,104,07140,950,404(15,153,667)Ͳ27.0% CHARGESFORSERVICES 12,640,01412,646,54112,908,749262,2082.1% OTHERREVENUES 18,340,47412,977,93615,318,5472,340,61118.0% TRANSFERS664,4712,122,2723,299,2501,176,97855.5% OTHERFINANCINGSOURCES 5,663,0008,382,3018,754,810372,5094.4% GENERALFUNDBALANCE 5,788,22829,114,647Ͳ(29,114,647)Ͳ100.0% AUTOMATIONENHANCEMENTFUNDBALANCE 40,00040,00040,000Ͳ0.0% REVENUESTABILIZATIONFUNDBALANCE Ͳ4,593,529- (4,593,529)Ͳ100.0% MENTALANDBEHAVIORALHEALTHFUNDBALANCE 3,164,9344,344,6209,409,453 5,064,833 DEBTSERVICEFUNDBALANCE Ͳ1,318,7002,837,9911,519,291 TOTALBUDGETEDREVENUES $ 441,469,488$ 482,322,356$ 448,615,702$ (33,706,654)Ͳ7.0% NEWHANOVERCOUNTY PERCENTAGECHANGEINBUDGETEDREVENUESBYCLASS GENERALFUND DifferenceBetweenFY23Ͳ24 RevisedandFY24Ͳ25 22 ________________________ Ad Valorem Taxes (51.99%) together with the Sales Taxes (25.91%) comprise 77.90% of total General Fund revenues. For greater detail, please see facing page. ADVALOREMTAXES 51.99% SALESTAXES 25.91% OTHERTAXES 1.26% INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES 9.13% CHARGESFORSERVICES 2.88% OTHERREVENUES 3.41% TRANSFERS 0.74% OTHERFINANCING SOURCES 1.95% FUNDBALANCE 2.74% FY24Ͳ25 ADOPTEDBUDGET REVENUES 23 NEW HANOVER COUNTY NET COUNTY COST HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENTS DEPARTMENT FY23‐24 REVISED FY24‐25 DOLLAR PERCENT as of 6/30/24 ADOPTED CHANGE CHANGE HEALTH EXPENDITURES $ 21,286,782 $ 23,912,204 $ 2,625,422 12.3% REVENUES 10,709,829 7,261,581 (3,448,248)‐32.2% COUNTY $ REQUIRED $10,576,953 $16,650,623 $6,073,670 57.4% HEALTH & HUMAN SVCS.  ADMIN. EXPENDITURES $ 4,383,942 $ 4,604,940 $ 220,998 4.8% REVENUES 0 0 0 0.0% COUNTY $ REQUIRED $4,383,942 $4,604,940 $220,998 4.8% SOCIAL SERVICES EXPENDITURES $ 42,189,258 $ 41,986,186 $ (203,072)‐0.5% REVENUES 20,109,189 18,585,446 (1,523,743)‐7.6% COUNTY $ REQUIRED $22,080,069 $23,400,740 $1,320,671 6.0% TRILLIUM HEALTH RESOURCES/OTHER RECOVERY SERVICES EXPENDITURES $ 4,286,243 $ 2,284,467 $ (2,001,776)‐46.7% REVENUES 133,350 133,350 0 0.0% COUNTY $ REQUIRED $4,152,893 $2,151,117 $(2,001,776)‐48.2% SENIOR RESOURCE CENTER EXPENDITURES $ 6,140,860 $ 5,604,258 $ (536,602)‐8.7% REVENUES 3,576,805 2,419,549 (1,157,256)‐32.4% COUNTY $ REQUIRED $2,564,055 $3,184,709 $620,654 24.2% VETERAN SERVICES EXPENDITURES $ 351,497 $ 368,529 $ 17,032 4.8% REVENUES 0 0 0 0.0% COUNTY $ REQUIRED $351,497 $368,529 $17,032 4.8% TOTAL COUNTY COST $ 44,109,409 $ 50,360,658 $ 6,251,249 14.2% 24 HUMAN SERVICES Requested Recommended Adopted 2ShareInc.46,000$ 46,000$ 30,059$ A Safe Place, Inc./Certified Alcohol & Drug Counselor & Recovery Support 45,000$ 45,000$ 29,406$ Accessible Coastal Carolina Events Sports & Services, Inc./ACCESS Fit 50,000$ 45,000$ 29,406$ Beacon Education/Academic & Behavior Supports at Spark Academy 41,000$ 25,200$ 16,467$ Beacon Education/GLOW Extended Day Learning Programs 50,000$ 40,000$ 26,138$ Blue Ribbon on the Prevention of Youth Violence/After School Program 50,000$ 40,000$ 26,138$ Blue Ribbon on the Prevention of Youth Violence/Summer Employment 50,000$ 40,000$ 26,138$ Boys and Girls Clubs of SENC/Project Learn 50,000$ 40,000$ 26,138$ Brooklyn Arts Music Academy/Music Is Life!50,000$ 40,000$ 26,138$ Canines for Service, Inc./Service Dog Training Programs 50,000$ 45,000$ 29,406$ Cape Fear Clinic, Inc./Pharmacy Services 50,000$ 50,000$ 32,673$ Cape Fear Community Land Trust, Inc.50,000$ 35,000$ 22,871$ Cape Fear Habitat for Humanity/Construction of Affordable Homes in Haven Place 50,000$ 45,000$ 29,406$ Cape Fear HealthNet/Specialty Referral Program 23,000$ 18,400$ 12,024$ Child Development Center, Inc./Summer Camp 50,000$ 35,000$ 22,871$ Coastal Bringing Up Down Syndrome of SENC, Inc./iCan Bike Camp 10,800$ 10,800$ 7,057$ Coastal Horizons Center, Inc./Open House Transitional Living 50,000$ 50,000$ 32,673$ Coastal Horizons Center, Inc./ReEntry Systems for Effective Treatment 50,000$ 45,000$ 29,406$ Collective Impact in NHC/Housing Stabilization Counseling 45,810$ 27,486$ 17,961$ Communities In Schools of Cape Fear/Integrated Student Supports 50,000$ 40,000$ 26,138$ Communities In Schools of Cape Fear/Resiliency Task Force 50,000$ 45,000$ 29,406$ Community Enrichment Initiatives, Inc./Willowdale Farms 12,000$ 9,600$ 6,273$ Domestic Violence Shelter & Services, Inc./Expanded Support Services 50,000$ 50,000$ 32,673$ DREAMS of Wilmington 35,000$ 35,000$ 22,871$ Easterseals UCP NC & VA, Inc./Culinary Connections 32,971$ 29,674$ 19,391$ Elderhaus, Inc./Expanding Restorative Therapy 24,000$ 21,600$ 14,115$ Elderhaus, Inc./Healthcare Career Development Program 13,725$ 10,980$ 7,175$ Family Promise of the Lower Cape Fear/Emergency Shelter 50,000$ 45,000$ 29,406$ Feast Down East, Inc./Local Motive Mobile Farmers Market 50,000$ 50,000$ 32,673$ Financial Protection Law Center/Legal Serv & Outreach for Residents At-Risk 30,000$ 30,000$ 19,604$ First Fruit Ministries/Medical Outreach & Day Shelter for Homeless 45,000$ 44,000$ 28,752$ Five14 Revolution/Women's Coordinated Care Program 50,000$ 45,000$ 29,406$ Food Bank of Central & Eastern NC Inc./Culinary Workforce Development 40,000$ 32,000$ 20,911$ Food Bank of Central & Eastern NC Inc./Nourishing Families 50,000$ 40,000$ 26,138$ Food Bank of Central & Eastern NC Inc./Pop-Up Markets 50,000$ 40,000$ 26,138$ Genesis Block Foundation/Jumpstart Academy Cohort 50,000$ 35,000$ 22,871$ Going Beyond the Pink/Comprehensive Breast Cancer Support Program 50,000$ 50,000$ 32,673$ Good Shepherd Center Ministries of Wilmington, Inc./Supportive Housing 50,000$ 50,000$ 32,673$ Greater Wilmington Youth Initiative, Inc./CommUNITY Program 30,000$ 24,000$ 15,683$ Historic Wilmington Foundation/Endowment Fund-Preservation Equity 50,000$ 40,000$ 26,138$ IndependentWorks/CityPlace Connected Community 50,000$ 30,000$ 19,605$ James B. Dudley Academy/Small Groups & After School 50,000$ 9,120$ 5,961$ Leading Into New Communities, Inc./LITE Community Health Worker 50,000$ 47,000$ 30,713$ Legal Aid of North Carolina/Attorney-Domestic Violence 50,000$ 45,401$ 29,668$ Legal Aid of North Carolina/Paralegal-Domestic Violence 50,000$ -$ -$ Lenny Simpson Tennis & Education Fund, Inc./Tower Garden Initiative 50,000$ 12,000$ 7,843$ Louise Wells Cameron Art Museum/Free Community Outreach 50,000$ 32,000$ 20,911$ Lower Cape Fear Hospice, Inc./Grief Counseling & Hospice Charity Care 50,000$ 45,000$ 29,406$ New HOPE CDC/Mental Health Services: Peer Support 50,000$ 40,000$ 26,138$ Phoenix Employment Services of Wilmington/Expanding Opportunity 50,000$ 50,000$ 32,673$ Redeemer's Tabernacle of Praise/Just the Help You Need 26,000$ 11,700$ 7,647$ Retake, Inc./Family Portraits to Conflict/Disaster Survivors 3,000$ 2,100$ 1,372$ SEEDS of Healing, Inc.35,000$ 31,500$ 20,584$ Soaring As Eagles Outreach Ministry/Saturday Academy 39,835$ 30,428$ 19,884$ Thalian Hall Center for the Performing Arts, Inc./Pied Piper Theatre 10,000$ 8,000$ 5,228$ The Carousel Center Inc./Child Abuse Awareness Education Initiative 50,000$ 50,000$ 32,673$ The Carousel Center Inc./Multidisciplinary Team Response to Child Abuse 50,000$ 50,000$ 32,673$ The Carousel Center Inc./Problematic Sexual Behavior Intervention 50,000$ 45,000$ 29,406$ The Healing Place of NHC/Community Outreach 50,000$ 40,000$ 26,138$ The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., SENC Celebration Committee 50,000$ 45,000$ 29,406$ Theatre for All Inc./Outreach Program for NHC Schools 10,400$ 10,400$ 6,796$ NEW HANOVER COUNTY NON-COUNTY AGENCY CONTRIBUTIONS Fiscal Year 24-25 25 HUMAN SERVICES - CONTINUED Requested Recommended Adopted This Whole Life Foundation/Healing Intensives 50,000$ 32,830$ 21,453$ Vigilant Hope Inc./Shower Trailer 40,000$ 40,000$ 26,138$ Wilmington Area Rebuilding Ministry, Inc./Rebuilding/Preserving Existing 50,000$ 50,000$ 32,673$ Wilmington Children's Museum/Field Trips for All 10,000$ 8,000$ 5,228$ Wilmington's Residential Adolescent Achievement Place/After School 50,000$ 40,000$ 26,138$ YMCA of SENC, Inc./Afterschool Care Scholarships 50,000$ 40,000$ 26,138$ Young Scientist Academy/Code Ninas: Gender Equality in the Tech Workforce 50,000$ 50,000$ 32,673$ YWCA Lower Cape Fear/Aquatics 50,000$ 36,000$ 23,525$ YWCA Lower Cape Fear/New Choices 50,000$ 40,000$ 26,138$ TOTAL HUMAN SERVICES 2,998,541$ 2,461,219$ 1,608,313$ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Cape Fear Council of Govts Continuum of Care 27,300$ 27,300$ 27,300$ Cape Fear Resource Conservation and Development 9,000$ 3,002$ 3,002$ Cucalorus Film Foundation 28,000$ 18,676$ 18,676$ Friends of Fort Fisher 10,000$ 3,335$ 3,335$ Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce 197,652$ 131,834$ 131,834$ Highway 17 Transportation Association in NC 10,000$ 3,335$ 3,335$ Southeastern Economic Development Commission 20,313$ 20,313$ 20,313$ The Southeastern Partnership, Inc.20,000$ 20,000$ 20,000$ USS NC Battleship Memorial 52,700$ -$ -$ Wilmington Business Development 298,473$ 298,473$ 298,473$ Wilmington Downtown, Inc.100,000$ 66,700$ 66,700$ Wilmington Regional Film Commission 158,931$ 158,931$ 158,931$ Wilmington Symphony Orchestra 25,000$ 13,340$ 13,340$ TOTAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 957,369$ 765,239$ 765,239$ Fiscal Year 24-25 NON-COUNTY AGENCY CONTRIBUTIONS NEW HANOVER COUNTY 26 NON‐DEPARTMENTAL    A detailed explanation of the items funded in Non‐Departmental is provided below.  A table summarizing  totals per account follows the detailed explanation.    Expenditures:    Salary Adjustment: A negative Salary Lag adjustment of $3,000,000 is adopted in Non‐Departmental to  account for the fact that not every authorized position will be filled every day of the fiscal year.      Medical Insurance Expense: Funds of $4,525,110 are adopted for the county’s portion of retirees’ medical  and dental expenses. Any consultant fees incurred related to these benefits are included in contracted  services.        Contracted Services:  $48,000  Employment background checks  36,040  Pre‐employment and random drug screening for employees  4,000  Employee Assistance Program (work related)  1,500  Attorney Consultations  65,000  Benefits contracts  60,000  Laymon Group – Flex Benefit Plan  12,240  7,200  80,000  7,500  2,500  18,906  1,125              COBRA administration  Retiree Benefit software  Language Line Contract  Scholarships for UNCW  Scholarships for CFCC  Employee Assistance Program  Safety Banquet  $344,011  TOTAL        Contracted Services – WAY Clinic: Funds are adopted for operation of an on‐site clinic to address minor  health issues and administer a preventive wellness program for county employees. The operation of the  program is expected to reduce the cost of medical claims in FY24‐25.          $185,916 Nurse Practitioner  52,324 Medical Office Assistant   137,566 WAY clinic Program Administrative Fee  24,100 Reference labs  109,170 Health Risk Assessments  8,050  3,600  Flu Shots  Supplies  149,501  150,000  162,732  9,375  6,375  Physical Therapist  Functional Medicine  Program Administrators and Fees  Clinic only HRAs  PSAs  $998,709 TOTAL  27 NON‐DEPARTMENTAL CONTINUED    Service/Retirement Awards: For employee service recognition and retirement awards. The FY24‐25  adopted amount is $39,959.    Employee Appreciation: For employee appreciation events that are countywide. The FY24‐25 adopted  amount is $5,000.    Department Employee Appreciation: For employee appreciation events that are at the department level.  The FY24‐25 adopted amount is $20,720.    Reach for the Stars: An employee performance recognition program. The adopted amount for FY24‐25 is  $16,577.    Wellness and You Program: The Wellness and You (WAY) program was created in 2008 to encourage and  motivate employees to make better lifestyle choices as it relates to physical activity, healthy diet, tobacco  cessation, and preventive care. For FY24‐25, $22,186 is adopted.     Countywide Training: Funds in the amount of $124,059 are adopted for in‐house mandatory web‐based  training and optional core courses. Also includes miscellaneous meetings, team meetings and retreats.      35,280  20,960  32,250  2,500   UNCW Professional Development Academy  SWAIN Instructors/CI Courses  SWAIN Project Management Academy  Customized skill courses  1,100  Customer service supplies (plaques, frames, etc.)  1,885  6,780  2,725  5,000  15,579   Books and materials for training  NACo Professional Development Academy  Materials for meetings with Managers, SMC and NCA committee  New hire orientation luncheons  Forte Annual Subscriptions  $124,059  TOTAL        Insurance and Bonds: Estimate of funds that will be required for insurance and bonds for county programs  and operations are $3,982,857. With an insurance deductible reimbursement of $300,000.    Workers Compensation: For Workers Compensation claims based on historic and FY23‐24 year‐to‐date  claims. $1,200,000 is adopted for FY24‐25    City of Wilmington: $234,000 is adopted for the Red Light Camera Program.    Contribution to Wave: Wave Transit was established by merging the Wilmington Transit Authority and  New Hanover Transportation Services on July 1, 2004. The system provides transportation services to  residents of the county, meeting the special needs of the elderly, disabled, Work First and Medicaid  participants, working poor, clients of human service agencies, and the public. Funding will include local  matching funds of $96,396 for vehicle replacement. The adopted FY24‐25 funding is $1,499,576.       28   NON‐DEPARTMENTAL CONTINUED      Administrative Reserve: Administrative Reserve for FY24‐25 is $40,931.     Transfers to Other Funds:  Funds are transferred from the General Fund to other funds or capital projects.    FY22‐23 Actual   Transfers to Capital projects totaled $7,889,743 for FY22‐23.    FY23‐24 Adopted Budget   Transfers to Capital projects totaled $2,049,386 for FY23‐24    FY23‐24 Revised Budget   Transfers to Capital projects totaled $7,743,756 for FY23‐24.    FY24‐25 Adopted Budget   The General Fund does not have transfers to Capital projects for FY24‐25 Budget.                                                                  29 NON‐DEPARTMENTAL CONTINUED      SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES       SALARY AND OTHER ADJUSTMENTS $‐                                  $ (3,000,000)             $ (3,000,000)             $ (2,163,633)                  ,$ 836,367                   ‐27.9% MEDICAL INSURANCE EXPENSE 6,399,162                4,064,802              3,800,802              4,525,110                   724,308                   19.1% CONTRACTED SERVICES 227,828                    306,914                  310,227                  505,200                       194,973                   62.8% CONTRACTED SERVICES‐WAY CLINIC 875,087                    885,456                  885,686                  998,709                       113,023                   12.8% CONTRACTED SERVICES‐WATER MONITORIN G ‐                                   ‐                                 ‐                                 ‐                                      ‐                                 N/A SUBSCRIPTION  SOFTWARE ‐                                  36,236                    36,236                    36,236                         ‐                                 N/A SERVICE/RETIREMENT AWARDS 14,855                      20,216                    20,216                    39,959                         19,743                     97.7% EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION 5,311                         5,000                       5,000                       5,000                            ‐                                 0.0% DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION 16,070                      20,870                    2,870                       20,720                         17,850                     622.0% REACH FOR THE STARS 13,716                      14,381                    14,381                    16,577                         2,196                        15.3% WELLNESS PROGRAM 16,422                      27,202                    26,972                    22,186                         (4,786)                      ‐17.7% MISCELLANEOUS‐OTHER 5,230                          ‐                                 ‐                                 ‐                                      ‐                                 N/A MISCELLANEOUS ‐ RETIREE LWOP ADMIN 119                            ‐                                ‐                                ‐                                     ‐                                 N/A TRAINING & TRAVEL 127,577                    98,094                    98,094                    124,059                       25,965                     26.5% INSURANCE & BONDS 425,602                    543,582                  543,582                  3,982,857                   3,439,275               632.7% INSURANCE DEDUCTIBLE REIMBURSEMENT (10,132)                     175,000                  175,000                  300,000                       125,000                   71.4% UNEMPLOYMENT ‐ EMPLY SEC COM 67,625                      99,281                    98,281                    ‐                                     (98,281)                    ‐100.0% WORKERS COMPENSATION 117,824                    1,000,000              1,000,000              1,200,000                   200,000                   20.0% CITY OF WILMINGTON 282,562                    234,000                  234,000                  234,000                       ‐                                 0.0% CONTRIBUTION‐WAVE TRANSIT 372,077                    526,402                  526,402                  1,499,576                   973,174                   184.9% DONATED ITEMS ‐                                  100,000                  ‐                                100,000                       100,000                   N/A INTEREST ON SOFTWARE ‐                                  ‐                                1,423                       ‐                                     (1,423)                      ‐100.0% WILMINGTON  HOUSING AUTHORITY 115,161                    ‐                                ‐                                ‐                                     ‐                                 N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY ‐                                  ‐                                1,560,000              ‐                                     (1,560,000)              ‐100.0% GRANT EXPENDITURE ‐                                  ‐                                ‐                                ‐                                     ‐                                 N/A CONTRIBUTION‐TDA ‐                                  250,000                  25,000                    250,000                       225,000                   900.0% ADMINISTRATIVE RESERVE ‐                                  302,874                  101,846                  40,931                         (60,915)                    ‐59.8% TOTAL NON‐DEPARTMENTAL EXPENSES: $ 9,072,096                $ 5,710,310              $ 6,466,018              $ 11,737,487                 $ 5,271,469               81.5% TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS: TRANSFERS TO CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS $ 7,889,743                $ 2,049,386              $ 7,743,756              $‐                                     $ (7,743,756)              N/A TRANSFER TO ENTERPRISE FUND 190,610                    ‐                                856,501                  ‐                                     (856,501)                 N/A TOTAL TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS: $ 8,080,353                $ 2,049,386              $ 8,600,257              $‐                                     $(8,600,257)              N/A TOTAL:$ 17,152,449              $ 7,759,696              $ 15,066,275            $ 11,737,487                 $ (3,328,788)              ‐22.1% AS OF 6/30/24ACTUAL ADOPTED ADOPTED Change FY23‐24 Revised to FY24‐25 Adopted FY22‐23 FY23‐24 FY23‐24 REVISED FY24‐25   30 FY23‐24  Revised FY24‐25 FY24‐25 DOLLAR PERCENT as of 6/30/24 Requested ADOPTED CHANGE CHANGE New Hanover County Schools EXPENDITURES: Current Operating $ 94,027,460        $ 104,164,606    $ 99,560,894      $ 5,533,434       5.9% Capital Outlay 13,480,417 0 ‐                    (13,480,417)   ‐100.0% Restricted Funds ‐ Pre‐K 1,949,844 1,950,000 1,950,000        156                  0.0% Total Current Expenditures $ 109,457,721      $ 106,114,606    $ 101,510,894    $ (7,946,827)     ‐7.3% Principal on School Bonds $ 15,335,000        $ 15,225,000      $ 15,225,000      $ (110,000)          ‐0.7% Interest on School Bonds 5,383,361           4,793,983        4,793,983        (589,378)          ‐10.9% Bond Fees 40,744                31,387              31,387              (9,357)              ‐23.0% Installment Debt 1,734,131           1,150,493        1,150,493        (583,638)          ‐33.7% NHC Schools Debt Service $ 22,493,236        $ 21,200,863      $ 21,200,863      $ (1,292,373)     ‐5.7%   TOTAL EXPENDITURES FOR NHCS $ 131,950,957      $ 127,315,469    $ 122,711,757    $ (9,239,200)     ‐7.0%       Cape Fear Community College   CFCC Current Operating $ 11,922,167        $ 13,068,360      $ 11,922,167      $‐                   0.0% CFCC Capital Outlay 3,243,482           3,748,000        1,920,000        (1,323,482)     13.5% Total Current Expenditures $ 15,165,649        $ 16,816,360      $ 13,842,167      $ (1,323,482)     ‐8.7% Principal on CFCC Bonds $ 7,945,000           $ 7,820,000        $ 7,820,000        $ (125,000)          ‐1.6% Interest on CFCC Bonds 2,099,473           1,897,965        1,897,965        (201,508)          ‐9.6% CFCC Debt Service $ 10,044,473        $ 9,717,965        $ 9,717,965        $ (326,508)        ‐3.3% TOTAL EXPENDITURES FOR CFCC $ 25,210,122        $ 26,534,325      $ 23,560,132      $ (1,649,990)     ‐6.5%    NEW HANOVER COUNTY  EDUCATION SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES  Difference Between FY23‐24  Revised and FY24‐25 Adopted  31 DEPARTMENT TYPE DESCRIPTION ADOPTED 911 Communications Equipment Dispatch Consoles 84,130 84,130$ Information Technology Equipment Infrastructure hardware replacement (servers/routers/switches)200,000 Equipment ESChat Radio (Interoperability with Cellular Devices)15,490 215,490$ Facilities Management Equipment HVAC replacement-replace aging equip Senior Center 100,000 Equipment HVAC replacement-replace aging equip 320 Chestnut 250,000 Equipment Fuel Farm at Facilities Mgmt Complex-improve fuel access for fleet 100,000 Other Improvements 320 Chestnut 3rd floor upfit, expand space Public Defender Office 500,000 Equipment Replacement Vehicles-Road Ready (40) vehicles Sheriff Office 805,000 Vehicles Replacement Vehicles - (4)200,000 Vehicles Replacement Vehicles - (40) vehicles Sheriff Office 2,039,000 3,994,000$ Social Services Vehicles Replaceent Vehicles - (2)36,052$ 36,052$ Sheriff Office Equipment Replacement camera and accessories Media Unit 10,605 Equipment Replacement-Commercial washing machine 22,265 Equipment Replacement - (2) Conventional Oven Double Stack 22,000 Equipment Replacement-Mixer kitchen equipment 17,000 Equipment Replacement Key mgmt system-lockbox for keys 30,000 Equipment Camera System 106,700 Other Improvements Lower desk ballistic panels for Detention front desk 7,200 Other Improvements Detention Door System 1,629,155 Equipment Replacement-K9 kennel 5,000 Equipment Replacement-Negotiator Throw phone for Emerg Response Unit 25,000 Equipment Covered Wagon Trailer 16,000 Equipment Replacement-Surveillance camera system 17,520 Vehicles Vehicle-title and tag 46,500 Equipment Shelters for Bus Parking 35,779 Equipment (20)Portable radios for Agency 100,000 Equipment (5)Radios for SRT enable both 400 800 Mhz 45,000 Equipment Replacement-(40) radios to expand coverage for Judicial/Courts 200,000 Equipment Replacement-Systems Analyzer to test/tune portable/mobile radios 50,000 Equipment Mobile radios for existing vehicles 20,000 2,405,724$ NEW HANOVER COUNTY CAPITAL OUTLAY FY 2024-2025 32 NEW HANOVER COUNTY CAPITAL OUTLAY FY 2024-2025 DEPARTMENT TYPE DESCRIPTION ADOPTED Parks and Gardens Equipment Replacement - (3) John Deere mowers 39,000 Equipment Replacement - (3) John Deere Gators 42,000 Equipment Replacement-Baseball infield groomer with laser grader 55,000 Equipment Replacement-Tractor replacement South District 30,000 Equipment Replacement-Mobile unit trailer 12,500 Other Improvements Ogden Park Tennis Resurfacing 200,000 Other Improvements Laney High School Tennis Courts Resurfacing 135,000 Equipment Mower and Utility Vehicle for Gov. Center 15,500 Equipment 72 Inch Mower - Athletic Fields 15,000 Equipment Ride on Blower 12,500 Equipment Turf Aerator 10,500 567,000$ Total General Fund 7,302,396$ Fire Rescue Equipment HURST Tool replacement program 35,726 Equipment Inflatable Fire Safety/Prevention Education house 6,563 Equipment Thermal Imaging Camera replacement program 8,350 Equipment Positive pressure ventilator fans replacement program 12,000 Equipment ACU-M Radio Bridge 10,223 Equipment HURST mini ram Rescue 11 9,549 Equipment AED Replacements 128,260 Equipment Training Room AV equipment replacement 35,000 Equipment USAR Task Force Grant 44,000 Vehicles Staff vehicle replacement plan 126,000 Vehicles Fire Engine replacement 2,500,000 Other Improvements Fire Hydrant installation on existing water line program 90,000 Other Improvements HVAC replacement Station 14 12,000 3,017,671$ Stormwater Services Equipment Jet Vac Trailer 120,000 Equipment John Deere 135G 250,000 370,000$ Environmental Management Equipment Bulldozer Certified rebuild 1,510,000 Equipment Waste Shredder 1,147,603 Equipment Konex box for Waste Water Treatment Plant storage 7,000 Equipment Replacement cleats - backup compactor wheels 65,900 Equipment Roll Off containers for customer convenience sites 16,000 2,746,503$ Total Other Funds 6,134,174$ Total All 13,436,570$ 33 FY24Ͳ25 FY25Ͳ26 FY26Ͳ27 FY27Ͳ28 FY28Ͳ29 Total NorthsideCoop 6,792,000$Ͳ$Ͳ$Ͳ$Ͳ$6,792,000$ Library:ExecutiveDevelopmentCenterRenovation Ͳ Ͳ285,000 Ͳ2,265,0002,550,000$ NCSUExtensionService:AdminBuildingReplacement 1,400,000Ͳ ͲͲ Ͳ1,400,000$ Parks:MasonboroLoopRdTrailConstruction Ͳ675,0004,475,000ͲͲ5,150,000$ Parks:SouthCollegeRdTrail 3,565,000ͲͲͲͲ3,565,000$ Parks:TrailsEndPier 350,000ͲͲͲͲ350,000$ HollyShelterBusinessPark Ͳ2,785,0005,827,000ͲͲ8,612,000$ SeniorResourceCenter:MultiͲpurposeNorthern RegionalFacility Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ990,000 Ͳ990,000$ TOTALEXPENDITURE 12,107,000$3,460,000$10,587,000$990,000$2,265,000$29,409,000$ SOURCESOFREVENUE FY24Ͳ25 FY25Ͳ26 FY26Ͳ27 FY27Ͳ28 FY27Ͳ28 Total Grants/Donations 7,232,000$Ͳ$Ͳ$Ͳ$Ͳ$7,232,000$ LongTermDebt 4,875,0003,460,00010,587,000990,0002,265,00022,177,000$ Mental&BehavioralHealthFunds ͲͲͲͲͲͲ$ GeneralFundRevenues ͲͲͲͲͲͲ$ TOTALREVENUE 12,107,000$3,460,000$10,587,000$990,000$2,265,000$29,409,000$ CAPITALIMPROVEMENTPLANFY2025Ͳ2029 GeneralFund 34 FY24Ͳ25 FY25Ͳ26 FY26Ͳ27 FY27Ͳ28 FY28Ͳ29 Total PortersNeckStation Ͳ$1,750,000$Ͳ$Ͳ$Ͳ$1,750,000$ Sidbury/HollyShelter 350,000ͲͲͲͲ350,000$ SouthernStation 450,000Ͳ1,016,8016,134,077Ͳ7,600,878$ WrightsboroStation Ͳ1,016,8016,134,077ͲͲ7,150,878$ TOTALEXPENDITURE 800,000$2,766,801$7,150,878$6,134,077$Ͳ$16,851,756$ SOURCESOFREVENUE FY24Ͳ25 FY25Ͳ26 FY26Ͳ27 FY27Ͳ28 FY28Ͳ29 Total LoanProceeds 800,000$2,766,801$7,150,878$6,134,077$Ͳ$16,851,756$ FireDistrictRevenue ͲͲͲͲͲͲ$ TOTALREVENUE 800,000$2,766,801$7,150,878$6,134,077$Ͳ$16,851,756$ FY24Ͳ25 FY25Ͳ26 FY26Ͳ27 FY27Ͳ28 FY28Ͳ29 Total LagoonRelining 1,300,000$Ͳ$Ͳ$Ͳ$Ͳ$1,300,000$ NewAdminBuilding 700,0004,500,000ͲͲ5,000,00010,200,000$ SolarFarm 50,000ͲͲͲͲ50,000$ PartialClosureCells7Ͳ11(15acres);INCLLFG&CQA Ͳ1,315,0006,439,000 Ͳ Ͳ7,754,000$ ConstructionCells10BͲ14 ͲͲ1,561,0007,767,000Ͳ9,328,000$ SouthernPropertyConstructionCells12B&13 2,000,0003,392,000ͲͲͲ5,392,000$ TOTALEXPENDITURE 4,050,000$9,207,000$8,000,000$7,767,000$5,000,000$34,024,000$ SOURCESOFREVENUE FY24Ͳ25 FY25Ͳ26 FY26Ͳ27 FY27Ͳ28 FY28Ͳ29 EnvironmentalManagementTransfers/ReserveFunds 4,050,000$9,207,000$8,000,000$7,767,000$5,000,000$34,024,000$ Closure/PostClosureReserve ͲͲͲͲͲͲ$ TOTALREVENUE 4,050,000$9,207,000$8,000,000$7,767,000$5,000,000$34,024,000$ TOTALALLFUNDS 16,957,000$15,433,801$25,737,878$14,891,077$7,265,000$80,284,756$ CAPITALIMPROVEMENTPLANFY2025Ͳ2029 FireRescue EnvironmentalManagement 35 NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEBT SERVICE FOR NEXT FIVE YEARS GENERAL GOVERNMENT FY 24-25 FY 25-26 FY 26-27 FY 27-28 FY 28-29 BONDED: CFCC 2015 General Obligation Bonds ($40 million issued) 2,646,220 2,555,720 2,465,220 2,374,720 2,302,320 CFCC 2021A General Obligation Bonds(Refunding) 3,552,900 3,455,000 3,346,700 3,238,200 3,124,600 CFCC 2021B General Obligation Bonds(Refunding) 3,518,845 3,380,921 3,299,672 3,217,748 3,106,876 Total Bonded Debt Service - General Govt-CFCC 9,717,965 9,391,641 9,111,592 8,830,668 8,533,796 Principal portion of General Govt-CFCC Bonded Debt 7,820,000 7,715,000 7,660,000 7,610,000 7,530,000 Interest portion of General Govt-CFCC Bonded Debt 1,897,965 1,676,641 1,451,592 1,220,668 1,003,796 9,717,965 9,391,641 9,111,592 8,830,668 8,533,796 Parks and Recreation 2016 General Obligation Bonds (Refunding)2,156,175 2,073,300 1,990,175 1,905,850 1,678,650 Total Bonded Debt Service - General Govt-Parks and Recreation 2,156,175 2,073,300 1,990,175 1,905,850 1,678,650 Principal portion of General Govt-Parks and Recreation Bonded Debt 1,755,000 1,760,000 1,765,000 1,760,000 1,600,000 Interest portion of General Govt-Parks and Recreation Bonded Debt 401,175 313,300 225,175 145,850 78,650 2,156,175 2,073,300 1,990,175 1,905,850 1,678,650 Total Bonded Debt Service - General Government 11,874,140 11,464,941 11,101,767 10,736,518 10,212,446 INSTALLMENT: 2010 Refunding LOBS-Jail Expansion Land 216,942 203,916 0 0 0 2014A LOBS - 320 Chestnut Street Renovation 606,438 588,638 570,838 558,038 535,038 2014A LOBS - Cobb Judicial Annex Repair 251,832 244,432 237,032 229,632 222,232 2014B LOBS - Airport Rental Car Facility 365,984 354,580 342,872 330,706 318,082 Marquis Hills 500,692 492,617 484,541 476,466 468,390 Heritage Park 349,272 343,546 337,820 332,094 326,368 2020A LOBS - Airport Expansion 2,080,500 2,007,500 1,916,250 0 0 2020A LOBS - Senior Resource Center 353,600 0 0 0 0 2020A LOBS - Echo Farms 196,250 191,450 185,450 179,450 173,450 2020A LOBS - Juvenile Justice Center 1,203,250 1,173,850 1,137,100 1,100,350 1,063,600 2020A LOBS - Equipment & Vehicles 374,971 363,067 348,187 333,307 318,428 2021 LOBS - Government Center 3,594,000 3,500,300 3,411,700 3,312,025 3,201,275 2021 LOBS - Healing Place 1,659,050 1,618,650 1,578,250 1,532,800 1,482,300 2021 LOBS - Refunding - Pine Valley Library 305,600 291,900 283,300 273,625 267,750 2022 LOBS - General Fund Capital 1,161,500 1,111,000 1,060,500 0 0 2022 LOBS - General Fund CIP 587,000 571,500 556,000 540,500 525,000 2023 LOBS - General Fund Capital 1,073,750 1,029,000 984,250 934,500 0 2023 LOBS - General Fund CIP 1,546,900 1,506,400 1,465,900 1,425,400 1,384,900 2023A LOBS - Library/Museum - Project Grace 5,235,775 5,102,525 4,969,275 4,836,025 4,702,775 2024 - Capital Equipment P 1,379,344 1,263,140 1,263,140 1,263,140 1,263,140 2024 LOBS - Northchase Library P 325,419 1,201,750 1,171,250 1,140,750 1,110,250 2012 Refunding LOBS-COPS2003-Water/Sewer 1,124,100 1,073,625 1,021,000 968,625 0 Total Installment Debt Service - General Fund 24,492,169 24,233,386 23,324,655 19,767,433 17,362,978 Principal portion of General Fund Installment Debt 16,448,669 16,641,633 16,423,001 13,629,589 11,845,208 Interest portion of General Fund Installment Debt 8,043,500 7,591,753 6,901,654 6,137,844 5,517,770 24,492,169 24,233,386 23,324,655 19,767,433 17,362,978 Total Debt Service - General Government (excludes Public Schools Debt Service 36,366,308 35,698,326 34,426,423 30,503,952 27,575,423 PUBLIC SCHOOLS FY 24-25 FY 25-26 FY 26-27 FY 27-28 FY 28-29 BONDED: 2006 General Obligation Bonds ($15 million variable issued) 800,041 770,137 0 0 0 2013 General Obligation Bonds (Refunding) 4,369,792 3,191,284 0 0 0 2015 General Obligation Bonds ($47 million issued) 3,441,450 3,323,700 3,205,950 3,083,200 2,989,200 2016 General Obligation Bonds (Refunding) 3,293,575 4,173,825 4,027,075 3,867,900 703,800 2017 General Obligation Bonds ($34.2 million issued) 2,492,325 2,406,825 2,321,325 2,235,825 2,175,975 2018 General Obligation Bonds ($71 million) 5,357,444 5,192,444 5,027,444 4,862,444 4,697,444 2020 General Obligation Bonds - $3.7 264,356 255,856 247,356 238,856 230,356 Total Bonded Debt Service - Public Schools Fund 20,018,983 19,314,071 14,829,150 14,288,225 10,796,775 Principal portion of Public Schools Bonded Debt 15,225,000 15,160,003 11,901,325 11,295,000 8,220,000 Interest portion of Public Schools Bonded Debt 4,793,983 4,154,071 2,927,825 2,993,225 2,576,775 20,018,983 19,314,071 14,829,150 14,288,225 10,796,775 INSTALLMENT: 2010 QSCB's 351,493 168,813 0 0 0 2021 LOBS - Capital Outlay 00 0 00 FY22 - Capital Outlay 799,000 764,250 724,500 0 0 Total Installment Debt Service - Public Schools 1,150,493 933,063 724,500 0 0 Principal portion of Public Schools Installment Debt 1,023,383 859,191 690,000 0 0 Interest portion of Public Schools Installment Debt 127,110 73,872 34,500 0 0 1,150,493 933,063 724,500 0 0 Total Debt Service - Public Schools 21,169,475 20,247,134 15,553,650 14,288,225 10,796,775 36 NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEBT SERVICE FOR NEXT FIVE YEARS SPECIAL FIRE DISTRICT FY 24-25 FY 25-26 FY 26-27 FY 27-28 FY 28-29 INSTALLMENT: 2010 Refunding LOBS-Murrayville Fire Station 142,933 134,344 0 0 0 2019 Capital Equipment - Fire Engine 00 0 00 2020A LOBS - Rescue Truck 72,329 70,033 67,163 64,293 61,422 2021 - LOBS - Fire Engine 70,500 68,300 66,100 58,750 56,250 2021 - LOBS - Refunding - Ogden Fire Station Construction 390,600 379,400 368,200 355,600 341,600 2022 LOBS - Capital - Fire Engine and Vessel Replacement 146,000 140,750 135,500 130,250 120,000 2024 - Fire Engine P 184,778 184,830 184,830 184,830 184,830 2024 LOBS - Castle Hayne Fire Station P 225,390 817,625 796,875 776,125 755,375 2024 LOBS - Gordon Road Fire Station P 294,433 1,091,625 1,063,875 1,031,250 1,003,750 Total Debt Service - Special Fire District 1,526,963 2,886,907 2,682,543 2,601,098 2,523,228 Principal portion of Special Fire District Installment Debt 783,019 1,757,322 1,632,801 1,629,618 1,632,025 Interest portion of Special Fire District Installment Debt 743,944 1,129,586 1,049,742 971,480 891,202 1,526,963 2,886,907 2,682,543 2,601,098 2,523,228 STORMWATER FUND INSTALLMENT: 2021 LOBS - Stormwater 24,900 24,300 23,700 23,025 22,275 FY21 Capital - Stormwater Startup Equipment 380,739 190,369 0 0 0 Total Debt Service - Stormwater Fund 405,639 214,669 23,700 23,025 22,275 Principal portion of Special Fire District Installment Debt 388,089 203,803 15,000 15,000 15,000 Interest portion of Special Fire District Installment Debt 17,550 10,866 8,700 8,025 7,275 405,639 214,669 23,700 23,025 22,275 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT FY 24-25 FY 25-26 FY 26-27 FY 27-28 FY 28-29 INSTALLMENT: 2020A LOBS - Bulldozer 88,200 85,400 81,900 78,400 74,900 2022 LOBS - Capital - Dump truck, Bulldozer, Gradal-Lull, Loader 84,000 81,000 78,000 75,000 72,000 2023 LOBS - Compactor 287,500 275,500 258,500 246,750 0 2024 - Capital Equipment P 472,928 471,920 471,920 471,920 471,920 Total Installment Debt Service - Environmental Management Fund 932,628 913,820 890,320 872,070 618,820 Principal portion of Environmental Management Installment Debt 759,531 775,586 787,302 804,708 588,620 Interest portion of Environmental Management Installment Debt 173,097 138,234 103,018 67,362 30,200 932,628 913,820 890,320 872,070 618,820 Total Debt Service - Environmental Management Fund 932,628 913,820 890,320 872,070 618,820 Total Debt Service - All Funds 60,401,014 59,960,857 53,576,636 48,288,370 41,536,521 P = Pending further action 37 NEW HANOVER COUNTY FISCAL YEAR2024-2025ADOPTED BUDGET IN-BRIEF